This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 11 Chapter 72: Black Opal's Notes

"Head hurts."

Brandt struggled to get up, feeling as if someone was hitting his head with a hammer, and every second was a sharp pain.

Recalling last night, he remembered that he had drunk a lot, and it was a miracle that there was no spontaneous combustion.

Picking up the toothbrush and toothpaste, Brandt walked to Lu Fan's side, brushing his teeth to remove the sulphur, and asked: "Mr. Normal, what did I do last night?"

Lu Fan brushed his teeth and looked forward: "It's nothing, you made a love confession last night. The words are bold. If written in words, it can be ranked in the top 100 in the novels I have read."

"...Mr. Plain, I remember you were..."

"Yes, I read Huang Bao novels." Lu Fan spit out bubbles.

Brandt glanced at the high mountains in the distance, and felt that he should be able to die simply by jumping from there.

"But at the time everyone drank it almost, so almost no one heard your confession of love."

Brandt breathed a sigh of relief.

"But it's okay. You turned on the ghost system and recorded the entire process. Now I can review it for you."

"No, Mr. Nothing! No need! Do you want money, or my youth, or my body, I will give it to you! Don't look back!"

But Lu Fan had forcibly turned on Brandt's ghost system, showing Brandt's heroic confession.

"Pande, I love you! I love your moving hair, I love the way you hesitate!"

Brandt took a breath: "What did I do last night?"

"It's okay to hold a half-goat and make a love confession. It doesn't matter, I will bless you."

"What happened to Pan De?"

"The other party was drunk, I probably didn't hear it."

"so far so good."

"But Emma heard it."

"It's not good at all! I shouldn't drink alcohol in my life. Alcohol is definitely the root of all evil! But it doesn't matter, I remember Emma drank a lot last night, right, she shouldn't remember it!"

At this moment, the yawning Emma walked out of the room.

Seeing the frothy Brandt, Emma patted the other person on the shoulder, gave a thumbs up, and whispered, "I will bless you!"

"I don't need this kind of blessing! Let me die!"

For the whole morning, Brandt was thinking about how to die quickly.

At lunch time, Pandora hurried to the restaurant and said to Lu Fan, who was dining, "Mr. Normal, have you seen my brother?"

Lu Fan looked at Brandt on the side.

"What do you see me doing?"

"There are many examples of unsuccessful courtship and turning into anger from embarrassment."

"The opponent is a quasi-swordmaster, have I beaten the opponent! Speaking of which, the driver, what about the boss and the young master?"

Only then did Lu Fan realize that his companions were missing four.

Not only them, but even the car parked in front of Sulphur City disappeared without a trace.

Finding that there is no suitable tool person around him, Lu Fan pondered for a moment, and then said to Brandt: "Let's rely on you next, do you see anything?"

Brandt temporarily forgot his gaffe last night and came to the place where the house was parked. He stared at the traces on the ground and said: "There are traces of driving the house. From the car traces, it seems that the driver is driving the house. This kind of thing comes up. Just blasting the accelerator to the end is very her demeanor. But before that, there should be someone driving, but they are not familiar with them, so they didn't drive out."

After searching the ground for a long time, Brandt found some charred wool.

"The spontaneous wool should belong to Mr. Pan De. You should be able to find his approximate route along the wool. Go here."

Following the traces on the ground, Brandt led Lu Fan and Emma forward, and finally came to the former factory that had turned into an empty space.

It looks like it has been thrown away by hundreds of houses. The ground is flat and smooth, and it can be used as a mirror with a little polish.

Some artificial demons lie on the ground, staggering like little babies who have just learned to walk, and sometimes fall to the ground because they are too slippery. It takes a long time to get up.

Black Oper, wearing single-sided glasses, stood in the center separated by wooden boards, drinking coffee, looking plainly at what was happening around him.

Seeing a history of the two who came cautiously, Black Opal raised his hand in a friendly salute, and then asked: "What's the matter, my dear partner?"

Standing on top of Brandt's head, Lu Fan asked directly: "What's wrong with you here?"

Hei Oper took out a page, glanced at the content on the paper, and then said with a smile: "It's nothing, our previous factory process had a problem, I decided to do it again."

"You have a lot of money."

"The Merchants Association, the poor have only money left."

"How about doing charity?"

Lu Fan just said casually, but Black Opal's reaction was a bit outrageous.

His hand holding the paper began to tremble, and a tear dripped from behind the single-sided glasses, and smashed into four petals on the ground.

Wiping away the tears from the corners of his eyes, he stepped forward and held Lu Fan firmly in his arms: "I finally waited for you, comrade!"

"What's the situation! Don't just have estrus on the slime casually, is it okay!"

"Sorry, I'm so excited. I can't believe this is true. We really found you here, my comrades!"

"What the **** is going on! Before I kill you, you better explain it to me!"

"Sorry, I lost my mind."

Hei O'er let go, put Lu Fan down, and passed the paper in his hand to Lu Fan.

After receiving this half of the paper, Lu Fan found that the content of his conversation with Hei Oper was exactly the same as the record on the paper.

This piece of paper has been a few years old, the paper has turned yellow, and the handwriting on it is a bit fuzzy, but it can still be recognized from the handwriting. This is the handwriting of an acquaintance of Lu Fan.

This is Lucifer's notes.

In response to Lu Fan's stunned gaze, Black Opal bowed and said, "President of the Merchants Association, Black Opal welcomes you."

"Do you know who I am?"

Hei Oper nodded his head: "I have already written down the lower part of the note, and it has your identity on it. I will not say it here, because your identity is very important. In short, you can completely trust us. , The Merchants Association is your loyal partner."

Staring at Black Opal, Lu Fan found that the other party's eyes were full of sincerity, and he should be a trustworthy person.

Moreover, the causality in time directly proved that the other party was a trustworthy person, and Lu Fan could not find a reason to doubt the other party.

"Well, I believe you, so where did my companion go?"

"They are in the Garden of Eden."

Leading Lu Fan and his party into the space separated by wooden boards, Hei O'er pointed to the magic circle in the middle and said: "This magic circle is part of the Eden plan, and a garden of Eden exists in this magic circle. I know how to attack it. Method, but I can’t tell."

Staring at the magic circle in front of him, Lu Fan asked: "In other words, you came here to build a factory to find this magic circle?"

"Yes, and Pande is also part of the Raiders of the Garden of Eden, so I have to use some small means to let him in. After he comes out, I need to apologize to him, after all, my previous methods were not too friendly. UU看书www"

"It's okay, that guy is very kind, he shouldn't care too much. What should we do?"

"Just walk in. But it only accepts people who don't know the strategy, so I can't go in."

"Well, I see. Is it dangerous inside?"

"There is no danger, but very good."

"Then I can rest assured. Brandt, Emma, ​​come with me."

The adventurous Emma cheered, and then walked onto the magic circle, disappearing without a trace in an instant.

And Brandt was still hesitating, but Lu Fan directly rammed the opponent in.

Just when Lu Fan was about to go up, Hei Opel held Lu Fan and said in a low voice, "Be careful, Brandt has a problem."

Facing Black Opal's reminder, Lu Fan nodded: "Okay, I understand."

After that, he stepped onto the magic circle.

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