His eyes seemed to trace back to the first period of time.

Jiaojia Village was originally an ordinary remote village.

The village mainly cultivated two kinds of plant spiritual roots that were unique to the nearby area.

Spiritual farmers’ wine rice.

Tailors’ silk winter.

Spiritual farmers and tailors are all the lowest-level life-oriented cultivators with no combat power.

Similar to the farmers in the ancient feudal era, they provide various raw materials for higher-level local forces.

As long as they keep cultivating this kind of spiritual root, they will never be able to turn over in their lives.

Low-level tailors in the five-body realm.

Intermediate tailors in the four-organ realm, with a higher realm, are just more valuable.

Without combat power, they will always be pigs in a pen.

In other forces, they may even be worshipped, but there is nothing here.

"Jiaojia Village was so ordinary until one day, the dragon fell from the well." Li Youzhu said lightly.

"Dragon fell?" Su Yu Niang asked.

"To be precise, it was a Jiaolong that was about to turn into a dragon."

Li Youzhu smiled, "It was the Jiao head that fell, and it kept flapping in the village, and the ground kept shaking, like an earthquake."

At that time, all the villagers in the village came.

They were so scared that they watched from a distance and recognized that the Jiaolong might have been fighting with a great monk, and its head was cut off, and it ran all the way and fell to them.

The Jiao head was seriously injured and dying, and spoke human words, asking the villagers to save it.

Later, the elders in the village thought of a way.

Take out the miscellaneous spiritual roots growing all over the village, winter snake roots, fish scale flowers, fish tail grass, eagle claw vines, tendon bone wood

It is said that these weeds were originally degenerated after being soaked in the blood of ancient dragons!

Then let the five young virgins in the village bloom three flowers and plant these miscellaneous spiritual roots.

Before, these miscellaneous spiritual roots would cause the body to change deformities and were of no use.

But now, after the three flowers bloom, the bodies of the cultivators are deformed, with dragon claws, dragon skin, dragon body, dragon tail, and dragon tendons. Cut them off and piece them together to make a dragon body to keep the dragon head alive.

So with the sacrifice of five women, the tailors with winter spirit roots in the village sewed skin and limbs for three days and three nights to sew a dragon body to worship this dragon head.

The dragon connected the body and healed in the underwater veins of the village, becoming the Dragon King in the Well, blessing the villagers with safety.

However, the horror of the dragon body is not something that a mortal body can bear?

It will collapse once every three years.

From then on, every three years, the village will sacrifice five girls. Girls from every household in the village will bloom three flowers, give their lives, and take turns to sew a new dragon body.

The seriously injured and dying dragon can also continue their lives and linger.


The villagers heard that the real powerful eating dragon meat is heaven and earth

Finally, everyone took advantage of the night to eat secretly, calling it the Dragon Night Banquet.

On average, once every three years.

They think this is what they deserve.

Besides, it would be a waste to bury the replaced body of the dragon.

Su Yu Niang was silent for a moment. She didn't expect that the villagers here

had thought they were pretty good before.

But from their normal perspective:

It's not incomprehensible, in order to survive and live better.

"Until one day, people saw a headless dragon corpse crawling on the plain." Li Youzhu sighed, "The elders in the village immediately understood that it was a headless dragon looking for its head!"

Su Yu Niang was in turmoil.

Before, when she saw the headless body of the crow, she instinctively looked for the head everywhere.

Those stupid people guessed: Maybe the powerful headless corpse would also pass through the mountains, dense forests, and towns to find its lost head.

This is actually true!

"But they were afraid of poverty and suffering, and did not want to live a hopeless life. They wanted their descendants to have the hope of practicing and studying, and becoming great people."

"They were too afraid that the dragon would leave, so they secretly did bad things, taking advantage of the trust of the dragon head in them, and made a pig head soaked in dragon blood, set a trap, and led the headless dragon body in."

"The headless dragon body has no thinking ability, only instincts. It feels the connection of blood and finds the pig head. It installs the pig head in the pigpen and becomes a pig-headed dragon body. The pig was stupid and stupid at first, but it only had instincts after the dragon body was connected, and then flew away contentedly."

The people in the village are smart.

Although they are villagers, reading makes them wise.

The dragon body is too powerful!

It is impossible for them to stay, and if they approach the village, the dragon head will feel it.

They would rather drive away the dragon body.

And the pig head that got the dragon body is a great opportunity.

I am afraid that it will gradually open up its wisdom, but the pig will not come back after becoming a monster, for fear that the body will go back to find the head.

This strategy is a win-win for both the pigs and the villagers.

They did think about connecting the heads of their own villagers, but everyone was arguing and was afraid that a villager would enslave them after gaining powerful power.

In the end, they could only get a pig.

If they can't get it, no one else can get it.

So far, Jiaojia Village has maintained a custom for three thousand years.

Every family took turns to offer sacrifices, allowing five girls to cultivate five kinds of miscellaneous spiritual roots and worship the village's patron god Jiaoshou.

By offering sacrifices to Jiaoshou and the Jiaolong Night Banquet held every three years, their blood gradually changed and they became descendants of Jiaolongs, each with a strong physique.

The weak Jiaojia Village gradually became a village, defeated the forces that enslaved them, and then migrated all the way to occupy this mine.

"When I was born, it was the most prosperous time in the village." Li Youzhu sighed:

"I was still young at that time, and everyone said I was stupid. I just sat in the yard and read books. Until that day, I heard water coming out of the well. I looked carefully and saw a little girl with a snake tail in the well. I seemed to see a beautiful dragon in a trance." He looked dazed for a moment, "I later learned that the last sacrifice was the elder sister from the neighboring house who smiled very gently. This time it was her turn in the well. She was the dragon tail. She was locked up at home. She ran out through the well, swam around, and accidentally saw me reading." "I will never forget how amazing she was when she appeared in the water that day." "She called me a nerd, and then we got to know each other, and then she often came out of the well to accompany me to read." His eyes were full of nostalgia. At first, but later, everyone forced every household to take turns to send out a girl. "You attracted the demon cultivator to save her?" Su Yu Niang was bold. Li Youzhu shook his head:

"No, attracting the evil cultivators is the stupidest thing, and we will die later."

"After years of worship, the dragon not only did not recover from its injuries, but became even weaker. This was deliberately done by the villagers, and I had some bold ideas."

"I designed to deceive the villagers. When I helped her sew the tail of the dragon in the ancestral temple, I replaced the dragon and became the dragon itself."

"The moment she became a dragon, she had great power and ended the tradition of the dragon night banquet."

This approach is more heavyweight.

What evil cultivators are you attracting?

I knocked down the villagers myself!

That dragon was really unlucky to land here!

He was plotted against by the villagers, and a pig head was installed on his body. In the end, his head was still taken over by you and your men, and you ended the villagers' bad habit of regularly sacrificing five girls to the evil dragon.

Poor mountains and bad waters produce unruly people.

But he just said it in a simple sentence.

But I don't know how many twists and turns he went through, and how he narrowly escaped death before he successfully attacked the dragon and saved the other party.

"She and I became the leaders of this generation, worshipping the ancestors, but it has only been a few years since we took over the entire village." Li Youzhu sighed: "A group of demon cultivators, who got the news from somewhere, took advantage of the situation and attacked. Two three-yuan realms, carrying five three-yuan realm ancestors, more than 300 four-organ realm ancestors, and one-tenth of the troops in Pingchang City, attacked." Free reading. Read the latest chapters of This group of players is more cunning than cunning. Please follow the Xiake Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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