This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 105: Fight! (Additional chapter for the bald leader of Sannan)

"This force is too terrifying, we can't stop it"

"In our village, even the pure-blooded dragon head disappeared, the whole dragon was stitched together, and the strength dropped sharply"

After that, the demon cultivators also suffered heavy losses.

Only three tomb ancestors of the Three Yuan Realm were left, and one of the cultivators of the Three Yuan Realm died, and he was seriously injured for more than a hundred years and has not fully recovered.

In the internal strife that Ning Zheng cursed every day a while ago, they all died.

The past is really wonderful.

Ning Zheng also knew the general reason.

Ning Jiao Jiao was born under such circumstances.

However, this loss was bearable by the previous demon cultivators.

Only three ancestors were left to guard the entire mine. This laid a long-term foundation, which was actually not a loss.

Even the more than 30,000 ancestors in the neighboring Pingchang City are mostly in the Four Zang Realm, and there are very few in the Three Yuan Realm.

They are also wary of each other, and it is even more impossible to pull out the ancestors and attack collectively in the mountains.

Who dares to leave the nest empty?

Furthermore, even if someone doesn't take the opportunity to attack you from behind.

If your ancestor who went to the battle has any mishaps and cannot come back to suppress the family, he will be directly exterminated and removed from Pingchang City!

Therefore, the noble families in the city will not use their ancestors. The tombs are more for defense. They are the living three-yuan great monks who attack in person.

But obviously, the losses are heavy.

Ning Zheng thought of this and fell into a long silence.

As this middle-aged scholar told the story, the history of the entire mountain village and the magic cultivators for a hundred years slowly unfolded.

He stood up and said goodbye to him directly.

Li Youzhu said lightly:

"I'm going to contact other people in the village too. Don't come tomorrow."

"Go out directly when you hear the battle. It's not something you can intervene in."

Li Youzhu believes that the other party is smart enough.

The slaves who can escape from the mountain have already proved this.

Ning Zheng finally said goodbye to the other party, took out some magic money, and asked Su Yu Niang to send a large amount of river monster meat to the other party. Only with meat filling can it maintain the most prosperous state.

Su Yu Niang also received a lot of information and hurried back to the mountain.

Ning Zheng returned to her own house, feeling an inexplicable sense of powerlessness.

She was still too weak.

In that great battle, she had little impact.

It had only been four days, 6,000 points, plus tomorrow's would be 7,500 points.

If he had known earlier, he would not have needed so many luck points.

But how could he know?

Improving cultivation itself is also a way to avoid crisis.


I have to add some points.

I can't waste it, I'll try my luck.

Ning Zheng's consciousness sank into the depths: "I want the best way to increase my chances of winning tomorrow."

[Luck Points - 6,000]

Ning Zheng's brain was very lucky to enter the "epiphany" that is rare for a cultivator. All kinds of thoughts collided in her heart, and all kinds of new thoughts and concepts exploded in her mind.

A brand new method of magical power slowly appeared in Ning Zheng's mind.

"Shadow Grass Legion"

"Mental Asthenia Toxin can be blessed on Shadow Wine Rice Monk through Shadow Link."

Ning Zheng's mind clearly flashed a message.

Ning Zheng was a little reluctant to give up, because she didn't have the skills and system that matched her spiritual roots.

Although this spell can be enlightened by "good luck" and the unity of heaven and man, this money is enough to upgrade a small realm.

But seeing this information, Ning Zheng was stunned.

This extended spell has a little meaning.

You can use the hands of others to exert the power of your clone.

It is a very effective group fighting skill. Of course, it has a commonality with most of these group fighting abilities:

It consumes a lot of mana!

After all, the essence is still to consume mana by yourself, and use their own hands as a medium to shoot attacks.

But you are safe!

They are not afraid of death, so they rush up and shoot arrows.

You don't have to hide everywhere and attack secretly.

"This allows me to play a role."

Ning Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, "This is not the Crow King. I dare not go up. Even shooting cold arrows in the dark is easy to die."

Ning Zheng thought about it and went up the mountain directly to communicate with the blacksmiths.

The old steward said: "Our manor owner was originally scheduled to come out of retreat in a month, but now there is an emergency, so he can only lend his power to you to deal with it. This power can only be used by people in the shadow wine and rice."


Su Yu Niang had told them about the matter a long time ago.

They were very surprised: it turns out that the world view background of our villa and the village below is like this.

Many of them were moved to tears, and their tear points were very low.

They were very touched by the story of the scholar and the fish girl, the dragon and the villagers.

They discussed for a while and patted their chests to guarantee:

"We have come up with an interesting way to attack the ancestor of the villa."

The next morning.

Li Youzhu closed the bookstore, carefully placed the key under the flowerpot at the door of the bookstore, and looked at some villagers in front of him, "Let's go."

"Let's go, rush out!"

"Let's go."

A group of villagers from Jiaojiazhai walked out in a mighty manner.

After a while, they crossed several alleys, entered the woods, and soon came to a mansion.

He suddenly stretched out his hand and waved.

A ray of light flashed and hit the Nine Ancestor's residence fiercely, and a protective shield quickly lit up.

The Nine Ancestor's dull voice came from inside the house:

"Life and death, changes, sinking, and rebirth, only let me know who I am and cultivate a heart that understands me. You came at the right time."


A towering flesh and blood creature suddenly pushed open the door.

The howling wind knocked the sand and rocks on the ground and rushed towards Li Youzhu and others in the distance.

Ping Zu was a faceless man, with a smooth white human skin covering his entire face. He held a bottle in his hand, and blood was constantly surging. The wanton flesh and blood kept gushing out, becoming puppets.

"Blood Separation"

Li Youzhu's expression gradually became solemn, "Use your magic power to protect your limbs and internal organs, be careful that he will separate our flesh and blood."

"He is a flesh and blood puppet."


"It really started."

Jiao Chiwan stared at the sky, full of joy: "Even if they didn't escape that year, they would gather together and maintain their logic before they died to resist. Continuing to escape is to complete the escape itinerary that was not completed that year. It didn't succeed that year, and now it will continue again!"

Jiao Wuyu was silent and called the younger generation

The others were hesitant to speak.

Because their Jiao family no longer has any outstanding figures.

It is meaningless for the weak to go in to support.

Jiao Wuyu quietly entered and quickly crossed the forest. "He is really taking action." She had something else to say. Li Youzhu, who was only 56 years old when he died, had already entered the Three Yuan Realm. It can be said that he was a brilliant talent. If he had not died that year, a hundred years later, the entire Pingchang City would have surrendered. It was because he was so evil that he could miraculously reverse the desperate situation, set up an ambush on the dragon's head, plot against the village elders, and take her to the dragon's body and survive. Like the ninth ancestor of the demon cultivator, he was also in a semi-awakening state. Semi-awakening can only be achieved by people who are amazing enough, have a high level of understanding, and have a deep obsession. After death, the three flowers will bloom again and I will know that I am not myself. This battle is not just about saving people. It is even possible to bring him back to life completely. Between life and death, it is also an opportunity. Roar! She roared and suddenly turned into a hornless stitched black dragon, as funny and weird as a child sewing cloth, and flew away. He grabbed the tall flesh puppet controlled by the Nine Ancestor and said, "Go!"

"The remnants of the Jiao family, come as you please, leave as you please?"

The Nine Ancestor looked ferocious, "I said you bunch of trash, how dare you attack us, stay here."

One after another, the terrifying monsters walked out of the house.

The dark red blood and scarlet blood surged out, and two more terrifying figures appeared.

Looking at the cold and stiff familiar face of the corpse, everyone present turned pale.

The two puppets in front of them were the two three-yuan realms that died in the Jiaojiazhai and the demon cultivators, and were refined into puppets alive.

In their eyes, the strength of the three ancestors was not much different, but this demon ancestor who made the flesh puppets got the corpse, which made him even more powerful.

"All of you stay here."

The Ninth Ancestor laughed casually:

"It is indeed a world that relies on spiritual roots and race bloodlines. The little miscellaneous dragon with a five-body level has a combat power comparable to that of the three-element level. It will be very useful to keep it as a puppet."

Jiao Wuyu's face was livid.

But it was an adventure to come here. The sun was approaching and she could not wait any longer.

The two of them died together directly. She had been considering it from the beginning.

She looked into the distance and asked Jiao Chiwan to pick up the brothers and sisters. At least they escaped.

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