The night was like water.

The room was pitch black, and you couldn't see your hand in front of you.

Ning Zheng didn't light a candle, just lay quietly on the bed and looked at the ceiling, unable to sleep anyway.

He began to think about his future path.

The battle to defend the villa was over, and Ning Jiaojiao's mother left in a hurry.

Where did that great cultivator escape to? What did he do?

This was not something that a small fish like Ning Zheng could worry about.

It was okay that he had never seen a real strong man fight before, but now that his eyes were opened, Ning Zheng felt that he was too weak at this time.

Although he was practicing very fast at present, he had a small realm in four or five days.

But he was thinking.

If he was stronger at that time, if he was in the fourth realm, would the result be better?

After all, he was a heavenly spiritual root, and the poison could ignore the realm to a certain extent.

"But how can there be so many ifs?"

He shook his head and laughed.

When the flower bloomed three times, I knew who I was.

When Ning Zheng bloomed three flowers, he knew what kind of person he was: he longed for an ordinary life.

He didn't have such a lofty ideal.

He just doesn't want to be anyone's slave anymore and protect the people around him. For this reason, he is quietly trying to become stronger.

He doesn't want to see Ning Jiaojiao cry, but life is full of separation and death, which is inevitable.

At the same time, he thought of another question.

Jiao Chiwan is the only one who knows that the Nine Ancestors are dead. Will he spread the news to the city?

When Ning Zheng thought about it, he felt that there was no danger.

1. Jiao Chiwan may not dare to say it. What's the benefit of saying it? In Jiao Chiwan's perspective, the demon cultivator must have seen him. He dared to talk nonsense and angered the demon cultivator on the mountain.

There are no fools among the scholars who can bloom three flowers in this world, and those who talk nonsense will not live long.

In the eyes of the cultivators in Pingchang City, the demon cultivators on the mountain are still very deterrent!

2. The city is busy with its own affairs. Even if it knows, it will not take advantage of the loophole to attack. When the disaster is over, the new Nine Ancestors will be resurrected long ago.

After all, the Nine Ancestors died, and the roots were not pulled out. It can be resurrected by connecting to the earth veins.

It's just that the next time he is resurrected, he will be a new soul bubble, and he will no longer be in a semi-awakened state, and there will be no hidden dangers.

3. From the perspective of outsiders, the Nine Ancestors were killed by the demon cultivators on the mountain. The other party showed the power of suspected top-grade spiritual roots, which was more brutal than the Nine Ancestors and dared not attack!

Of course.

The exposure of suspected top-grade spiritual roots will make him more coveted.

After all, the surrounding area is full of middle-grade spiritual roots, and top-grade spiritual roots are the inheritance of the top forces in Xinyizhou.

When the cultivation of your own spiritual roots breaks through the top grade, it means that your force has the opportunity to cross that threshold!

Ning Zheng thought about it and always felt that he couldn't calm down. He thought about seeing how the blacksmiths were doing, going to them to relax, and peeking at the forum.

After all, every time I look at the forum, my mood will get better.

I logged into the account of [花开富贵] and found that the whole forum was in turmoil, and it was all crazy.

I clicked on a post at random.

"Woo woo woo, you dog planner, get out of here! I'll send you some local specialties!"

The screen was full of various bloody knives, kitchen knives, sharp knives, razors, and nail clippers.

Ning Zheng sneered and quietly stole his emoticons.

He clicked on a few more pages and found that there were all kinds of knife emoticons, and the pictures were all different, in various series and various patterns.

He frowned and continued to steal emoticons.

Finally, he browsed around and found that the new posts were all scolding the planner's knives.

This made Ning Zheng's already bad mood even worse. He came to find something happy and wanted to relieve his mood, but in the end

Isn't it just sending knives to himself?

He accepted all the emoticons to satisfy their wishes.

Now the blacksmiths in the entire forum are very unhappy, saying that they cried and were very vulnerable!

Especially women wrote a lot of condolences.

All kinds of secondary creations, short sweet stories from their childhood, sad stories, scholars and fish girls, wellhead sadomasochism, dungeon exploration, full of various details.

I can only say that they have a high level of subjective initiative!

Especially with the help of the shadow archer's survival time, they happened to be able to watch the last scene of the family of three in the sky, and they were able to record the screen.

Now that scene is even more in various videos, with dubbing.

Especially the sentence in the sky: "Bold."

The scholar replied: "What if I am bold?"

It looks plain, but it is domineering, and a group of people are crazy about barrage.

"What's so good about watching this over and over again." Ning Zheng didn't know what to say. This is probably their habit. He has seen many mentally abnormal ghosts, which has led to his high tolerance.

Of course.

More importantly, they took advantage of the archer's disappearance before they floated in the sky and collected high-altitude bird's-eye views near the villa.

The topographic map allows them to better understand the surroundings of the villa. For example, if they send the ember baby out, it will be more convenient to find various winter resource points on several nearby mountains.

Ning Zheng also thinks it's good and efficient.

There is also a group of people discussing the history of the village and the grievances and hatreds of the demon cultivators.

After all, the background story of the Sword Forging Villa was vague before, but now it is fully revealed.

[Su Yu Niang]: "Wow, my eyes are swollen from crying. The childhood sweethearts in the village a hundred years ago, the inhumane and greedy villagers, the poor dragon"

[Jiu Cairong]: "My eyes are swollen from crying too."

[Dao Jiujiu]: "I'm a grown man, but I have big eye bags."

[Shao Chai Kun]: "Why are you crying and having eye bags, swollen eyes, blurry eyes, and blind eyes? Are you blind? They are just brainless and the screen is black (dog head)."

[Medical Fairy]: "God of Food, please take care of your kitchen helper, he is inhuman."

[God of Food]: "Catch him and take him to the toilet to cut meat."

[Shao Chai Kun]: "Brother Food, don't do it~!"

For them.

Rewards are good, but the more important thing is the emotional value.

They didn't complete the task perfectly, and they didn't save Jiao Wuyu, which caused Ning Jiaojiao to lose their parents alternately. They felt that their task failed and unlocked the tragic ending line.

But Ning Zheng knew that they had done it perfectly.

Jiao Wuyu couldn't hold on anyway, and he was bound to die here, no matter what they did, it couldn't change the situation.

According to normal development, the two of them would die for love, and Ning Jiaojiao would be rescued.

They contributed a lot to this.

However, some people are very emotional, while others are very rational.

Although some people feel touched, they are more discussing some of the possibilities of this appearance, as well as foreshadowing and possible subsequent plots.

"Do you think that the pig-headed dragon created by Jiaojiazhai will appear in the future?"

"Everyone, let's think in a better direction. Today, we have worked hard to chop the ancestors for a day, which can be said to be a great contribution."

"The method of repelling the ancestors by chopping the ancestors sounds very reasonable at first, but after understanding the specific truth, it is very explosive in the entire game history!"

"I once again suspect that the planner has a mental problem."

"The planner took the knife I sent and was admitted to the hospital!"

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