This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 112 The ancestor exploded with gold coins!

Of course, the blacksmiths were still discussing the Red Sun, Red Moon, and the NPC recruitment tavern.

The very active [The Sixth Body of Night-time Mad Cultivator] spoke up immediately:

"Everyone, this is the first NPC plot, everyone needs to adapt."

"I thought before that the dog planner of Green Hat Villa would definitely come out with a knife!"

"I felt that there was something wrong with the worldview of this world from the beginning. The villa was all green, which was the premise. Sure enough, it was too damn dark! Dark and cruel!"

Everyone saw this and agreed with it.

There was a foreshadowing long ago.

From what they saw in the first Crow King boss battle, the headless body found a new head for itself.

This weird painting style is obviously problematic.

Sure enough, they got a knife in the second boss battle.

"Unfortunately, we don't have a system to add points and beat the vicious muscle plug-in. If you don't want similar things to happen, I suggest that you unlock the tragic ending, which is to speed up the increase of strength, protect the people you want to protect, and become the world's number one village, or a major force!" "This time, I think it's because we are not developed enough that the knife appeared. We must accumulate strength faster to prevent the next incident from happening again." Everyone agrees with this point. According to the rules of traditional games, it is indeed the quality of combat power development that affects the quality of the ending. There are definitely many routes for annihilation, tragic ending, cuckold ending, and perfect ending. "The limited-time tavern is obviously the main activity for the next time. The generals can greatly increase our combat power!"

"Everyone should prepare to buy some evil-suppressing talismans to suppress the embers first. Hahaha, of course, I'm kidding. The price has skyrocketed and we can't afford it."

"I suggest making various weapons and traps to suppress the embers by yourself. After all, we are the ones who run the hacker stack. Traps like the crow tide can be prepared."

"Also, this incident has a new way to defend the villa-attack by cutting the target!"

"In the future, we can't go out. Can we also protect the villa by cutting the ancestors?"

"It can be said that this kind of business map that can't go out has created a new combat mode!"

"After all, it has been said before that NPC ancestors can be recruited in the Red Mansion Tavern. The fourth and fifth ancestors may take root here, and they can also be cut!"

"The more ancestors, the more gold coins we explode, and the more troops we explode for the fourth disaster."

A picture appeared in everyone's mind.

The villa can't go out, and they don't need to go out to fight.

Standing on the mountain villa, suddenly seeing the enemy everywhere, gods and Buddhas everywhere, heavenly soldiers and generals, so what?

In peacetime, the blacksmith fights himself.

In wartime, the blacksmith fights the ancestors.

They went to the ancestral house to blast soldiers, beat out a bunch of "their own" archers, soared into the air, and then fought against the mighty invasion.

They imagined the scene, which seemed a bit cool!

Small budget, big scene.

This is definitely full of creativity, a simulated business map, played out of flowers.

Comments were also flooding:

"Hahaha, I was so sad, and you told me this? My mother asked me why I laughed while crying."

"Family members, what did the ancestor do to you?"

"Oh my god, you beasts, do you think the ancestor came back to give you gold coins?"

"A bunch of old people, your ancestral graves will be filled with black smoke."

"When the enemy attacks, you go to dig up your own ancestral graves, right?"

"No, it's obvious that the game planner is mentally ill, and we can only fight in this way."

"That's right, this game is simply poisonous! Who will save me, none of them are ordinary!"

Ning Zheng also laughed.

They were sad for a while, and then they started to make trouble.

Ning Zheng also learned how to speak.

[花开富贵]: Do you know that your godfather is doing that?

Anyway, it's not Ning Zheng who was cheated, so he was quite happy to see it.

Although it seems that he is a little gloating.

"Also, this emergency mission - the battle to conquer the ancestors, is obviously also the precondition for the next mission."

"There is a big loophole at Jiuzu, the triangular defense line is missing a corner."

"When the cinder disaster strikes, it will be very troublesome! The three ancestors would filter out most of the wandering evil spirits before, but now there is an opening."

"But Jiuzu is an earth-bound spirit, and he is immortal as long as the earth veins are not cut off. If we kill him this time, he will be resurrected after a while. Therefore, we have withstood the limited-time cinder disaster, and the loophole will be fixed soon."

Ning Zheng nodded.

He felt that he didn't need to think anymore.

This group of dog-headed military advisors perfectly analyzed all the situations in the villa.

It was Jiuzu's paper house, which had been damaged and needed to be renovated.

This was another huge expense.

Fortunately, the price of paper houses in Pingchang City has plummeted, and the noble families are busy shipping, transferring cash flow, and concentrating resources to fight internally.

I must take advantage of now to buy a luxurious paper house as soon as possible.

At the same time, Ning Zheng thought that she had to buy two more renewal talismans to reestablish Su Yu Niang and Ning Jiao Jiao.

Fortunately, this was not a big problem at all.

"Paper houses, renewal talismans, I can actually stock up a batch."

Ning Zheng thought to herself.

Renewal talismans will expire, so I can't stock up many, but paper houses may be able to be stocked up.

Houses are worth keeping.

I heard that there was a real estate speculation boom in Pingchang City before, and the prices were pushed up very high.

If they had not to sell all kinds of assets to exchange for resources to urgently improve their strength, the major families would not lower the price of such resources, after all, they can sell them at any time.

So it is necessary to take advantage of the fire.

Ning Zheng looked for a long time, and after confirming that there were no mistakes or accidents, she felt sleepy.

Sleep peacefully

The night was heavy.

The woods in the wilderness exuded an inexplicable weirdness.

There was not even the sound of insects, and it was quiet.

Jiao Wuyu searched in the sky for a long time before finding Jiao Chiwan and his group in the battle.

He was fighting against a fierce and strange creature that looked like a tiger. He was seriously injured and kept dodging. His whole body had revealed the skin like the scales of a dragon.

He was accompanied by various worshippers, including Zhang Huaping.

But Zhang Huaping, a worshipper of this level, did not know what to do specifically, but only understood that this was an escort to the wild.

But now is different from the past.

The ash disaster appeared, and now the protection work in the wild has become more and more dangerous.

"Hua La."

Jiao Wuyu landed, and this ancient costume beauty stretched out her hand and waved.

The tiger-like ferocity was held in her hand, and the flesh and blood suddenly burst open, revealing the soul bubble, but the next second the entire bubble was rubbed into a black bead by her.

"Grandma, how could you?"

Jiao Chiwan knew that his grandmother was doomed.

But what was happening in front of him was completely incomprehensible.

"It's hard to explain." Jiao Wuyu did not explain, and sighed: "I'll take you back, it's not safe here."

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