This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 126: Spiritual Farming in Progress

Ning Zheng has already felt a pain in her heart from spending this money.

Even planting a field costs a lot, a full 20,000 magic money.

But she can't help but spend it.

She must spend it now during the red moon to save more money.

Otherwise, she will only feel more pain in the future.

Other blacksmiths are not related to the spiritual farming profession of farming.

But their villa is different, they need spiritual roots.

The technology of cultivating spiritual roots is also necessary.

Even though it is just starting out now, the dependence is not great, after all, there are weeds and spiritual roots all over the mountains.

But what about the future?

When the Sword Casting Villa needs low-grade, medium-grade, and high-grade spiritual roots to forge weapons, they have to rely on them to cultivate them. It is impossible to be a sucker outside and buy high-priced spiritual roots.

All the source procurement depends on others, which is a kind of being stuck and acting according to others' wishes.

Ning Zheng thought to himself:

"The spiritual farming industry must be invested in advance. In this way, when the technology of the blacksmith shop is improved to the point where it needs low-grade spiritual roots in the future, the spiritual farming side may also develop to the point where it can cultivate low-grade spiritual roots."

It is impossible for him to develop spiritual farming when he is really stuck, that would be too late.

Even the investment in spiritual farming may be the biggest consumer in the future!

Don't think that blacksmiths who make iron are the most expensive.

The spiritual farmers who cultivate spiritual plants, one by one, are natural treasures, that is a bottomless pit!

But it cannot be done.

Ning Zheng counted the industries in his villa.

Forging magic tools.

Planting in spiritual fields.

Treatment in medical clinics.

Weaving robes

It seems that he has formed an ecosystem that only sects have.

Yes, only sects have it.

Even the big families in Pingchang City will not dabble in these industries at the same time, but trade with each other to fill the needs.

Only the old sects on the mountain will involve these things at the same time to form a circle, various disciples' halls, mountains, and self-sufficiency.

"I'm going to develop into a sect." Ning Zheng thought. Wait, the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong! At the beginning, he asked them to mine and get some copper rough embryos, just a simple mining site. He was happily earning luck points. It's only been a month, how come it has become like this? When did he start to be led astray by them? The style of painting gradually changed. He became the owner of Zhujian Mountain Villa who was motivated to start a business, save money, work hard, and run the business seriously? At this time, Jiucai Rong also immediately said: "Master, we are still missing the last ecology, the alchemy room, and the secondary profession is the alchemist." Ning Zheng was still thinking about life. When was he influenced by them? Jiucairong took a step forward with a serious look on his face, and advised like a prime minister:

"Sir, I suggest buying some basic books on alchemy. It's just that we don't spend much money on books. A small investment may bring huge returns, which is a great profit for our villa."

The people around him followed suit:

"Buy a basic book on alchemy, only a dozen magic coins."

"Buy a basic version of the alchemy furnace, the last time I checked the price, it's only fifty magic coins for the size of a palm."

"Yeah, you can't buy it at a loss, you can't buy it and you can't buy it."

"The old manager is awesome!"

"The old manager is awesome!"

Ning Zheng: ""

Amidst the immersive praise, Ning Zheng finally remembered.

They said it last time.

Buy some books on doctors, some books on spiritual farming, and some books on blacksmiths. Invest a little bit, and it's not a loss to get basic introductory books.

What if? What if a peerless genius appears? You can always take a gamble.

As a result, the peerless genius has not been seen, but every building, after development, is crazy about funding.

Alchemists and doctors are two different professions.

One focuses on refining elixirs for cultivation, and the other focuses on on-site treatment and saving people.

They even need an alchemist.

Ning Zheng wanted to ask, what use is an alchemist to you blacksmiths?

It is not convenient for you to practice.

If you just want to take medicine and work, you don’t need advanced skills.

If you take the medicine of the fairy doctor directly to stimulate work, won’t you die quickly?

Alchemists, we are completely useless professions for the development of the Sword Casting Villa.

Ning Zheng felt that he could not invest randomly this time!

He understood that this group of blacksmiths wanted to do everything and try all kinds of ways. They were half-hearted and ambitious.

He couldn’t be led astray by them again.


Ning Zheng secretly warned himself to be more sober, and the investment was enough.

"Old steward."

But Jiucai Rong is far from being an ordinary person. He advised, "The alchemy room and the spiritual farmers are complementary. The spiritual farmers grow natural treasures, and the alchemy room is responsible for refining them into elixirs."

"In this way, the spiritual roots produced by the spiritual farmers may not be suitable for us to plant for ironmaking, but we can also consume them to make elixirs to make up for their research losses."

"Otherwise, the spiritual farmers' expenses are too high, and the spiritual roots are not easy to sell, so we can't make up for our losses."

Ning Zheng thought it made sense.

The spiritual farmers have spent so much money, and the alchemists have to start.

Otherwise, if the industry is halfway done, it will be a bit of a loss.

Xia Ke Novels Network Ning Zheng was too lazy to think about it, and sighed and nodded, "The budget is only one hundred magic coins, no more."

"The old steward is so powerful."

"Oh my God, I want to learn to make elixirs."

"I want to see it too."

"Hahaha, this Taishang Laojun, start making elixirs."

"Wait, I want Yu Jin to switch to an alchemy furnace, and make the alchemy automatically."

"Fuck, it's amazing!"

"A new way to play, an automated alchemy furnace, producing medicines with a clang."

"The old manager is so cool."

Ning Zheng hurriedly ran away, otherwise he would lose himself in the praise and spend all his magic money.

Facing the sunset.

Ning Zheng went down the mountain, thinking all the way.

The surrounding woods were also rustling in the wind.

Just a walk around the villa, it cost 55,000 public magic money.

It can be said that he spent money like water.

Now expanding various equipment production lines, it's really not enough, and most of the previous savings have been spent.

But it's okay.

Mining and coinage are very profitable. It is estimated that hundreds of thousands of magic money can be mined in a year, but Ning Zheng tries not to touch this money, probably for tribute.

He has to earn money for his own weapons.

The dogtail series, 300 pieces, is currently expected to have a net profit of up to 90,000 French coins, which can fully make up for today's investment.

The card painting series, which is still taking off, is even more than this number.

At night.

Back to the foot of the mountain, cross the street, push open the door and enter the house.

As soon as I entered the door, I heard Ning Jiao Jiao and Su Yu Niang discussing something in the yard with heavy faces, nodding from time to time.

Ning Zheng was also curious, why are these fishing duo not keen on fishing today?

It's a bit strange.

After seeing Ning Zheng, Su Yu Niang hurriedly said: "Jiao Jiao almost got into trouble just now."

Ning Zheng was stunned and asked hurriedly: "What happened?"

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