This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 127 Hot Forum, Painting Cards Selling Out

"We encountered bandits." Su Yu Niang looked frightened, and acted like a cute and frightened weak woman. "It was terrible. There were three people who hacked to death the three members of Uncle Xu's family who were fishing. The ground was covered with blood." "We ran into them on our way home. The yard was covered with blood. We fought hard and finally defeated them." Ning Zheng nodded. The yard was covered with blood. It was probably because the villagers' food had improved recently. The blood was filled with flesh and blood. Only the dead were covered with blood. Otherwise, there would be no blood. Recently, the blacksmiths in the villa issued tasks to the villagers to collect various plants, spiritual roots, collect, dig soil, and cut wood to improve their lives. Especially recently, road signs were distributed to let the villagers cooperate with storytelling and fishing, and a batch of materials were given to the villagers to improve their lives. An industrial chain has been formed on the mountain and at the foot of the mountain, and the villagers have become half of their NPCs who place adventures and look for materials. "Mourning." Ning Zheng said. In fact, he didn't care about the three members of Uncle Xu who died. It's not cold-blooded, but a bound earth spirit, which will be resurrected after a while.

This is just the beginning.

The thirty days before the Red Day will be more and more violent, and the ash disaster will become bigger and bigger, and the whole Jiuzhou will be like this.

In addition to the gap of the Nine Ancestors, more and more "outsiders" are pouring in now.

There was only a gap here, and it became like this.

This shows the danger of Pingchang City. People have all been pulled out, and entering the city is as easy as walking on flat ground.

The pulled out ancestors may also go crazy.

The people are really hard to live.

This is still the case when various courts and even families are running around and dealing with various events.

Ning Zheng, who was a slave before, knows the hardships.

The people suffer in troubled times, and the people also suffer in prosperous times.

Sure enough, the power must be in one's own hands.

Su Yu Niang said: "I believe everyone will be vigilant. Tomorrow I will go to various places in the village to publicize it, so that if they meet outsiders, they will be tricked into the mountains."

"I will go tomorrow too." Ning Jiao Jiao also looked serious.

"I still need to practice. If you encounter any problems, you can find me." Ning Zheng also expressed this by the way.

He thought to himself that he had obtained another batch of renewal talismans from Zhang Huaping. He would paste two of them tonight, so that they could take root again and become earth-binding spirits.

In this way, they would not die no matter how they wandered around. At least it would be safer.

The villagers died.

In Su Yu Niang's eyes, it was very uncomfortable.

In her eyes, this was alive. The people who had talked to her died in the hands of the bandits.

Su Yu Niang made up her mind to prepare for tomorrow, and thoroughly train the villagers, teach them how to go fishing in the mountains, and how to avoid attacks.

After chatting with them for a while, Ning Zheng took a breath and continued to go back to the room to practice.

"The red sun is indeed getting closer and closer. I have to live under the wellhead for a while, which is safer."

It's not that the combat power is not enough and can't fight head-on, but it's safer to hide.

Why would a living person fight a group of dead people?

There is no benefit in winning.

Besides, there might be a four-dirty realm of ghosts appearing.

He felt the condition of his body again, and recalled the injury of the ruptured meridian on his right leg.

Taking this as a lesson, he felt

After all, this place is too delicate.

But it can't stand the slightest damage to the meridian. Although it can be cut directly, it can't reach the perfection of the five bodies and break through to the next level.

Practice for a while.

He began to log in to the forum to see what those blacksmiths are doing.

It should be very popular today.

I gave them a new two-choice reward.

I went around the various areas again and gave a wave of public sponsorship.

Sure enough, Jiao Wuyu's tragic incident had been completely forgotten by them, and all the voices were jubilant.

"Hahaha, the planner is so cool."

"What a conscience."

"That's too much."

"Hahaha, the planner must be scared by the bloody knife, afraid that we will come offline and start to explode gold coins!"

"Cool, cool! The real estate gameplay is open, the old manager has gone around again and distributed the funds. The blacksmith shop and the spiritual farming area have ushered in a major update."

"It's so funny, the fairy doctor, the god of food, and Su Yu Niang have no funds."

"What does this mean? It means that the villa will conduct random inspections from time to time! Give more support to professions that work hard! This is the core of the business gameplay. If you work hard, you should be rewarded."

"Ah, I will never slack off again."

Before, they were still distributing bloody knives, but now they are all praising the planner.

Even Ning Zheng was sighing at how quickly they changed their faces.

Everyone was discussing today's update content. There were simply too many and too rich. It was not just the spiritual farming area, which was a newly opened blue ocean and was officially recognized and sponsored.

There was also a group of people discussing the alchemy room.

Thinking about how to divide this big cake.

Thinking of moving in and becoming the head of the alchemy room, after all, the benefits that the heads next door have gained are obvious to all.

Some people are also discussing the ember alchemy furnace, which is definitely a truly useful job transfer besides the sword, spear, sword and halberd.


Some people are saying that no one has embers, can we work together to turn the dazzling into an alchemy furnace.

Some people are also discussing.

Is it possible that special talents will appear when recruiting this batch of ember NPCs, such as alchemists and blacksmiths?

In short, everyone is very excited, and it has been a sleepless night.

Night falls.

Pingchang City.

After hunting a ghost, Zhang Huaping brought the sword fairy to the shop.

Seeing her covered in blood, the old shopkeeper was slightly startled and said anxiously: "Didn't I tell you not to hunt ghosts? Now you are the treasure of our group of shopkeepers. If you die, who will dare to go up the mountain?"

Zhang Huaping shook her head, "But there is a growing shortage of manpower recently, so it's good to go and help."

The old shopkeeper sighed.

Whether it is him or Zhang Huaping, or even 99.9% of the people in the city, they are all

No one has experience.

Seeing all kinds of bloody events is still unbearable.

After all, there are still many orthodox monks in this world. Under the education of private schools, most scholars still have a chivalrous heart.

"Forget it." The old shopkeeper didn't say much.

Zhang Huaping asked: "How are the sales of the cards?"

"The sales are very good. The fifty blind boxes I got here were digested in just one day." The old shopkeeper was a little amazed.

"It's mainly because of the previous popular blind boxes that have made a name for themselves. The second-hand dealers hyped and overpriced them, and the customers have adapted to it once." This is word of mouth. At the same time. Not only did they bring back 500 blind boxes of painting cards, but they also brought back 100 blind boxes of the dog tail series. One store was divided into five boxes of weapons, and they were sold out on the spot. After all, the younger generation is calling on cultivators from all over the country to fight against the ember tide. With this weapon, it already represents the certification of the family's heritage. "Five hundred blind boxes of painting cards are not enough to sell?" Zhang Huaping exclaimed: "You know, among the five hundred blind boxes, there are 100 blind boxes of the three generations under one roof series for ten people." "They are all easy to sell." The old manager said. There is a complete shortage of supply, and we will digest as many as we get. This is why everyone is optimistic. It is too versatile! The weapons used by casual cultivators can be different and strange, but they all use communication instruments. This market is too big. Before, the mother-and-child rings next door could not even meet their own supply in the city, and a small part of them flowed out to other cities.

It is estimated that the painting card in front of me is also the same.

The old shopkeeper said: "The production capacity of the mother-and-child ring is low. I heard that it is a kind of monster material obtained from the mother-and-child fish. The mother-and-child fish has a strong breeding ability, but after breeding in captivity, the demand is too high and it is still a bit insufficient."

"And what about them?"

"What monster material is theirs made of? No matter what it is forged, the supply capacity is definitely insufficient."

The old shopkeeper sighed, his eyes full of envy.

"The Sword Casting Demon Manor is really going to make a lot of money. After this time, Pingchang City is estimated to take action against them, and they can't let them make money like that."

"But how arrogant is the other party? Obviously, they know that the other party is jealous, and they don't wait for the big families in Pingchang City to make trouble afterwards, so they choose to take the initiative to take action against us."

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