This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 143 Theory of Hidden Veins (Add one more chapter for subscription)

After analyzing this, everyone found it more and more interesting.

The fun of deciphering is always refreshing.

What's more, they used clues and deduced step by step by themselves, which gave them a sense of accomplishment.

Sure enough, this villa is not just about ironwork.

Digging into the plot of the ancestral tomb and old house, they actually dug out so many interesting things.

[Nightly Crazy Cultivation]

"If this is true, there must be a lot of people in the hidden veins! Because they are the ones who can really live to the upper limit of 800 years in the five-body realm, but now there are only a few dozen of them?"

"They must have encountered a big war, such as the anti-bandit battle a hundred years ago."

"For example, this group of demon cultivators migrated here, why did they migrate? Is it because they have a home that they can't return to?"

"Or did they encounter some attack? During that escape, the hidden vein disciples joined forces to control their bodies-[Zero Ancestor] fought, and they are probably almost dead."

Everyone thinks it makes sense.

This behind the scenes involves a lot of hidden settings and various foreshadowings.

Many people sighed in their hearts that the new map of this ancestor is well opened.

Now let's take a closer look at the settings of the three ancestors.

[Qi Zu Yifu Map]: A heroic man fishing, connected to an underground river.

[Puppet Master Map]: I don't know his personality. He just sieged the city and blew up the opponent. He is in the resurrection CD.

[Meat Field Sister Map]: Manage a group of hidden veins of demon cultivators, practice and make pills in it. It is a small map.

It can be said that the plot of each ancestor is rich and there are many points worth exploring.

The new onlookers were shocked:

"Oh my God, is this a game that people can come up with? Send the planner to the hospital quickly! It's too late to save him o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o"

"I didn't believe it before, but now I believe it. I suspect that the entire planning team was contracted to patients in a mental hospital to write weird world views and copywriting for them."

"Love it, love it, it's rare that a planner is more stupid than a stupid player! (*^▽^*)"

But the old group of onlookers are not surprised.

They were discussing the next development, what they should do, and how to attack.

"The four Eye Legends, you must act more violent, so as not to let the demon cultivators of the Hidden Vein look down on you."

"That's right, otherwise it will show that we are not confident enough! These demon cultivators will definitely bully you four and make you clean the toilet or something like that."

"I also want to enter the Hidden Vein."

"Don't make a fuss, only the last one can enter."

"Then I'll try to be the last one and knock on the door, is that okay?"

"There are NPCs there! They are all former demon cultivators, there must be various tasks, and you can even find out the history of the villa in the past."

"But, it takes more than a week of black screen time to successfully enter. Isn't this setting a bit bad? Can the planner change it? Isn't it possible to install the grafted head in a flash?"

"Maybe this is a restriction on entering the dungeon? If you are allowed to enter casually, it may not be so precious, and it will be a mess."

"Hahaha, who told me before that the hidden setting of Routian Yujie here is an alchemist? It's far-fetched. Now I guessed wrong. She is the person in charge of the Hidden Vein."

[Crazy Cultivation Every Night

Ning Zheng frowned secretly. He simply looked at the interior of the paper house again through the perspective of the four legendary eyes.

The red-clothed lady's paper house is a little bigger than the houses of the other two ancestors.

It is originally a mansion with many rooms, and it can accommodate a group of people.

And there are various small alchemy rooms and even various facilities and buildings.

In fact, Qi Zu's mansion is also very large, and it can also grow river monster meat fields, and there are a group of maids to serve. I don't know how beautiful his life is.

In fact.

If it weren't for the four of them bravely entering the enemy camp, Ning Zheng still didn't know that this group of demons

There are still remnants.

This is the flaw of the luck value.

Now the worst situation is that they find that the main vein is finished, and the hidden vein attacks, kills all the blacksmiths on the mountain, and regains control of the villa.

Is this probably another battle to defend the villa?

Just killed a bottle ancestor, and now we have to kill a royal sister stone ancestor?

This is too outrageous.

What's more, I may not be able to kill it this time.

"It's a bit troublesome." Ning Zheng began to calculate the danger of this sudden incident.

The final judgment is: no threat.

There is almost no possibility of being exposed.

This so-called hidden vein has great restrictions.

And they have no way of knowing that the mountain has been wiped out.

And these are "useless" demon cultivators, so they are thrown here, and they can't make any big waves.

The real trouble is still two.

1. The red-clothed sister, this ancestor is still very deterrent.

2. The meat field body underground, an unknown powerful trump card.

From now on, this so-called thousand-headed meat field giant is very likely not the red-clothed sister herself.

But the family's inheritance trump card from generation to generation!

Now, this red-clothed sister herself has not noticed the abnormality. If you continue to attack her, if you succeed.

You will also take the hidden veins and thousand-headed giants that she is responsible for managing.

In this way, it will become the family heritage in your hands!

It is a crisis, but also an opportunity.

As long as you deal with her, you can completely eliminate the hidden dangers of your own occupation.

Even the techniques in her hands and the hidden vein disciples will become a channel for you to improve your blacksmith heritage and knowledge.

At the same time.

Ning Zheng discovered another problem.

The three ancestors have a total of 500 points of luck, and Qi Zu has 200 points.

According to Ning Zheng's guess, the remaining two ancestors each have 150 points of luck.

And how could this red-clothed lady holding a powerful weapon be worth only 150 points of luck?

But luck doesn't lie.

In other words, her thousand-headed giant may have been really injured.

It has no combat power and is still being repaired, so the luck is so low.

This guess is not without reason.

Just as the blacksmith speculated.

The demon cultivators migrated here and may have experienced a big war before coming.

They took down Jiaojiazhai, and Pingchang City also tried to be a yellow bird. A hundred years ago, they suppressed bandits and took down Jiaojiazhai, and it was

After being beaten down one after another, it was completely reasonable that the thousand-headed giant could no longer be used.

Even these three consecutive battles left the demon cultivators and monsters on the mountain with various hidden injuries that had not healed, so they were cursed by Ning Zheng, causing them to fight among themselves and take them away in one wave!

Ning Zheng looked strange: "That is to say, he went through three battles, and I hid under the mountain and cursed, and opened the door. But the whole logic has been sorted out. He breathed a sigh of relief, "It's not a big problem, you can even treat him as another ancestor and attack him." But this is not what Ning Zheng, the owner of the village, wants to do. Those blacksmiths are happier to see the new ancestor than themselves. Free reading. Read the latest chapters of This group of players is more cunning than cunning. Please follow the Xiake Novel Network (

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