In the paper house.

In a four-person bedroom.

The four Eye Legends settled down.

After half a day of exploration and adaptation, they found that life was not as exciting as they imagined. There were basically three things:

Practice, learn a side job, and clean up.

As for the strategy of the red-clothed queen?

I really don’t know how to attack her. Now she is a soldier under her.

At this time, after entering the hidden vein, it was just like the daily life of the classical immortal sect they imagined.

The atmosphere of the hidden vein is very harmonious, even a little leisurely.

The dignified demon sect does not conform to the cruel temperament at all.

But if you think about it carefully, the disciples who come to the hidden vein are all the targets of "school bullying" and were forced to come to worship their ancestors.

It is normal that there is no arrogant and evil atmosphere at the bottom of the food chain.

However, such an ancient, classical, and elegant sect’s work and rest make them uncomfortable.

This is too old-age.

Sure enough, some things are still beautiful from a distance.

"What should I do? I miss the excitement of forging iron."

In the room, Yanzhu scratched his head, "My hands are itching! I also want to bully Xionggui, play script killing in the black shop inn, and catch NPCs."

"Wild boars can't eat fine bran, you just like to toss." Yanxia ignored him and whispered, "Can't we catch NPCs here?"

Yanzhu's eyes gradually lit up, and he slapped his thighs: "That's right, we can catch NPCs here!"

Yanhua was sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes, and said, "I found out that we are now sharing cultivation."


Yanbag whispered, "I also sensed it. The meridians under our necks are just like a wireless network, dense and complex."

"This is a bit interesting to practice." Yanxia said, "This game is all non-mainstream! A bunch of heads, a body, exploding, too explosive!"

This feels like walking through a maze to open up the huge body under the neck.

They practiced for a while and felt that it was a bit slow. A drop of water can wear away a stone.

The sharing economy is awesome.

Perhaps, they can open up the meridians to feel the body, draw a map of the entire human body maze, and provide more information.

After practicing for a while, they stood up and went around to get information.

The door of the alchemy room was closed. Occasionally, there was heat coming from inside. It seemed that someone was refining the elixir. There was a "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door.

The medicine garden was not allowed to enter, for fear of hurting the spiritual herbs.

But they took a look outside. The medicine garden was very small, and it was an indoor room with a device similar to the spiritual atomization.

It was quite similar to the batch of equipment ordered by the mud craftsman.

But the medicine garden here was obviously very small, far less than the huge area they spent a lot of money to prepare on the mountain. After all, they were going to cultivate a large area.

"Preliminary speculation is that the blood flowers may be cultivated inside." Eyed and dizzy whispered.

"Not necessarily. The herbs refined in the alchemy room may come from here." Eye Bag analyzed.

After walking a few circles, they came to the talisman room.

On the mahogany tables were placed pens, inkstones, and inkstones. On the walls were hung some talismans, demon-suppressing diagrams, and evil-suppressing diagrams. The spiritual energy flowing through them seemed to have the ability to kill the evil.

Talisman Master!

The eyes of several people lit up.

This is a good profession.

In front of several tables, several people were drawing talismans and practicing calligraphy.

"Wouldn't you be bored if you spent eight hundred years like this?" Yan Hua and others couldn't help being lonely.

"You just got here, right?"

The scarecrow drawing the talisman raised his head:

"How could we spend eight hundred years? A group of predecessors died collectively. The oldest hidden vein cultivator came in more than eighty years ago. I only came in more than ten years ago, but it was really boring."

Yan Hua nodded and agreed deeply.

This place is too healthy!

It's more dead than peaceful.

After staying here day after day for a long time, everyone has no passion and desire, just like people who have given up the inner circle of magic cultivation.

This scarecrow said again:

"Living long is not necessarily good! Only by living a wonderful life can one live a meaningful life. Therefore, no matter how long one lives, no one is destined to enter the hidden vein."

"Of course, it is precisely because of this that you people on the mountain do not know the existence of our hidden vein. You will only know it after entering."

"Ah?" Yan Hua asked curiously: "So, the tail-end who disappears every year during the ancestor worship is thought to be sending death, but actually fakes death to enter the hidden vein?"

"Yes." A scarecrow sighed, "Everyone thinks that our Tenth Ancestor is a crazy and cruel demon cultivator who kills the descendants of the ancestor worship every year. In fact, she is very good to us and would rather bear this infamy."

The Yan Hua people were stunned.

The scarecrow said again: "She told us that this bad reputation is not bad. They always squeeze out the weakest in their internal competition. It is also good for descendants with no future to enter the hidden vein."

The four Yan Hua people were very moved.

She really is, I cried to death!

The red-clothed queen is actually a very good person.

They also suddenly reacted.

Why Qi Zu is proud: We are traditional magic cultivators, regular magic cultivators!

Because the world of immortal cultivation is a world of the jungle.

Their families may be very cruel to the outside world, looting caravans, doing many evil things to plunder resources.

But they are still very united internally.

This is the way for a regular traditional magic cultivator to survive!

Just like the villains in the story, they are extremely united. After beating the younger ones, the older ones must come out to highlight the unity.

After wandering around, the four people found that everyone was dead.

The only interesting place was the library, which was also the only place for these people to kill time. Otherwise, they would get sick if they lived like this.

But there was a daily limit on the number of people entering the library.

The four people started to whisper.

"There must be good things in the books inside."

"That's for sure. After all, the hidden veins can only be entered but not exited, and they are not afraid that you will take the secret book out, so this place should be unguarded and you can look at it casually!"

Their eyes gradually brightened.

Ordinary people can only enter but not exit, but they are different.

They have the perspective of the audience and can secretly write down to the blacksmith outside.

At the same time, if they are tired and bored, they can directly commit suicide and go back outside.

Now they have a way out.

Then, they found the oldest scarecrow here according to the location said by the talisman scarecrow.

The other party was sweeping the floor, holding the broom leisurely, as if he had lived here for more than 80 years.

"The anti-bandit war a hundred years ago?" The scarecrow showed some reminiscence. "The hidden veins did not go out at that time. They were all dead when I came. I was... Yan Hua and others were stunned. It was just as they guessed. The hidden veins disappeared before the anti-bandit war. Even the Zero Ancestor Giant could not be activated in that war. This batch of hidden veins is new. They asked for a while, but did not get anything out. They just heard: "It is said that the bottle ancestor was in charge of the anti-bandit war that time, after all, the opponent attacked from the bottle ancestor's side." "You know that the three ancestors cannot attack at the same time in the three corners, and can only send two charged attacks remotely." "At that time, the bottle ancestor and the contemporary monks of the villa fought together. Only they know the details." Hearing this, the legend of the eyes sorted out the truth. The bottle ancestor is really miserable. The last time they fought the bandits, they also attacked him? He is still in the resurrection CD. Maybe he has not only those two puppets, but also several puppets, which were killed in that battle! And now we have taken all his wool: the last two puppets.

A puppeteer has nothing left, how miserable!

He is expected to compete for the most miserable person of the year.

"Alas, why is it our Ping Zu who was injured?" Yan Hua sighed.

"Pah, we beat him." Yan Bao complained.

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