This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 145 The Plan to Raise a Ghost Girl

In the yard.

The sun shines on the body, which makes it look warm.

Ning Zheng didn't think much about the hidden veins. He fished leisurely and waited for the changes.

After all, the specific information about the hidden veins of the demon cultivators and how this vein works still need the help of the four Eye Legends to slowly figure it out.

This can't be rushed!

If it succeeds, he will have two ancestors.

"Especially this female ancestor, it should be misunderstood. She doesn't look cruel and murderous."

"She is the kind of cold-blooded and warm-hearted, and she is good to her clan members."

"If we have a good relationship, we can ask her to behead her when foreign enemies invade in the future. She shouldn't refuse for the sake of the family, right?"

Ning Zheng silently calculated in his heart, thinking whether he was a little bad? Destroying a family, occupying a magpie's nest, digging up people's ancestral graves, and tricking people's ancestors to be chopped, no matter how you think about it, it feels like the villains in those storybooks!

But now, this wave of hot searches has made the forum very hot.

Thick accumulation makes a breakthrough. The outrageous plot events and excellent quality kept them here.

Although most of them were complaining, talking about meaningless water posts, chatting, saying that the planner was hospitalized, and sending all kinds of mentally ill emoticons.

Ning Zheng was not afraid at all and silently accepted the new emoticons!

Anyway, after several events, Ning Zheng also found that their praise, complaints, and abuse of the planner were meaningless.

Just like a group of chaotic psychopaths.

Praise at one moment and scold at another.

Ning Zheng said that this group of blacksmiths from another world were really playing, and the forum thoroughly showed their spiritual diversity, which was no less than those neurotic weirdos.

He didn't understand, but respected.

It was also because there was strength in numbers. In their chirping, there was always a certain aspect that was more comprehensive and comprehensive than their own analysis.

For example, the blacksmith shop.

Originally, forging was a niche hobby, but now there are more people pouring in, and many people began to post, and even helped design the assembly line design drawings.

They crazy some blacksmiths, conducted remote commands, and conducted experiments.

Another example is the Hairpin Tower.

There was also a group of girls chattering.

Various custom-made research clothes, jewelry, copying various design ideas from reality and replicating them inside.

Another example is medical students, where they are even more weird.

A group of medical students, hand in hand, and remotely with the medical fairy to study the river monster sleeping bag, it was astonishing.

In short, after being on the so-called "hot search", it is thriving!

The whole villa is actually developing at a high speed, which makes Ning Zheng very pleased.

Another example is this post.

[Discussion Post: What does the ancestor giant look like]

In the post, they are discussing the shape of the so-called thousand-headed giant.


A group of so-called painters and tentacle monsters have also begun to imagine the true body of the meat field giant under various paper houses.

One of the brain-hole drawings is:

The entire paper house is actually a cross-section platform of the giant's neck.

A group of scarecrow "heads", connected to meridians, walk on the plane of the giant's neck, live, and cultivate the five limbs and four internal organs below the body.

The painting style is very weird.

The neck seemed to be full of straw man-shaped candied haws.

Ning Zheng looked at it several times and felt a little curious.

It was obviously a very scary picture, but they all praised it and received great praise.

"My aesthetics are incompatible with those twenty years later." Ning Zheng sighed, feeling that he had a long way to go.

A brain hole drawing is:

Their little heads live on the giant's scalp, and when the battle form is turned on, the whole head will stand up from the ground.

Their monks' heads are like dense tumors growing on the giant's scalp.

Like the flesh buns of the flesh Buddha.

They call it: Flesh Bodhisattva!

This flesh Bodhisattva is very large, and the heads on the top of his head will issue commands, roar, and wail, which looks very evil.

And when he sits down, it is a blood-colored lotus.

Looking closely, it is the blood-leaving flower passed down from their demon cultivation lineage.


Ning Zheng was a little stunned.

It felt like a conjecture, and if it really looked like this, he would believe it a little.

Ning Zheng silently memorized it.

This evil style is very handsome, so handsome that it touched my heart!

If I gain control of this [Zero Ancestor] giant in the future, even if it doesn't look like this, I will transform it into this way!

He changed his mind and became more and more relieved, feeling that he had found the secret of success:

"It seems that I don't have to worry about the development of the villa at all. I can be a hands-off shopkeeper. They are doing better than I thought!"

He closed the forum and continued fishing.

Su Yu Niang recently rescued many river monsters to the mountains for the winter. It may be that the sisters seduced too much, and the stupid river monsters suddenly became smart and rarely took the bait.

After all, think about it.

No matter how stupid the human family group is, they will disappear every time they pass by this area. Over time, they will naturally hide.

At the same time, there is another possibility.

It's time to winter, and the river monsters are no longer active, reducing fat consumption.

Splash! ~

After a while, two mermaids came out of the bottom of the well.

The two used their magic to steam dry their wet clothes and caught the river monsters below.

The two worked hard for an entire afternoon, but only caught two river monsters.

Su Yu Niang shook her wheat-ear hair and sighed, "I think it's almost time to end fishing. After all, fish farming cannot be extinct, so it takes a certain period of time for reproduction."

"What about us in the future?" Ning Jiao Jiao asked curiously.

"Well, no more fishing, mainly exploring the maze." Su Yu Niang said, "Let's draw the map first."

She had wanted to explore the map of the entire river before.

Unfortunately, those river monsters were seduced all day long, which was simply a happy trouble.

Now that there are fewer river monsters, we can safely explore the location of the wellhead of my godfather and the location of the river directly below the villa, and dig a well in the villa.

"We are going to be busy again." Su Yu Niang said proudly.

"What about when we finish drawing the map?" Ning Jiao Jiao seemed to have thought of something and hesitated.

"Well, I have nothing to do here." Su Yu Niang thought for a while, "I can't fish, I have nothing to do, maybe I should go to Pingchang City to take a look!"

"After all, there is a friend in Pingchang City who left a painting card for contact. I just went to get the token, otherwise the line we opened before would be wasted."

Su Yu Niang is very adventurous and can't stop:

"Then, go to the Red Mansion to take a look. My friend's skills are too poor. I will definitely be the top drawer in the Red Mansion and fascinate those young men."

Compared to the Fairy of Medicine, she is the queen of socializing.

The Fairy of Medicine can have such a great opportunity, there is no reason why she can't.

"Are you leaving?" Ning Jiao Jiao looked a little pitiful.

"When spring comes and there are more river monsters, I will come back to see you." Su Yu Niang smiled and said, "There is no banquet that will not end in the world."

Ning Zheng's expression did not change.

The Earthbound Spirit still wants to run?

She can't draw a complete map just for the underground river.

The foster father's area is too far away, she can't go there at all, this is destined to be an impossible task.

She can't leave, she will make up for it rationally.

Don't worry.

Ning Zheng frowned and thought to herself: "However, in winter, she really has nothing to do, maybe she has to find something to do to create value."

Ning Zheng looked at Su Yu Niang and found that her aura

was stronger and more fierce.

People will grow, and the ghosts will also grow.

Su Yu Niang is stronger than before.

Eat shadow spirit rice, spirit meat, and kill a large group of ghosts and absorb them.

"Maybe, I can teach her to practice, fight, and cultivate a ghost king." Ning Zheng thought.

Living people still need to practice step by step, but dead people are things that become stronger the more they are killed.

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