This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 170 Love that transcends life and death (please subscribe)

Ning Zheng was in a daze until Su Yuniang called him, "Why are you in a daze? It's time to eat."

Ning Zheng didn't have the heart to eat. He finished his meal in a few seconds, left home, and walked in the village while watching the afterglow of the setting sun.

He sorted out his logic.

Theoretically, there are three reasons for the magic cultivator.

First, awakening.

Knowing that I am me, Li Youzhu's obsession is Jiao Wuyu, and he loves her deeply, so he blossomed three flowers.

If this was a huge lie from the beginning, a farce directed and performed by himself, it would be impossible for him to awaken completely if he didn't love Jiao Wuyu.

Second, time.

The bottle ancestor is the ninth ancestor.

The red-clothed sister is the tenth ancestor.

That puppet master is the master of the red-clothed sister.

Even the sister has become a great monk who died in the tomb, and the bottle ancestor of the previous generation has lived for at least thousands of years, or even died for thousands of years.

How could a person who has died for thousands of years have an obsession with Jiao Wuyu before his death?

3. Motive

If it is really Li Youzhu, what is he after?

After finally laying out the plan, awakening and blooming the three flowers, after resurrection, he gave the hope of living to Jiao Wuyu?

This is making wedding clothes for others from beginning to end.

Ning Zheng felt trapped in an extremely absurd paradox.

If it were any normal person, even in the face of these three ironclad evidences, it would be impossible to doubt that it was Li Youzhu.


The luck value will not lie!

The bottle ancestor, who has never met, sincerely chooses to help himself. Who else can his true identity be? The luck value is the ironclad evidence!

Ning Zheng took a deep breath, "Then, the reasoning conclusion: the bookstore owner Li Youzhu is the magic cultivator bottle ancestor, and everything is Li Youzhu's layout. What about the reasoning process, what is the process?"

First there is the result, and then the process is reversed, but it is still not simple! It's like knowing that the man is the murderer, but he can't find his secret room murder method, and the alibi is disguised.

Ning Zheng kept thinking, feeling confused, and suddenly an amazing idea came to his mind: Maybe he fell into a logical fallacy.

——I only considered the possibility of the crime being committed by a living person, not the possibility of the crime being committed by a dead person!

This world also needs to take into account the rules of the embers.

[I will never forget how stunning she was when the water sparkled that day. ]

This sentence may not refer to the day when the young scholar first met and met in the well of the courtyard.

Rather, it refers to a certain day before Li Youzhu's death, thousands of years ago, when he was still a real young scholar, and accidentally encountered a dragon in the water, and the two sides had an intersection.

After that day, the weak boy fell in love with the dragon girl of extremely noble origin.


He knew that his identity was not worthy at all.

This obsession remained until he died, became an ember, and became the bottle ancestor in the tomb.

In this way, the contradiction in time was resolved.

Combined with the escape behavior of the other family.

Ning Zheng seemed to have guessed some of the truth.

As the tomb ancestor of the family, Li Youzhu heard that the dragon fell during the process of fleeing with the ancestral tomb by the family.

He seemed to know who it was.

After his death, he still kept his love in the tomb, so he took the initiative to propose to other ancestors to attack Jiaojia Village and went here anxiously to save the dragon! This was not an accidental arrival in Jiaojia Village!

The other ancestors just thought that he, the puppeteer, liked dragon puppets the most, so he was interested in this dragon.

But they didn't know that he liked dragons all his life, and it was actually that dragon.

The reason for the attack of this demon cultivator matched what the red-clothed sister said before!

"After that, he was obviously a dead man, but he thought he was still alive, so he pretended to be a villager and deceived the simple dragon in the well to pursue love."

Ning Zheng sighed in his heart, and his expression became strange.

The dragon only had a head left, and it was barely alive. It was impossible to tell that he was a ghost.

After all, ghosts, especially advanced ones, are hard to tell true from false.

"The head of the dragon trapped in the ancestral temple thought he had successfully disguised himself as a little girl who was about to be sacrificed, and caught a genius who could help him escape."

"But he didn't know that the other person thought he was a demon cultivator who was not dead yet, disguised himself as a little boy, and deliberately waited for her to catch him here."

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When Ning Zheng thought of this, she felt it was too outrageous.

The greatest mystery in the world!

The dead committed a crime! The dead who were already dead still maintained their obsessions before they died, running to save people and running to fall in love?

This is no longer the rejuvenation of the elderly

After that, those villagers are definitely not their opponents.

He married Jiao Wuyu and had children.

"After marriage, Li Youzhu's lifelong obsession was fulfilled and he realized the truth, so he began to semi-awaken." Ning Zheng whispered.

It should be at this time that he realized the truth.

This is not Ning Zheng's guess.

This is inevitable!

Because Gui exists by relying on the obsessions before death, he can only enter semi-awakening after his obsessions are fulfilled.

So, he must have entered semi-awakening after getting married and having children.

There is no doubt that Li Youzhu loves Jiao Wuyu.

But he also has the mission of infiltrating the enemy camp and disintegrating Jiaojia Village from within.

This is for the continuation of his own demonic family during the escape.

After he and Jiao Wuyu became the head of Jiaojia Village, he secretly cooperated with the demonic cultivators from inside and outside, which allowed the demonic cultivators to break through the village so quickly and occupy it.

"So from this point of view, Jiao Wuyu's escape was also secretly helped and calculated by him."

"Because Li Youzhu has been half awakened, he should have begun to realize that he might be dead, and he has been dead for a long time. And Jiao Wuyu, who can't find his body, is about to die." Ning Zheng kept sorting out the logic. "So, he didn't want Jiao Wuyu to die, and found that his half awakening was a way to break the situation, so he began to plan to fully awaken himself, become the next king of disasters in the Red Sun, and then transfer his life to her to completely save her." "He began to plan the next Red Sun." All the clues matched up, and the logic analysis was clear as a whole. In fact, there were several doubts before. When Jiao Wuyu came, she said: Pingzu in the magic cultivation, and her husband Li Youzhu, both were in a semi-awakened state. But semi-awakening is extremely rare. How could there be two in one place? The probability is extremely low. If they are the same person, then it makes sense. "And Jiao Wuyu deceived Li Youzhu to revive herself."

"But she didn't know that the half-awakened Li Youzhu had specially arranged this Red Sun, and took the initiative to be deceived by her."

Ning Zheng sighed.

How to make a calculation succeed?

There is only one way.

That is, the deceived person is willing to be calculated and love you willingly.

In the final analysis, the simple dragon has gone through various things, become smarter, and can play tricks, but still can't play her husband.

Even Li Youzhu has been helping her grow.

Everything is Li Youzhu's arrangement for a hundred years to revive her. Li Youzhu's love is also deep love, a lifelong obsession, so when Jiao Wuyu died, it blossomed three flowers.

"No matter how many calculations he makes and how many lies he tells, his love is still the deepest." Ning Zheng took a walk at night and unknowingly came to Youzhu Bookstore.

It was quiet and dark around.

Ning Zheng sighed and glanced at her luck value again.

850 points.

No change.

Li Youzhu will not harm himself.

This is his absolute confidence in the luck value.

It is not that the three ancestors only have 200 or 150 luck points. They may have thousands of luck points themselves, but when they are added to another person, they can only protect others with a few hundred points.

Li Youzhu can only have 150 points.

Even if he is the mastermind behind the scenes, he is now at the lowest point of his combat power. All the puppets are dead. He faked his death and escaped, and his combat power is even worse than that of his adoptive father Qizu.

Ning Zheng has always had the luck value as a guarantee.

All along his journey, he has been fighting for his life and death, and he has been ordinary and immortal, fighting against all kinds of impossibilities.

He doesn't like to be a riddler, and he will ask directly if he has any questions.

He has seen some misunderstandings in the storybook before, which can last for most of the story. Ning Zheng always thinks depressedly, if he asks, there will be no more things in the future, why do they like to be a riddler.

So, he spoke.

"Uncle Youzhu." Ning Zheng spoke to the dark Youzhu Bookstore, as if someone was sitting there in the shadows, "I know you are not dead."

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A hand suddenly rested on Ning Zheng's shoulder from behind.

"Are you looking for me?"

A familiar low voice sounded from the darkness.

A sense of oppression swept over the whole body, just like

"You shouldn't have come." The figure behind him said faintly.

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