Listening to the voice behind him, Ning Zheng's guess was completely confirmed.

It was indeed Li Youzhu!

He was really in the tomb

If he hadn't relied on the display of luck to know the result of the reasoning - Pingzu was Li Youzhu, and used the conclusion to reverse the whole process.

I'm afraid he wouldn't have guessed anything at all.

Because he hid it too deeply!

Even the other two ancestors and the demon cultivators on the mountain might not know his calculations and his private affairs.


The oil lamp in Youzhu Bookstore suddenly lit.

It was still the face of the middle-aged scholar, wearing a set of washed and elegant long gowns, with gentle and elegant eyes, and the temperament of a down-and-out talent.

"Child, come in and sit down." The middle-aged scholar smiled, and he slowly walked back to the counter.

Ning Zheng was not restrained, and walked into the house and sat down.

He looked around, and the whole bookstore was still full of books.

There was no book thief in this strange village, and everything was well preserved.

But what he didn't expect at the time was

Just after escaping from the demon cultivators in the villa, he ran to the bookstore opened by the demon cultivator ancestor to seek cultivation knowledge.

Now thinking about it, it was simply a trap!

"Speaking of which, since you brought my daughter

Li Youzhu took out a pot of wine and two white porcelain bowls, skillfully poured wine for himself, and then poured a bowl for Ning Zheng.

"If you hadn't brought my daughter to the bookstore, you would have died a hundred times as a slave who escaped from the mountain."

Ning Zheng nodded and smiled: "I'm lucky, the only solution was found by me."

"Sometimes, luck is also a kind of strength."

He picked up the wine and took a sip: "So, how did you know?"

Ning Zheng looked at the wine bowl, and then looked at the luck value.

900 points.


This wine is good.

Ning Zheng's luck has always been good.

"Guess." Ning Zheng took a sip from the wine glass, "You are half awakened, and Ping Zu is also half awakened. This is too coincidental." "Is it because of this?" Li Youzhu smiled. Seeing Ning Zheng drinking the wine without hesitation, Li Youzhu smiled even more deeply. It is a good thing to be vigilant when walking in the world. But sometimes excessive vigilance is a bad thing. Many people can't see through and understand. Being vigilant all the time will distance people from each other. As in the current situation, since he is here, trust is the way to win favor. The young man in front of him is not on guard against himself and regards himself as Ning Jiaojiao's father. This free and decisive action makes him very fond of him and looks at him more highly. Ning Zheng said:

"If both are half awakened, it is understandable, but your earth-binding spirit ranges overlap, so you can interact with each other."

He paused: "Ping Zu can come to the bookstore, and you can come to Ping Zu's residence. These two half awakened have no conflict. They are too much like the same person."

Li Youzhu smiled faintly: "But it's still just a guess. I said I was hiding, ambushing, and winning over the remaining forces of Jiaojia Village."

Although he said that, he seemed to agree with this idea.

"Enough guesses." Ning Zheng whispered: "I accidentally learned about the history of Jiaojia Village. The demon cultivators broke through too quickly. Maybe there was an insider."

"You, Li Youzhu, the husband of the village owner, may be the biggest insider."

"That's right!" Li Youzhu poured himself another glass of wine and drank it all.

He obviously began to agree with this statement.

It's just a guess, that's enough.

There's no harm in coming to ask.

So the other party came to ask, and he also showed up.

"In that case, I won't hide it from you. Just don't tell my daughter." He smiled, "Actually, this is not a big deal." Soon, Ning Zheng heard his whole story. It was actually pretty much what she had guessed. 1. Timeline. He was indeed the Bottle Ancestor. When the whole clan escaped, they, the Earth-bound Spirits, naturally pulled it out early and moved together. And since it was pulled out with great effort, it should be used to the fullest before being inserted back. Just like before, the ancestors of Pingchang City had all pulled it out with great effort, thinking that they would not rush to insert it back after the Red Sun, and asked the ancestors to help attack this villa. This ancestor of his was good at puppetry, hiding and disguising himself, and personally accepted the task of infiltration, which led to the scene of meeting Jiao Wuyu. 2. As for the battle a month ago? The Bottle Ancestor in the paper house was a puppet he made. Fighting himself was a play for Jiao Wuyu. 3. As for now, he was resurrected as an ember? It will indeed reset the memory.

He just resurrected today, and indeed lost the memory of his previous experience.

But when he fully awakened before, he left a hidden hand, cut off part of his memory and soul, and stored it.

The next time he resurrects, he will recover his memory.

But the conditions for using this method are very harsh.

You must awaken.

If you don't awaken, you can't recognize that you are dead, and you can't make a resurrection after death.

When he resurrected today, he saw those wicked blacksmiths and sent them away. He just retrieved his memory and came to the bookstore to stroll around, and he met Ning Zheng who was squatting here.

"And now."

He said lightly: "Even if I get my memory back, I'm only back to the initial half-awakening."

"To fully awaken again, a new opportunity is needed." Ning Zheng nodded. This opportunity may still be with Jiao Wuyu, because his obsession has always been Jiao Wuyu. And the difficulty is greater than the last time. But being able to survive is already very good, and naturally there can be no more extravagant expectations. This layout is already very perfect, very perfect. After saving Jiao Wuyu, he also has the opportunity to revive again. "So, you need my help with this opportunity to awaken again?" Ning Zheng suddenly whispered: "After all, it is difficult to plan again alone. People don't know that you are faking your death. If you are not careful, your wife and daughter will be separated." "Your family may not accept your lies, even if they are well-intentioned. I don't know her mother, but Ning Jiaojiao probably can't accept such a dead and alive demon father." Ning Zheng also had a vague guess. Even if he didn't go to find him, this ancestor might find Ning Zheng at some point in the future. Because when a person is a bound earth spirit, there are too many restrictions, and many strategies cannot be carried out. He needs someone to help. "Actually, I envy the dragon clan."

Li Youzhu answered the question irrelevantly, and whispered softly:

"Compared to humans, they are blessed by nature and born sacred."

"Like you who escaped from the villa, experienced many twists and turns, and survived in the strange villa, seeking the method of cultivation."

"Like me, I also practiced, fought, practiced, and robbed in my childhood, just to survive."


"At that time, she asked me for directions, and I accompanied her for a trip. After that, she no longer remembered me. To her, I was a passerby, but to me, those days were unforgettable."

He sighed softly, with memories in his eyes:

"But innocence and simplicity have to pay a price. I couldn't remind her that the gap between her and me was too big."

"But later, I found that I was wrong."

He smiled, "I, who was deep-minded, thought that I was extraordinary and would be no weaker than the dragon clan in the future, but I died first, while the naive

She still lived for a long time, with countless bodyguards, and lived for thousands of years."

Ning Zheng nodded.

The path of a cultivator is too cruel!

Sometimes, some people are born at the end, while some people work hard and die on the road.

If it weren't for the relocation of graves, they would not have met by chance.

"In fact, our meeting is not accidental."

Li Youzhu said softly: "She escaped from that disaster, and our family also escaped from that disaster."

"In the face of real terror, everyone is equal, and it is good to be alive."

Ning Zheng asked curiously: "Disaster?"

"It's better for you not to know."

Li Youzhu didn't mean to hide it.

But for the weak, it is best not to know.

Besides, those are all past history, and it is meaningless to talk about it now.

Li Youzhu sighed: "You will know it later. After I awakened, I gave her three flowers not only because I loved her, but also because giving it to her was the best choice for both of us."

He looked at the starry sky:

"I can't escape the pursuit, only she has a chance."

"If she succeeds, it won't be too late for me to succeed myself. This is the best solution in my mind."

Ning Zheng nodded, it was really a good plan.

If Jiao Wuyu succeeded in escaping, and then he was pulled up, someone would protect him when he was hunted by the court.

This is to have two Gui kings!

Looking back on his layout, it can be said that it is not an exaggeration to call him a hero!

There is really a way to have both in the world, not to disappoint the way and not to disappoint the lover.

He really used calculations to find a way to have the best of both worlds.

This kind of person is too scary.

Now, this evil couple has naturally stood on the opposite side of the court, but gave birth to a naive daughter Ning Jiaojiao.

But it may not always be like this. Jiao Wuyu should have been naive when he was young. People will grow up.

But the dead will not.

If Ning Jiaojiao wants to grow up, she must be resurrected first.

But this is a long way off.

Now Jiao Wuyu is estimated to be still on the run, being chased madly by Jian Xin of the court.

"So, what do you want to ask here?"

Li Youzhu suddenly laughed and said, "Let me guess, your question is how did I give birth to a daughter."

Ning Zheng was slightly stunned and nodded.

One is a broken dragon, and the other is even more weird.

It's too outrageous that this couple can give birth to two children.

Besides, there is one last contradiction.

Since Ning Jiaojiao is the ancestor of the demon cultivator and the daughter of Jiaojiazhai, both forces are direct descendants, how did she die?

You are all a show, don't protect your daughter?

Ning Jiaojiao, the death is too weird.

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