This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 177 Prison Construction, Alchemy Begins

"They are going to build a new village prison at the foot of the mountain?" Ning Zheng pondered. He has now completely regarded this Sword Forging Villa as his base of power. But these people may have various advantages, such as strong execution, fearlessness of death, enthusiasm, and hard work. But there is one biggest problem: they are too ambitious. Externally, they tricked the Sword Fairy into advertising and building the name of the God Craftsman. Internally. The mountain is more than 5,000 meters high, and they don't even have a full house on the top of the mountain, so they want to extend a big hand of infrastructure to the foot of the mountain. Before, they let those ordinary villagers with "good appearance" take root and increase the population density of Guizhuang. This is understandable, after all, the population is indeed sparse. But now they have to hire these villagers to build a [prison] at the foot of the mountain, the so-called secondary occupation area, and send some "prisoners" in to do something like "stepping on a sewing machine". This is too unethical! What the hell is a sewing machine! In fact, this "prison secondary occupation manufacturing area" is indeed necessary to start construction. A mature family, holy land, and sect must have a "secondary occupation inheritance area".

Some powerful sects will explore all secondary occupation areas, Danfeng, Nongfeng, Fufeng

Those with insufficient foundation will explore two or three of them.

But the ranking



There is no need to talk much about spiritual farmers. The unique spiritual roots of a family are the foundation.

The level of spiritual farmers affects the various characteristics of advancing spiritual roots and breeding new spiritual roots.

So, to put it bluntly, a powerful combat monk may not affect the prosperity of the family, but a powerful spiritual farmer can definitely affect the rise and fall of several generations of the family!

Talents are rare in the field of spiritual farmers.

Blacksmiths are all younger brothers in front of spiritual farmers!

Alchemists are considered to be a derivative industry of spiritual farming and are the biggest boost to the speed of cultivation.

These two professions must be available in even the poorest forces!

And the third-ranked profession is Fu Master.


Because it is highly popular!

He doesn't need any large equipment. With paper talismans, talisman pens, and talisman ink, he can practice at the lowest cost.

But because there are so many people, he is also the most competitive.

Didn't you see that even the very precious Xu Jin Fu has fallen to this level?

It is estimated that the two talisman master bosses also escaped after losing all their money.

Don't look at them as noble life systems.

In fact, talisman masters are much poorer than combat monks of the same realm.

They dare not fight, and barely rely on labor to earn wages and cultivation resources in the city. They are "low-level brick-moving monks" who are very competitive.


At present, there are two dead people.

Their products are stained with death energy. It is unknown how much they can be used, and even living people can't use them at all.

"But the blacksmiths on the mountain don't care about this side effect. What is stained with death energy."

Ning Zheng thought:

"Even if this prison is built, the talismans produced by the "stepping on the sewing machine" may be used by me, because I am a Yin spirit root, and they can eat my shadow spirit rice. There is no reason why I can't use their ghost painting talismans. "

Anyway, they built this prison, which was okay.

At least, they barely supported the foundation of a mountain villa, and those prison monks were their teachers.

This prison was approved by him, the owner of the villa!

At this moment, someone suddenly climbed up from the well.

"I'm going out."

Su Yu Niang shook her wet ponytails and acted decisively. Obviously, she received the news of Jiu Cairong's painting card, and ran out happily to organize the villagers and various labor forces to start working.

After all, she couldn't fish anymore, and now she was very bored. Finally, she had the opportunity to be the contractor of the [prison] construction. From now on, I will be the warden of the prison under the villa!

"Aunt Li!"

"Aunt Zhang!"

"Come out quickly, my sister has something good to tell you."

"Yes, Uncle Xu, you come out too, we are going to build a building, providing food and accommodation, and also paying wages."

She walked the streets and alleys. As the head of the neighborhood committee, all the villagers knew her, and soon she called a group of people with her amazing appeal.

Some young villagers were very moved:

"In the winter, we finally have work to do. We can get paid and get meat. This is great."

"I fled from Pingchang City. Thanks to the monks on the mountain, they let us stay here. Otherwise, we would have died outside. Now it's our turn to repay them."

"Sister is kind and a good person."

"I don't know if this girl is married. I have a son."

Everyone was very happy.

Even the indigenous villagers of Guizhuang were called together.

Recently, the blacksmiths on the mountain often issued various tasks to purchase materials to them. They got used to it and naturally came to help build the prison.

Soon, a large prison was built in the wild forest next to Ning Zheng's village.

Su Yu Niang, wearing a safety helmet, stood on a high place and gave orders, in a very professional manner:

"Follow me, shout, for the expansion of the villa! For the glory of the villa!"

"Civil engineering soldiers, never give up!"

The construction started in a big way.

It can only be said that these people have infrastructure and farming written into their bones

Sword Forging Villa.

A group of happy little blacksmiths skillfully repeat their daily work, forging iron, mining, moving bricks, and building walls, and they are very busy.

"Finally, I'm done." Shao Chai Kun finished his work in the cafeteria and began to run to the new area to play with great interest.

The most lively place now is the interrogation room.


The door opened.

Another blacksmith walked out of the interrogation room speechlessly.

Only two talisman masters were left lying weakly on the ground, looking at the ceiling helplessly.

What did they endure? The other party spoke incomprehensible words, tickled the soles of their feet, and attacked them mentally with flowery hands, folk songs, greetings on the family tree, etc.

There were also some great men's thoughts that enlightened him and made them understand the world of harmony

Some people were humiliated at work in reality, and treated the two of them as tree holes, muttering about the boss must die, this colleague has a serious illness

All kinds of negative emotions were revealed.

They are simply a group of psychopaths! Their nerves can't stand it.

And the group of blacksmiths who came out also felt that the spirits of these two people were tougher than they thought.

"They surrendered, but we don't want them to surrender, we want them to have psychological trauma."

"It's a bit difficult to cultivate psychological trauma. The words of those psychologists are all bullshit."

"We can only continue to pollute them mentally."

"If it doesn't work, just release the brother who trains military dogs and try to let these two bosses pick up bones, jump high, and cross roadblocks to see if they can be tamed."

It's a bit too miserable.

Shao Chai Kun felt sympathetic in his heart, and then ran to torture them.

Mainly to confide his feelings, saying that the god of food in the cafeteria had a serious illness, and he went to the spiritual agricultural area to study fertilizers and encountered setbacks again

I don't know how to play this game

Can I stand up?

After confiding his feelings, Shao Chai Kun felt much better and left the interrogation room happily.

Looking at the depressed expressions of the two bosses again, their eyelids rolled up, and their whole bodies were weak, like a virgin girl who was humiliated by a dozen yellow-haired men and gave birth to more than a dozen children.

How did they become like this?

I just said a few words that made me feel uncomfortable.

Shao Chai Kun left the door in doubt, and saw the Fairy of Medicine coming in, smiling brightly:

"Hahaha, it's my turn, little cuties, sister will check your body, you must take good care of yourself before you can leave the hospital."

She brought a suitcase of equipment, and seemed to be doing some research on embers.

The two bosses seemed to be very afraid of her, and screamed loudly when they met:

"No, don't do this kind of thing!"

"It will, it will break."

"Woo woo woo, I'm not clean anymore."

The Fairy of Medicine laughed strangely inside, "Two useless big brothers, you look cute when you're afraid and weak."

Shao Chai Kun shook his head.

When it comes to mental attacks, the Fairy of Medicine is still the one.

Recently, this group of loli players have learned the tricks of their big sister Su Yu Niang, and they always say trash, trash.


Shao Chai Kun arrived at the next destination, the alchemy room.

The emergence of new industries also attracted a group of people to watch with great interest, helping to arrange various decorations, write various couplets, calligraphy and paintings, and put vases and benches.

More people started to study alchemy after building the alchemy furnace.

Three large alchemy furnaces.

Ten small alchemy furnaces for beginners the size of a bowl.

A group of people used the herbs collected from the mountains and the formulas in the basic alchemy books to refine the lowest level of aphrodisiac pills.

After all, the person in charge of this alchemy room has not been selected yet.

Everyone is trying to study alchemy and want to become the helmsman of this area.

Shao Chai Kun also joined in and started to make alchemy. This is also his hope to make money, if he has the talent for alchemy.

The surroundings are bustling.

"I remember when I was in chemistry class."

"This is directly the chemistry laboratory."

"Oh my god, I learned math, physics and chemistry in another world, so scientific."

"Stop it, my furnace exploded."

"Hahaha, it exploded, fun, fun, much more interesting than forging iron."

A group of young blacksmiths were dusty and dusty, going back and forth, but they never got tired of it.

Many of them were very arrogant, thinking that they had good grades in chemistry, and it was a piece of cake to do this.

How complicated can a game of managing a villa be with a built-in alchemy game?

But the primary pills they made were indeed not that complicated.

"Fuck, I succeeded!"

Shao Chai Kun suddenly laughed, "Do I have a talent for alchemy? Can I finally get rid of the control of that wicked food god?"

"It looks round and smooth, and the shape looks like it was successful."

"We have to test the medicine."

When everyone said this, they suddenly fell silent.

The contraceptive pill is a kind of folk contraceptive pill. Who can use this in their Pure Love Villa?

"We are both hermaphrodites, just like the Sword Fairy." Someone complained.

Suddenly someone suggested: "How about, when the old steward comes to the mountain next time, we ask him to try the side effects?"

The scene was silent.

"That makes sense." A muffled voice came from the shadows in the corner.

"Who will ask the old steward to drink the medicine?"

In an instant, it was silent again.

Someone said faintly: "Su Yu Niang is proficient. She said that the old steward drank the medicine, which expressed all the melancholy of the ages."

Steward's room.

While everyone was playing, Jiu Cairong stood on the high tower of the steward's room, blowing the cold wind, and felt that his face and hands were a little frozen:

"This mountain top is simply poisonous. It doesn't matter if it's cold, the main thing is that the wind is too strong. In another month or two, can we still go out to work?"

"It feels like we have to dig tunnels underground and move buildings and buildings."

He complained, holding a telescope with his red hands and looking down at the distant mountain.

They chose the prison location very well.

The place is open and located on a low slope. They can just see the location from the top of the mountain.

In the picture under the telescope.

A group of villagers in winter clothes are cutting trees and clearing the snow.

"It's really the embers of Su Yu Niang." The God of Food opened his eyes wide: "Wow, we can actually see the wallpaper construction at the bottom of the mountain, and it looks like the real thing."

"Very cool." Su Yu Niang gave a thumbs up: "It's worthy of me. I became the background board on the edge of the map of the villa."

The maps outside this game are all fake.

But they did it in detail.

The location of the prison they chose really became a [dynamic wallpaper], hanging there from a distance.

They can also supervise!

Supervise the construction of the prison to see who is lazy, and remotely command.

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