This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 176 Sub-professional Captivity Planning

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Sword Making Villa.

Everyone was talking about how to advertise.

I was thinking about the next battle between the Sword Fairy and the Sword Fairy.

If she operates properly and can open up the channels of some sects, they can have crazy chats with the saints and saints on the opposite side.

Overlord blacksmith form, attack!

——Woman, I contracted your weapons.

——Woman, I’m making you angry.

They have been wanting to say this for a long time.

Many people think of their childhood

The word "saint" alone is so exciting. My mind is full of cold beauties, charming young ladies, and arrogant daughters. Just thinking about it makes me very excited.

And in the forum.

After those people finished chatting about the Sword Fairy's arranged adventure, everyone became more and more excited.

[Wow, the letter system, I really want to play it. When can I enter? I have already bought the invitation letter o(╥﹏╥)o]

[I also bought an invitation letter. I want to go in to blacksmith. I want to eat dirt. I want to eat. I want to eat. I want to eat. (Screaming) (Twisting and squirming) (Dark crawling) (Rolling) (Spastic roaring)]

[I heard from Jiucairong that he had communicated with the old steward and decided to start recruiting on the Red Sun, a special day when the saint granted amnesty to the world.

A group of people chatting about various topics, maybe.

This game is so freeing.

There are even this kind of adventurous parts where you pretend to be a master craftsman.

The advanced magic weapon list map can be opened in advance, giving them a sense of accomplishment and excitement.

As long as the operation is correct, you can make a huge difference. This is a feeling of excitement that other online games can never achieve.

So cool!

At noon, Jiucairong started working.

Because Zhang Huaping came through the teleportation array again to hand over the goods worth 300,000 French dollars.

Since she was not placing an order but just delivering goods, she put the things down and ran away. She ran very fast and disappeared in a flash.

This made the medical fairy very confused:

"What's wrong with her? Did you reveal your secret? I told you to treat guests with a kind smile, and when they come, you should restrain yourself and hide in the building."

Su Yuniang was also a little puzzled.

She felt that they had done a good job and nothing should have been exposed.

Jiucairong analyzed: "Last time I heard a player say that she went to the medical clinic and then turned pale. What were you guys doing at that time?"

Medical Fairy: "It's snowing day? Of course we are warming ourselves by the fire~"

She seemed to know the reason.

A group of sisters who had undergone surgery were warming up on the stove.

But you can’t blame them;

Now that they have all kept warm, something like this won't happen.

In order to prevent this incident from happening again, we are also preparing to update the personal hot water bottle project after the River Monster sleeping bag business.

As a glorious doctor, she wants to develop cyber biotechnology into every corner.

From now on, her clients will all be biochemical transformations, and they can even transform into beautiful girls, click, click, click, and the mechanical instruments in their bodies will transform into a set of beautiful armor.

This all requires a lot of financial support.

Therefore, she must earn more money from her sisters. She has been secretly promoting various beauty businesses recently and is very busy.

Of course, you can't tell the boys.

Boys and girls play in completely different directions.

They treat it as a dress-up game to change clothes. How can they talk about making clothes, grooming, plastic surgery, and self-cultivation to rough guys like them?

"Nothing happened." The medical fairy shook her head quickly.

Jiucairong always felt that the other party was hiding something, but didn't think much about it:

"By the way, take a closer look at the magic blood-burning skill that speeds up the practice. The blacksmiths have already started burning the lifespan to practice. They may want to ask you, Xue Lihua, to help sort out the meridians."

The medical fairy nodded: "It doesn't mean that we need more than just blood and flowers.

, do you still need the cooperation of the Blood Burning Pill?"

Liancairong sighed:

"Didn't I urgently urge the spiritual farmer to buy blood-burning grass and start planting it?"

"As for the elixirs, we bought a lot of alchemy equipment. I really thought our 300,000 yuan was wasted. We have already started building an alchemy room and are preparing people to study alchemy."

Plants in this world grow very quickly.

As long as you build a cultivation room, invest enough mana money to stimulate spiritual energy, and add birth-promoting spiritual roots, spiritual grass can grow quickly.

After all, spiritual grass is not like those spiritual trees, and there is no particularity about the year.

Spiritual grass is spiritual grass, just grow it.

As for spiritual trees, they may be seedlings. Small trees need to grow for decades or thousands of years before they reach maturity.


After getting all the equipment, they quickly started building new buildings.

"I'm really too busy." Liao Cairong sighed.

Other villa tycoons, after making money, have bloomed three flowers several times, even if there are no embers, they are successful.

But he didn't succeed in blooming three flowers.

Because he was too busy and had no time to calm down and read.

Studying and cultivating immortality is a test of calmness, but he can't do it. These blacksmiths are doing things every day, leaving him busy to deal with them, running here and there.

Today their villa route is as follows.

Outside the village: Ember's adventure, the Sword Fairy becomes famous.

Shonai: Various facilities such as the alchemy room have been renovated and further updated.

The logic is clear.

Still inside, two steps outside.

Soon, a new task was posted in front of the notice board.

[Limited time mission: We need a young blacksmith who is good at training to educate and tame the two boss prisoners. 】

Everyone looked weird.

"Is the training that Lian Cai Rong talks about serious?"

"The leeks are buttery today."

But many people are eager to try and prepare to take on the task.

After all, regular tasks such as moving bricks, mining, and blacksmithing can be done at any time.

But this kind of limited-time mission is very rare.

"I'm a scumbag. I'm good at this. I'll come first and train them. It's easy. I can make them spend 300,000 for me in one sentence!"

"Bah, you said before that you wanted to find a girlfriend. You are single for generations. Let me do it. I am a professional. I received relevant training when I was in the service."

"Why, did you learn torture during your service?"

"No, no, I'm just a military dog ​​trainer."

A group of young blacksmiths were squatting in front of the task bar, talking among themselves.

Everyone is very interested in the two newly captured bosses.

No one is afraid of the danger.

During the previous ancestor worship, the souls of these two bosses were weak and had not been replenished.

It's definitely not possible to be fierce.

Weird, we also need to talk about the basic law of energy conservation.

And Lia Cairong was in the steward's room, looking at the scene outside the window, and murmured in a low voice: "Is this really useful? You clearly wrote that notice, ruining my reputation!"

"Of course it works." Su Yuniang said with a smile: "First let these lively blacksmiths mentally torture the two bosses and give them a show of strength."

When Liaicairong heard this, he immediately felt that it made sense.

I feel that few people can withstand this kind of sustainable harassment.

These immoral people have no moral ethics.

Especially those two Talisman Masters, it was obvious at first glance that they were not strong-willed and it was strange that they could bear it.

Although these two talisman masters looked quite powerful, their villa still did not intend to completely contain them and turn them into earth-bound spirits.

Because his character is so bad.

Staying in the villa is a hidden danger. If the monks in the four viscera realms are massacred at night, it will be easy for them to be wiped out.

They were thinking about whether they could stay in the village at the foot of the mountain

Outside, build a large building [Mountain Villa Prison].

Let the villagers at the foot of the mountain, the vagrants such as Brother Ax who have taken root, help build the prison and deliver meals through the window.

That place is specially used to imprison dangerous auxiliary professions, turn them into earth-bound spirits, help them paper talismans, work, and form a labor force?

This is also a way to draw cards!

But this raises a question: How do you ensure that those ghosts who arrive at the foot of the mountain will still listen to your command, help you make talismans, and do all kinds of work?

He is already very strong, he is in the four internal organs realm!

They figured out a way, and it was subtle and subtle, and they couldn't resist them.

Afraid of them.

Fear them.

The other party was frightened out of his psychological shadow. At the foot of the mountain, he still didn't dare to take action or resist, and was full of servility.

This reminded them of a classic gameplay feature that featured a building: the torture chamber.

This is also how I captured wild hostile NPCs, female knights, warriors, priests, and beautiful saints through whips and various interrogations.

They are doing something similar now.

Torture these two guys.

"Why are you so perverted?" Liao Cairong was a little confused and sighed: "Our Forging Villa is so serious and passionate, how can we build a torture building for demon cultivators?"

"When Gui came to our villa, we beat him to the point of psychological trauma, and he worked for us in fear."

Su Yuniang shook her head:

"Bah, am I a pervert? It's a dog-planned perversion. He has this kind of hiding method. This is prisoner-of-war torture, do you understand?"

Su Yuniang then said: "Have you ever seen an eagle? If you don't let the eagle sleep, you will be tortured like crazy, and you will talk all kinds of mental nonsense. Even the arrogant eagle will be tamed."

Jiucairong nodded and said: "If we get it done, we will have two Talisman Masters. At least, they are mid-level professions and they can teach us."

When they heard it, they thought it was very fun to collect professional cards, and it was full of the cultivation atmosphere of virtual business.

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