This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 177: Prison Construction, Beginning of Alchemy

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"They are going to build a new village prison at the bottom of the mountain??"

Ning Zheng pondered.

He has now completely regarded this sword-making villa as his base of power.

But these people may have various advantages, such as strong execution ability, not afraid of death, enthusiasm, hard work and hard work.

But there is one biggest problem: it is too ambitious.

Externally, they tricked the Sword Fairy into helping them advertise and create a reputation as a master craftsman.


The top of a mountain more than 5,000 meters high is not fully occupied, so they just want to extend a big hand of infrastructure to the foot of the mountain.

Previously, they allowed ordinary villagers with "good qualities" to take root in the village to increase the population density of Guizhuang.

This is understandable, after all, the population is indeed sparse.

But now we need to hire villagers like them to build a [prison] at the foot of the mountain, a so-called sub-professional area, and send some "prisoners" in there to do something like "step on sewing machines".

This is so wicked! What the hell is a sewing machine!

In fact, it is indeed necessary to start construction of this "prison sub-professional manufacturing area". A mature family, holy place, and sect must have a "sub-professional inheritance area."

Some powerful sects will cover all sub-professional areas, including Dan Peak, Nong Peak, and Fu Peak.

Those who have insufficient background will dabble in two or three of them.

But among the rankings



There is no need to talk about spiritual farmers. The unique spiritual root of a family is the foundation.

The level of spiritual farming affects various characteristics of advanced spiritual roots and the reproduction of new spiritual roots.

Therefore, to put it bluntly, a powerful fighting monk may not be able to affect the prosperity of the family, but a powerful spiritual farmer can definitely affect the prosperity and decline of the family for several generations!

Along with spiritual farmers, talents are rare.

The blacksmith is a younger brother to Ling Nong!

Alchemy Master is a derivative industry of spiritual farming and is the biggest boost to the speed of cultivation.

No matter how poor the power is, they must have these two professions!

The third ranked profession is Talisman Master.


Because of its high popularity!

He doesn't need any large equipment. He can practice at the lowest cost by relying on paper talismans, talisman pens, and talisman ink.

But because there are so many people, it is also the most popular one.

Haven't you seen that even the very precious Ember-Continuing Talisman has fallen to this level?

It is estimated that these two Talisman Master bosses also escaped because they lost all their money.

Don't look at them as noble life types.

In fact, Talisman Masters are much poorer than combat-style monks of the same realm.

They dare not fight, so they reluctantly rely on their labor to earn wages and cultivate resources in the city. They belong to the "low-level brick-making monks" who are deeply involved in internal affairs.


Two dead people now

Their products are stained with death, their use is unknown, and they cannot even be used by living people.

"But the blacksmith on the mountain doesn't care about the side effects, the contamination with death."

Ning Zheng thought about it:

"Even after this prison was built, I might be able to use the charms produced by 'stepping on the sewing machine', because I have Yin Spirit Roots, and they can eat my Shadow Spirit Rice. There is no reason why I can't use their Ghost Drawing Talismans. "

No matter what, they built this prison, so it's okay.

At the very least, they managed to hold up the foundation of a villa, and those prison monks were their teachers.

This prison was approved by him, the village owner!

At this moment, someone suddenly climbed up from the wellhead.

"I'm going out the door."

Su Yuniang shook her wet twin ponytails and acted resolutely. Apparently after receiving the news about the sign painting from Liao Cairong, she happily ran out to organize the villagers and various labor forces to start work.

After all, she has no way to fish. Now she is very bored. Finally, she has the opportunity to be the contractor of the [prison] construction. From now on, I will be the mountain

The warden below the village!

"Aunt Li!"

"Mama Zhang!"

"Come out quickly, my sister has something great to tell you."

"That's right, Uncle Xu, come out too. We're going to build a building. We'll provide food and accommodation, and we'll also pay wages."

She walked around the streets, and as the president of the neighborhood committee, all the villagers knew her. She quickly summoned a group of people with her amazing appeal.

A young villager was very moved:

"It's so cold in the winter. I finally have work to do. I can make wages and meat. This is great."

"I escaped from Pingchang City. Thanks to the monks on the mountain for letting us live here, otherwise we would have died outside. Now it is our turn to repay the favor."

"My sister is kind-hearted and a good person."

"I don't know if this girl is married, but I have a son."

Everyone is happy.

Even the indigenous Guizhuang villagers were summoned.

Recently, the blacksmith on the mountain has often issued various tasks for them to purchase materials. They are used to it and naturally come to help build this prison.

Soon, a large prison was built in the wild forest next to Ning Zheng's village.

Su Yuniang was wearing a safety helmet and standing at a high place to give instructions, looking stylish:

"Shout to me, for the expansion of the Villa! For the glory of the Villa!"

"Earth warriors, never give up!"

A large-scale construction project began.

It can only be said that these people have infrastructure and farming written down in their bones.

Sword Making Villa.

A group of happy little blacksmiths skillfully repeated every day's work, blacksmithing, mining, moving bricks, and building walls. They were very busy.

"Finally, I'm done." Shao Chaikun finished working in the cafeteria and started to explore new areas with great interest.

The most lively place now is the interrogation room.


The door opens.

Another blacksmith walked out of the interrogation room speechlessly.

There were only two Talisman Masters lying weakly on the ground, looking helplessly at the ceiling.

What have they endured? The other party said something incomprehensible, scratched the soles of his feet, performed some mental attacks such as waving his hands, singing local songs, asking about family trees, etc.

And what kind of great man's thoughts can be used to enlighten him and let them understand that the world is unified?

Some people, because they were humiliated at work in real life, treated the two of them as tree holes and kept talking about how the boss must die and this colleague is seriously ill.

All kinds of negative emotions are revealed.

What a bunch of lunatics! Their nerves are a bit unbearable.

The group of blacksmiths who came out also felt that the spirit of these two people was stronger than imagined.

"They surrendered, but we are not asking them to surrender, we are asking them to have psychological shadow."

"This psychological shadow is a bit unpleasant. What those psychiatrists said is all bullshit."

"We can only continue and contaminate them mentally."

"If that doesn't work, just let the brother who trains military dogs go and let the two bosses pick up bones, jump high, and cross roadblocks to see if they can be tamed."

It's a bit too miserable.

Shao Chaikun felt sympathy in his heart, and then ran to torture him.

Mainly to confide in his heart, saying that the food god in the cafeteria was seriously ill, and that he went to the Lingnong area to research fertilizers and encountered setbacks again.

I don’t know how to play this game

Can you stand up by yourself?

After confiding his feelings, Shao Chaikun felt much better and left the interrogation room happily.

Looking at the depressed expressions of these two bosses again, their eyelids were rolled up and their whole bodies were weak, like a young girl who had been humiliated by a dozen yellow men and had given birth to more than a dozen babies.

How did they become like this?

I just said a few words that made me feel uncomfortable.

Shao Chaikun left the door in confusion and saw the medical fairy walking in with a bright smile:

"Hahaha, it's my turn, little cuties, my sister is going to check your health. You must take good care of yourself before you can be discharged from the hospital."

She was carrying a suitcase of equipment and appeared to be doing some research work on Ember.

The two bosses seemed to be very afraid of her, and they screamed loudly when they met:

"No, you don't want this kind of thing!"

"Yes, it will break."

"Ouch, I'm not clean anymore."

Jie Jie's weird smile came from the medical fairy, "They are really useless big brothers. They look so cute even when they are afraid of being weak."

Shao Chai Kun shook his head.

In terms of mental attacks, she has to be a medical fairy.

These days, this group of lolita players have all learned the tricks of their eldest sister, Su Yuniang, and they are like trash at every turn.


Shao Chaikun arrived at his next destination, the alchemy room.

The emergence of new industries has also made a group of people watch with interest, helping to decorate various ornaments, write various couplets, calligraphy and painting, and put up vases and benches.

More people began to study alchemy after building an alchemy furnace.

Three big alchemy furnaces.

Ten small novice alchemy furnaces the size of bowls.

A group of people used the herbs collected in the mountains and refined the lowest level of Zi Zi Dan through the formula in the basic medicine book.

After all, the person in charge of this alchemy room has not been chosen yet.

Everyone is trying to study alchemy and become the leader of this area.

Shao Chaikun also joined in and started refining alchemy, which was also his hope of making money, if he had the talent for alchemy.

There was a lot of hustle and bustle all around.

"I remember when I was in chemistry class."

"This is just a chemistry laboratory."

"Oh my God, I came to another world to learn mathematics, physics and chemistry, it's really scientific."

"Stop it, I'm going to blow up the furnace."

"Hahaha, it exploded. It's fun. It's fun. It's much more interesting than blacksmithing."

A group of young blacksmiths were looking disgraced, going back and forth, but never tired of it.

Many of them are very inflated and feel that their chemistry scores are good and it is trivial to do this.

How complicated can a villa management game with a built-in alchemy mini-game be?

However, the primary elixir they refined was indeed not that complicated.

"Damn it, Master Dao, I'm done!"

Shao Chai Kun suddenly burst out laughing, "Am I gifted with alchemy? Can I finally get rid of the control of the evil God of Cookery?"

"It looks round and smooth, and the shape looks like it was successful."

"You have to try the medicine."

When everyone said this, they suddenly became silent.

Zizidan is a folk contraceptive pill. They just love the villa. Who can use this?

"We are all hermaphrodites just like the Sword Fairy." Someone complained.

Suddenly someone suggested: "How about we ask the old steward to try the side effects when he comes to the mountain next time?"

There was total silence.

"That makes sense." A muffled voice came from the shadows in the corner.

"Then who's going to ask the old steward to drink medicine?"

For a moment, there was silence again.

Someone said quietly: "Su Yuniang is very proficient. She said that the old steward had taken medicine, and she said that all the eternal melancholy was gone."

Steward's room.

While everyone was having fun, Jiucairong stood on the high tower of the steward's room, feeling the cold wind blowing, and felt that his face and hands were a little bit cold:

"The top of this mountain is simply poisonous. It doesn't matter if it's cold. The main thing is that the wind is too strong. Will we be able to go out to work in another month or two?"

"It feels like we have to dig tunnels underground and move buildings and structures."

He complained, looking down at the distant mountains with a telescope in his hands that were red from the cold.

They chose that prison place very well.

The place was open and on a low slope, and they could just see the position from the top of the mountain.

In the picture under the telescope.

A group of villagers wearing winter clothes were cutting down trees and clearing the snow.

"It's really Su Yuniang's ember." The God of Cookery opened his eyes wide: "Wow, we can actually see the wallpaper construction at the bottom of the mountain, and it looks like the real thing."

"It's cool." Su Yuniang gave a thumbs up: "As expected of me, I became the background of the map edge of the villa."

The maps outside this game are all fake.

But they did it in detail.

The chosen prison location actually became a [dynamic wallpaper], hanging there far away.

They can also supervise work!

Supervise the prison construction project to see who is slacking off and direct it remotely.

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