This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 181 The third batch of blacksmiths officially landed

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Zhujian Villa, a house at the foot of the mountain.

"The weather is getting worse."

Ning Zheng looked up at the night sky, which was so gloomy that even the stars had disappeared.

But Ning Zheng knew that the stars were not disappearing.

But the Yin Qi between heaven and earth is too strong, covering the stars.

Others might feel cold or even have yin energy entering their bodies, but Ning Zheng felt a special warmth.

It probably has something to do with my Yin spirit roots.

The Sword Fairy seemed to have mentioned it before, but now she is probably carrying out a new robbery activity with Guipu?

Don’t know what good stuff you got during the robbery?

Can you let Sword Fairy, the mole, help extract some benefits afterwards?

The weapon is our mole, which seems really cool.

He was thinking of things that were and were not.

It was too dark tonight, which made Ning Zheng a little uneasy. After all, he had never experienced a red sun.

"Tonight, how about we stay up all night." After dinner, Su Yuniang suggested.

"Why?" Ning Qiaoqiao opened her eyes wide.

"A historic moment."

In the courtyard, Su Yuniang sat on a wicker chair and pointed at the vision of heaven and earth that night:

"Tomorrow will be a red sun, and the saint will grant amnesty to the world. Why don't we stay up all night to witness this historic moment? It only happens once in a hundred and fifty years. It's like good sisters staying up late to watch the meteor shower together!"

She suddenly covered her mouth.

Meteor shower, it seems that this world cannot talk nonsense.

Last time, two big meteors fell and their big eyes scared them.

What if there was a meteor shower, all big eyeballs embedded in the sky, densely packed, wouldn't it be equivalent to the sky full of gods, personally descending to earth, and the heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals conquering our Huaguo Mountain?

We don’t have Sun Wukong in our villa, so we can’t bear it!

Of course, if we raise the ember of Super Sun Wukong, it is not impossible for our villa to come and fight against the gods and gods in the sky.

The main theme is an emperor who takes turns to come to my house this year.

"Ahem, cough, cough. Anyway, it's a once-in-a-hundred-years encounter, so it's good to appreciate it." Su Yuniang added.

"That makes sense." Ning Sameer nodded cutely.

Su Yuniang took out her barbecue grill and various ingredients, "Here, let's make a skewer."

Ning Zheng also had no airs about it and joined in the barbecue. She thought family barbecue was quite interesting.

Have fun grilling.

Soon, Ning Qianqiao cut off a large piece of the meat field and marinated the river demon meat, as well as various spices and rice.

"Get your things, let's go! Let's have a picnic outside." Su Yuniang led the team and walked out with the meat on her shoulders.

Together they came to the hillside far away from the prison site.

There are bright lights in the distance.

That diligent ax man and a group of villagers were building houses all night long.

According to Su Yuniang's instructions.

Now it's a two-shift system, so the villagers are frantically moving bricks at night.

Everyone is staying up late and working hard, moving bricks and chopping wood.

The selected villagers in this group were all quite honest. Those with questionable morals were all sent to the inn, and there were no people who stole from women or cheated on them.

on the hill.

Ning Qianqiao put the barbecue rack on the ground, moved some big rocks from a distance to use as a stove, and pointed to the construction site below:

"Do you have to work at night? They feel so tired. Why don't we go to the construction site below to have a barbecue?"

Su Yuniang shook her head, "Going to the construction site to barbecue and let people smell the fragrance while working, doesn't it appeal to people's appetite? Then it shouldn't be shared with others."

"There are so many workers, and there simply isn't enough to divide them. If we divide half of the workers, if we don't divide them, people will have objections. The best way is not to divide them."

"Then why don't we bake it at home?" Ning Qiaoqiao asked curiously: "Since it is not given to the folks working in the village, why do you come to the construction site to watch them barbecue? Is it to supervise the work at night?"

"Of course not, they don't need to oversee the work

If I can work hard, I believe in my ability as an interviewer. "

Su Yuniang said that scholars in this world may be insidious, but most of the people at the bottom are simple and simple, and they cannot hide it from her.

"We come here mainly to watch them stay up late moving bricks, sweating and panting. We are happy when we are at a high place and enjoy wine, barbecue and cigars."

Su Yuniang looked solemnly and said:

"Things like smiles only transfer!"

"Today, I, the warden, will take you to experience the joy of being a capitalist."

"Absorb the smile of the social worker who stays up late and works overtime, and put it on the boss's face."

"I will even take you to visit the prison in the future, torture and interrogate the prisoners, so that you can see how powerful this warden is."

Ning Qiaoqiao seemed to understand: "Sister Su Yuniang seems to have become a big shot."

Ning Zheng silently started grilling, ignoring her random chatter.

At first she pretended to be a lady, a pure and cute college student, but now she is becoming more and more evil and revealing her true nature.

He found that Su Yuniang was really good at playing, fishing and barbecue. This was life. His life was much better than before.

This is called seclusion and enjoyment.

"It's baked."

Ning Zheng picked up a skewer of meat and said, "Give it to Shark first."

Su Yuniang took out her tools: "By the way, let's stay up late and play Landlord. How about an exciting game of airplane chess?"

So, Ning Zheng ate barbecue, played cards with them all night, and supervised the work all night.

He felt that not only he could not sleep here, but also the people in Pingchang City and other cities were having a sleepless night.

Because they want to prevent the most ferocious attack tonight, all kinds of things are going on at night, so they can only hide at home with weapons, trembling, nervous, scared, afraid

The people outside are definitely not as comfortable having a barbecue as they are.

"In the eternal night before dawn, I don't know how many people will die." Ning Zheng sighed.

But this is a meaningless emotion. I am hiding in the mountains, a mere monk, unable to do anything.

In fact, even the earth-bound spirits under official protection here began to gradually become active at night.

for example.

The villagers at the construction site in the distance all had scarlet faces and were a little restless.

There is no doubt that if there is a living person here, it will definitely arouse their madness, become ferocious, and swarm them.

Unfortunately, Ning Zheng's Yin Spirit Root simulated the aura of the dead, and they couldn't feel anything.

"But what's surprising is that *** actually asked them to work and move bricks, which made them more energetic."

Ning Zheng whispered, looking at the construction site, and then at the two women next to her. Their eyes were also bright red, and they were eating meat faster.

Ning Zheng speeds up the barbecue.

After confirming that the red sun on her side was basically not in danger and could spend a safe Christmas Eve, Ning Zheng relaxed.

You're still lucky!

If it is an adventure in this book, this kind of red sun event, if the protagonist cannot save all the people, what kind of pursuit and escape will happen?

Like Guipu, who has narrowly escaped death everywhere, how can it be so easy for him?

Focus on being steady!

He thought about the life and death adventure of Guipu next door that night, and then thought about the barbecue where he was so happy, and suddenly he understood what Su Yuniang meant.

Happiness is measured by comparison.

There is no happiness without comparison.

"But there is something wicked about it."

Ning Zheng shook her head, feeling like she was going to be led astray by them, so she took a look at the forum.

I found that at one or two o'clock in the morning, a group of people stayed up all night, frantically swiping various information posts:

[Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuwhat should I do? Tomorrow will be a red sun and the saint will grant amnesty to the world. I can go online, but I can’t sleep. 】

[I can't sleep either. I'm waiting for it to go online at eight o'clock. I want to watch the cutscenes of the saint's appearance, amnesty for the world, and the pacification of Kyushu. I want to watch the stars! 】

[You krypton gold dogs, it’s late at night

Why don't you sleep and show off? Damn it. 】


These monsters called the Navy are really outrageous.

In order to play games as if there was no nightlife, I stayed up late waiting to log in.

Wow! ~

A cold wind blew.

As time passed by during the barbecue, the cold winter gradually faded away, and the scarlet in the eyes of Su Yuniang and Ning Qianqiao gradually faded.

The workers at the construction site in the distance were no longer so aggressive and continued working as if nothing had happened.

The sky gradually brightened, and a ray of light slowly shone on the face.

Early in the morning, eight o'clock.

Ning Zheng lamented that the extremely dangerous night before the red sun was just an exciting night of barbecue. She calculated the time and let go.

A group of ragged human men and women opened their eyes and found themselves in the villa.

"Oooh, oh my god."

"This pixel, this frame rate."

"It's so shocking, I feel like I'm in a dream."

With a cheer, several people immediately stuck their butts out and took the lead in eating dirt.

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