This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 182: Heaven and earth undergo great changes, losing their sun and moon

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Seeing someone taking the lead, everyone started to take action. Some even imitated the husky and howled, lying down and eating dirt.

For a time, the cute little blacksmiths crossed the sea, each showing their magical powers. Some of them ate with their hands, some ate while squatting, and some ate on their stomachs.

After eating for a while, everyone stood up.

"Let me see your mouth."

"Who really eats dirt?"

"Damn it, someone actually ate it! That's outrageous. Who the hell did you take the bait?"

"Hahaha, the only lesson mankind has learned from history is that mankind cannot learn any lessons from history."

"IQ detector, our initial race is human race."

Even though they were deceived last time, some of these new blacksmiths still fell for it.

Laughing to death.

But this time there weren't many, just two or three out of a hundred.

The old blacksmiths in the villa also came out wearing thick winter clothes. It was their pleasure to watch the whole process of them eating dirt crazily and dying of some cute people.

But some people immediately started setting up stalls at the door to sell clothes.

"Aren't you cold? It's winter, come to me to buy clothes and shoes, otherwise you will freeze when you accept the mission. What, no money? You are all rich, and you are using me to hint you?"

A group of embroidery girl lolita and hairpin girl lolita are selling crazily.

Obviously, their cassock industry also needs funds.

Even the medical fairy from the medical center came over and put up a billboard:

[This is the only medical center officially designated by the villa to undertake facial pinching, plastic surgery, and body shaping. It also sells river monster sleeping bags and pets with a 10% discount during the welcome period. Everyone is welcome]

There are also some old blacksmiths who enthusiastically call girls and handsome boys, offering to help carry their luggage and lead them to familiarize themselves with tasks, mines, and forging.

Just like those junior and senior students who saw the new students entering school, they received them with wolf-like eyes.

These one hundred people, they are rich!

According to Liaicairong, this is a villa that invites investment, and invites rich blacksmiths to settle in.

They not only paid money, but also moved bricks and worked part-time. They were like super leeks.

From now on, the gold earned can be sold more expensively, allowing the blacksmiths in the villa to work harder.

After all, Su Yuniang was the only one collecting magic money in the past, which caused her to lower the price very low. Now that the wealthy people are here, the value of magic money will inevitably skyrocket.

Soon, everyone happily sold some clothes and shoes, and the newbies were walking around happily, running around happily in the villa, visiting various building facilities, going to see the river monster, and watching the meat farm dormitory.

After working for a few hours, I finally settled down and started taking on tasks.

At this time, it was already twelve o'clock at noon.

Suddenly, there was a sudden tremor between the heaven and the earth. Everyone felt something inexplicably. They couldn't help but look up and saw the figure of the great man who shook the world.

Above the sky, the red sun officially opens.

An exciting voice came and resounded throughout Kyushu.

"Welcome to the great Emperor Jiusui! King of Kyushu! Become a pilgrim!!!"

A thin shadow appeared, the most legendary and greatest emperor of mankind, with a huge sense of oppression that could be called solemn and solemn. It slowly broke through the huge canvas called the sky, opening up the mythical stars, like the dawn. Open your eyes.

boom! !

The sun and the moon shine together.

This is an astronomical spectacle that only occurs once in 150 years. The sun and moon appear in the same sky, blooming with astonishing brilliance.

Those extremely old eyes carry endless profound knowledge, as vicissitudes of life as the eternal stars.

It is a pair of old eyes that has supported the prosperity of the entire human race for hundreds of thousands of years.


The red sun shone across the entire Kyushu, and all the embers were sucked away quickly along with the surge of earth veins.

The stars shine.

A huge full moon and the sun hang in the sky. Wherever it shines, the yin and turbidity of the heaven and earth disappear, leaving only the bright and clear mountains.


"Red Sun."

"The animation show online is so cool."

"Is this going to be a whole day of acting?"

"Aren't his eyes dry?"

"You are so stupid. You open one eye, close one eye. When the left eye is dry, open the right eye. Do you understand? One eye is the sun and the other is the moon."

Everyone was chatting with admiration on their faces, discussing whether one of the saint's eyes was blind, so that one eye could only see the moon, which was not bright enough, and it was suspected of being a cataract in one eye.

At this moment, the medical fairy looked at the sky, listened to everyone's words, and set a small goal: "I want to become the most famous doctor in the world and cure cataracts for saints!"

Under the villa.

Ning Zheng also looked at the sky, and after looking at it for a long time, she found that there was indeed no change. It was probably that the earth's veins had been sucked in for a whole day, and the whole world was indeed a lot cleaner.

Saints indeed have great merit and kindness.

It's hard to imagine what level of power this has to absorb the hostility of the entire Kyushu.

"So strong." Ning Zheng looked at the miracle in the sky with longing on her face.

I hope that one day, I will be able to practice to a very strong level and be able to see the kind of scenery that only His Majesty could see at that time.

There is a bamboo bookstore.

Suddenly a figure opened the door and came here to sit down and read quietly as usual.

Reading is his leisurely pastime.

I spend most of my time in the bookstore and a small amount of time in my paper house.

He flipped through the books, occasionally looking up at the red sun in the sky. The saint came in person to inspect the nine states.

He had seen this kind of scene many times in thousands of years, and it was not as shocking as others.

He was flipping through the books, and suddenly a faint voice came: "For hundreds of thousands of years, the filth carried by the earth's veins has been too heavy. If one day the saint dies."

A sound of wind came.

"Why do people need to take medicine when they are sick, but the world needs to eat people when it is sick?"

The red sun lasted throughout the day.

Just like the name, the heaven and earth were bathed in a warm red light, and the ground was very warm.

And the sun and moon in the sky are slowly becoming dim.

It seems that with the great power of this person, cleaning up the world is also a huge burden.

Until dusk, the sun and moon are completely dim and about to fade away, officially ending this 150-year cycle of red suns.


Suddenly, a huge rusty ancient arrow flew towards the sun in the sky.

Immediately afterwards

In just an instant, the moon and the sun exploded suddenly, bursting into huge flames, and a large amount of blood dyed the clouds in the sky bright red.

One after another screams suddenly sounded, and the stars in the entire sky suddenly became tense.

"Your Majesty has been assassinated!" "Bold!" "Help!" The screams and roars could be heard endlessly, and the commotion came one after another. No one could hear clearly what was being said in the sky.

The stars in the entire sky were in chaos.

Blah blah blah!

Falling quickly and colorfully like a meteor shower, the stars seemed to be chasing the assassin, or perhaps they were separated and patrolling everywhere.

Then, the sky was suddenly closed like a curtain.

Just like the curtains on both sides of a stage play are closed, the curtain comes to an emergency and it is no longer exposed to the people of the world. The saint's inspection ends here.

But the sun and moon no longer appeared.

The light also disappeared, and the sky gradually became filled with lead clouds.

The clouds in the gloomy sky are constantly gathering and dispersing, like some kind of bad omen

Yushan City.

Several meteors flashed by, and Guipu kept running away, flying through mountains and rivers at high speed, but he was closely pursued by several young Sanyuan monks.

"Don't leave, we don't mean any harm."

A low voice came from a man, "He's the blacksmith from the foundry. He's very nosy. He's very interested in your weapons. He even wants to interact with the forging team behind him."

flow. "

"Let me come!" the sword fairy shouted happily.

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw drastic changes in the sky and the stars were in chaos.

"how come?"

The Guipu people stopped their movements and looked at the sky with shocked faces.

"Who is so bold?"


"We're in big trouble."

Jiao Wuyu was wearing a Miao skirt and a luxurious flower crown, and said calmly:

"It hurts the sun and the moon. For a while, there will be no sun or moon hanging high in the sky to shine on Kyushu. I'm afraid there will be many demons and monsters, and they will start to move everywhere."

There was a click.

She swallowed one of the evil spirits in one gulp, and countless icy chills turned into energy to nourish her body.

The body shape flashed to reveal its true form, and now the entire dragon body was covered with pieces of black scales, with a cold light, like an extremely domineering black dragon.

"I hope the worst case scenario won't happen." She slowly raised her head and smiled: "However, I can also breathe."

Sword Making Villa.

The blacksmiths moved small benches and watched this animation scene on the rooftop of their own building.

They were also shocked by this scene at this moment.



"Hou Yi shot the sun."

"What's going on? We

"Damn it, during the Red Sun, while the saint was patrolling and cleaning up the world, he actually attacked the saint."

"This is a big plot coming, a brand new expansion pack, Dynasty in Troubled Times!"

"Then our weapons are sold like crazy?"

"The villa's blacksmith shop is officially opened! Heroes of troubled times, if you don't wear our weapons, you can't prove your status as a hero!"

"Speaking of which, the disappearance of Jian Xin could be related to His Majesty's assassination."

"I estimate that Guipu and Jiao Wuyu disappeared after two red suns. The court has changed so much that Jian Xin may not have time to care about them."

"They were saved."

"What a blessing."

"What is luck? This is what the plot needs. After all, Guipu can die. If Jiao Wuyu dies, something big is going to happen. If the planner doesn't give you any tips, after the main character dies, everyone will send you the blade!"

Ning Zheng looked at the sky with a heavy expression.

The saint was assassinated, and Ning Zheng didn't know the details.

He is just a low-level monk and a common man.

I just hope that there won’t be any bad changes in this world in the future.

But think about it carefully, who is a saint?

Although according to rumors, this one is extremely old and even the prince has survived two of them.

The Red Sun period is the most special period. We have to clean up the world. The consumption is so huge. How could there be no guards to guard against it?

It must be defensive.

Although there was some kind of accident and the assassination was successful, it was probably just an injury.

Not to the point of death.

If it collapses, then it is estimated that troubled times will come when heroes compete for the throne.

Even if he is just injured in front of him, all the powerful clans and factions in the world will probably become restless.

Being ready to move is indispensable.

For a certain period of time, losing the sun and the moon seemed to be Kyushu's situation.

Ning Zheng thought about it for a while, and finally felt that she had thought too much. It would be better for her to develop her own small villa, as the world's major events would not have much to do with her.

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