This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 1 Blacksmith: We want to reshape the sun and moon for the saint!

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Lead clouds surged in the sky.

A group of blacksmiths began to forge iron, looking at the sky of the villa from time to time, eagerly waiting for the drama movie to start again.

Unfortunately, after dusk for a while, there was still no movement in the sky.

It was as if nothing had happened.

Only then did they realize:

This time [Red Sun] is officially over!

After all, all the embers of the earth's veins have been cleared away, and the world is clear.

But the sun still didn't appear in the sky.

It was dark and the moon did not rise, as if the sun and moon disappeared at the same time.

Only a few stars were left, lighting up the entire night sky and bringing some light.

"It's really over like this. What's next?"

A blacksmith put down his hammer, left the forge with bright yellow flames, and came to the window to look at the sky and wonder.

Is this the beginning of a plot?

This stage of the plot is a cutscene of the saint’s assassination?

But it does seem to be the case.

Some games will use certain opening animation plots, including but not limited to massacre, orc invasion, assassination of the emperor, war between gods and demons, and alien war.

Then after this process animation, players will immediately know what the ultimate main line of the game is.

It looks quite classic this way.

The plot before us is obviously that troubled times are coming, and the blacksmiths in the blacksmith shop have to survive, develop, and forge in troubled times.


Someone outside the square shouted:

"Damn it! Didn't you realize that it gets dark so fast? It's only six o'clock. It's so dark that it's like eight o'clock in the night. Only the stars are left!"

Some people also got excited and realized something:

"That's for sure! There is no sun, no moon, only stars. Can the light of a grain of rice illuminate the heaven and earth? Just hold on."

"Haha, these young stars, you have tried your best to light up my face!" Some people put their hands behind their backs, with their backs to the people, and a dictatorial attitude for eternity.

Some people are also analyzing the secrets behind the plot:

"The brightness of this world has become lower! Is the production team poor? Has the budget for environment rendering been reduced?"

When everyone heard it, they felt it was very real.

A local tycoon made a prompt decision:

"Yes, if the production funds are insufficient, I will open a krypton gold channel. I will start a day filled with 70,000 krypton and become a master craftsman, and every weapon will have +13."

A group of people communicated mindlessly.

For them, it is just a game of running a villa, running the plot, while taking on tasks in the villa, chatting, blacksmithing, and refining elixirs.

In fact, it's not just them, even many people at the bottom are so heartless.

The sun and moon were gone for a day or two, but nothing seemed to change for them.

Because the affairs of the imperial court are too lofty!

Even after the red sun passed, countless people happily celebrated their survivors. Some even set off firecrackers, cried with joy, and held family banquets to celebrate.

This is the case for most cities, including the people of Pingchang City.

They laughed and felt alive again.

Only the scholar class was in turmoil, and many people were discussing the sudden assassination of the saint while he was patrolling Kyushu.

Discussing who is so bold?

Which demonic cult went crazy?

Relying on the red sun, which affected most of the court's efforts, he actually assassinated the saint. Aren't you afraid that the court would encircle and suppress him afterwards?

Or is there some internal conspiracy within the imperial court?

Although the assassination was shocking, no one thought that the saint would die.

Because for hundreds of thousands of years, that one existence seems to be eternally high, and everyone has full confidence in him.

Ning Zheng also had full confidence in the saint, but she felt that the saint was getting old after all and his dominance was reduced. However, there must be a counterattack for the assassination.

Otherwise, where would the court's face be?

It is estimated that there will be a big move soon!

A large-scale purge was carried out within the imperial court, and a group of people were arrested and responsible for the matter. Even some holy places and major sects were implicated, and a group of demon sects were also wiped out!

This approach is not a guess, but a necessity!

The world's confidence in the imperial court is very important. If the people do not believe in the imperial court and lose credibility, then it is not far from being doomed.

"The imperial court is expected to clean up a group of people, but they won't be able to clean up the big boss behind the scenes of our villa, right?"

Ning Zheng touched her chin:

"After all, that big boss is making money everywhere, and he is also secretly minting coins. It seems that he is not clean at all. If that big boss falls, won't my coin minting license have to be taken back?"

It feels a little uncomfortable!

His own villa is covered with the vest of the imperial court, and its benefits are most vividly reflected in this red sun.

"I hope he won't be thoroughly investigated."

Ning Zheng could only pray like this, "The assassination of the saint has too many implications, and even affects me, a little fellow in a remote area."

People in rivers and lakes always have no choice but to get involved in some whirlpools.

In the final analysis, I am still too weak and have no confidence!

"Becoming stronger is the greatest asset to solve all accidents." Ning Zheng adjusted her mentality, continued to practice cross-legged, and started to prick the frog with a needle

Sword Making Villa.

Everyone is still discussing today’s cutscene CG plot.

It feels very exciting and amazing, and I feel like I have just started a new chapter and boarded the ship of the new era.

As soon as you enter the rivers and lakes, you will feel the magnificent feeling of turbulence.

However, after the God of Cookery brought Shao Chaikun and a group of temporary canteen workers to serve the food, they stopped talking.

"No matter, let's eat first. I've long wanted to try the delicious food in the villa." There is a new blacksmith who seems to have ADHD, and he hasn't stopped all day long.

"The plot will be analyzed by the big guys outside."

"I'm hungry too."

"Gongfan, Ganfan, I'm so happy."

A group of people sat in front of a campfire and started eating.

at the moment

"Everyone, listen to me!"

During the welcome party, only halfway through the meal, the medical fairy stood up and spoke to the cute blacksmith who was eating around several bonfires:

"Everyone! Are there any girls studying medicine? Please join our clinic!"


"Next, the saint must summon the world's famous doctors to start treating his eyes. It's up to our medical center to continue to study medical skills, upgrade medical skills, and then come on stage to treat the saint and save the world!"

"I have already thought about the scene. The saint's huge body appears in front of the villa, bending down, and then I hold a toothpick to trim his eyelashes and repair his lens."

Bang bang bang!

A group of cute little newbies clapped next to them, their eyes shining brightly. This picture makes me look super handsome when I think about it. It’s so cool!

They feel that the medical fairy is really a good player.

It makes sense, the cutscene is about Hou Yi shooting the sun, so the plot has nothing to do with them?

Next, isn't this a plot about curing a disease?

They can sell toothpick weapons to giants and heal their eyes.

It's very reasonable. People should learn to be flexible.

"Ignore her!"

Shao Chai Kun squatted in front of the bonfire, holding the rice in his hands, and complained loudly: "With your medical skills, you gave the medical fairy two big bladders to stuff into the eyes? When we look at the sky from now on, holy shit, sun bladder, moon bladder!" Where did the Eye of Ultraman come from?"

"Begging for a beating!" the medical fairy said angrily.

"Miscellaneous fish~Miscellaneous fish~" Shao Chaikun ran away.

The medical fairy was furious and chased even faster. The two of them ran around the building in a circle of smoke.

"No, it's not a healing plot. It's obviously the main plot of forging our lineage."

At this time, Dao Jiujiu stood up and said in a deep voice: "The world cannot live without the sun and the moon for a day."

"If I hadn't guessed

Wrong, while the saint is curing the disease, next, he will summon all the great craftsmen in the world to forge the artifacts - the moon and the sun, to shine on Jiuzhou. "

"The eyes of flesh and blood are so weak that they can easily be shot by Hou Yi."

"The soaring mechanical eyeball, the 24k titanium alloy dog ​​eye, blinds the entire Kyushu. It comes with explosion-proof glasses. Those assassins can't be penetrated no matter how hard they shoot!"

"We want to teach Hou Yi, who likes archery, a hard lesson and let them appreciate the quality of our Chinese explosion-proof tempered glass!"

When everyone heard his bragging, they were immediately dizzy. Although the welcome party was an ice-breaking environment for bragging together, these old blacksmiths were really good at bragging!

They felt taciturn, and knew that the blacksmith's knife was chirping, as if they were led away by these animals.

Well, to put it in perspective, having high emotional intelligence means becoming cheerful.

Dao Jiujiu said:

"And we have just been on the list of Xinyi Master Craftsmen. As a master craftsman, we may be summoned to the capital soon to face the saints and gather the power of the world to forge the divine weapon of destiny - the sun and moon, which will forever rule Kyushu."

When everyone heard this, they felt that this person was reasonable.

As soon as I heard it, I felt very exciting, and a sense of magnificent history came to my face.

This game is the main line of forging!

Logically speaking, it is impossible for a designer to make a game biased.

No matter what plot happens, it will be solved with weapons.

This is very possible!

Our master craftsman, anonymous, leads the world's master craftsmen to forge artifacts, which is very exciting to see.

At this time, the mason stood up and gave his own explanation:

"Everyone, come to our spiritual farming department! Farming is the basic strength of everything, and spiritual roots are the foundation of our immortal way."

"To create a new sun and moon, do you think we need a blacksmith? No, he needs a spiritual farmer!"

Everyone was speechless.

A doctor heals the eyes, and a blacksmith forges the sun and the moon. That's okay, but you're going too far by planting spiritual herbs!

But the mason said: "Do you remember the traditional mythology, what are the sun and the moon?"

"We plant laurel trees and become the moon."

"We plant Golden Crow trees and become the sun!"

"The next big plot is that the Holy Master is obviously going to summon spiritual farmers from all over the world to cultivate these two peerless divine plants!"

When everyone heard it, it seemed to make sense.

They remembered a term: ley lines.

Although I don’t know what the earth veins are, it feels like a root or a big tree. It seems reasonable to plant a sun tree or moon tree on it.

It has a more mythical flavor.

But the blacksmith who spoke next was even more outrageous.

Someone shouted: "Everyone, the next main plot is obviously alchemy!"

"The sun and moon are obviously made from elixirs. They are round and round. They are obviously the golden elixirs, the sun and the moon, that were cultivated by Taishang Laojun."

"Don't forget that Sun Wukong's eyes, the fiery eyes and golden eyes, were made in the alchemy furnace and can serve as the sun and moon!"

"We don't have a person in charge of the alchemy room yet. Qualified rich people are welcome to move in."

Everyone's eyes went dark when they heard this, and they felt their brains were shrinking.

This one is too far-fetched. In order to attract people, it is simply useless.

Free to read.

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