This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 17 The Demonic Cultivator is Gradually Assimilated

Shi Youxing turned around and saw that the other three families had also come. They were staring at this scene with their young people in amazement.

A strong sense of embarrassment suddenly surged from her heart.


They can't just watch the fun.

It can't be that only the young people of our family are fooled by those evil demons next door and embarrassed, and invited to put down their dignity for training.

We have to drag other families into the water and train together.

Thinking of this, she went to talk to the heads of the other three families, inviting them to send young people to build houses as well, and not to take out the house magic tools.

The heads of the three families frowned when they heard this: "Is this training?"


"We don't need to prepare houses and other things for young people."

Shi Youxing said seriously:

"This is a joint exercise for young people from our two major magic families to explore the tomb! Building a house is something that only farmers and bricklayers can do. Our families are too delicate. Let's sharpen their spirits first."

"Young people, it is a blessing to endure hardships. As long as you sharpen yourself more and endure more hardships, you will have a good future."

When the other three families heard this, they couldn't say anything.

The two major magic families took the lead, and the three small families had to give them face.

Besides, their family education must be excellent, so that they can continue to grow their foundation.

It is indeed time for these family members in front of them to endure hardships.

Soon, the group of fierce and fierce men, strong men, and magic cultivators who were obviously not good people at a glance were also sent to build houses together.


The several geniuses of magic cultivation, full of vigor and fighting spirit, looked at each other: the magic cultivation family

They are bandits, and they have been taught to plunder since childhood. They have never fought, robbed, and built houses.

But now they can only bite the bullet and join in, and build houses together.

The whole construction site is very lively.

People come and go, laying bricks, chopping wood, and building houses.

"It's strange."

Shi Youxing looked at this scene with his hands behind his back. Five families are training together.

It was clearly agreed to rob tombs together.

How come the situation slowly turned into a group of magic cultivators building houses together.

She is a person who is good at observation, silently observing the group of initiators who took the lead in building houses.

Those disciples of Xuelihua are very enthusiastic to teach others to build houses and pass on their experience. They are very selfless and enthusiastic.

He is full of half-understanding and half-ununderstanding words.

"Are you also a civil engineering saint?"

"You lay bricks very quickly."

"This spiritual root of your family is very suitable for digging."

"Brother, you are so strong, so amazing."

"It's okay, it's cute even if you are weak."

There is a unique magic in their language, which subtly and constantly praises others.

They soon became friends with their "friends" at the construction site and had a great time.

Shi Youxing noticed something unusual:

"Each of them is very good at praising others, socializing, chatting, and working together. They consciously or unconsciously praise other family disciples, inspire their enthusiasm, and bring the two sides closer."

And, she secretly pricked up her ears and heard something incredible.

The leading disciples of the Xuelihua family wanted to go further after building the house. They had already pulled people from other families to farm together and catch some monsters in the barren mountains to raise.

It means that before going to the tomb, they must make full logistical preparations.

Tomb robbing is a matter of life and death, and you can't fight a battle without confidence.

And they also prepared to set up a tower defense, various traps, and tunnel warfare at the entrance of the tomb to prevent the enemy from chasing out.

If the enemy chases out from the tomb, their tower defense can kill the enemy!

"What a weird thing."

Shi Youxing's mouth twitched fiercely, and finally understood why the other party said that these people were sick in the head.

This generation of demon cultivators is very unusual!

Shi Youxing continued to observe secretly to see what tricks the old demon cultivator friend next door was doing.

She was originally joking about Nao Lihua.

Did the other party really start to study the prototype of this skill?

Did it cause mental problems in the brains of the younger generation?

Not the kind of brutal murder, but the kind of very special



"Listen to my slogan, one, two, three, pull!"

A group of people pulled the logs tied into a small mountain, rushed from a distance frantically, split the logs, and joined the house-building business.

After all.

Let's build a house in front of us, anyway, it's also a training for young people.

Su Yu Niang also ran over to take a look at the stolen hole.

It was dark and it was hard to tell what was inside. It was probably the entrance to the dungeon.

The heads of several families in the distance were communicating with each other.

"These scholars from their Xuelihua family should be the descendants of the Red Sun. They have recently opened three flowers. They are newcomers who have just embarked on the road of cultivation. After all, they are only at the Five Body Realm.

"They should not be the core. They are not the Xuelihua, but the mutant wine rice?"

They saw the general idea at a glance.

After all, the hairstyle of the wine rice is too obvious.

At present, there are only a few people who have opened the middle-grade Soul Separation Flower in the Sword Casting Villa. Most people are still using the previous low-grade Shadow Wine Rice.

"It is a Yin Spirit Root, but a low-grade one."

"Have they begun to devote their energy to cultivating Yin Spirit Roots?"

"Not necessarily. Yin and Yang counteract and complement each other. Sometimes when cultivating advanced Yang spiritual roots, low-level Yin spiritual roots will be accompanied." "Companionship often only occurs in advanced spiritual roots. It is a rare occurrence. Could it be that the other party's blood flower has finally advanced to a high-grade spiritual root after thousands of years of accumulation and cultivation?" Someone analyzed. Everyone immediately felt that there was some possibility. If the spiritual root was advanced, it would be really amazing. The biggest gap between the middle-grade family and the upper-grade family is not power, heritage, or financial resources, but their basic spiritual roots. The difference in combat power between cultivators of the same level is very, very large! And this gap is reflected in the maturity of the spiritual roots and the supporting exercises. "However, their family education is not bad." "I think it should be so, not surprised by praise or criticism, building a house, and training people." They kept whispering. "It's always good to learn. After all, even the demon cultivation families with a long history educate their descendants in this way. We should learn with an open mind."

The big boss's family educates disciples in this way, so they will naturally make up their minds. There may be deep meaning in it.

After all, the descendants are the future of the family. Who would mess around in this regard?

The consequences of messing around are terrible.

As long as a certain generation is broken, it is very likely to decline or even be exterminated.

So the Routian Royal Sister was so shocked when she saw the owner's education, and wanted to discuss it carefully, so as not to let the family's pistil wither.

While the other three small families were discussing, only Shi Youxing was still frowning secretly:

"I appreciate this education of building a house, but it's not the problem of this education, but the problem of their people. The more I look at it, the more I feel that there are all kinds of inconsistencies, which are extremely strange."

Because she continued to observe, after most of the day, she had discovered

During the process of building the house, several family disciples who lacked autonomy and were easily influenced by others also started to move bricks. They became shifty and learned from others how to dig treasure chests and rummage through boxes and cabinets. They even knocked on trees to see if there were any treasures under them. She had a bad idea. Could it be that the behavior style of our young disciples was assimilated by them? Free reading. Read the latest chapters of This Group of Players is More Trickster Than Trickster. Please follow the Xiake Novel Network (

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