This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 18 Eighteen Ways of Eating Dirt, Shocking All Demon Cultivators!

Time goes back to ten minutes ago.

"Is this how tomb robbing is done?"

A fat demon cultivator whispered, his eyes revealing the clear stupidity of a well-read college student.

Although he has learned a lot of theories from books, he has no practical experience in society.

"This is how tomb robbing is done!"

Shao Chai Kun said with a smile:

"As a demon cultivator, you must learn to rummage through boxes and steal things every time you pass by every inch of the place, weapons in the treasure chest, clothes drying in the yard, and when you enter the tavern to drink tea, you must also take advantage of the boss's turn to steal his teacups and bowls."

"Back then, I practiced my skills like this, and stole everything from Ximu Town in Sky Province, door to door, until I accidentally killed one of their chickens."

He paused, and became more solemn:

"No matter what, we are demon cultivators, and we have to deduct every magic coin and save it up to widen the gap with others."

"When you go to the tomb, if you are willing, Follow me. After all, Fatty is one of the members of the protagonist group. You have a high chance of survival. Just listen to my orders when the time comes. "

"Others go deeper. We don't care. I will take you to dismantle the floor first. The tiles buried with the dead must be valuable. A little bit will add up to a lot."

"Of course, it may not necessarily be tiles. It may be wall tiles, ironware, and oil lamps. Anyway, after entering the door, I will take you to search the boxes and cabinets."

"If you find that something is wrong, we will silently protect everyone in front of us. If an enemy takes action, run away."

The fat demon cultivator pondered carefully and was shocked: "It makes sense. Only by being cautious in this way can you grow up. The [Old Sixth Cultivation Guide] you mentioned makes a lot of sense."

He felt that he was too young!

After all, teenagers are the most youthful and energetic, not to mention that they have the arrogance of scholars.

Now that I think about it, it is completely unnecessary.

Arrogance will kill yourself.

Only by living can there be a future.

"This is the basic method of tomb robbery, and we need to adapt to the situation." Shao Chai Kun said calmly: "I'll tell you again, we demon cultivators are in the underworld, and we hide our identities among the righteous cultivators. We must remember four key points: no loyalty, betraying brothers, running away when encountering trouble, and seducing the sister-in-law!" The fat man hesitated: "But seducing the sister-in-law, wouldn't it be bad?" Shao Chai Kun shook his head, and his words were mysterious: "Green Hat Villa, how can it be a false reputation? We must let the world feel pain! Green hats are rampant in this world!" The fat demon cultivator always felt that this one had a story. Could it be that his wife was seduced by someone, so he retaliated like this? It's a bit pitiful. The demon cultivators who were building houses around were also shocked and surrounded them. It's worthy of being a big family. For a magic coin, helping to build a house. They used to sneer and felt that it was a shame for a cultivator. They are serious cultivators with family inheritance! Even those casual cultivators who have studied, even those who have spent more than ten years studying, would not do such a farmworker's behavior of helping others build houses.

Before, the elders of the family saw them building houses and asked them to help. They were very angry to do such a lowly thing.

Now they think about it, they feel guilty for their arrogance.

This is obviously a kind of training.

——Only by putting down dignity can we pick up resources.

We are demon cultivators, not righteous cultivators, what face do we need?

Others have taught us a good lesson. They are the blood-leaving flower lineage that is the real traditional demon cultivator.

Now they are humbly building houses for others, which is to break the psychological barriers.

Seeing this, Shao Chai Kun continued to popularize Lao Liu's knowledge:

"Let me tell you another little trick. For example, when you are doing a move, shouting "Look at the sword" is actually a kick!"

"We have been taught this." The fat demon cultivator said honestly.

Shao Chai Kun didn't care, "Then I'll teach you another trick."

"Generally, great monks pay a lot of attention to their face, especially righteous monks. They can use the dung-throwing tactic to attack, but of course they can't overdo it. If they throw too much, the other party will be desperate, and it will completely arouse the other party's killing intention and attack more fiercely. You must master a reasonable degree and use it for intimidation and deterrence, not attack."

"The weapon of intimidation is the most lethal. You have to hold the weapon in your hand and make him in a dilemma, wanting to accept but also refuse, wanting to refuse but not to give up."

"Have you learned this trick?" Shao Chai Kun said.

The fat man shook his head wildly, indicating that it was rare in the world and had never been written in their family education.

Among them, a blacksmith also came over and said:

"In fact, there is another way to train our face. Every young generation in our villa must go through such training!"

"What is it?" The demon cultivators were curious.

The matter of putting down dignity is not just about building houses for people?

Everyone in their big family has experienced it, so it must be very useful.

The blacksmith didn't say anything, just stuck his head into the snow, arched his butt, squatted down, "Look at my broken teeth!"

"One of the eighteen styles, the old man pushes the earth!"

Kicked his feet!

Falling wild geese style!

He stuck his head into the snow, pushed it, and scraped the snow with his front teeth along the way.

The blacksmiths this time were all human, not money boys, and couldn't eat the earth.

But the skilled technique of eating earth was not inconsistent with eating snow.


"This is too exaggerated."

"Too scary."

Everyone was stunned and shocked.

They were about to suffer from the problem of being embarrassed for others.

Is this the devil trial of the demon family, training people to give up their dignity?

After all, big families are engaged in fierce competition, the capable ones are promoted, fighting each other, and there are many internal fights.

Compared with the brothers' internal fighting trials, this kind of devil trial is really nothing.

That is, this move is really vicious.

Even Shi Youxing next to him was silent for a while.

To be honest, some demon families also have this kind of training moves.

After all, even some so-called "wolf culture" companies in reality let employees who do not meet the performance standards take off their clothes to dance, run, shout embarrassing slogans, and even engage in some outrageous so-called "ice-breaking culture", claiming to let them exercise their face.

This kind of training is naturally not uncommon in the demon families with a long history, but it is not so strange.

No, it is not so strange, it is too strange.

At this time.

"I'll come too."

"Is it time for training again?"

"Wait for me, we have ten seconds to get to the battlefield."

The surrounding blacksmiths put down their house-building movements and showed off their dirt-eating skills. They were very skilled and you could tell they had done it many times.

Some ate with their butts sticking out.

Some ate while lying on their stomachs.

Some ate while rolling.

It was a picture of the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers.

And the most outstanding one belonged to Su Yu Niang.

She was seen sitting cross-legged with her legs crossed, one hand making a orchid finger, her eyes lowered, a holy posture, and one hand holding snow, like an elegant jade bottle.

It was the legendary Guanyin eating dirt style.

At this time.

Snowflakes fell all over the sky, and the ground was reflected in white, and there was a strange sense of sacredness in an instant.

These ten blacksmiths, with solemn appearances and different postures, were like arhats in the temple.

Lying on his side, digging up the soil, picking up flowers with laughter, joy, sadness, calmness, eating soil in various ways, there is an inexplicable sense of solemnity and sacredness.

"This, this!?"

The surrounding demon cultivators were so shocked that they could not speak, and could only stare at it with dull eyes.

They could not stop being shocked, is this the education of the demon cultivators of the big family?

"So amazing."

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