This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 19: Contact with the Demonic Cultivation Circle

Watching these people "skiing in fancy style", with clumps of snow sliding smoothly into their stomachs, the expressions of the demon cultivators present became more and more shocked.

They are simply too skilled. This is not something that can be accomplished in one day. I am afraid that they often do this kind of thing in their own family.

It is definitely not a temporary act.

"Ahem." After coughing a few times, a demon cultivator broke the silence.

"Actually, if you think about it carefully, it's not bad."

"Eating snow is acceptable."

"The essence of snow is water, which is one of the basic components of life."

Everyone can't deny it.

Drinking water and eating snow is understandable, but the main thing is that this kind of eating action is too coquettish.

Walking, standing, sitting, lying, how can they let themselves go so much and perform as if no one is around?

Even several responsible persons couldn't help but feel strange when they saw this scene, and whispered to each other.

"It's not so bad actually. The main thing is that they eat too wildly and lively."

"I'm afraid this is intentional. Eating snow is essentially drinking water. Letting them drink water in a specific posture, as if no one is around, can help them develop a thick skin."

"Yes, this kind of education is very cheap."

Education is the top priority for every family.

They felt that this kind of education method seemed to make some sense.

So, they continued to reason and speculate.

"So, if they don't have snow, what do they eat?"

"It's probably spiritual rice!"

"Spiritual rice? So that's it. Their movements do look like they're holding spiritual rice to eat."

"Well, eating rice in this posture integrates their thick skin into every bit of life. Their family's education does have details."

With their poor imagination, they can only think that they are eating rice, and they can't imagine that they usually eat dirt.

It's still acceptable now. If they knew the truth, I'm afraid they would be torn apart!

The head of the Zhu family was a fat man, who suddenly showed a meaningful smile: "Should we..."

"Eating snow is acceptable."

The Liu family scholar next to him also spoke slowly, "After all, we are all training together, so why not train the bastards at home!"

The Wang family cultivator was also silent for a while, "You Zhu family are all fat people, and your chubby bodies must look good in the ballet snow-eating style."

"Try it?"

The heads of the magic cultivators present looked at each other, and a ray of light flashed.

The magic cultivators are mainly a bad taste, humiliating and bullying the young people in their own family.

The magic cultivators originally pay attention to competition, tempering, and testing.

It's not them who are dying in front of them, but the little ones in their family.

What's wrong with training them?

And those young magic cultivators watched this scene, and they were shocked in their hearts. Suddenly they turned their heads and looked at the meaningful eyes of the head of their family.

All of them got goose bumps immediately. They knew too well the bad taste and insidious eyes of their elders.

Come to learn their education again?


We are demon cultivators, demon cultivators

Six o'clock.

Unlike usual, today the sky is completely dark.

Both sides gradually took various materials from the teleportation array, built a simple camp, and lit a bonfire.

The fire flickered in the snow.

"Hahaha, you are indeed the Xuelihua family, so powerful!"

"Sure enough, after the exchange, I know there is a world beyond the world!"

"I didn't expect that you have this kind of secret room killing method, which made the cultivators in the city stunned. It is simply an art."

"High IQ killing, such a clever mechanism, and such a sophisticated alibi."

The young people from both sides drank and ate meat around the bonfire in groups of three or two, and became familiar with each other.

From what happened today, it can be seen that

the atmosphere between the disciples of the demon cultivator family is actually unexpectedly good!

There is a kind of Jianghu atmosphere among the demon cultivators. They are not particular about trivial matters, joke with each other, compete with each other, and exchange experiences together.

It gives people a kind of Jianghu heroic spirit of those grassland races, brothers robbing and plundering together.

After all.

The demon cultivators, on the contrary, care most about reputation.

Because demon cultivators are not righteous cultivators in the city, they can obtain resources by collecting taxes, doing business, and other fixed industries.

The base camp of demon cultivators is basically outside the city. The city cannot accommodate them. Resources are mainly obtained by plundering, or even by being bandits, robbing on the road, and collecting protection fees.

If no one robs with you, and your network of contacts is broken, then it will be a big deal!

You can do worse behind the scenes, but at least you can't ruin your reputation in the circle.

The young generation in front of us, drinking together and getting familiar with each other, also forms a circle of cultivators, and passes on the connections of the elders to the younger generation.

This is inheritance.

After getting familiar with each other, everyone will rob, plunder, and go to the tomb together!

Traditional demon cultivators harm others for their own benefit, sneak attack righteous families and sects to make money.

Killing people for no reason is harmful to others and not beneficial to oneself, which is called psychological distortion. The low-level demon cultivators who practice and become mentally ill are looked down upon by orthodox demon cultivators.

The contempt chain of the demon cultivator class is also very serious.

On the contrary, when young people from the righteous families meet, they often intrigue and hide their thorns in their words. They shout and compete with each other in brothels and red houses.

Because their source of income is the business of shops in the city, various industries, and conflicts of interest, their young people naturally have no good face and are hostile to each other.

The young people of the demon cultivators are twisted together.

Seeing that the younger generations of both sides were chatting together, Ning Zheng also watched silently through the [audience perspective] for a while, and then looked at her own luck value.

No danger.

"I still have to go, after all, the person in charge still has to show up." Ning Zheng thought about it, stood up and called the Fairy of Medicine.

She is now the orthodox descendant of the Blood Flower.

"Let's go." Ning Zheng called the Fairy of Medicine and stepped into the teleportation array.

"Communicate with the neighbors?" The Fairy of Medicine was overjoyed.

Because the old steward did not allow too many people to go, most people could only hide in the villa to work, and occasionally go offline to [audience perspective] to take a look.

And now, she was taken away personally.

What a special honor this is?

This also made a group of hairpin girls next to them bite their handkerchiefs tightly, looking envious and jealous.

"Damn it, why does she get all the good things?"

"That's what happens when you grow up well, snowballing."

"The Blood Separation Flower is the signature of the villa, I must bring it to meet other demon cultivator friends."

"It makes me want to open the Blood Separation Flower too."

"But the Blood Separation Flower is not as useful as the Soul Separation Flower! The Blood Separation Flower is suitable for those who study medicine, why don't you become a doctor too?"

"I can't."


Ning Zheng took the Fairy of Medicine through the teleportation array, and there was a bonfire on the ground in front of them, and everyone was having a meal.

Shi Youxing glanced at the old steward, but he didn't see Ning Zheng's disguise.

After all, after the Five Body Realm Great Perfection Cycle, he can control the muscles of the head and change his face at will, just like a thousand-faced young man.

Among cultivators, aura is a person's identity.

"Hello, you are the person in charge."

Shi Youxing smiled and stepped forward, and silently looked at the other person.

Four Organ Realm.

But I don't know which realm it is in before I take action.

This aura is a bit like Yin Spirit Root, or Water Spirit Root, the fluctuation is a bit obscure, and it can't be detected before I take action.

In short, it is not the blood flower passed down from the family.

Although each family is not without members who occasionally open other medium-grade spiritual roots

But this matter was not handled by a person with spiritual roots from her own family, which surprised her a little.

"Please sit down." Shi Youxing smiled.

Ning Zheng looked at the people in front of her, all of whom were in the fourth organ realm, and nodded slightly and sat down.

Individual cultivators usually stop at the five body realm.

Talented cultivators with family backgrounds can usually reach the fourth organ realm after adulthood, which is the backbone of the family.

But for adults in the fourth organ realm, 99% of family cultivators are also in the fourth organ realm in old age.

Each organ is more difficult to break through, and there are four realms, and the difference in combat power is also huge.

"How did the tomb robbery go this time?" Ning Zheng opened the topic.

Shi Youxing was silent for a while. He wanted to discuss and ask the other party about the family education, but still replied:

"The owner of the tomb has been found out. He is a city guard who has reached the great perfection of the three yuan realm. There may be accidents, but there are only two at most, and the possibility of two can only be a couple."

Ning Zheng was not surprised.

The ancestral tombs were separated and placed.

Just like the Sword Casting Villa, there is one statue in each of the three corners.

But in this area, there are no tombs in other corners.

I am afraid that before this family became extinct, it had already declined to this last official tomb, and the other ancestors were slowly lost over the years.

If the official tomb had not been officially certified, I am afraid that even this official tomb would have disappeared.

Shi Youxing smiled:

"So, this is an isolated tomb, not a declining ancient large sect, the kind of super-large tombs surrounded by holy lands, so the difficulty must not be high."

But the other party is still very stable.

Several families need to share the risk together.

After all, the magic cultivators are originally living on the edge of a knife, fighting for opportunities all the time, and sooner or later they will die.

I call you when I have something, and you call me when you have something. The best choice is to connect the circles and share the risks together.

This is the [traditional magic cultivator] they are proud of.

"By the way, has your family had any good business recently?" Shi Youxing suddenly asked.

The implication is obvious. If I take you to the tomb, you have to take me to find some opportunities.

After all.

The Shi family is a tomb robber. When they find a tomb, they often invite them to join them.

Their villa is a robber. They often invite the Shi family to rob together and do a big job!

She doesn't believe that after the Red Sun, when the saint was assassinated, there are opportunities everywhere, and the other party can't find a family to rob.

It's too bad not to take me with you!

Ning Zheng obviously reacted.

But asking your godfather Qizu to take you to rob is almost the same. This is an experienced bandit, but I said

"Of course there is business."

Ning Zheng called Yu Jin Jiu Cairong and asked him to bring over the weapon blind box and the painting card blind box, and smiled:

"Everyone, this is the magic weapon made by our villa."

"Originally, we will talk about it tomorrow. When we go to the tomb, we will let you see the practicality of this weapon. Now that you ask, I can show you first."

Shi Youxing and several family leaders were stunned.

Isn't your villa a mining company? Are you starting to produce magic tools? Is the industry upgrading so fast?

You know, the inheritance of magic tools requires accumulation, and it cannot be completed in one generation.

"Everyone, please look."

Yu Jin Jiu Cai Rong first introduced the weapon blind box.

Everyone is not very sensitive to business, they just think that this weapon is indeed beautiful, but the practical value is not high.

But the other party said that it sold so well in Pingchang City, so it shouldn't be bad if they sell it in their own area.

"This is a painting card."

Yu Jin Jiu Cai Rong introduced masks, face masks, waist cards, and various styles, and then took out the shoe style.

He looked at the old steward with a tentative look:

Do you want me to show the way of licking the soles of shoes to communicate and show the style of magic cultivation in our villa?

Ning Zheng glanced at him lightly: "Don't do unnecessary things."

Yu Jin Jiu Cai Rong was annoyed.

Yes, they also showed the style of magic cultivation today, so there is no need to perform again!

Eating snow today is part of their plan.

Before they came, countless people used their imagination to prepare similar detailed strategies [about how normal and kind we can blend into the cruel, warlike and tyrannical magic cultivation]

They learned from the previous failure of showing "brutal magic cultivation" in front of Zhang Huaping.

This time the overall performance was quite successful.

The leaders of other magic cultivation and the young magic geniuses who were traveling with them were all very satisfied with them!

Especially eating snow, it is the finishing touch, showing our style, our temperament, and our ruthlessness!

Too much is as bad as too little, Jiucai Rong did not perform any shoe licking skills.

He just simply showed the style and explained the sales volume in Pingchang City.

"Is this true?"

Shi Youxing was shocked and took the painting card and began to study it.

The several responsible persons next to him were also dumbfounded. After confirming that what he said was correct, they almost fell out of their eyes.

How did their villa really transform and still be so powerful?

Shi Youxing showed an unprecedented solemn look and studied carefully:

"This painting card is really good. We are just outside the Meteorite City. This can completely impact the communication magic weapon of the Meteorite City-the mother-child ring."

She sighed with emotion and showed melancholy: "You are going to be rich, even out of the ranks of magic cultivators."

What is a magic cultivator?

They are essentially predatory cultivators.

Their spiritual roots make their various characteristics and magical powers convenient for doing such things, so they can only make a living by doing this.

If possible, many of them would like to be as stable as the righteous cultivators.

Developing business in the city has a stable way to make money, but unfortunately there is no skill in this area.

Although killing and arson gold belts, the circle of demon cultivators generally earns more, but they die faster.

What's more, the prospect of their magic weapon is too broad, and it is estimated that they can earn more than robbing money.

Seeing that everyone is so expectant, Ning Zheng looked at them: "We take out this kind of magic weapon, naturally not to show off."

Everyone's eyes lit up.

Ning Zheng looked at several new friends and continued to smile and said: "We are all old friends. We are rich, how can we forget you."

"You can also take these magic weapons to your place to sell. I believe you have your own sales channels."

"Instead of making money for those shops and agents in the city, it is better to make money for all the brothers present!"

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