This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 20 This game is so exciting

All the demon cultivators present were delighted.

Compared to their "business" of eating and drinking one meal at a time, this kind of stable income is obviously very attractive to them.

Adding a business of selling magic tools is very tempting to them!

They stood up one by one, clasped their fists, and thanked.

Shi Youxing said: "I don't need to thank you for your great favor."

The fat man of the Zhu family smiled and said: "In the future, when you need our Zhu family, you can ask for it."

Some people even spoke righteously and flattered: "I see that your educational philosophy is so excellent that you can take off like this. In the future, I plan to learn from you and add your young people's snow-eating skills to the educational philosophy of our villa."

"That makes sense. These young people should be abused and sharpened, so that they can eat snow hard."

Everyone showed goodwill.

Ning Zheng looked strange when she heard it. Others were fine, but you don't need to show goodwill for this kind of snow-eating education!

Next, none of their leaders finished talking.

After all, they are not professionals.

They each called their own family business leaders to connect with Yu Jin Jiu Cairong to discuss orders and profits.

Those people sat in front of the bonfire in the distance, talking about various business routes, transaction amounts, and transaction cycles.

"Your family has changed so much, it's like two different people."

Shi Youxing sighed, "By the way, you supply the city with painted cards. Is the output enough? Can you still share it?"

"Our output will soon expand for the second time."

Ning Zheng knew that after the Soul Separation Flower became popular, their forging skills would increase significantly after they planted professional blacksmith spiritual roots.

Even if they didn't open the magical power of burning life, the soul acuity of the passive Soul Separation Flower could improve their skills a lot.

Originally, one enchanter material produced 5 to 20 pieces.

Some of the new blacksmiths' skills were so poor that they scrapped most of the materials.

Nowadays, the technology is constantly improving, and with the new spiritual roots, it is easy to double the output of the same material, not to mention the maximum number of 20 pieces.

If the scrap rate is reduced by half, it will double.

These blacksmiths with poor skills still have a lot of room for improvement.

"Behind this expansion of production capacity, we need some mid-grade spiritual plant liquid." Ning Zheng said, "If your families have storage and channels, you can sell some to us." After the words fell. The heads of the Zhu, Wang, and Liu families next to them were silent for a while, and then spoke up. "After the Red Sun, our family has indeed cultivated mid-grade spiritual roots recently to allow some young descendants to open the immortal gate, but there are some here." "We looted a medicine storehouse a while ago." "Of course there are savings." Everyone answered enthusiastically. The magic family naturally puts interests first. There are interests, and they are naturally very enthusiastic to take us to make money together. Shi Youxing also nodded: "There should be spiritual plants in the tomb, and the output should be not small." After this conversation, everyone's connection became closer. And everyone gradually began to chat about some topics from all over the world, recent interesting stories, intelligence exchanges in their own city area, and information from various places. This is an information exchange. This is the role of connections. Ning Zheng, who is only in his twenties, talked about everything in a group of old-timers, and he was not shy. And obtained a lot of information from it, and had a clearer understanding of this world.

He, who was socially phobic, was officially out and made friends with cultivators.

At this moment, Shi Youxing suddenly said: "Recently, have you heard about our Xinyi Continent? A Yin-Yang Rice Flower Sword appeared last month."

"Of course I heard about it." The Wang family cultivator thought to himself, didn't they rob you?

Of course, everyone present knew about this, but didn't mention it.

And Ning Zheng also knew about it.

But he got the news through Zhang Huaping. It can only be said that among all the families present, his news was the most closed.

The consequences of not going out are obvious.

All the outside news can only be obtained through this small casual cultivator in the Five Body Realm.

Hearing them talking about the magic weapon at this moment, Ning Zheng also pricked up his ears silently.

The Sword Fairy has been missing for several days after the Red Sun, and there has been no news. I wonder how she is doing in the outside world?

Tomb robbers have many spies.

If no one goes around to explore, they don't know where there are tombs to rob and which ancestors to kidnap?

Their intelligence network investment is the largest!

Shi Youxing naturally knew that his intelligence network was the strongest among those present. He smiled and said:

"I got the news today. There are rumors in many places that our Xinyizhou Divine Weapon List

"Divine Weapon List

Ning Zheng said calmly:

"Are you mistaken? A mere Sanyuan Realm weapon is already very honorable to be on the Divine Weapon List. In previous years, the lowest weapons on the Divine Weapon List were all at the Second Phase Realm."

"But it's a growing eternal magic weapon!" Shi Youxing laughed.

The people present were all shocked.

"Eternal, won't break? How can there be a weapon in this world that won't break?"

"If it's a growing, eternal magic weapon, it can indeed be the first in theory."

"But it's probably theoretically possible to be the first in the future. Now it's so hot, I'm afraid someone is secretly fueling it?"

"I'm afraid it's a deep-water vortex."

"Could it be that someone wants to find out the forging master behind the scenes? The other party can forge this kind of magic weapon, and the significance of it can be imagined."

The crowd is not stupid. With just a little information, they guessed that someone might be plotting.

Shi Youxing sighed: "I don't know the details. I heard that it will never be damaged and was made by a mysterious anonymous master."

"And, the saint personally ordered the Xinyi officials to lead the magic soldiers into the capital. Many people speculated that the power of yin and yang might be related to the saint's eyes!"

Everyone was silent when they heard it.

If this news is true, then it is too terrible!

In our Xinyi Continent, there is actually an object that can heal the saint's eyes, and it was escorted to the capital in an extremely grand manner.

The most important thing is:

This top-secret news, can we hear it?

Shi Youxing also saw what everyone was thinking and continued to gossip:

"With our level, it is impossible to know. Even most people in the court do not know that it is a top-secret operation."

"Originally, we planned to not take the official road within a month, choose the safest wilderness to walk all the way to Xinyizhou City, and then enter the capital through the teleportation array of Zhoucheng. However, such a top-secret operation, I don’t know who secretly spread it, and everyone in the world knows it, even the route is very clear. I am afraid that there are concubines in the escort team to Beijing."


The bonfire was shaking beside.

In the night, the atmosphere seemed to be a lot more tense when talking about this.

Even those core escort members have concubines. This court

A certain force may have infiltrated the court, and the root of this force may even be inside the court.

Shi Youxing looked at the tense expressions of the crowd and was satisfied: "It is said that Jian Xin and others were attacked several times, with heavy casualties."

"That battle was earth-shattering, the sun and moon were dark, and the mountains were destroyed."

"The most important thing is that Jian Xin and others were defeated and led the team to escape."

Everyone was shocked.

Even that fierce man had to retreat?

But if you think about it carefully, that person is naturally very strong, but he doesn't know how strong Jian Xin is?

He must have come prepared.

The atmosphere suddenly became dull, and everyone felt that a storm was coming.

Where in the world is there a dynasty that has lasted for hundreds of thousands of years?

Now the saint is too old, and I am afraid he can't control this world.

If he was younger, just in his twilight years, not in his old age, no one would dare to assassinate the saint.

But such a big assassination, at a great cost, only stabbed his eyes, which shows the saint's tyranny.

But the subsequent combination punches are coming one after another.

They knew they were no match for the saint, and the assassination was only to make the sun and moon dim and greatly accelerate the cycle of the red sun.

Forcing the saint to pump the earth veins again and again, clear the ghosts rooted in the earth veins, the turbid air in the air, save the people of Jiuzhou, and slowly be dragged to death.

This is a vicious conspiracy.


Escorting the sword fairy is a task that affects the direction of the dynasty.

Of course, it is not just the sword fairy, there are similar teams in other places in Jiuzhou.

Each team secretly escorts rare treasures that may treat the saint's eyes, or doctors and craftsmen to Beijing secretly.

The person in charge of the Liu family is a middle-aged scholar, and he sighed: "The saint is old after all."

Shi Youxing said: "It is said that the force that attacked Jian Xin has dozens of people, and they are the focus of care. Someone saw from a distance that one of them was the ghost king born during the red sun of Xinyizhou."

"It turned out to be that one?" The person in charge of the Zhu family is a fat man, and his expression showed a bit of horror.

This ghost is not an ordinary awakening of the dead of the human race.

I heard that it was a demon beast, which was stitched together with the essence organs of various demon beasts and reborn as an ancestor dragon.

In terms of life level, this is not comparable to the human ghost king born in the past red sun.

It stitched together the strengths of various powerful tribes in the world, and this ancestor dragon may have stitched together the blood of the human race.

Only the strengths of hundreds of tribes can be combined to form a dragon.

This can be said to be a brand new demon beast race, a new branch of the dragon race, and the meaning contained in it is too terrible.

And it can still reproduce.

And such an existence went to attack Jian Xin?

"Our Xinyi Continent has had a series of major events recently. First, an unknown mysterious god craftsman forged the eternal magic soldier, and then a ghost ancestor dragon appeared."

"Two major events have happened in a row. I'm afraid our continent will shock the world in the future."

In the campfire in the snow, a group of people drank wine and said in a drunken state.

The young magic geniuses in their teens and twenties, including the bear-riding girl Shi Youyou, were listening to the world affairs being talked about by the elders of the family, their eyes were full of stars and they were extremely excited.

The world is in a great trend, who will be the winner?

The other geniuses were fascinated by what they heard, but the blacksmiths did not speak.

They were secretly happy, lowered their heads so that no one could see their faces, their faces were flushed, and their eyebrows were curved.

So cool.

So cool.

Is this the feeling of pretending to be cool!

The protagonist in the game secretly hides in the crowd, while the people around him talk about the world affairs and the heroism of the protagonist, but they don’t know that the protagonist is right next to him.

This kind of secretly pretending to be cool feels just like that, but when you experience it in person, it is absolutely amazing.

This game is amazing, it can grasp the feelings of the players.

Listening to the big guys talking about the world events that shocked Xinyizhou, and discussing Jiao Wuyu and the Sword Fairy, they only felt a hearty and refreshing feeling running through their bodies and rushing straight to the top of their heads.

This wave, they were really shaking with joy!

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