This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 21 Jiucai Rong: I’m really green!

It was close to seven o'clock.

The bonfire on the snow was still swaying.

Ning Zheng discussed the general situation of the world with them, and gradually understood the current situation, which was completely free from the label of being isolated from the news.

I didn't expect so many major events to happen outside in the past few days.

He lived a peaceful life in his own villa.

Sure enough, this cultivation of immortals must not be done in isolation, and there must be human relationships.

Knowing more friends means more ways.

After that, he said goodbye to the other demon cultivators and took the blacksmith back from the teleportation array, and did not choose to stay here overnight.

Ning Zheng clasped his fists and said, "We will come back tomorrow to officially move in and initially explore this ancient tomb."

They were also very polite.

They said that this trip had greatly broadened their horizons, and they saw the way of educating talents in your family and learned a lot of knowledge.

The blacksmiths were flattered, and their noses were almost pointed to the sky with pride.

Each of them was extremely serious and solemn, with their hands behind their backs, pretending to be heroic with their backs to the world, and left stiffly step by step with their hands and feet.

Ning Zheng was speechless: "Look how happy they are, their mouths are crooked because of their laughter."

Why are you pretending to be an elegant and mysterious blacksmith now?

Our identities are separated, you are now disciples of the demon cultivation family, do you understand?

As expected.

After they left through the teleportation array.

Shi Youyou, who was riding a bear, looked at their backs and finally spoke:

"Other things are fine, I can think of building houses and eating snow as family education, which is more practical, but their last walking action just now was silly, like a group of fools."

Shi Youxing had to agree.

It felt like the other party was walking with the same hands and feet and his nose facing the sky when he left, which really looked like a ***!

Back to the villa.

After passing through the teleportation array, just after landing, looking at the familiar mountains and the villa in front of them, a group of them cheered and danced excitedly.



"I'm dying of suffocation."

"Damn, it's so cool!"

"Yeah, I'm playing games.

"Look at the discussion of the big guys, and their expressions of admiration for the Sword Fairy's coming to Beijing. I really want to rush up and shout: The master craftsman who is famous in Xinyizhou is me, I am the master craftsman! It's the Sword Fairy we forged together!"

Under the bright starry sky, Shao Chai Kun jumped up happily, raised his hands above his head, and laughed so hard that his mouth was about to split.

"Bullshit, what's it to you!" Someone was speechless.

"Yes, we forged it together, even if the part we cooperated on is only 1%, it is still a cooperative forging."

Someone made a precise complaint.

Su Yu Niang was also beaming with joy, jumping up and down with joy, as if she had forgotten the normal walking posture of a normal person, and completely letting herself go:

"They just blew Zulong, and I also wanted to rush up and shout: Jiao Wuyu, it's ***'s mother! I've had dinner together, and her daughter is my good sister who goes fishing with me!"

Shao Chai Kun, who had just been complained about, also complained loudly in return:

"Bullshit, your godmother of Yu Jin, what does it have to do with you, a living person."

Next to him, Yu Jin Jiu Cai Rong also complained: "My baby's godmother ≠ my real godmother."

Then, Yu Jin Jiu Cai Rong proudly led other blacksmiths and gloriously stepped into the villa, acting like heroes triumphantly.

Coming towards them were the blacksmiths who greeted them.

"We, have returned with a great victory!"

Looking at the blacksmiths who were surrounding him, Yu Jin Jiu Cai Rong gave a speech.


"We performed perfectly."

"We didn't expose our silly temperament, but pretended to be all kinds of brutal methods of magic cultivators, and taught them from experience, which frightened them."

"Eating snow taught them a lesson."

"Eating by the campfire, telling the story of the murder case in the closed room."

Everyone was very happy to hear this. This trick was really useful. Fortunately, in order to become a qualified magic cultivator, everyone had to make up for Conan and the Kinda series.

We learned from the shortcomings of the Qizu and Zhang Huaping period, and now we have completed the task perfectly!

If the task is to be rated, they think they are 82 points this time, and the remaining points should be given to them as 666.

"Today we will stay and get to know each other. Tomorrow, we will bring ten more people and officially go to the dungeon."

Yu Jin Jiu Cairong said very proudly:

"The old steward does not allow us to enter too many people. Twenty is enough. Whoever wants to enter the dungeon can take turns."

A group of people rushed in around.

"Master Manager, I want to go in."

"Master Jiucai Rong, I want to go in too."

"Does my baby count as a person?"

"The baby can't count as a quota."

"No, the baby is so precious, it's better not to explore the ancient tomb. If it dies, wouldn't it be a big loss?"

"That's right, we can accept it if we die."

In the manager's room of the villa.

The real Jiucai Rong, with a depressed look on his face, put down the pile of documents that he had sorted out, stood silently at the window, looking at himself pretending to be cool outside, and his eyes turned green with envy.

"Those animals, how can they call so smoothly, what Jiucai Rong, the manager is so shameless to enter the dungeon, this is the real one!"

His face turned green.

Damn, this is the kingdom I built, the reputation I built.

This baby is free?

This Green Hat Villa is so terrible.

He never thought that after the embers appeared, he would have to continue working and be an office animal who manages the villa!

The fun of going out to play, he actually gave it to Yu Jin.

Who is the baby?

But he can't change people now.

Because in the eyes of outsiders, the leader of the cemetery is Yu Jin Jiu Cai Rong. Tomorrow, he suddenly resurrects and goes there in person. I'm afraid everyone will be shocked.

"I'm so miserable."

Jiu Cai Rong wanted to cry but had no tears.

From now on, he decided not to be lazy and sleep again.

A lazy sleep, the outdoor picnic dungeon activity that should have belonged to him was actually given to Yu Jin

After going offline, in the villa forum.

Everyone was crazy about posting. Today, not only the players were very happy, but also the enthusiasm of the outside audience reached a new peak.

[Oh my god, those demon cultivators will not be assimilated, they have become visibly wretched, with a sneaky look and a sneaky temperament. ]

[Cry, cry, cry, it's really contagious. They have vaguely seen the posture of some sand sculpture players. 】

【However, assimilation may not be a bad thing. The other side's demon cultivator disciples are very clever. When they go to the tomb, they will be very smart, rummaging through the boxes and cabinets, and running away. 】

【The owner of the tomb was stunned when he saw these wicked demon cultivators. 】

【By the way, are we going to build the tower defense of this tomb? 】

This time, the blacksmith perfectly handled the first meeting and left a good impression on the various demon cultivator families.

They even felt that.

The old steward will become very face-saving in front of the heads of other families this time.

Because they have a group of excellent demon cultivators, they can brag to other families.

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