This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 22 Evaluation of Dungeon Activities

After Ning Zheng sent the blacksmith back, he also went down the villa along the other end of the teleportation array.

During the descent, he saw the prison at the foot of the mountain in the distance, which was brightly lit.

Apparently, there was a group of villagers working overtime and staying up late.

The construction of this prison was also in full swing.

Ning Zheng was very satisfied.

"These ghosts work very hard."

"They worked hard during their lifetime and worked honestly after death. Working overtime every day will make our villa better."

Back home, push open the door.


The cold wind blew in, and the oil lamp swayed.

Hang the clothes covered with snowflakes on the hanger at the door, walk into the house, and see that the food has been cooked. Yu Jin Su Yu Niang and Ning Jiao Jiao are chatting while eating.

The room is also warm.

These days, Su Yu Niang took Ning Jiao Jiao to learn the architectural layout of the villa, thickening the walls and making insulation.

And took the heating pipes forged by the blacksmiths from the mountain and made a small stove by themselves.

The house was transformed into a warm one.

Both of them were ghosts, and they thought they needed to keep warm, but in fact they didn't need to.

The only beneficiary of the heating work they did was Ning Zheng.

In fact, Su Yu Niang also brought back two river monster sleeping bags from the mountain, but after sleeping for a few days, the river monster sleeping bags suddenly melted in the middle of the night.

In fact, the so-called melting of the sleeping bags was eaten by the two of them instinctively, but their own cognitive defects would ignore this aspect.

This is why "The Unending Love of Human Ghosts" is difficult to achieve.

You are in love with the courtesan you invited back from the Red Mansion, and you really treat them as husband and wife. In the middle of the night, you really ate you unknowingly when you were sleeping.

People don't know what happened, and you died in vain.

"Brother, you are back." Ning Jiao Jiao said.

"Brother, sit down and eat quickly." Su Yu Niang was also shameless.

Ning Zheng sat down to eat and chatted with them about today's prison.

For example, the axe master worked very hard, and the two talisman masters were beaten up again because they were not educated.

Ning Zheng nodded occasionally to show her agreement.

It seems that they were also busy in the prison during the past few days when she was busy going to the tomb.

In addition, they also showed the recent prison output: talismans.

Ning Zheng took a look and found that the yin energy was very heavy, which was a mutation.

Talismans are mainly divided into two categories.

One is the offensive type that restrains evil spirits.

But this kind of talisman with heavy yin energy, use it to fight evil spirits? Instead, it is like letting evil spirits eat a tonic.

One is the auxiliary type that blesses oneself.

But the yin energy is heavy, and when it is added to the body, the evil spirit invades, and the side effects on the body are greater.

Therefore, the talismans made by this kind of dead people have very little effect.

If they were useful, the major families would have caught a group of them as laborers long ago!

Do you think there are no capitalists like Jiucai Rong in this world?

Their business model is also extremely developed.

Ning Zheng took a look, tried one, and stuck it directly on his body, saying only one sentence: "The effect of blessing is not bad, it is quite useful for me."

Just because it cannot be popularized does not mean that his Yin spiritual root cannot be used.

"Right, we are going to make a fortune." Su Yu Niang was very proud.

Ning Zheng was speechless.

If it cannot be used by living people, are you going to sell it to ghosts?

While eating, listening to the two people chattering, Ning Zheng began to eat electronic pickles habitually and opened the forum.

Everyone in the forum was already discussing very excitedly.

Every 7 to 10 o'clock, the blacksmith will be offline and active, and this period of time is the peak period of the forum.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether you play games or not, most passers-by are here to eat melons.

Many people take a look at this group of sand sculptures after work, and see what kind of tricks they have done today.

Work as a "blacksmith" during the day and watch the "blacksmith" work at night.

Every time they come, these unethical blacksmiths who work have never disappointed them, and all kinds of explosive brain hole operations make them laugh until their stomachs hurt.

They are all a bunch of geniuses. It is a waste of talent to let them play this game.

As soon as I entered the forum.

I saw Jiucairong complaining:

"Green, it is too green. None of these embers are good babies. This setting is very problematic!"

"Look at the embers of the Fairy of Medicine. They are also like this. They are crazy about killing their masters. As soon as they are born from the forge, they chase their masters and chop them."

Everyone listened to his complaints and was very happy.

Is it that there are no good babies? It is that no blacksmith is a good person.

Each master who is born to be rebellious will bring out a rebellious baby.

Look at the non-rebellious and honest Yanhua, his "Yanhua" baby is not rebellious.

Yanhua is born to be an honest and hardworking Palu, moving bricks, collecting, mining, building houses, and he is so obedient.

At this time, it is the turn of [Nightly Crazy Repair]

It must be said that in terms of [audience perspective], random switching often sees more comprehensively than a single blacksmith and collects more detailed information.

[New information about NPCs from four new magic families]

This post was quickly pushed to the front page.

[After two months of internal testing, the blacksmiths in the villa have become familiar with forging and become qualified blacksmiths. The business of the villa has begun to get on track, and our network of relationships has gradually begun to be laid out. ]

[There are a total of four magic families in our magic family's gathering this time. Based on the indirect inquiries of each blacksmith to the children of other families, I have summarized the information. The following is the dry goods. ]

【1. The Demon Cultivator Shi Family is a family of the same level as ours. It seems that they also escaped from a disaster in Xinyizhou City.

According to the background of the world view,

more than a hundred years ago, many families fled, but could not escape or were even destroyed. The escape of these two Demon Cultivator families was just a weak member of the masses.

Today, the Demon Cultivator Shi Family is outside the Meteorite City, which is the city that produces the communication magic tool mother and child rings. The "human living area" is a minority of the wine and rice ethnic group with jingling rings all over their bodies. It is also the place where the sword fairy attacked.

The Shi family is mostly women, see Shi Youxing and Shi Youyou.

The whole family is extremely yin, as if the family has been robbing tombs for generations, and the yin is too heavy!

It's almost becoming a country of women.

Although there is a family-inherited Yang spiritual root to resist side effects, it is still yin-dominant and yang-weak. From this, it can be guessed that if it is not a Yang spiritual root, but other spiritual roots, I am afraid it would have been extinct long ago.

Therefore, frequent grave digging and tomb robbing will bring bad luck to the family. If a red-haired old monster is dug out, it is easy to have bad luck in old age. This family is miserable. ]

[2. Liu family, a second-tier family, looks normal, with a normal ratio of men and women, and is considered to be standard. ]

[3. Wang family, same as above, the specific spiritual roots are unknown, and it remains to be explored. ]

[4. Zhu family, both men and women are fat, the specific spiritual roots are unknown, and it is speculated that they are yang spiritual roots. After all, for cultivators who have undergone physical transformation, it is easy to guess that they are yang spiritual roots. It feels quite fat, and it is a tank family. ]

[Supplement 1, the spiritual root system of this world is basically clear, with the five elements spiritual roots being the majority, and the number of variant spiritual roots such as yin and yang is extremely rare.

We see a lot of yin and yang spiritual roots in front of us, because we are in the already rare magic cultivation circle. The magic cultivation families present are all powerful bandits in the local area. 】

【Supplement 2, Shao Chai Kun met a fat guy from the Zhu family who was in the three-body realm. He tricked him into being his younger brother, taught him all kinds of dirty tricks, and even wanted to trick him into becoming the protagonists of the tomb-raiding group and entering the dungeon together. 】

【Attached is an emoticon package, the fat guy has a simple and honest face.jpg——》The fat guy has shifty eyes.jpg】

Many people were furious when they saw this.

"Gradually becoming a player."

"Gradually becoming a sand sculpture."

"The shifty look is so funny."

"My God, do our blacksmiths usually talk so mean?"

"You are in it yourself, of course you don't know how mean your expression is!"

The appearance of the new NPC made many people feel very happy.

The interpersonal relationship in the villa made them very excited, and they felt that these people were potential customers.

At the same time, many people laughed and felt that the AI ​​of this game was really amazing.

Many people seriously suspected that this wave of tomb dungeons was a show of AI intelligence, and many vivid NPCs appeared.

Of course, the game computing power sacrificed is also very large, and the brightness of the environment is sacrificed, which feels like robbing Peter to pay Paul.

Free reading.

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