This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 24 The ancient tomb instance is officially launched!

Tap, tap, tap.

Passing through the gate, entering the villa.

Ning Zheng looked at a group of people standing in a neat military posture, with tall and straight figures and full of energy and spirit.

"Report, we are fully prepared and can go to war at any time!"

"Please allow us to go to the tomb, fight on the battlefield, and bring good news to the owner of the villa!"

They shouted.

They were beaming with joy, waiting for them to choose someone, their eyes were full of: Pick me quickly, I am good at work, I have a lot of things to do, I can do it.

Ning Zheng was already used to their little actions, and took a casual look, and handed it to Yu Jin Jiu Cairong to decide: 'You choose the person. "

Then he made a few points:

"Medical Fairy, you have to go, but don't go to the cemetery. Open a clinic in the garrison. The medical skills brought by you, Xuelihua, will be of great help to the wounded. And reveal the new development direction of our Xuelihua, the medical way, and show our strength."

The eyes of the medical fairy lit up. She could go to the door of the next copy and open a temporary clinic to make money: "Report to the adults, guarantee to complete the task and show the prestige of our villa."

Ning Zheng nodded and looked at the fairy aunt who was eager to try behind her, "You stay in the clinic. After all, the villa cannot be without a doctor."

"And, all the openings, including the fairy aunt, All the blacksmiths who started the Soul Lihua must stay here and cannot enter the cemetery."

"Soul Lihua, is

After this was said.

All the blacksmiths looked unhappy.

Is there such a hidden dungeon setting?

Soul Lihua cannot participate in the dungeon.

Blood Lihua must participate in the dungeon.

Thinking about the dungeon requirements of the last ancestor worship, only human race can participate, and money boy cannot participate.

Many people thought of some hidden settings.

It is estimated that future dungeons will have hidden conditions for participation.

Ning Zheng ignored their wailing and said: "Also, some secrets of our villa cannot be revealed, otherwise they will be permanently expelled from the villa!"

Everyone's face froze.

Permanent expulsion means cancellation of the qualification to enter the game.

Ning Zheng ignored them and asked Xiao Ai's AI assistant to keep an eye on them.

If they dare to talk nonsense, Xiao Ai has the right to kick them offline directly.

Ning Zheng briefly explained some things and asked Yu Jin Jiu Cairong to be responsible for selecting qualified personnel.

In the distance, watching Jiucairong selecting people, the fairy aunt who was excluded had a sullen face, which looked very bad:

"You go over there, making money is a small matter, the big thing is to study the spiritual roots, bloodlines, bodies, and energy operations of other families, which will improve our medical knowledge."

"I will."

The fairy doctor nodded and said seriously:

"I will also promote our two major products to them."

"River monster sleeping bag, bladder shaping technology, the Shi family are all beautiful girls, the customer circle has great potential, I think there is a lot of room for development, let's start with the ordinary bear-riding girl Shi Youyou."

"Not bad." The fairy aunt showed a teachable look, very pleased:

"Promote the bladder technology of the biceps, I think the muscular men among the magic cultivators may also like this, especially the fat man of the Zhu family, who may look forward to having a pair of toned muscular arms."

These words made the blacksmiths next to them secretly step back.

These two women are so scary.

After several days of contact, they also learned that Fairy Doctor rarely played games.

Aunt Fairy was the super internet addict.

They now seriously suspected that Aunt Fairy was the culprit.

Fairy Doctor thought about how she was a decent girl at first, but every time she went offline, she might have been taught by her internet addict aunt how to play games crazily, and then she learned all those messy things.

Su Yu Niang was also listening, looking at the window hiding in the manager's room next to her, and said to Jiu Cai Rong who was about to cry: "Don't you care about their clinic?"

"Don't care, it will be cold." Jiu Cai Rong looked at Yu Jin Jiu Rong who was leading the team outside with envy, and still answered:

"We pinch our faces, shape our bodies, and try all kinds of new things when we play games, but for the natives, life is only once, how can we easily have plastic surgery?"

Su Yu Niang thought about it and it was right.

In reality, people don't dare to have plastic surgery, which affects their lives.

But after coming here, many people want to have fun and try something new.

The native NPCs in this world are very consistent with the character setting. As long as they don't have a brain storm, they won't make a decision.

In the distance.

Yu Jin Jiu Cai Rong counted 20 people as the initial pioneers, led everyone to the teleportation array, and said to the people behind him:

"Don't worry if you are not selected!"

"Because these 20 people only have one chance to go to the dungeon, and they can't be resurrected after they die

"If these 20 people die, it will be your turn for the new 20 people. They are the first batch of pioneers, and they may die quickly, which may be more profitable for you later."

After that.

A group of people passed through the teleportation array

The temporary stationing area.

At the foot of the barren mountain, dome houses stood, covered with heavy snow, and the whole world looked white.

In the distance was a robbery hole.

The cultivators of various demon cultivation families were ready, and even the person in charge was watching silently.

However, several persons in charge were not prepared to go in.

Because the situation of going to the tomb is very special, the four internal organs and five body realms are actually not very different, and the fate of encountering the three yuan realm is basically the same.

They will not explore the way themselves.

Of course, they also started to sell some goods and exchange supplies.

Seeing that other families started to set up stalls and open a temporary market, Jiucairong and others did not hesitate to take out the painting cards, set up stalls for everyone, and introduced them.

"Everyone, this low-level communication magic tool is much better than the mother-and-child rings in your Meteorite City. Yours needs to be bumped and pressed, and it will make a ding-dong sound to attract enemies."

"Ours is handwritten, without sound, and it is safer to communicate."

Many young people are somewhat tempted. If you go to the tomb, it is indeed difficult to make a sound. The painting cards are a tool for tomb robbers to communicate.

The lowest blind box, 49 magic coins per pair, is not expensive.

And a family of three will need 73 magic coins for three sets, and 95 magic coins for four generations are a bit expensive.

Many people gritted their teeth and bought the basic version.

And the blacksmiths were also strolling around, looking at this temporary market and gaining knowledge.

Among them, the Shi family's stall had the most people, because they all bought various professional tomb tools.

"How much is this?" Shao Chai Kun was curious.

The female monk of the Shi family who was setting up a stall introduced:

"The breath-suppressing talisman is a must-have for tombs, because the breath of living people is too delicious for evil spirits and can be easily discovered. This talisman can block the breath of living people within a certain range, but it may not be useful for strong-perceiving evil spirits."

"Of course, there is also this shroud. This specially treated shroud will bring you the breath of evil spirits when you wear it on your body."

The other party kept introducing various tomb-robbing tools.

Something similar to a compass, a judgment tool with strong yin energy

The blacksmiths listened for a while, and one of them gritted his teeth and bought some talismans, feeling that this game was a blood pit and crazy money-making.

These NPCs are too smart!

Not only do we make money from them, they also make money from us.

After walking around and buying supplies, the robbery hole has been opened.

The cave was dark.

According to the detection, the interior of the tomb is very large, almost hollowing out a mountain range, and the area occupied is not at the same level as the garden villa paper house of the ancestor of the mountain villa.

Just know how extravagant this county

governor was when he was alive.

At this time.

Tap tap tap, a group of young monks entered the tomb without hesitation.

"Let's go."

Shi Youyou

She clenched the teleportation talisman in her hand. This was a life-saving talisman that she had as a core member. Unless a Sanyuan Realm cultivator instantly killed her, she could be teleported away as long as she was given a chance.

"This is mine

She was silent for a moment, her expression solemn.

Yesterday, the Xuelihua family showed off themselves well, showed their style, and won the first place!

And today, tomb robbing is the home court of our Shi family.

As one of the two major demon cultivation families on par with the Xuelihua family, and one of the two leaders of this group of families, she also has to show her ability.

Show these tomb-robbing laymen what a tomb-robbing family is.

She sniffed the rotten air, "This smell is actually some bloody ancient torture instruments. How could there be such things in a cultivator's underworld?"

"No Reasonable, there is something wrong with this tomb. "

She walked into the tomb passage carefully, looked at the layout of the tomb passage, stroked the stone bricks of the wall, and said in a deep voice:

"It turned out to be this style, which is common in the dungeons, interrogation rooms, trial prisons and other facilities of the court."

"The tomb we are in, if I am not mistaken, is a super-large prison building style."

"This is extremely rare. Tombs are generally large residences for the dead. Why would a cemetery be turned into a prison of the court?"

She frowned, and the experience she learned from childhood to adulthood suddenly made her think of something.

"It should be the owner of the tomb. He lived in the prison of torture all year round and was in charge of the prison. This city guard may have died suddenly in prison during his lifetime."

"After his death, he still maintained his logic before his death and thought he was in prison, so his clansmen turned his tomb into a large prison."

She unraveled the history of the ancient tomb layer by layer and restored the truth of the year.

"So, there won't be servants, maids, and housekeepers buried here like in regular noble tombs. Instead, there may be a group of prisoners!"

"That's right, they didn't buy maids to be buried with them, but prisoners to be buried with them. In prison, they let the tomb owner carry out his daily activities before his death - torturing and beating prisoners."

"So, in this tomb, we will encounter the most heinous prisoners, patrolling jailers, and the tomb owner."

After she finished her exquisite analysis, she found that there was no sound behind her.

I think they were all stunned by her exquisite tomb-robbing skills.

When she turned around.

Her smile froze.

Because each of them had already pried the floor, squatting on the ground, holding the crowbars they called the holy weapon of physics, with expressions of joy.

Shi Youyou hesitated for a moment and said:

"What are you doing? We are tomb robbers, not a construction team. Why are you prying the floor first instead of going inside?"

"How many magic coins can this floor tile be worth? We pried off 17 or 18 pieces, which is probably only worth one magic coin."

She felt a little embarrassed.

The other cultivators from the Demon Cultivation Family were stunned for a while, and also watched this group of blacksmiths prying the floor.

They didn't know the specific method of tomb robbing, and the herd mentality made them hesitate for a while.

In addition to yesterday's brick-moving training, they were taught to earn even a magic coin, and the leadership temperament of the Xuelihua family in front of them

"Then I will come too, with the spirit of the Gou Dao, only by living can there be output, and only by living can there be a future!" The little fat man of the Zhu family

The others hesitated for a moment, and seeing someone taking the lead, they also followed.

For a while, they were busy.

Shi Youyou was in a dilemma. I have so much experience in tomb robbing, judging the direction, the surroundings, and the concentration of yin energy, but you ignored me and just dug the ground?

She was silent for a while, and also led the team to pry the floor.

She also started to play badly.

Anyway, she couldn't lead the team to take risks alone, so it was better to follow the big team.

Well, let them pry the floor first and get familiar with the environment of the tomb.

A group of people began to continue yesterday's work-continue to move bricks.

The bricks in the tunnel were transported out and piled outside yesterday's house. Slowly, a mountain of bricks was piled up.

The leaders of the demon cultivation families were stunned.

They asked Shi Youxing: "Have you updated your family's tomb-robbing techniques and young people's magic cultivation education?"

Shi Youxing shook his head quickly, saying that he couldn't afford to lose face: "It's the unique tomb-robbing technique of the Xuelihua family. Obviously, they have also been studying tomb-robbing recently to open up new inheritance?"

She asked with a question.

A group of magic cultivators began to dig, digging further and further back.


Suddenly, a girl blacksmith was hit by a brick.

Shi Youyou stepped forward and took a look, saying: "Don't move bricks. Your hand is broken. Don't do heavy work. Be careful and rest for half a month."

The girl was stunned for a moment, and then she cried out on the spot, feeling extremely wronged:

"Why, why do you treat me like this? I want to move bricks. I really want to move bricks. I'm still short of money for my hairpins. I've agreed with my sisters that we'll go to the tomb to make money and then make hairpins together. My hand is really broken now. Do I need to rest for half a month?"

"Yes, I need to rest for half a month." Shi Youyou was obviously very experienced and saw the injury at a glance.

"No, I won't rest. Even if I only have one hand, I am still strong-willed."

The girl's eyes were full of tears and she felt very uncomfortable.

There is only one chance to go down to the tomb. Jiucai Rong said that she can't come again after resurrection.

When she thought of this, she felt even more wronged:

"Woo, my hand is broken, I don't want to get out of the ancient tomb alive. I will explore the way for you later. You treat me as a pawn at the critical moment."

"If you can bring the body back, try to bring it back. If not, just send 100 magic coins to my brothers and sisters far away in my hometown for burial expenses. Just a token of your appreciation."

Then, looking at the horrified eyes of the crowd.

The girl who cried like a pear blossom in the rain, was extremely strong-willed. One hand hung behind her in a deformed posture, and she was still frantically moving bricks with one hand and continued to pry the floor.


Shi Youyou and the others were stunned on the spot.

It's just a broken bone, shouldn't he rest for half a month?

He made it seem like he had a terminal illness, and even started to make a will.

In this family, even such a sweet and lovely girl is so stubborn, she continued to work even after a broken hand, and was ready to sacrifice heroically even if she was exhausted?

They felt that there was an indescribable spirit among this generation of demon cultivators.

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