This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 25 The blacksmith's tactical analysis shocked everyone!

Shi Youxing was in great shock as she looked at the girl who was physically disabled but determined.

She couldn't help but wonder what was driving her forward?

She looked at the other person, who was still struggling with the crowbar in one hand, and prying the ground with difficulty. Suddenly, she felt a mixture of emotions.

Several small demon cultivation families nearby swallowed their saliva and whispered to each other.

"Their family is so powerful."

"I don't understand, but I feel that when they dig a floor tile, their excited and resolute look is inexplicably shocking and passionate."

"Building a house was a bit outrageous before, and eating snow made me widen my eyes, but today, I saw that yesterday was child's play. Every day is impacting my traditional demon cultivation spirit."

"They are the real traditional demon cultivation, which makes me feel ashamed."

"I am not worthy of being a traditional demon cultivation."

It is worthy of the Xuelihua family that is famous in the nearby area.

I don't know whether to say it is indifferent or strong in heart. Just this ruthlessness can be called the word demon cultivation.

Full of an indescribable madness.

Although they were communicating secretly in the family, many people continued to dig the tomb passage, moving back and forth and moving it outside.

And Yujin Jiucairong saw this scene in the dome snow house in the living area:

"They are like a construction team, pushing the mine cart back and forth."

"I thought it was a [tomb rotation pool], and the cards drawn from it were buried maids, servants, and even various concubines. I didn't expect it to be a [prison rotation pool]."

The Fairy Medicine nodded, the prison rotation pool is not bad.

They are blessed!

The floor tiles of these prisons are just removed and installed in their newly built prison at the foot of the mountain, and a new forbidden prison style decoration is made.

And the prisoners buried inside

are just turned into our prison, locked in the cell, and stepped hard on the sewing machine!

It's perfect.

This card pool is good. If a batch of prisoners are purchased, the prison will no longer have only those two talisman masters!

Especially the Fairy Medicine just went to ask the monks of the Shi family next door.

These exquisite stone bricks are not simple, they are the unique commodity output of some earth spiritual root families.

Earth spiritual roots are actually the biggest money-makers among the five elements spiritual root cultivators.

They use special spiritual soil and some metal minerals to refine [spiritual soil rough embryos], similar to [magic weapon rough embryos] made of magic copper.

These rough embryos are the cornerstones for array masters to build arrays and fairy buildings, and have extremely high resistance to impact.

Their ability to make money is only lower than that of wood spiritual roots.

As we all know, among the five elements spiritual roots, the ability to make money with earth and wood spiritual roots

The excavation is still going on.

Mines are piled up one after another.

If outsiders saw this scene, they would think they were not tomb robbers, but a group of miners going down to the mines.

These cultivators were originally scholars who had never touched the spring water, but now they were full of the breath of earth and wood, and they were digging the floor all the way.

The more they dig, the more skilled they are, and they advance rapidly at a speed of one meter per minute, and soon they advance to a fork in the road.

"There is a fork in the road, which one should I choose?"

At this time, everyone looked at Shi Youyou next to them.

Shi Youyou was speechless.

Now you remember that I am a professional tomb robber?

She surveyed and sensed the air in the tunnels on both sides, frowned and said, "Since there is a fork, we will officially start robbing the tomb!"

"The tomb passages on both sides feel the same. I guess there will be new branches wherever we go."

"Normally, the living tomb is a place similar to where living people live. There are palaces, open pavilions, bridges and streams. This kind of densely packed paths is abnormal."

"Here, it is constructed according to the prison."

"We go to the back of this tunnel and may encounter various cells, even prisoners and jailers."

You have to be careful, bring talismans, shrouds, and shield your living breath. Go around the patrolling jailers, and be careful not to be discovered by the prisoners imprisoned here. "

Her implication is obvious, act separately.

"Also, tomb robbing relies heavily on the simulated bloodline of our Shi family. In the past, we have been imitating the descendants of the tomb owner's bloodline to come to the tomb to meet him."

Shao Chai Kun, who was standing next to him, found this easy to understand.

Before, they were the bloodline of Xue Lihua and went to see the ancestor in the tomb.

Now, the tomb robbers of the Shi family also pretend to be the bloodline of the descendants of others to meet the ancestor in the tomb.

Shi Youyou said: "However, we can't pretend the other party's bloodline casually. We need to capture the descendants of this family to read the information and simulate it."

"Capture the other party's descendants? If it is a ghost, can the bloodline information be read?" Su Yu Niang suddenly asked.

"Well, ghosts can also."

Shi Youyou nodded.

They have done this in the past tomb robbing.

The logic of ghosts is flawed.

Their bloodline disguises spiritual roots and has almost never been discovered.

Every time they disguise themselves as descendants, bring a group of friends to visit the ancestor, and even eat and take, they can retire successfully.

Shao Chai Kun nodded: "I understand, we will be careful."

The strategy of the dungeon has been prompted.

The Shi family is the main C in the dungeon. Helping them to successfully simulate their bloodline will greatly reduce the difficulty of the dungeon.

"Then, let's act separately." Shi Youyou said.

"Wait a minute," Shao Chai Kun said at this time, "Let me communicate with the ancestor of the family and ask if this strategy can be more perfect."

Shi Youyou nodded and said solemnly: "Okay, how are you going to contact the ancestor?"

"I'd like to see the ancestor in my dreams." Shao Chai Kun lay down directly and closed his eyes.

He logged off on the spot, and hurriedly ran to the side view, ran to the forum, and looked at and asked those animals.

What is this called?

This is called seeking off-site support.

Everyone looked at Shao Chai Kun lying happily in the tomb passage, looking at each other.

Is this a nap?

What secret method is this to communicate with the family ancestor?

After only three or four minutes, Shao Chai Kun suddenly opened his eyes, quickly got up, and said: "We still have two points to supplement."

Everyone was stunned, so fast?

It's been a short time, your ancestor's brain is so fast, is it really practicing Naolihua?

Shi Youyou remembered Shi Youxing's words.

Shao Chai Kun said: "There are rules for killing in the ghost story, which conforms to the logic of the previous life." "We can compare this place to a [prison ghost story]. For our safety, we have to face two situations." "First, if we meet the prisoners in the cell, they will scream and expose us to digging treasure chests." "Second, if we meet the prison guards patrolling in the cell, they will find you intruders, arrest you, or even execute you on the spot." Shi Youyou nodded. Prison guards and prisoners are the two situations they will face. If they meet the owner of the tomb, they can only assume that they are unlucky and are likely to die. "As for our prison break, who is the big brother we are saving?" "Give the prisoner a look that you know, implying that we are here to save the strongest prisoner in the prison, and at the same time hint at the location of this prisoner." "It is still very important to know the information of the number one prisoner." Everyone heard it and felt that it made sense. The prisoners still maintained the logic of their previous lives. They thought they were not dead and wanted to escape from prison. After all, If it was an ordinary tomb, it would be fine. Now they actually bought a group of unforgivable prisoners to be buried with them. They can encourage the prisoners to riot, saying that they are here to rob the prison, and lead them to attack the owner of the tomb. "Wait!" The fat monk of the Zhu family raised his hand silently: "I am not very good at speaking. When I meet a prisoner, how can I hint that we are here to rob the prison and save the strongest number one prisoner? We don't even know who the strongest prisoner is. Are you sure it won't be exposed?" "The prisoner who can be locked up must have done a lot of evil and can't be a fool." In fact, this is also what most people think. It's easy to say it with your mouth, but it's actually very difficult to operate. Prisoner ghosts are a very dangerous type of ghost. Because normal ghosts can't tell if you disguise yourself as a ghost, and they won't kill their own kind. But prisoner ghosts are unforgivable. Many of them are perverted murderers who will kill their own kind. If you disguise yourself as their own kind, they may also kill you. These prisoners are basically scum. If you communicate with them, you will die if you make a mistake. "Yes, this is the scary part of this tomb. There are many dangers and great opportunities." Shi Youyou looked at everyone and said calmly: "We, the Shi family, may not be able to afford it. Even if we do, it will cause considerable losses. That's why we invited you to come." In fact. In other ancient tombs, the burial objects purchased are maids. These maids patrol the buildings, serve dishes, cook, and sweep the floor. If you disguise yourself and communicate with them, there is a high probability that you will continue to act and enter various rooms to steal things. But the burial objects purchased in this tomb are brutal prisoners everywhere. After encountering them, the danger level has increased by several levels! Shao Chai Kun nodded: "How to communicate with prisoners? It does involve the blind spot of most monks. After all, everyone is not very experienced. Let's simulate it. I am a robber and you are a prisoner, Fatty."

Fatty took the role of a prisoner in the cell and saw a robber passing by: "Who are you? Why are you rummaging outside the cell?"

Shao Chai Kun: "I am here to rob the prison."

Fatty: "Rock the prison? Who to save? Can you save me at the same time? I have been locked up here for a long time."

Shao Chai Kun said meaningfully: "Our group of brothers broke into the prison, of course, to save the strongest prisoner who is imprisoned in the depths of the prison."

Fatty: "Who?"

Shao Chai Kun was impatient:

"That one! Those who understand will understand, and those who don't understand won't understand even if you say it, so don't ask, because your level as a prisoner is too rubbish, you can't get in touch with the circle of high-level prisoners in the prison, and the interests involved are too big. It's not good for you to say it. I can only say that the water is deep, and you are not worthy of participating in our rescue."

Fatty: "!!!"

He was stunned by this set of boxing.

Even the eyes of the demon cultivators next to him were full of surprise.

Shao Chai Kun said seriously:

"At this time, you, the prisoner, are despised. You will definitely tell the location, name, and personality of the number one prisoner, saying that you can help save people and participate in the prison break. This is your only chance to escape."

This set of words makes sense.

Everyone present understood it in their hearts.

Encountering a prisoner is the only hope for this prisoner to escape. He will definitely take the bait, reveal information, and participate in the prison break and escape from prison.

Shao Chai Kun smiled and said, "Isn't this a success? This is called the Riddler Tactics. When you encounter something you don't understand, you should be vague and answer questions that are not related to the question. You should all learn from it. Of course, there is no guarantee of absolute success. It's just that when you encounter a dangerous prisoner, it's always good to give it a try. If you don't try to stabilize the other party, you can only wait for death." The surrounding demon cultivators silently took note of it in their hearts and were taught another lesson in demon cultivation. It must be admitted that their tactics for dealing with various emergencies are very novel and strange, and even embarrassing and embarrassing, but very useful. Shao Chai Kun continued: "And there are two solutions to encountering jailers." "As long as the jailer is a normal official and righteous cultivator, he will lock you up in prison according to the procedures. You take the opportunity to communicate with the prisoner and implement the tactics of uniting the prisoner before. After all, drawing cards can communicate and ask for rescue." "Of course, the premise is that your disguise is not invalid. If the jailer finds out that you are a fresh and alive person, he may go crazy and eat you." The wonderful and logical analysis again and again made the demon cultivators present completely show some strange colors. They all knew.

These simulated prepared situations can prevent them from being at a loss when they encounter them.

This is already very good for them.

How can immortals not die when exploring a secret place and obtaining resources?

If this ancient tomb is not dangerous, but just a house where ordinary maids patrol, the Shi family will have it all to themselves.


"What's the problem?" Shi Youyou asked.

"Official prisons must be regularly maintained, expanded, and repaired, and construction teams must come regularly." Shao Chai Kun said, "Can you disguise yourself as the spiritual root of the prison construction team?" Shi Youyou was shocked: "You want to pretend to be the prison construction team?" "Of course we can do it!" "Official conventional construction spiritual roots are all those earth spiritual roots. We have preserved the blood in them. With the blood, we can disguise ourselves as the earth spiritual root bloodline of the construction." "In addition, our family often simulates various identities, and we also have the uniforms of the official civil engineering department, which can also be worn." Shao Chai Kun nodded: "Well, this is it-this is called a bull-headed man in front of the husband. Everyone looked dazed. Tomb robbing in person? Even Shi Youyou thought it was a bit outrageous! Her bloodline is used to simulate the descendants of the tomb owner, but she didn't think of this trick. Don't simulate the tomb owner directly, simulate an external construction team! "Can you give it a try?" Shao Chai Kun said. "Okay, I'll go back and prepare right away. If we meet the jailer, we can give it a try. If we are exposed, we can run away without any loss." Shi Youyou also turned around and walked towards the exit.

They didn't go into the tomb very deep because they were always prying the floor, so they got out of the tomb very quickly.

Soon Shi Youyou returned to the family warehouse through the teleportation array and brought the necessary things.

And let the monks of the Shi family simulate the breath, put on the official uniforms of the Civil Engineering Department, and disguise themselves as the construction team of the official construction agency.

"We don't have the corresponding earth spirit roots. Now we are temporary workers. Everyone put on the clothes of temporary workers."

Shao Chai Kun drew a circle on the wall of the prison and wrote the big red word [demolition] on it.

"Everyone, start the action!"

"To deceive others, you have to deceive yourself. This prison has been in disrepair for a long time and needs to be demolished and rebuilt. We are the construction team here."

"Start by splitting up into two groups. If you are discovered, follow the countermeasures I mentioned before. If you are still discovered, point one hand to the sky and the other to the ground, revealing a domineering look that looks down on the world, and stare at him fiercely."

Shi Youyou was shocked: "Are you going to pretend to be a child of a big family who came to patrol the prison to scare him?"

"No, this will make us die with more dignity."

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