This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 26: Separation of Life and Death

Soon they split into two groups.

If anything happened, they would communicate using communication instruments.

Shao Chai Kun and the others followed Shi Youyou in a group, chose the passage on the left, sneaked silently, and did not tear down the wall again.

Hula La!

The faint oil lamps hanging around were flickering, flickering, and looked a bit eerie and strange. There was a stench in the air, as if it had not been ventilated for tens of thousands of years.

"This lamp" Shao Chai Kun felt sorry for a moment, but did not attack the lamp, and continued to sneak quietly.

To be honest, if it weren't for Shi Youyou, they would never sneak so fast, and they would definitely have to pry the floor all the way through.

What a pity.

But it's not bad to explore the situation.

Shao Chai Kun suddenly thought of something, turned around and said to the monks on their route:

"If you are afraid, stay and pry the floor. We will split it 40-60. We will explore the way ahead. If there is danger, we will definitely encounter it first."

"Is this good?" Several demon cultivators looked at each other.

"You just move bricks and dig for treasures, and we'll take the risk of taking the lead." Shao Chai Kun said seriously, "This way you'll be safer. If you encounter any problems, follow my countermeasures."

They were a little touched.

It is said that the traditional magic circle is the most loyal.

But most people are just superficially loyal, robbing together with friends, just like the boss and second in command of a bandit villa.

But when something really happens, they basically go their own way.

But the people of this family treat them as true friends and good brothers, which makes them a little overwhelmed.


"Let's pry."

Xia Ke Novels Network

After several brainwashings, these muscular men who looked fierce, good at fighting, and covered with scars quickly accepted this task that was very shameful two days ago.

They began to pry the floor tiles honestly, and took a cart to transport bricks out one by one.

Like a tunnel miner.

Shao Chai Kun wrote in the blacksmith team channel:

"I am such a clever guy. I tell you, if you keep doing this, you will be able to get a group of brick movers, 40% to 60%."

The God of Food: "Fuck, 40% to 60% is not bad, hurry up and pull out the floor tiles for them."

Su Yu Niang: "We can have fun with the adventure, kill monsters, decrypt, explore. They are responsible for moving bricks, the death rate of the NPC team is reduced, and we can also improve our favorability."

Soon, other forks in the road also began to negotiate with other magic cultivators.

So, it became a group of blacksmiths exploring the way ahead and advancing, and a group of people from other families behind confirmed that it was safe, and then skinned at a speed of ten seconds per meter.

This brick moving speed is still based on minimizing the sound as much as possible, for fear of being heard.

Wherever you go, the main goal is to leave no grass growing!


And Shi Youyou next to him looked at Shao Chai Kun with a complicated expression, "You want money but not life."

Obviously, she also knew what happened in the next fork in the road through the family's communication.

Over the past few days, she gradually discovered that this group of demon cultivators had great personal charm!

They were not arrogant, but down-to-earth, diligent, and saved every bit of magic money.

They were united, not scheming, and there was no mutual framing among the demon cultivators. They trusted each other unconditionally.

They were also very loyal, like an elder brother, leading everyone to analyze the situation, taking on the responsibility, and taking the initiative to shoulder the most dangerous charge mission.

With such teammates, their broad arms gave people an extremely reassuring and reliable feeling.

It seemed that only when they fell would they be in danger!

This was the truly charming demon cultivator family.

If they were not prosperous, who would be prosperous?

Shi Youyou had wild thoughts. Even if they were rebelling, with their personal charm, I was afraid that many people would follow them.

"Aren't you going to move bricks?" Shao Chai Kun asked Shi Youyou.

Shi Youyou shook his head: "I don't need these few magic money. I will accompany you to explore the front. I am professional and let you reduce the possibility of total destruction."

Shao Chai Kun did not refuse.

Gradually, they came to an open entrance, and the walls were covered with all kinds of huge torture instruments and weapons, the complexity of which was eye-opening.

On the opposite side of the exit, there were a few big words written:

Suppress the beasts.

Shi Youyou didn't speak, and wrote on the card: "The prison of the court not only holds humans, but also holds prisons for other races."

Shao Chai Kun was thoughtful.

Shi Youyou wrote: "Those beasts are very large and are held separately from humans."

"So that's it, we are entering the beast prisoner area." Shao Chai Kun nodded, and then walked in quietly.

After entering this area, they found that the whole room had become abnormally huge.

Huge tables and chairs.

He became a thumb-sized person.

Shao Chai Kun thought: "This room where the monsters are imprisoned is so big, how much is it worth? Even the floor tiles under our feet are more than ten times bigger. If we move the floor tiles back, they will be a prison room for six yuan each. We will make a fortune for the owner of the manor again!" Suddenly, screams were heard in the distance. They kept moving forward and quietly hid behind a sofa. Suddenly, they saw two huge and burly muscular men in front of them, as tall as several floors, beating and torturing two monsters. The strong man grabbed a huge tiger over ten meters long and burned it in an unknown hot pot. The tiger showed a look of begging for mercy, but it could no longer scream. It was obviously torture, a frying pan.

In this world, thieves will be beheaded, and monks who kill mortals will be torn into pieces.

Oil pan punishment, I don’t know how many people this demon tiger has killed.

On the other side.

A strong man grabbed the iron sticks and stabbed them into the back of a donkey one by one. The donkey was stabbed and wailed continuously, and the screams made people feel cold.

"This is an ancient tomb that is tens of thousands of years old. Is it like this every day?" Shao Chai Kun asked with a picture card.

"The ghosts are like this, day after day, repeating the daily life before they died."

Shi Youyou wrote on the picture card: "As long as the tombs are not destroyed, the inside of these tombs are basically repeating the cycle until forever."

"That's really miserable, they have been tortured for tens of thousands of years." Shao Chai Kun sighed.

"I will save these monsters back to our prison. If there is a chance, can you ask your masters to help us pull them out, and we will pay them."

Shi Youyou fell silent.

She suddenly said, "The two jailers are in the four-organ realm, but the two monsters look big, but they are actually in the five-body realm. I can pull one out myself."

"That's great." Shao Chai Kun said secretly, "Let's not pull out the floor tiles for a while, pull out the prisoners."

Shi Youyou: "?"

Are you serious?

It's okay to lift the bricks when passing by, but do you really want to lift the ghosts?



The sound of whipping came.

They waited for a long time before the two huge giant jailers locked these monsters into the prison room, then walked to a chair in the distance and sat down, taking a nap silently.

The few people looked at each other and hesitated.

This is the cell area.

Meeting the fierce and strange prisoners and jailers in the tomb means that they can't move forward.

The picture of this giant reminded Shao Chai Kun of a puzzle escape game he played, "Little Nightmares", which was also in the giant's room, hiding on chairs and sofas, fighting wits and courage to escape.

This game is too fun.

Each dungeon has a different storyline.

"Let me do it."

The girl with a broken arm came out, trembling, but still said resolutely:

"I'll attract them, you pull out the demon tiger and run away." The girl's eyes flashed with a resolute light: "I'll replace it and make a lot of money."

"Good luck." Shao Chai Kun saluted.

"I will." The girl thought about it and cut off her broken hand, "I feel like I'm going to die without a complete body, so I'll keep one hand, maybe it's still valuable in the furnace."

Shao Chai Kun nodded seriously.

The girl hesitated for a moment: "How about not using the other hand, and keeping two hands? I think I can lure the jailer away with two legs."


Shi Youyou was listening to the conversation between the two people about life and death.

It felt that in the heroic sacrifice, there was an inexplicable weirdness and horror.

Keep one hand, keep two hands

At this moment, there was a feeling that they were more like ghosts.

"Don't do this."

Shao Chai Kun shook his head. In Shi Youyou's increasingly panicked eyes, he began to seriously analyze the pros and cons:

"With more hands, you can swing while running and keep your balance. Otherwise, if you fall down, you can't get up without your hands. If you die before completing the task of attracting monsters, it will be in vain."

The girl thought about it, nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll go."

"Wait." Shao Chai Kun said, "Take off the coat of the civil engineering department and put on the prisoner's uniform."

The uniforms of government prisoners are uniformly white.

Shi Youyou also brought several sets of spares.

The girl changed into the prisoner's clothes, "Then I'm leaving."

"Go." Shao Chai Kun waved his hand and said, "See you in the next life."

They set up a trap, letting the girl make a sound to seduce people, and then lead them away.

"There is a sound."

"Who is it?"

Soon, the two jailers were led away.

And they entered a cell in the prison and looked at the dying tiger, too weak to resist, and let Shi Youyou pull it out.

"Run!" Shao Chai Kun was ecstatic.

"Wait, I'll throw some corpse perfume."

Shi Youyou said, "This water looks like the blood of a corpse melted. If you throw it on the ground, they will think that the tiger was tortured to death by them, not taken away by us."

Shi Youyou still knows how to use the logical flaws of tricks.

"You go first, I'll cover you in case of an accident." Shao Chai Kun started running a few seconds later.

Hua La La.

They moved quietly along the tunnel.

After a while, they returned to the corridor behind them and saw the monks who were demolishing the wall.

Those who were digging the floor were stunned by the demon tiger prisoner.

This is

not pulling out the floor, but pulling out the prisoner?

Shao Chai Kun whispered: "Run first, something may chase you out."

After a while, he ran out of the hole and came to the safe zone.

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