This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 29 The Fear of the New Prisoner in the Villa


As Jiucai Rong called out names one by one, it was the turn of other blacksmiths to come forward to receive their rewards.

"This is yours."

"These are yours."

Jiucai Rong distributed the magic money one by one.

Some blacksmiths had swollen hands, and took a few magic coins and complained: "This money is too little."

Jiucai Rong felt uncomfortable when he heard it, "What's less? Don't talk nonsense with your eyes open. The second-hand brick recycling market is very difficult. Sometimes you should look for your own reasons and whether you are working hard."

"You have ten magic coins a day, and you can tell at a glance that you are not working hard enough. Are your hands dislocated or swollen when you are moving bricks? Is there myolysis?"

"You are exhausted to death without even a life, and you still have the nerve to say that you work hard?"

When everyone heard it, they also felt that it made sense, so they didn't refute it.

Jiucai Rong didn't give a good look, and each person had an average of about ten magic coins.

If they don't lower the price crazily, how can their villa make money?

How does the owner of the villa make money?

He quickly contacted the ember Su Yu Niang down the mountain by drawing cards.

Let her use the cable car to transport these bricks down the mountain to contribute to the construction of the new prison.

Yu Jin Su Yu Niang quickly went up the mountain, and her eyes lit up when she saw the bricks on the hill, "My God, this is so cool."

As she spoke, she looked at the female prisoner and the demon tiger next to her:

"Should I escort these two heinous prisoners down the mountain? After all, it's not good to stay here. In the middle of the night, we will attack you while you are sleeping, and no one can save you."

"No need to take them away."

Jiu Cai Rong righteously rejected the other party's request, "Just chop them one by one, let them be weak after giving birth, and then lock them up in the cage that was used to hold the talisman master before. In short, let's interrogate them first."

Yu Jin Su Yu Niang was a little unwilling, so she could only start moving bricks.

Jiucai Rong called the hairpin lady who had a broken arm and attracted monsters. She had been resurrected:

"You caught the tiger, and Su Yu Niang caught that woman. They are both low-level prisoners in the Five Body Realm. One hundred magic coins each. You can divide it among yourselves. Are you satisfied?"

"Satisfied, satisfied." The hairpin lady was full of joy.

With this magic money, she can take her hairpin business to the next level.

Seeing this, Shao Chai Kun leaned over and said, "I also helped you. I was the one who pulled out the embers. You have to share some money with me."

"Woo woo." The hairpin lady looked at him with tears in her eyes and looked at him pitifully. "It costs money for me to resurrect, and you just moved your mouth and asked Shi Youyou to help you pull out the embers."

Shao Chai Kun didn't buy it, "I only want ten magic coins."

Interrogation room.

Li Zhenzhen opened her eyes and looked around in a daze.

There was a commotion outside, and it seemed that they were calling for magic money, making money, moving bricks, and various unloading sounds. I was at the dock?

Where am I?

Isn't she in prison?

She looked around and saw that she was locked in a cage.

There was also a huge demon tiger in another cage next to her.

Li Zhenzhen couldn't help but feel dizzy. She couldn't tell the days in prison and didn't know how long she had been locked up, but she still remembered why she was in prison.

She just wanted a genius child.

Aunt Li next door secretly told her that as long as she worshipped the Mother of No Birth and learned the clover tattoo, she could give birth to a genius child.

She kept giving birth and killing the seven babies she gave birth to. She was discovered by the government and was arrested and imprisoned for murder.

She still remembered the chivalrous woman in white. When she arrested her, she looked at her with disbelief, shock, and disgust, as if saying: How could there be such a vicious woman in this world?

That look deeply hurt her, which was more uncomfortable than any torture.

Those monks who were high up and high up, who were not worldly, had no idea of ​​her pain.

What did she do wrong?

Poor families have no tolerance for mistakes.

She has seen too many neighbors who pick up and drop off their children to school, eat and drink well, and stew chicken and duck during exams, but their parents can only hide and eat bran and vegetables.

But what happened afterwards?

After raising a child for more than ten years, the child suddenly died suddenly, and their parents seemed to have aged by dozens of years.

They were depressed and lifeless. The family spent more than ten years to support their children's education. Who could understand the grief of the money, emotions, and love they invested in their children?

She saw too many neighborhood parents who turned white overnight, and she was too scared, too scared.

Until that day, she heard that teaching:

- It is better to be born without life than to be born in suffering.

She did nothing wrong, but she just let the child who was about to die in his teens die early.

As a child from a poor family, it is better to strangle him to death to avoid suffering.

"I'm not wrong, I'm not wrong! I'm innocent, let me out." Li Zhenzhen shouted, "It's the world that's wrong."

She wants to have children, she wants to have children desperately, ten, a hundred, and finally raise her most talented child, raise a successful scholar, this is her lifelong obsession! !

"Are you awake?" Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and several laughing figures walked in.

"Who are you? Am I not in prison?" Li Zhenzhen shouted loudly.

"You will know soon."

The voice of the figure seemed like a butcher in the vegetable market, holding a machete: "Give birth to eight or ten babies, then talk."


A knife cut down.

Soon, Li Zhenzhen screamed loudly, and soon showed a look of fear.

Is this karma?

"Hehe, you must be very happy to have given birth to our master's child." The voice laughed wildly, "This is just the beginning, it will soon be over." The player suddenly lost the line, twitching all over, and closed his eyes forever. "What happened to him?" "Why did he die?" "Fuck, he was talking about the master." "Hahaha, he deserves it!" "Let's not talk nonsense in the future, it will kill people." Several blacksmiths ignored the bodies of their companions at all, but talked and laughed, and even made a few jokes. This frightened Li Zhenzhen and Menghu and trembled all over. How could they be so chatting and laughing, but a companion suddenly died suddenly? And next to him, Menghu also secretly opened his eyes, showing a look of fear. Was this transferred to a new prison? This scene is more creepy than it being put into the oil pan. These jailers, at first glance, laughed in an improper way, too evil. I was not transferred to the private prison of a big shot in the government, and then was treated like this, like that

Please give me a proper punishment, don't do this

The tiger trembled, feeling that his life was about to usher in an unprecedented dark moment.

"Hey, are you awake?" The blacksmith suddenly turned his head and looked at him, revealing a cold light.

The tiger was so scared that he closed his eyes and pretended to sleep immediately.

"Don't be afraid, we are not good people." The man came closer.

The tiger was even more scared and shouted: "Wait, I am a male tiger, I am a male, I am a boy."

"You bastard, we haven't talked yet, you are so dramatic, a boy?" Instead, they became more excited, breathing rapidly, and took out machetes:

"Hehe! There are no boys in this world, only girls who can't have children, let me see your leopard-print legs."

The tiger was terrified and horrified.

It can only be said that the mental attacks of this group of blacksmiths, the tricks of leaving psychological shadows on prisoners, are becoming more and more skilled.

I believe that our villa will sooner or later be famous throughout Xinyizhou, and let them know:

Not to mention living people, any ghost who comes to our place

, regardless of male or female, male or female, or race, must give birth to eight or ten babies before leaving.

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