This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 30: Manor Master Missile, Launched

Because the first dungeon operation was a great victory and two prisoners were captured, they built a bonfire and began to celebrate.

As life improved, the blacksmiths had spare money.

They were no longer satisfied with ordinary crow jerky, or even wild vegetables and corpse-colored mushrooms in other mountains.

The blacksmiths began to pursue higher standards for food, so they began to purchase normal ingredients.

And this time, the God of Food not only went to the front line to go to the tomb dungeon, but also got some special ingredients from other cities through the channels of several other families.

After all, he had a deep obsession with the canteen's money-making business.

"Braised wind and fire fish, one magic coin for a large plate."

"Steamed and baked duck eggs, ten coins for one magic coin, large quantity and fullness, super cheap."

Various delicacies were shouted loudly by the God of Food on the table, and then the blacksmiths in each bonfire came to pay for them.

The purchasing power of magic money is actually quite high.

One magic coin can buy several bags of ordinary rice, enough for an ordinary family of three to save for a month.

Even the meat, eggs and ingredients of the monks raised in regular ways can be purchased in large quantities.

The blacksmiths gathered in groups of three or two, surrounded their teams, sat in front of the campfire, eating food, drinking wine and singing songs.

"Fuck, we have entered a new era."

"That's right. We were so poor before that we had no clothes to wear, and we could only eat wild vegetables. Now we are rich and have money to cook formal food."

"I have some spare money in my hands."

"Offline, I eat takeout boxes. Here, the delicacies from mountains and seas are super delicious. It's so cool."

Everyone chatted and smiled.

This food is so delicious!

It must be said that the food in this other world is a major feature.

Especially the 100 local tyrants who came in, all became loyal customers of the villa.

The local tyrants said that these flavors of the other world, if cooked casually, would beat any high-end restaurant they had eaten.

This is the villa on the tip of the tongue.

They are rich, and they have taken a big step forward in food.

In other games, as long as you are willing to suffer, you will have endless suffering.

Those shameless dog planners are trying to increase your liver and the difficulty of your game.

But here, as long as you are willing to work hard, you will grow quickly.

The dog planners are as conscientious as the old NPC managers.

They even secretly change the card draw rate for you, fearing that you are too unlucky to develop the villa.

This strong sense of feedback stimulates their dopamine and makes them more diligent in moving bricks, mining, and ironmaking.

Especially now, they are still talking about today's dungeon activities.

Based on past experience, it is preliminarily estimated that the rotation pool of this tomb raiding dungeon can last for a month.

Everyone is analyzing various intelligence and clues, and chatting enthusiastically.

"I wonder how Su Yu Niang is doing in prison?"

Jiu Cairong smiled and said meaningfully: "When she has figured it out, we can play the role of the demolition team."

"Well, it will probably take a day or two to figure it out."

Shao Chai Kun ate his meal, vaguely, with a face full of happiness.

"Anyway, I will continue to carry bricks tomorrow, and I won't go deep into the interior to wait for Su Yu Niang to provide information."

The people next to him also felt the same way.

How good is it to carry bricks honestly?

Taking life to explore, in exchange for information, how stupid is that?

The main reason is that this copy deliberately weakens the player's [resurrection mechanism], so that they are not much different from NPCs.

After all, corpses cannot be recycled and thrown into the forge, and dying once is a big loss.

It is still necessary to rely on Su Yu Niang to infiltrate the interior and split the other party through the prisoners, so that intelligence can also be obtained.

"It's not that I can't afford to die, but moving bricks is more cost-effective." The Fairy Doctor said, "By the way, I have some clues for the experiment you asked me to do." "What?" Jiu Cairong was shocked, and immediately said in ecstasy: "Is the plan of [killing the owner of the manor] promising? Can we finally get the embers of the owner of the manor?" The Fairy Aunt smiled proudly: "Well, this time in the tomb, it's okay if nothing unexpected happens!" "If something unexpected happens, all the major families will send out the great monks of the Three Yuan Realm to besiege the tomb." "We will send out the embers of the owner of the manor to show them what a strong man is!" So, what the hell is [killing the owner of the manor]? Ning Zheng just sent them back to the villa, and then killed a blacksmith who was going to give birth to his child. When he returned to the villa and went to the house to eat, he was puzzled. These people are sick. What else do you say, send out the embers of the owner of the manor, go to the ancient tomb outside, and show your power to various families? I asked you to rob the tomb, but I didn't ask you to go down to the tomb for me.

"Will they rob this tomb and bury the owner's body in this prison tomb?"

He looked strange.


I have to see what they are doing.

I reopened the forum and started to look through the recent events.

But there was no information on the top posts.

I looked back and read several pages, all of which were about today's ancient tomb events.

Ning Zheng thought about it, searched for posts posted by the Fairy of Medicine, and finally found a post that was not very hot.

[Fairy of Medicine: How to create the owner's ember baby]

"I call this plan the [Kill the owner] plan."

"As everyone knows, in our villa, if everyone jumps into the forge, an ember baby will be born."

"As the leader of our Green Hat Villa, you must jump out of the forge, produce the ember baby, and become the green clone, then you can be the master of our Green Hat Villa!"

Ning Zheng's eyelids twitched wildly when she saw these two simple lines of words.

It's impossible for the owner of the villa to jump out of the forge.

And produce embers?

It's even more outrageous.

"So, I have a brand new plan, inspired by my baby. My two embers can fuse, can the embers of the manor lord fuse?"

"The great power that the manor lord lent us, the phantom that appears when we chop people, is essentially an empty shell of embers, and it also comes from the same origin, so it must be able to fuse."

"Even better fusion! Because there is no yin and yang opposing attributes."

"So, I plan to study the remaining fusion drugs that I bought for the fusion of the sword fairy before, and re-study the fusion experiment of homologous cavitations."

"In the future, chop the ancestor, and produce a lot of three-element realm bow and arrow phantoms that are weaker than the ancestor, and then fuse the bow and arrow phantoms, isn't it the super high-quality ember baby of the manor lord?"

"We go a step further, why can we only chop the ancestor?"

"With The prisoners in the [Demon Suppression Tower] can all be chopped! As the number of prisoners increases, thousands of prisoners, after being chopped, will they be fused? "

"[Demon Suppression Tower] will be the launch platform and nuclear weapons launch tower of the manor master in the future."

"Nuclear weapons are being activated."

"Ding! Manor master, loading."

"Ding! Manor master, slashing wildly, fusing, and fusion reaction."

"Ding! Manor master, taking off."

"Ding! Manor master, there are five seconds to get to the battlefield."

"Ding! Manor master, crossing Pingchang City, Yunshan City, mountains, rivers, and arriving at the destination - Xinyizhou City, Xinyi Palace, the enemy Jian Xin has exploded."

"Surface-to-surface ultra-long-range intercontinental missile, super cool."

And there are also many comments under the post.

It was popular for a while before, but then it was pushed down by the new tomb-robbing popularity.

"As expected of you! Fairy Medicine, what cyber nuclear weapon?"

"Fuck, super weapon, suppression-level combat power!"

"Real hardcore mechanical ascension."

"The owner of the manor hasn't shown up yet, but he showed up in this way? If this is the hidden opening setting of the planner, then the dog planner should really be hospitalized."

"Hahaha, I can't laugh anymore, owner, launch!"

"One-click query of SMS, the mental state of the Fairy Medicine."


Ning Zheng continued to read, and the next few thousand words were all reasoning about the feasibility of such things.

It is undeniable that this plan is really useful!

And through this post, the Fairy Medicine successfully applied for funds from Jiucai Rong to let the medical clinic conduct research.

Although the Fairy Medicine is not free, the Fairy Aunt is free.

She is still the Soul Separation Flower.

For the healing and fusion of the soul, there is an innate advantage!

And it is not difficult!

Before, the more difficult Yin and Yang homologous fusion was made, and now it is just the fusion of ember cavitation with the same attribute.

The results are very fast.

That's why Jiucairong said that.

If the ancient tomb incident requires the dispatch of Sanyuan Realm cultivators, they may dispatch the embers of the owner of the manor according to the degree of danger!

Let the cultivators of other families see the strong fighting power of the owner of the manor.


They are very efficient and have achieved certain results.

It's better to say that many of them are moving forward together. Now there are 300 people, and each region's profession is playing their own work, whether it's a whole life or a brain hole, always doing something that they think makes money.

After all, the higher the degree of freedom, the more possibilities there are.

"The case is solved."

Ning Zheng took a deep breath, and his expression became more and more strange.

What strong fighting power do I have?

A mere four-organ realm, you want me to fight the city guard of a city?

However, the strength of the toxin that cuts people depends on the mother body. Even if only a few Sanyuan ancestors are cut at present, a bunch of phantoms weaker than Sanyuan will explode, and theoretically they can be fused.

Thinking of this, Ning Zheng breathed a sigh of relief.

What is the [Kill the Manor Owner] plan? It's a catchy headline!

I thought they were going to kill me.

After all, according to them, since I, the manor owner, have not shown my health bar yet, they won't do anything to me.

"But, fusion?"

Ning Zheng's eyes flashed with a light.

His spiritual roots don't have matching spells and techniques.

Look at the Blood Flower, which has three branch techniques, Blood and Flesh Puppet, Blood and Flesh Field, and Blood and Flesh Tyrant Body.

Look at the Shi family, which also has three branches.

And what about me?

Not to mention the branches of techniques, I don't even have any techniques, I just practice hard.

A blank realm, without any spells, just do it directly, bend the bow and shoot arrows.

"This fusion is probably at least a branch of my technique."

"After all, I have more attacks, too many clones, but no quality. If I create a technique and fuse it in battle, I guess my combat power will skyrocket."

Ning Zheng thought.

"This group of blacksmiths are even researching techniques for me!"

Ning Zheng felt very good. By gathering everyone's wisdom and developing a technique, I can save a lot of luck points.

I hope to open more Soul Separation Flowers.

Soul Separation Flowers are my lower-level spiritual roots. If I research the technique of this spiritual root, I can also use it.

As for my own fusion "Ember", I don't worry about having my own wisdom.

After all, he is not really dead, so it must not be a real ember, but an empty shell.

It is estimated that it can be controlled like a normal shadow clone.

Free reading.

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