Sword-casting Villa.

Seeing them go to the dungeon and leave, Su Yu Niang was a little bored in the villa.

"I really want to go to the tomb, I really want to move bricks, I will die if I can't move bricks, my roommate just wants to see me move bricks before he dies."

She screamed:

"Woo woo woo, even if I don't have to go to the tomb, I want to go to the temporary tomb-robbing market, see the local specialties from all over the place, and chat with the magic sisters next door."

She lay on her desk in the housekeeping room, boredly looking at Jiu Cairong in the distance, with a pile of documents on the table, writing and drawing.

"Don't bother me."

Jiu Cairong responded coldly: "If you really have nothing to do, help me revise the documents."

Jiu Cairong could only sit in the housekeeping room, enviously watching his own Yu Jin leading the team crazily, you Su Yu Niang want to run away?

It's rare that he came back from death.

The two of them simply stayed and squatted in the housekeeping room together, with a company.

"How was the interrogation yesterday?" Su Yu Niang asked.

Jiucai Rong raised his eyebrows and said lightly: "Well, they all confessed. One is a woman named Li Zhenzhen who was bewitched by the Wusheng Old Mother, and the other is a demon tiger who came into the city to hurt people."

Li Zhenzhen is a pitiful person if she doesn't talk about it.

As for the demon tiger, it's a question of position.

People eat demon beasts, and demon beasts eat people. This is a normal behavior in the food chain.

But from the perspective of humans, you are committing a crime.

"Wusheng Old Mother?"

Su Yu Niang lay on the table, turning a brush boredly:

"I found out last night that many human women in the prison are female members of the Wusheng Religion, about 80%, a very high proportion"

"Is this a special prison for catching Wusheng Religionists?"

"Or was it that in the other party's era, there were Wusheng Religion members everywhere, so they caught so many people and the prison exploded?"

"You have cognitive bias." Jiucai Rong shook his head.

First of all, the burial objects are almost all low-level female prisoners.

Because it's cheap.

The ancestors of the Four Zang Realm are already the backbone of the army, and even in small families, they are at the level of elders. How can they be bought by you casually?

Look at the Shi family.

They only dare to take advantage of the red sun to go to Pingchang City to steal a few ancestors of the Four Zang Realm, which is obviously a scarce commodity.

And the low-level female prisoners are basically ordinary people, or just entering the Five Body Realm. What can they do?

The crime is basically "raising a baby" secretly.

Because the other party's direction of buying prisoners is very targeted, this situation has occurred, and the population bought in is full of female believers of the Wusheng Religion.

However, it doesn't matter how the prisoners commit crimes.

As long as they think the quality of this card pool is very high.

"I'm so bored." Su Yu Niang said goodbye to Jiu Cairong, left the steward's room, and watched everyone working coming and going.

Some people were making snowmen with the swept snow.

She hesitated for a while and went to the interrogation room next door.

The demon tiger in the interrogation room, Li Zhenzhen will not stay here permanently. These two will leave psychological shadows and then be sent to the prison at the foot of the mountain for transformation.


Push open the door.

The room was deliberately designed to be extremely dark.

She carefully lit the river demon oil lamp, and the swaying candlelight reflected the environment in the room.

There were prisoners in each of the two cages.

They were all stabbed many times, and their souls were separated again and again, causing them to enter a state of "postpartum weakness". They could no longer go crazy and hurt people, so they were very safe.

"Please, please, let me go." Yaohu begged for mercy, very weak, obviously unable to bear it.

"Humph, you bastard." Su Yu Niang cursed.

But Li Zhenzhen was trembling all over, looking at Su Yu Niang: "Who are you, could it be that you are the Wusheng Sect here?"

She was already a little

unconscious, "Great leader, come to rob the prison, come to save us?"

Su Yu Niang:?

She was stunned for a moment, and said lightly: "Oh, how did you recognize me."

Li Zhenzhen was very weak: "Apart from the believers, who would save me, a powerless and low-level woman? This makes no sense."

Her analysis was indeed very reasonable.

She is just an ordinary commoner, not worth robbing, not worth paying attention to.

This view is applicable in the eyes of ordinary people.

But it is completely inapplicable in the eyes of blacksmiths. They will not let go of any ghosts if they want to take away even a brick.

Li Zhenzhen continued:

"This is

"But this time, I gave birth to seven or eight babies in one night, even the male tiger next door."

Except for the legendary Wusheng Sect, it is hard to imagine who has such a crazy power.

Li Zhenzhen felt that it must be the top leaders who came to rescue them.

Su Yu Niang opened her mouth in shock, looking confused.

She seemed to have some reason

But it was not right to think about it carefully. Our soul was split by the virus, but the one of Wusheng Sect was a proper pregnancy and childbirth, just using some kind of magical power to accelerate the ten-month pregnancy.

There is a difference in essence!

However, Yu Jin has cognitive defects and does not seem to have discovered this difference.

Or rather.

It is not that there is a cognitive defect, but that Li Zhenzhen is at the bottom of society, her knowledge is too shallow, and she can't tell the difference between the two at all.

In despair, she held on to hope, thinking that it was the followers who came to save her.

Although the other party misunderstood, Su Yu Niang thought she could go with the flow and pretend to be a member of the Wusheng Sect to gain her trust.

Even the women in that prison can be locked up in the [Demon Suppression Tower] in this way, and let them step on the loom inside!

The entire prison can form a base camp of the "Wusheng Cult" stationed at the foot of the mountain.

"Compared to planting a 'psychological shadow' and taming them with fear, this voluntary detention model seems to be better."

"It is best to be proactive and obedient."

"Even proactively obedient, we can let them become jailers in the prison, manage the villa for us, and the prisoners who will enter one by one in the future."

After all, as a prison expands, it is not possible without jailers.

It is simply impossible to manage it with only Ning Jiaojiao and Yujin Su Yu Niang.

A group of grassroots management personnel must be pulled up.

Li Zhenzhen and others in front of them are a good choice, as long as they are deceived:

[We took you out of prison and saved you from the sea of ​​suffering, but after the prison escape, the court outside is looking for you, it is better to help work in our Wusheng Cult prison, help us step on the sewing machine, and manage other prisoners. ]


Very perfect!

Su Yu Niang's eyes lit up, and she said angrily on the spot:

"Yes! I am a high-ranking member of the Wusheng Sect, the head of the Xinyizhou region. I asked the believers to rescue you, but they abused you and let you have so many children?"

"I will go out and teach them a lesson. I will call them to see you."

After that, Su Yu Niang ran out angrily.

She communicated with Jiu Cairong outside and even everyone else.

When everyone heard this, they immediately felt that this could be done!

So, Su Yu Niang called the blacksmiths who took the [Daily Task: Mentally attack two new mortals in the interrogation room] yesterday.


The door opened.

Su Yu Niang pointed at the blacksmiths: "Are they them?"

"Yes, they are." Li Zhenzhen was a little nervous and scared, "Or, let's not do it. I think they have misunderstood. We are all from the same sect."

"Humph, rewards and punishments should be measured." Su Yu Niang sneered and threw a knife over, "You should commit suicide to apologize."


Li Zhenzhen was stunned.

This seems a little bit cruel.

And the blacksmiths also felt innocent. We just accepted an interrogation task, why did we take the blame?

A blacksmith picked up the knife and handed it to the blacksmith next to him: "You come?"

"I can't, I don't want to die yet." The blacksmith whispered.

"Let me die."

"You dog, go to hell."

"Damn it."

The two blacksmiths next to him cursed inwardly.

Then the blacksmith strode out and came to Li Zhenzhen, "Sorry, I thought you were a prisoner last night, but you turned out to be our compatriot."

He pretended to be in tears, but he couldn't cry. He could only wink and make exaggerated expressions, "Ah, I can only die to apologize, sorry."

"This is too much, let's not do it." Li Zhenzhen whispered to Su Yu Niang next to him.

But he saw the blacksmith's expression exaggerated, with a painful face: "I am guilty, I deserve to die."

"All crimes must be brought to justice."


He committed suicide, and his body fell straight to the ground.

"You deserve it."

"He's a damned fellow!~"

"He's disgusting and blasphemed our followers."

"Ms. Li Zhenzhen, please rest assured, you'll be safe from now on!"

The two blacksmiths dragged his body away, talking and laughing.

This scene made Yaohu even more frightened.

Has he really been kidnapped into the Wusheng Religion?

This "Wusheng Religion" has a bit of a weird taste. It's not that it's not a demonic cult, but it feels more demonic than the demonic cult.

And Li Zhenzhen felt a little overwhelmed by this sudden great kindness.

"Don't worry, you'll be safe from now on." Su Yu Niang said gently.

Li Zhenzhen nodded, a trace of fear flashed in her eyes, and she didn't dare to disobey at all.

"Wait, I, I want to join the Wusheng Religion too." Yaohu seemed to react and shouted suddenly.

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