This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 33: The Superb Performance of Shao Chai Kun in Women's Clothing

Barren mountain.

The sky is clear.

The sky and the earth are all white.

Ning Zheng and Shi Youxing are shopping, walking around, looking around, and chatting about what they have seen and heard.

The non-combat monks and clansmen of each family also set up stalls here to earn some extra money, dumping their own specialties, various magic tools, talismans, and elixirs.

Of course, whether it is their own specialty remains to be investigated, or it may be the stolen goods robbed by their family.

In fact, after a few days of getting along, Shi Youxing is still quite interested in this "manager".

The old face now is definitely not the other party's true face.

Because in the world of cultivation, the five bodies are cultivated first.

The head is the first to be affected, how could the head be old first?

Even if the monks will age, they basically maintain the handsome head of young people, withered hands and feet, and internal organs, that is normal!


The other party is changing his face and aging himself!

It should be to appear more majestic.

Many monks do this.

For example, some high-level masters often make their faces look old to middle age, grow beards, and have a majestic middle-aged face, giving people a sense of solemnity.

I am afraid that the other party is the same.

This is the only way to control these young disciples of the family, because the young people of their generation are very "naughty" at first glance.


The other party's body is full of energy and spirit, and he is still very young. He is definitely a very talented four-organ realm cultivator.

He is more talented than her, an eighty-year-old cultivator with four-organ perfection, who is expected to impact the core of the three elements.

It's just a pity!

He is not a family-inherited Yang spiritual root.

In their tomb-robbing family, basically in order to suppress the Yin Qi, they have to open the Yang spiritual root, and the man also has to open the Yang spiritual root to continue the offspring.

Otherwise, the Yin Qi cannot be suppressed.

The tomb-robbing family is stained with too much uncleanness. If the other party has a Yang spiritual root, it is not impossible to develop it.

You know.

Their two families are both Yang spiritual roots, and they often intermarry.

Even with the accumulation of marriages over time, both sides have a part of each other's blood, and the relationship between the two demon cultivation families is closer than imagined.

It is a truly intimate relationship.

This is also the reason why Shi Youyou and others behaved relatively friendly to the blacksmiths who were so chaotic after they came to contact.

The two families were originally distant relatives. Although the young people would compete every time they met, they would not hurt their relationship.

After walking for a while, Ning Zheng took out the prison exploration drawing handed over by the blacksmith: "This is a partial map of the tomb drawn by the children of our family."

Shi Youxing took it and looked at it, nodded:

"Sure enough, it is similar to the traditional prison structure, divided into various imprisonment areas."

"If it is a traditional layout, then the main tomb of the tomb owner is in the warden's office, which is the center of all the divisions."

Ning Zheng nodded.

Shi Youxing picked up the bronze mirror that was given to Shao Chai Kun again, reflecting the scene of Shao Chai Kun in prison at this time:

"Most of the prisoners are female, accounting for 90%, proving that the owner of the tomb is male."

"If it is a female owner, then conversely, it is mostly male favorites."

This bronze mirror is obviously a treasure.

Even the tomb owner of the Three Yuan Realm could not detect that someone would use this to secretly contact.

Ning Zheng nodded: "According to the intelligence, we have to go to the labor area to work at noon every day. We can peek at the intelligence through the bronze mirror."


Shi Youxing smiled and nodded, "There is still some time, let's continue to stroll around and go to the Zhu family area. They are so fat, they actually know how to eat."

The young people are struggling, and they are only responsible for guarding and governing. Naturally, they are playing around and are very leisurely.

Ning Zheng and Shi Youxing came to the Zhu family's stall.

The person in charge of the Zhu family happily introduced the food to them.

The cultivators of all the families in the market were extremely friendly and harmonious.

They can't be seen as demon cultivators at all.

Because this is the demon cultivator with inheritance!

As the saying goes, a dog that bites doesn't bark. How could it be like a low-level demon cultivator, with scars and scars all over his face, exuding a fierce and cruel aura, and not looking like a good person at first glance?

That looks like a street gangster.

"Let's make a good meal for you." The person in charge of the Zhu family said with a smile.

"Then I'll help too." Several other heads followed into the kitchen, without any airs at all.

Ning Zheng naturally blended in, and several heads cooked together, revealing a sense of life in the market.

Not to mention, everyone will enjoy it, and discuss how to eat best. After cooking, it was already noon.

The table was full of food, which was appetizing.

Several people sat down to drink and chat, and began to observe the movements of Shao Chai Kun.

Because the cell was already opened.

A tall young man wearing the clothes of a prison head walked in.

With a gloomy temperament, dark eyes, and some evil eyes constantly swept over the female prisoners.

Just like selecting concubines.

The young man said: "You all know the rules. If you don't want to suffer and are assigned to a bad area, come to me."

After this, many female prisoners next to him seemed to have gotten used to it, and waved their hands, indicating that they were chosen.

Of course, there were also some who were tenacious and unyielding and not threatened.

Shi Youxing sneered as he ate his meal, watching the image on the bronze mirror: "There are so many filthiness inside the government."

"There is darkness everywhere." Ning Zheng responded as he ate his meal.

The fat man of the Zhu family shook his big belly and smiled like Maitreya Buddha: "You can't do that kind of thing when you die, but the ghosts still maintain their actions in life and think they can still do it."

Everyone discussed it.

Everyone knew that this prison head might be a clan member or blood relative of the warden.

This is a good goal. If you get the other party's soul power and blood, the practitioners of the Shi family can simulate the clan members of the other family.

And this task fell on Shao Chai Kun.

"If it was the girl yesterday, I guess she would be liked." Shi Youxing smiled, "But this one in front of me..."

She expressed doubts about Shao Chai Kun's appearance.

As expected.

Shao Chai Kun raised his hand high and shouted: "I, I choose me."

"Huh, haven't seen a new prisoner?" The man completed his logic and felt a little novel. He couldn't help but glanced up and down at Shao Chai Kun.

"He looks so ugly." He slowly looked around.

Shao Chai Kun: "???"

The man was about to leave and was ready to go to the cell in the distance.

When the tomb robbers at the dinner party saw this scene, they shook their heads one after another, thinking that this line would probably not work.

But they saw that Shao Chai Kun was anxious and suddenly shouted:

"No, have you forgotten me? I fell in love with you at the lakeside that day."

"I deliberately committed a crime for you and was imprisoned."

The prison boss stopped and seemed to be thinking whether there was this person in his memory.

Shao Chai Kun burst into tears, tears streaming down his face:

"I miss you so much, please show up soon. When I thought about seeing you today yesterday, I cried for three hours in bed, broke down 10,086 times, banged my head against the wall 37 times, gnawed the soil 7 times, and had hallucinations 9 times."

He wailed and cried loudly, with a strong sense of perversion in his absurdity: "I miss you, I miss you, I miss you so much!"

"I tossed and turned in bed, wriggling and twisting in the dark, slapped myself 32 times, bit my tongue twice, crushed my bladder once, felt near death once, saw my breasts 3 times, and noticed the elders and folks in the world 9 times."

He licked out the melody, licked out the style, licked out

himself, and shouted in rhythm.

"Woo woo woo."

"Wow wow wow."

"I collapsed directly, baby, I miss you so much my baby, you are my super beloved baby, smell my armpits quickly, because these are the armpits that miss you."

Where did the weirdo come from?

The prison boss was stunned when he heard this affectionate farewell.

He touched his chin:

Although this person looks average, his personality charm can make the other party so obsessed with him

I have played with all kinds of women.

They all begged for mercy, fear, and were afraid

Although the frightened eyes of that beauty are interesting, I have long been tired of it.

Although I love her a little perverted.

Forget it, today I just want to have some fun and try something new. I wonder if her way of talking in bed will be so perverted

The prison boss turned around, stopped, opened the cell and said, "Come with me."

"Okay." Shao Chai Kun got up, burst into laughter, look at me, the golden agent, sneaking in online

Looking at the bronze mirror, looking at the inner ghost prisoners in the prison.

The several tomb robbers who were eating put down their bowls and chopsticks silently.

I feel a little bit unable to eat.

This disciple of the other party is so adaptable, he is really a super genius!

The dinner table suddenly exploded.

"He actually succeeded?"

"He's so ugly."

"Not that ugly, but there are so many beautiful women."

"It's mainly because he's not shy."

"Ahem, who would reject a woman who has a crush on him and wants to die for him? This sense of accomplishment is unimaginable to outsiders."

"If this person doesn't die, with this kind of agility, the younger generation has his place!"

They looked at Ning Zheng, and that look showed that the people in your family are so powerful.

When men get coquettish, women have nothing to do.

Ning Zheng coughed twice, put down his chopsticks, and said seriously: "It's what they should do!"

"After all, we have trained them to put down their dignity and eat snow since they were young. Dignity is the most useless thing for magic cultivators. Practicality is the best."

Everyone said they could understand, but they were still shocked.

No dignity, practicality

It was just a dinner party, but their family was so popular again. It turns out that we still have to train our young people well and learn from their family's education!

With this kind of education, I'm afraid our family can also take off.

Recently, the young disciples of their family have indeed learned a lot.

The style of the tomb-diving painting is somewhat similar, and even the movement of moving bricks is much faster.

It is estimated that after this cooperation, every young man will gain a lot. By stealing their skills, speaking methods, and behavioral logic, the family will probably prosper.

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