This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 34 Niu Hulu Zhen Huankun, makes a grand appearance!

Outside the cave.

At the foot of the snowy mountain, in a camp house, the heat was surrounded and the aroma of food was overflowing.

Several leaders were drinking happily.

"I toast you a glass."

"I toast you a glass too."

At the dinner table, many people toasted Ning Zheng and showed more enthusiasm.

Unknowingly, Ning Zheng has become the leader of the team.

After all, how old are these blacksmiths?

They have just opened the five-body realm.

No matter how good they are in learning and how outstanding this generation is, they still need someone to guide them.

I'm afraid it's this old manager who is guiding them in secret.

Shi Youxing looked at Ning Zheng, her beautiful eyes rolling, and she exclaimed: "Originally, I thought that if your so-called inner ghost prisoner couldn't succeed, we would send someone up."

"We are proficient in tomb robbing, sneaking, entering the key areas of the tomb to steal core information, but I didn't expect you to complete it by yourself and seduce an insider."

"Thank you, thank you." Ning Zheng was a little embarrassed.

Although these blacksmiths are often not human, they are now really giving themselves a good face in front of outsiders.

If it were other righteous monks, seeing this scene of women's clothing, they would only think that the means are mean, despicable, and mean.

But their magic cultivators are most practical. As long as the result is good, the process is not important.

And Shi Youxing and others are now praising the blacksmiths. It is no longer a false compliment as before, but they really think so.

Because after the other party came here, he went to the tomb again and again, and his various performances were too brilliant!

Sometimes he is like an old farmer, honest and simple, moving bricks and digging soil.

Sometimes he is like a venomous snake, forbearing and ambush.

Sometimes he is like a madman, giving up his life to attract attention.

Sometimes he is like a prostitute, giving up dignity and charming the same sex.

They have countless forms.

There are many sad and happy faces.

Always change according to the situation.

This is a group of real magic cultivators!

A group of warriors who are truly worthy of their learning!

I dare not imagine that they will grow up and rob caravans, attack families, and rob tombs together thirty or forty years later. What a terrible scene that would be. The whole family will surely usher in the most prosperous history!

How did the other party's new owner cultivate this group of young talents?

A strong curiosity lingered in my heart.

Carefully pondering the burning firewood Kun just now.

Would they be so crazy?

The several leaders are not those young people. They have traveled all over the country for many years, but they would not be able to do it if they were facing the situation at that time.

Those words, even if they were heard by others, would cover their ears in embarrassment.

And how much inner struggle did the person involved experience to say such embarrassing and blushing seductive voices and coquettish words

At this moment.

Their focus on tomb robbing has changed.

The tomb matter is a trivial matter.

Could this tomb run away?

It just depends on how much price you pay to take down this tomb.

And the biggest gain this time may not be the various benefits of this tomb robbing, but to let them see a new education model.

If you learn their way of thinking, teach them obscenely, and train them to eat snow, wouldn't you be able to do as well as them? As smart?

Funeral objects are not wealth.

Knowledge is the most expensive wealth!

Ning Zheng saw that they didn't speak for a long time, and knew that they were stunned by the group of sand sculpture blacksmiths, so she changed the subject and said, "Everyone, I think this tomb can be put into the construction team soon."

"Well! Your male disciple seduced that man, I'm afraid he will soon be able to get information about the prison indirectly." Shi Youxing secretly said that it was well done.

As long as you get the information of the prison, the distribution of positions, and the name of the warden, then it's done.

With this condition, it's not difficult to seduce this young man from the family who seems to be blinded by lust.


You can also get the other party's blood from this man, so that the Shi family can pretend to be the descendants of this city guard, adding a layer of insurance.

As expected.

Everyone ate and drank, watching the battle in the distance.

I saw Shao Chai Kun followed the prison boss to the labor area with a shy face.

"Hurry up and work!"

"Do you want to die?"

"Hurry up."

The angry shouts and whipping sounds of the jailer kept echoing.

This is a huge square.

It is divided into various areas.

I saw a group of people working, refining pills, sewing, collecting, and planting.

But the labor area of ​​the prison is not of high standard, and most of them are low-level prisoners, so the things they refine are also of the lowest level.

As soon as they walked in, several women saw them. The long-haired woman in the lead came over: "Li Youyou, why did you bring a woman?"

The prison boss Li Youyou said indifferently: "Go and do your own thing, it's none of your business."

"***." The long-haired woman stared at Shao Chai Kun fiercely.

Shao Chai Kun guessed that the other party was a female prisoner who was protected by the prison boss Li Youyou and was domineering in the prison.

Looking at the group of sisters behind her, it is estimated that she is still a prison bully.

Relying on power, she often bullies other prisoners, blocking toilets and cells.

Bullying in prison is probably even more serious.

Shao Chai Kun felt that he was being targeted.

Normally, tomb robbers sneaking into such a large-scale tomb filled with dead bodies, impersonating others, would only feel fear, fear, and be cautious.

But what are players?

Just look at Shao Chai Kun, the more dangerous it is, the more he lets himself go, talking nonsense, and taking unconventional approaches, the worst that can happen is a life.

Others are afraid of death, but he is not.

The palace fight begins!

Niu Hulu Zhen Huan Kun, makes his grand appearance!


Shao Chai Kun hid behind the man like a little rabbit, and said delicately: "Sister, I am not here to destroy you, I am here to join you, and I am willing to be your mistress."

"You ***!" The woman was about to get angry, but when she saw the other person's figure and appearance, she was stunned and looked at Li Youyou: "Can you change someone else? This person is so ugly."?

Shao Chai Kun thought that this palace fight was not right.

How could she attack someone personally?

Then, Shao Chai Kun staged a palace fight in front of everyone, and he kept saying golden sentences.

Including, but not limited to:

[Your girlfriend is so terrible, unlike me, who only feels sorry for my brother. ]

[Sister, you see that my brother is angry, and you are his favorite. Please coax him. When my brother is in a good mood, he will be willing to pay attention to me. ]

In the end, a tea-like operation successfully ended this farce.

It wasn't that the woman was knocked down by the tea smell in Shao Chai Kun's tea, but she was embarrassed and ran away. She was flushed and retreated directly. She couldn't stand listening to this.

Where did this woman come from? She was seriously ill and really lost her head!

Isn't it embarrassing for the other party to say such words?

At the end of this scene, not only Li Youyou's face was a little flushed, but he felt that this woman obsessed with him had a damn interesting speaking style.

Even Shi Youxing and others who were remotely peeping at the bronze mirror were a little silent.

Using one mouth to embarrass all opponents is also a kind of ability.

Shi Youxing exhaled a long breath of turbid air, and her face was a little red:

"To be honest, the education of your family is not easy, especially those words, I, a female cultivator who listened, feel very ashamed."

Her face was already a little flushed.

There is a kind of embarrassment called embarrassment for others.

"I can't imagine that it was said by a boy." The fat man of the Zhu family nodded and wiped the unnecessary cold sweat on his head.

The Wang family cultivator was a man with high emotional intelligence, and he broke the awkward atmosphere and spoke slowly: "Originally, we wanted to use the bronze mirror to guide him to sneak in, and rely on our rich experience to help him avoid danger and sneak into the interior, but he didn't need it at all, and even taught us a hard lesson, teaching us how to avoid danger and perform incredible operations." They talked and looked very happy while eating. Although those words were awkward, if you think about it carefully, it was the person who said it that was wrong. If it was a beautiful girl who was proficient in telepathy, and laid the groundwork and was not so rigid, the effect should be quite amazing! The people present were not fools, and they silently memorized these golden sentences. Next door, the fishing techniques of the magic cultivators of the Hehuan Sect may not be as novel as those here. Is the Xuelihua family also taking this charming path recently? Looking at the curious eyes of the crowd, Ning Zheng cursed secretly, and could only smile and answer perfunctorily: "It's okay, our education focuses on cultivating the ability to adapt to changes in this area." Afterwards. After gaining the trust of this playboy Li Youyou, Shao Chai Kun wandered around the labor area and even went to the warden's office.

There was no one in the office.

Shao Chai Kun was reluctant to accept and refused, and also got a lot of information indirectly.

He even took a special needle given by the Shi family and secretly pierced his body to get the blood information.


Shi Youxing looked at the data information on the bronze mirror and exhaled deeply:

"I've learned a lot. After that, we will start to imitate the documents and officially move in as the construction team of the Civil Engineering Department."

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