This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 35: Sword Casting Villa, severe punishment without mercy!

The next move for Shao Chai Kun was simple.

It was impossible to really sleep with him.

Under the moonlight, he hummed a song, recited a few half-white poems, left a sentence to come to me at night, and then asked the other party to send him back to the cell.

The prison head Li Youyou was still hesitating:

"This woman is interesting, but she is so ugly, I really want to..."

Shao Chai Kun ignored him, because there was no follow-up to this matter.

Back to the cell, throw the needle for extracting blood information to the far side of the cell, wait for the blacksmith to take it, and then commit suicide.

The needle was easily sneaked into by a tomb-robber veteran of the Shi family in the fourth organ realm and got it directly.

"All the information is in hand, the construction documents should be ready tomorrow morning."

Outside the tomb, Shi Youxing smiled and said that they had already started to copy the documents and stamped them.

Now they just need to fill in the text information, and it's almost done.

In fact, when things got to this point, Shi Youxing felt a little incredible.

It's done like this?

At most, it took only three days to conquer an ancient tomb?

In the past, tomb robbing, investigation, infiltration, and identification of various means would not be completed in a month, which was a record-breaking task for them.

Of course.

The premise of everything is:

Tomorrow will be successful and the civil engineering department will not be discovered.

She walked out of the house and looked at the lively and cheerful brick-moving teams, going back and forth, and piling up one brick hill after another.

"I hope tomorrow will go smoothly."

"Robbing the tomb openly in front of the tomb owner will be a big step in our tomb-robbing history."

At dusk that day, Ning Zheng sent the blacksmiths back to the villa.

The blacksmiths in the villa were not so excited to return from the tomb this time, and seemed to have adapted to their daily life of moving bricks outside.

A group of people began to count the harvest.

Jiucai Rong was knocking and hammering again, asking them to move more bricks, and even asking them to borrow more money after they made money.

"This time the harvest is good. You guys go to the tomb every day and move bricks to make money. You can make more than a dozen magic coins a day, and more than a hundred coins in ten days."

"Hurry up and take out a loan to buy a soul-leaving flower, and you will pay it back soon."

After all.

He couldn't participate in this dungeon, so he was idle in the manager's room of the villa, and could only watch the other party collect the big harvest again and again.

Jiucai Rong was crazy about fooling these brick movers who went to the dungeon.

He even hung up red banners in the villa:

[Not taking a loan is a crime in our villa, and those who don't take a loan will be severely punished. ]

[Spiritual root loan, zero down payment, 9.5% discount. ]

[Boosting domestic demand in the villa, a healthy economic circle, everyone is responsible. ]

Xia Ke Novel Network

"Follow me and shout slogans, severely punish those who don't take a loan." Jiucai Rong shouted.

"Severely punish those who don't take a loan."

"Severely punish those who don't take a loan."

A group of blacksmiths who couldn't go to the dungeon also shouted: "Severely punish those who don't take a loan!"

After all, if these big dogs who went to the ancient tomb dungeon took a loan, they could come to their blacksmith shop and spiritual farming area to consume.

This made many people who came back from moving bricks persuaded.

They were covered in muddy yellow clothes, and their black hair could no longer be seen. They lined up dirty and began to look for Jiucai Rong for a loan.

"Then I want the Soul-Separation Flower, pre-order it first."

"I want one too."

Jiu Cairong looked at the people queuing up for pre-orders with a smile on his face, "All are available! All are available! Your hard work will make your life better."

Ning Zheng went down the mountain and saw the brightly lit prison in the distance still working and building in full swing.

They have already started to lay new floor tiles, and the movement is very fast.

Su Yu Niang can't sit still and can't go fishing. Recently, she has been tinkering with her prison and acting as her warden.

Back home.

Ning Zheng found that the food on the table had cooled down and frozen.

Su Yu Niang and Ning Jiao Jiao were nowhere to be found. They probably ran to supervise the construction of the prison after dinner.

"These two guys have found new jobs again."

Ning Zheng laughed and could only heat up the food by herself. After finishing her meal alone, she glanced at today's posts.

They were all madly brushing what women's clothing burned Chai Kun.

No one felt that his tea-like words were tea-like, but instead felt crazy and really downright annoying.

Shao Chai Kun is too young, thinking that he can successfully get the job by searching and plagiarizing the green tea quotes?

Was he really driven away by the palace fight?

He was driven away by embarrassment.

Moreover, a large number of Shao Chai Kun screenshot emoticons have appeared on the forum, freshly baked, and accompanied by those green tea golden sentences, bombarding like crazy.

And he has been nicknamed: Green Tea Kun.

Jiu Cai Rong: "It's just right to change Su Yu Niang, the female ghost, to play the role. You, the ugly man, are too bad, and you don't have that milk tea fragrance."

Medical Fairy: "Hahaha, I am socially anxious after watching it, ah hahaha, so embarrassed that my feet are on the ground. Shao Chai Kun, in order to make money, actually bites the bullet and plays embarrassment, even if he can't get the job."

Su Yu Niang: "It appears, the shrimp head man, with a dirty mind."

Shao Chai Kun: "You are just jealous!"

Shao Chai Kun typed a quarrel with them and ignored them.

They were envious.

He completed a wave of tasks and received a lot of magic money. Would he care about this?

Ning Zheng flipped through a few pages, but didn't care about their discussion. It was practical.

The one who suffered the embarrassment was Shao Chai Kun, while the one who stood out and received the admiration and respect from other demon cultivators was Ning Zheng.

Anyway, it was not a loss.

Ning Zheng instead paid attention to the fact that Su Yu Niang had caused trouble again when she was not at the villa.

【Su Yu Niang: The hidden branch in the interrogation room, pretending to be a member of the Wusheng Cult, is a way to control prisoners in addition to psychological shadows. 】

"Because most of the low-level female prisoners in the prison are followers of the Wusheng Cult who killed their children, let's pretend to be a member of the Wusheng Cult"


Skip the thousands of words in the middle, and finally write:

"As long as we do this, the prison next door will be emptied and moved to our place, and the Demon Suppression Tower will be filled with that group of beautiful ***."

"Obviously, this is a Cao thief pool. I believe that after attacking it, everyone can have a beautiful *** NPC baby"

"Hehe, hehe, hehe, the owner of the manor is a good man, guaranteed to be assigned, guaranteed to get married, and the beautiful widow is worthy of being a green hat manor. The era of giving hats to everyone has arrived."

"Woo woo woo, their husbands who suffered"

"It's worthy of being a management game. Although it comes with a unique green hat attribute, the indispensable [marriage system] is still officially launched!"

Ning Zheng's face darkened all of a sudden.

Well said.

Don't say it again next time.

Ning Zheng didn't want to give them benefits.

But Xiao Ai's assistant said that we should be harmonious and civilized, and not do such a mess.

One person with another person's wife?

This belongs to the category of being harmonized.

They can't bear such a big crime!

Ning Zheng can only bear these sins for them.

"After they are caught, the villa cannot leave any beautiful female prisoners. They must be locked up in the prison next to my house."

"I have to patrol regularly as a prison boss with Su Yu Niang and Ning Jiao Jiao."

Ning Zheng finished reading the post and thought about another question.

However, we pretended to be the Wusheng Sect?

Demon cultivators are different from demon cultivators.

We are a low-level ordinary demon cultivator family, and they are a large demon sect that wants to rebel.

It is said that the core activity area of ​​the Wusheng Sect is Xinyizhou, which is a local rebel force,

and infiltrating other continents.

Even if the assassination of the saint this time was not their fault, it is probably a joint action with the anti-thief demon sects in other continents.

They have cooperation, just like the little demon cultivators who are cooperating in tomb robbing.

"But if you do this, pretending to be like this, we look like rebelling against the villa!"

Ning Zheng touched his chin and thought for a long time:

"However, it is not impossible to pretend in front of Gui, and outsiders don't know."

Anyway, if we close the door and pretend, we can get a large number of prisoners. It's okay to fill the prison with those female prisoners of the Wusheng Sect.

After all, Ning Zheng has a long-term vision.

This big tomb is estimated to be captured in a while, and those prisoners can't be abandoned, right?

In addition.

No one usually comes to his villa.

Even if they come to visit, they are just guests on the mountain, and they won't go to the demon-suppressing tower at the foot of the mountain, so they can't see the situation inside the prison.

"It's perfect."

Ning Zheng is a pragmatic person and thinks this is no problem.

It doesn't matter if the blacksmith is a little bit wild, especially when he feels that he can control the wildness in front of him.

In addition, today's cute little blacksmith made him look good in front of everyone!

It's not that he can't satisfy their wishes.

To be honest, he dared to take a gamble with a 10% chance of winning. He wouldn't even blink an eye at this kind of accident with a small probability that only happened occasionally.

Not panicked at all

The next morning.

It didn't snow, and the accumulated snow had melted a lot. It was obvious that the windy and snowy weather had passed, and the temperature had risen slightly.

Ning Zheng got up early, and then went out to the mountain.

Entering the villa, the teleportation array sent them to the entrance of the stolen cave as usual, and then chatted with the leaders of other demon cultivation families for a while.

Shi Youxing said: "Next, please ask everyone from other families to retreat, and our people will play the role of the civil engineering department."

"Most of you have Yin and Yang spiritual roots, and your cultivation is high. It's inappropriate and inappropriate to appear here."

Their Shi family can disguise themselves as the corresponding earth spiritual roots.

Other families can't, and can only be a burden.

Ning Zheng and the others also nodded, "Then we will retreat. You should be careful when you enter the tomb."

The five families are all middle-grade spiritual root families. Not everyone is qualified to open the core spiritual root. Each of them left a group of disciples who opened other types of spiritual roots and pretended to be temporary workers of the Civil Construction Department.

Sent away the others.

The most critical moment came, success or failure depended on this.

Shi Youxing sorted himself out and looked at his clansmen:

"I will take the lead and pretend to be a spiritual root of the Civil Construction Department. I am the person in charge of the Civil Construction Department."

"Shi Youyou, you pretend to be a member of their Li family, and we will do it in two ways."

She put on the corresponding khaki official uniform, hung up the badge, and became a heroic and beautiful female official. With the certificate, Shi Youxing took a deep breath and strode into the robbery cave.

This time, it was aboveboard!

Of course, she had the means to save her life and teleport.

When ordinary Sanyuan Realm killed her, she could teleport away, but the remaining disciples would be dead.

So, their family also took a huge risk of the death of young children.

A group of young blacksmiths watched them enter, and said speechlessly: "Can't we go in and take a look?"

The God of Cookery shook his head: "I guess not! They have a higher chance of success if they enter alone, but I really want to see the cutscene plot."

Yu Jin Jiu Cai Rong was too lazy to pay attention to them:

"From now on, all blacksmiths who have opened the Yin Spiritual Root of the Wine Tasting Rice will retreat. The Yin Spiritual Root is born like a demon cultivator."

"Those who have not opened three flowers, or opened other three flowers, such as the painting card spirit root, the dogtail grass spirit root, stay and pretend to be temporary workers to help move bricks."

A group of blacksmiths could not say anything and just left.

After a long while.

Shi Youxing came out with a smile on his face: "It's settled. I took the official documents and went directly to the warden's office. I was received. Let's go in!"

They are professional tomb robbers, and disguise is their strongest specialty.

When all kinds of fraud disguises are fully prepared, accidents are abnormal low-probability events.

Yu Jin Jiu Cairong stepped forward and said: "Our family requests additional manpower."

Shi Youxing glanced at Yu Jin Jiu Cairong: "How many people do you have? We can't open the Yin and Yang spirit roots."

"About one or two hundred people."

Yu Jin Jiu Cairong said a number, "After all, digging things still needs more people."

"Okay." Shi Youxing looked at them deeply.

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