This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 36 City Guard: This construction team is very professional


"Finally it's our turn to go out on a large scale."

"Hehe, go to the tomb, go to the tomb."

Through the teleportation array, more than a hundred blacksmiths soon arrived in a mighty manner, carrying various tools and queuing to enter the tomb.

Like bandits crossing the border, they walked sideways and were very arrogant.

"Don't shake it, be serious, each of you step forward and receive a work uniform from the Civil Construction Division."

Shi Youyou distributed them: "Five magic coins per person, and the clothes probably won't be returned intact after they reach your hands."

"Woo woo woo."

"The Shi family is wicked, we are distant relatives."

"I recognize you as sister, can you not charge me?"


"Woo woo woo, I still have to pay to move bricks."

Looking at Shi Youyou with a cold face, several blacksmiths pretended to be pitiful, but in the end it didn't work, so they still paid the money honestly.

Damn it.

Our shamelessness is no longer useful to other demon cultivators.

Even other demon cultivators have recently learned our shameless technology and used it to attack us.

As expected of a family of demon cultivators, they are so scary, and they can steal their skills! Seeing their aggrieved look, Shi Youyou chuckled and handed them clothes: "You guys are really interesting!" After a few days, she also knew how to get along with these demon cultivators. I don't know what kind of education they had, almost everyone looked mean, very hardworking, and exuded a kind of vigorous and lively atmosphere. Even Shi Youyou learned a lot from them. For example, hard work, greed for every penny of magic money, and more, learned all kinds of shamelessness. She felt that the things she learned in the past few days could change her life. She was originally a very proud person, which is also a common problem for most geniuses. But the other party's various outstanding performances made her feel a little depressed during the days she went to the tomb, and she was robbed of the limelight, and she also realized the word humility. A group of blacksmiths received the clothes, put them on, and watched each other. "I'm so handsome."

"You look so pretty."

"The fabric of this dress is pretty good."

"Embroiderer, the task has been issued over there. They said that after the work is done, sell the pieces of clothes to them. They want to study it."

A group of lively blacksmiths joked with each other, then happily carried their tools and went directly to the tomb.

In front of the tomb cave.

Shi Youyou sat in front of the chair and watched them enter silently, with curved eyebrows and a good mood:

"They are really optimistic. They joke and encounter danger every day, and they are very reliable and stand in the front."

She sent these people away and took notes silently.

The cover of the book is [Xuelihua Family Research Manual].

It was Shi Youxing who asked her to observe silently, saying that she wanted to study the other party's education and learn this shameless spirit.

In the future, this extreme shamelessness and stinginess will be grasped from the three-year-old baby of her own family.

When they are young, they should be taught to eat snow eighteen styles, Guanyin eating soil style, old man bulldozing style, and aerial ballet style to cultivate thick skin.

"Oh, the Zhu family is here too."

Soon, a group of people in the distance also led a team over.

Shi Youyou sat on the chair with a straight face, "Five magic coins per person, I guess the clothes were not returned intact after they were in your hands."

The young disciple of the Zhu family was silent for a moment.

"Why are you still charging? They are just a few pieces of clothes."

"It's just a little money."

"You have learned bad things from the Xuelihua family."

A group of people were discussing.

Shi Youyou listened to them and snorted coldly, "You have to earn a magic coin, and brothers have to settle accounts clearly. If you go in and move two more bricks, won't you make it back?"

"If you feel that you have lost money, think about whether you are working hard enough and diligent enough to move bricks, and look for the reasons from yourself first."

"What? You are noble traditional magic cultivators? You are noble and great, then you should not go to the tomb and move bricks."

"You are still trying this with me? Do you think I don't know your little thoughts? Don't you just want to spend money on clothes? Move bricks for free?"

She secretly observed for several days and learned the tone of Yu Jin Jiu Cairong scolding those disobedient sand sculpture blacksmiths. It can only be said that this genius of magic cultivation is not in vain, just like the glory of leeks

"Damn it."

The Zhu family cultivators were stubborn, so they had to pay one by one.

Shi Youyou laughed, feeling that he had learned the essence. These clothes are indeed worthless, but they have no channels to obtain them. They can't steal things from the government, so they can only buy them from here at a high price.

The Zhu family cultivators put on their clothes, which felt a bit tight, and entered the mine together.

"We need to move more bricks."

"Well, make more money and come back."

Unconsciously, they were also completely assimilated

Tap tap tap!

The blacksmiths strode in.

This time they didn't sneak into the prison, but entered the prison openly. They didn't turn at the side of the road and went straight to the deepest part.

There are formal certificates, so why dig the floor tiles on the edge?

If you want to dig, dig the biggest ones!

It is estimated that those Zhu family and others don't have the courage. They didn't dare to come in at the beginning, and they were still digging on the edge. It was the time for them to monopolize the resources in the depths.

Today, we are going to make a big profit, face the minotaur, and teach the city guard a lesson!

Tap tap tap!

They carried their hoes, held their heads high, and strode forward.

A group of prisoners in the cells along the way kept observing them.

"What are you looking at?"

"You've never seen the police."

"It's all your fault that the prison is so broken! You want us to rebuild it, find us something to do, come and help me move bricks!"

"That jailer! Come here, let's negotiate and let the prisoners help us dig and renovate the prison."

The blacksmiths were full of confidence.

This confidence fell into the eyes of the jailers, and those doubts disappeared at once.

The jailers did not give face and directly opened several cells, "You guys, go and help build the prison."

The blacksmiths nodded, stuffed a jar of wine brewed from shadow spirit rice, and said with a smile:

"Brother, please drink! These prisoners are just ignorant, and you have suffered too. We come here to work and perform official duties. Please bear with us."

The jailer's eyes suddenly lit up, and he silently accepted the wine, "Okay, okay, I'll put a few more prisoners in your place to help you."

The blacksmith understood, shadow spirit rice is a kind of rice that ghosts can eat.


The group of spiritual farmers on the villa also brewed wine, which was indeed a special attack on the ghosts. It was easy to get things done by giving them gifts.

The attraction of this thing was as strong as fresh meat.

It just happened to make these jailers dizzy and dazed. When they woke up, they found that the whole prison had disappeared.

The blacksmith smiled and directed the prisoners to work, then waved his tools and pried the floor.



A group of people were working very skillfully.

And a blacksmith was holding a notebook, writing and drawing everywhere, designing prison drawings, and his mouth was full of:

"After rebuilding here, do this"

"The design here is not standardized and has fallen behind the times."

"For this, tear it down, tear it all down, and make new supports."

He was very professional, patrolling everywhere and recording.

After all, he was a civil engineer, very professional, and well prepared, pretending to rebuild the prison.

The jailer next to him saw this scene and secretly

said, so professional.

They are indeed very professional, professional deception.

Draw them a beautiful blueprint for the reconstruction, all kinds of big cakes

The new prison blueprint will make them look forward to what the prison will look like in the future, greatly raising their expectations, and then running away

This will make them very confused when they look at the unfinished building!

City Guard Li Ming stood high in the warden's room, watching his unlearned nephew sitting on the chair, and rarely did he flirt with the prisoners.

Li Youyou really didn't want to flirt with anyone, muttering:

"Why is he dead? It must be that bitch and her sisters who killed the girl who loves me after a quarrel yesterday."

"What a waste." Li Ming snorted coldly.

I am the city guard of a city, leading the family to the most glorious moment. I don't know how many big families and aristocratic families have to look at my color.

How come there is such a guy among the younger generation of the family?

He put his hands behind his back and looked down through the window again.

A group of people are working hard, digging.

"The documents of the Civil Engineering Department are fine."

"After all, who dares to pretend to be an official and demolish the prison?"

"This is a long job, and it's thankless. It will be exposed in a short time."

"But I vaguely feel that there is a big problem."

He worked hard step by step and became a city defender. His entire life history can be written into a wonderful legendary biography, and his mind should not be underestimated.

Unfortunately, his logic is flawed.

We can only speculate according to the logic of living people before his death.

After all, if they were alive, who would dare to dig a prison like this?

This lie was exposed at a glance.


This generation of the Civil Engineering Department has come up with new tools?

He looked at a blacksmith holding an electric saw and sawing away the fence, happily put it into the backpack behind him, and fell into deep thought.

The action was neat, worthy of a professional background.

The doubts in his heart suddenly decreased a lot. The liar's wall demolition and brick moving action could not be so professional. The other party must have been training for many years.

His consciousness fell on the designer who was walking around and planning the new prison drawings.

Watching the blueprints being drawn in the other party's hand secretly, he felt that the architectural style was very good, elegant and grand.

"Never mind, the prison is indeed a bit old."

"I hope that after demolishing it, they can rebuild it according to this design and it will look much better."

At the foot of the villa, Ning Zheng sat in the house and watched it from a distance with [audience perspective] for a while, feeling a little toothache.

These little bastards.

Still drawing big cakes and pretending to draw blueprints?

They are super well prepared to deceive people. Last night at the forum, they proposed more than a dozen backup plans to deal with various emergencies.

Ning Zheng looked at the thousands of words of architectural copy plan that was written with the help of brainstorming, and felt that his brain was about to shrink.

In addition, those Shi family disciples are indeed professional. They imitated without any flaws. They can deceive living people, let alone deceive fixed logic.

After watching their brick digging project, Ning Zheng felt that this matter was settled!

The professional Shi family fraud team, plus the blacksmiths, a group of rising stars, is a double fraud combination.

In short, if you trust the construction team at the beginning, there will be no major problems afterwards, and you should be able to get through it safely.

Ning Zheng's 850 luck value is no joke.

He doesn't think he is like the storybook, where he encounters problems everywhere, with all kinds of critical moments and dangers everywhere.


Is this a big deal?

For the little blacksmith, this is a big deal, after all

But for the big families, they don't know how many times they have cooperated to rob tombs.

With so many big families in the Three Yuan Realm, it's easy to cooperate to rob a tomb.

And for Ning Zheng, the other party is at best a Three Yuan Realm Great Perfection.

Before, the blacksmith had conquered Li Youzhu, his godfather, and Routian Yujie

It's just a Three Yuan Realm ghost.

Cognitive defects, not a living person, stereotyped old-fashioned logic, destined to be controlled by living people.

"It's normal to take it down."

Ning Zheng looked at it for a while, and felt that this matter was stable, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

It is estimated that the prison next door will be dismantled crazily, and then various construction facilities will be assembled crazily here!

"It's going to make a lot of money again."

He thought about it and planned to continue practicing today.

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