This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 37: Shortage of Spiritual Plant Fluid

Today, the Shi family led the team alone, so Ning Zheng was naturally happy to be at home.

He could also practice while peeking at the tomb next door!

In the Five Body Realm, practice the brain first, and it is easy to do two things at the same time.

He stared at the figure of the city guard in the tomb and the blacksmith who was working hard, and was very satisfied:

"Fortunately, they are not brave enough to directly demolish the warden's office of that city guard."

This is what makes Ning Zheng feel at ease.

They look very romantic.

But they are very cowardly at critical moments.

Super stable, wretched, and female swindlers.

Their minds are always clear, and they are profit-oriented, thinking about how to perfectly "pass the dungeon".

They want to demolish that office.

But they can't do it so openly.

They have already made many plans to persuade the city guard to demolish his house.

They call it the "Tauren City Guard Plan".

In the past two months, Ning Zheng has also visited the forum for a long time, although they basically don't talk about real life.

But they have figured out their online terms and ways of speaking.

I know that people like them are generally called double-standard dogs.

When they are bullied, they immediately say that they are pure love warriors and refuse to be cuckolded.

When they bully others, they are extremely excited and wish to put the green hat on their heads.

Not only do they want to demolish other people's hometowns, but they also want everyone to have a beautiful *** NPC baby.

Of course, these so-called *** babies?

Ning Zheng won't give any.

However, Ning Zheng will first make them excited, so that they have enough motivation to rob the tombs, bring back those female prisoners, and then take these women away fiercely, making them stunned.

Isn't this a kind of minotaur?

After watching for a long time, Ning Zheng retracted his gaze and looked at the luck value in his hand.

Now he gains 1,500 luck points every day. After the development of these few days, he has already earned more than 10,000.

The speed of earning luck points is as steady as ever.

Seven thousand luck points can be upgraded to the first level of the five-body realm.

Ten thousand luck points can be upgraded to the first level of the four-organ realm.

The gap between the two realms is actually not that big.

After all, the ninth level of the physical body is the internal and external circulation of flesh and blood, and there is no huge essential difference in essence.

According to this calculation.

Ning Zheng saves 50,000 luck points and advances five times to enter the four-organ realm of great perfection, open up the internal organ circulation, and is comparable to the realm level of the heads of middle-level families such as Shi Youxing.

You know, this is already very powerful!

Shi Youyou is 18 years old and has reached the great perfection of the five-body realm. He is a genius.

Shi Youxing is 80 years old and has reached the great perfection of the four-organ realm. He is also a genius.

Even if he is a genius, it takes more than 60 years for the family to cultivate him to complete the four realms of the four organs.

And Ning Zheng?

It's so fast!

In any holy place or big sect, it is a jaw-dropping speed.

But does Ning Zheng want to improve his four-organ realm now?

The answer is no.

Instead of spending 50,000 to reach the great perfection, he is still prepared to save 100,000 luck points, expand the server, and add 1,000 audience positions for blacksmiths.

The number of people coming in doubled, and the daily harvested luck value naturally doubled.

Earn money early, enjoy it early, and it is more cost-effective.

In addition, he needs more than just "good luck" in luck value to break through the realm.

Middle-grade spiritual rice and middle-grade spiritual meat are indispensable.

Breaking through a realm is like a 100-meter race. Ning Zheng's "good luck" allows him to rush forward with his eyes closed, without fear of breaking through the meridians and rushing out of the track.

But if you want to run this 100 meters quickly, you must have enough energy stamina.

When breaking through the barrier, swallowing middle-grade spiritual rice and middle-grade spiritual meat to store huge saturated energy is the guarantee to support yourself to break through the four internal organs in one breath.

He still lacks a spiritual meat.

If you can't catch the big monster of the four internal organs to make a middle-grade meat field, it is better to save money first.

"But this cultivation speed is a bit uncomfortable."

Ning Zheng practiced for a while, and after enjoying the speed of cheating, it was a bit slow to experience the normal cultivation speed.

Even if his breathing speed of Tianlinggen is many times faster than that of other people's middle-grade spiritual roots, it still feels slow.

"Forget it, I'll still use needles to prick frogs and study the skills, which is more cost-effective."

The villa is already empty.

Three hundred blacksmiths dispatched 170 people to dig the ancient tomb.

The remaining blacksmiths who did not go to the dungeon were basically those with Shadow Wine Rice Spirit Roots and Soul Flower Spirit Roots, who were reluctant to give up their own spiritual roots.

Because of this super-large tomb-robbing activity,

it was the embers who went back and forth in the villa, walking in the wind and snow.

The ember adventure team, led by Yanhua, Erya, and two babies, has been officially established.

These embers collect various materials every day near the villa and even on the next hill. They belong to the collection team.

They plan to cultivate their babies first, grow up, and then go to a farther place like Su Yu Niang's baby.

They have to be careful, because if the baby does not take root and dies outside,

it will be a blood loss!

The current configuration of the villa is as follows, basically two people.

[Ember Adventure Team]: Leader is Ember Su Yu Niang, deputy is Ember Yan Hua.

[Medical Clinic]: Leader is Fairy Doctor, deputy is Fairy Aunt.

[Canteen]: Leader is God of Food, deputy is Shao Chai Kun.

[Blacksmith Shop]: Leader is Dao Jiu Jiu, deputy, no one for now.

[Spiritual Farmer]: The person in charge is Ou Mujiang, and the deputy is Dai Xiahu.

[Alchemy Room]: No person in charge yet.

On the contrary, the girls in the buildings such as Hairpin Lady and Embroidery Lady are more casual. There is no person in charge. They all play by themselves. The main thing is to have fun, and the second is to make money.

They really need money, so they start looking for work.

But Jiucai Rong is not an ordinary person? Recently, he has severely punished these Hairpin Lady and Embroidery Lady Lolita, and let these Hairpin Lady and Embroidery Lady Lolita start to make money. They want to get a soul-leaving flower spiritual root to facilitate them to play with accessories and clothes.

There is no doubt.

This group of lolita has also been involved in the internal rolling bricks.

Now the Hairpin Lady Tower is empty, and a group of good sisters have gone to move bricks

Spiritual Farmer Area.

The farmland is carefully cared for plants.

It is spring all year round here, and the heat-insulating formation covers the greenhouse, providing enough temperature.

The number of spiritual farmers has also decreased a lot, with only a few left.

"This is the last output."

Ou Mujiang sorted out the new batch of soul-leaving flowers, a total of seventeen plants.

After all, the cultivation of middle-grade spiritual roots urgently requires middle-grade spiritual plant liquid extracted from thousand-year-old spiritual plants.

The vomiting mud craftsman flipped open the empty material jar and complained:

"I hope they can get some spiritual plants when they go to the tomb today. We can take them back for extraction. It's okay if they are infected by Yin Qi, after all, we are cultivating Yin spiritual roots."

"Then we can't grow the soul-leaving flower, so we should study fertilizer?" Dai Xiahu thought about it.

The vomiting mud craftsman thought about it: "No need to study fertilizer, we study other projects: miscellaneous spiritual roots, the spiritual roots of the card-drawing, and upgrade them to low-grade spiritual roots."

"If the grade of the magic weapon of the card-drawing is upgraded, we will earn more."

They discussed.

It took more than half a month to cultivate the soul-leaving flower, and now it is basically formed.

As long as it is mass-produced, there is no need to spend any effort on research.

As for further cultivation, the upper spiritual roots of the soul-leaving flower?

It can't be done!

It's not that they don't want to be ambitious and reach the sky in one step.

It's really because of the lack of technology, and the lack of high-quality spiritual plant liquid to cultivate high-quality spiritual roots.

Middle-quality spiritual plant liquid is extremely precious now, let alone high-quality?

That is a treasure that can only be extracted from spiritual plants that are ten thousand years old!

Every time you try to advance to high-quality spiritual roots, planting, cultivating, and investing, you waste a lot of high-quality spiritual plant liquid, and there is a high probability of failure in advancement.

Therefore, middle-quality families are everywhere, but the birth of high-quality spiritual roots requires a middle-quality family to accumulate over time before it is possible to take that step.


This tomb that is tens of thousands of years old should be planted with spiritual plants that are ten thousand years old, and high-quality spiritual plant liquid should be extracted.

It is estimated that there is some output, you can try it!

However, the reserve of middle-quality spiritual plant liquid is estimated to account for the majority.

The vomiting mud craftsman took a pot of flowers and plants to take care of it, and said worriedly:

"We have to see if they can do a good job of tomb robbing this wave!"

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