This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 38 New tomb robbing situation

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The archaeological site of the ancient tomb is full of enthusiasm, just like a large-scale construction site.

"There are more there."

"Yes, yes, this is how to dismantle it."

"Girls, be careful. Go and pry the small railing over there, don't break it."

The people at the scene all had Luoyang shovels, crowbars, and carts in their hands.

Most of these tomb robbing tools were sold to them by the Shi family.

A set of three French coins.

This made everyone sad.

"Oh my god, the Shi family has learned our tricks."

"I vomited. It's just a batch of scrap metal. How can they sell it like that? They are so evil!"

"But it won't work if you don't buy it. If you let the blacksmith shop build it, you won't have time to move bricks."

"Damn it!"

Many blacksmiths gritted their teeth and felt trapped in a cocoon.

——The Shi family has learned bad things from them.

After all, it was too late for emergency purchasing. Only the Shi family had such a large inventory of tomb robbing tools.

If only it were like this.

The most important thing is that Shi Youyou set up a stall there and bargained with the blacksmith, all he said was:

"You can't afford the three methods. Please reflect on whether you have worked hard to build bricks!"

"You don't buy it? Some people buy it. If you don't do it, some people do it."

"Hmph, wait a minute, the price of the set will probably increase. Many people are repurchasing it a second time. We don't have enough inventory."

"What? Why are you repurchasing it? They've already pried the shovels into flames and broken a few of them. How can I try harder and look at you again?"

"I've been fussing over everything all day, and I can't even move bricks to make them warm."

How many days has it been?

The Shi family is worthy of being a great demon cultivator family.

This ability is simply unparalleled. He can imitate others and make crazy money from them.

It is indeed a family of demon cultivators that has been passed down for a long time!

They are so vicious and bad, they are simply inhuman.

When the blacksmiths saw this scene, they almost vomited blood.

Shoot yourself in the foot!

Watching them make their own money makes the blacksmith feel worse than losing money himself.

This reminds them of the famous gold rush in history.

A group of people went to pan for gold and dig sand, but they didn't make much money. Instead, the people who set up stalls on the roadside selling water and tools made a lot of money.

And more blacksmiths secretly learned their lesson.

Or I haven’t prepared enough myself.

There are still loopholes in the more than ten pages of tomb robbing guide!

If they had purchased a large number of tomb robbing tools from Zhang Huaping a few days before they started robbing tombs, how could they have fallen into this trap?

Still not good enough!

Not robust enough at all!

We need to be more prepared when facing such situations in the future.

When they download a dungeon in the future, they must prepare three weapons. In addition to the main weapon, there is also a backup weapon, and a backup weapon for the backup weapon.

The house demolition operation was very fast at full power, not to mention the prisoners who helped with the work.

Now prisoners no longer leave the labor area.

It is their labor to help tear down the prison.

Carts were going back and forth, carrying various steel pipes, building materials, walls, and screens, sorted into categories and piled in the shape of a pyramid.

Then he packed it up in a storage bag, walked out, transported it back to the villa, and came back again.

Seeing this scene, Yu Lili Rong felt that storage bags were about to be restocked.


He felt prepared in every aspect.

If you really want to do it, there will be a lot of loopholes, big and small, making it very difficult.

I really need to buy the storage bag.

Although it is expensive, it is worth it and will be used for various things in the future.

Otherwise, the action of grabbing stolen goods will be useless!

at this time.

Various public facilities in this prison are

After a large number of demolitions, they also wanted to test it out in Lingzhi District, but were sternly refused by several guards guarding the area.

After all, what does building a prison have to do with other people's growing areas?

"There is no need to rebuild here!"

"Sorry, there are no buildings inside, just planting fields!"

Several blacksmiths retreated angrily and were not allowed to enter, so they could only consider the long term.

As they discussed, the prison was divided into several demolition areas.

1. Prison facilities.

Walls, floors, and screens are best removed.

Although this is basically not very valuable.

But they are all refined from spiritual soil, so if you add up a little, it will become one of the most valuable projects.

2. Prison inmates.

Shi Youxing once said that after negotiation, during the reconstruction period, prisoners were allowed to be temporarily detained in another nearby "prison" and taken away.

Because there are currently no serious prisoners in the prison, they are all low-level prisoners, so it is very simple for them to "send the prisoners away".

(It is also impossible to have serious criminals. They are essentially just burial objects. It is impossible to buy vicious prisoners who are too high-end magic cultivators. It is unsafe and affects the harmonious atmosphere of the prison.)

3. Spiritual plant area.

The prison also has an internal growing area, but they cannot intervene.

The spiritual plant area should also be one of the most valuable areas, and there may be many ten thousand-year spiritual plants.

4. Prison warehouse.

There are low-level talismans, elixirs, and magic weapons refined by prisoners.

Looking at the standard of prisoners here, no one would have any expectations for the products.

Besides, magic talismans and elixirs are all time-sensitive and will pass by as time goes by. It is estimated that these things will not accumulate much.

At the same time, they have no reason to enter.

That is to say.

Out of four areas, they could only deal with two: buildings and prisoners.

The remaining [Prison Planting Area] and [Prison Warehouse] are not easy to solve.

Outside the robbing cave, Shi Youyou was setting up a stall selling tomb robbing supplies.

There are too many miscellaneous things from their family of tomb robbers.

Some clothes and tomb robbing tools that no one wanted were backlogged in the warehouse, but they were sold at the right time, earning thousands of dollars.

She beamed.

Isn't this more convenient than robbing money?

at this time.

Huan Jiucairong was outside the robbery cave, looking at the intelligence collected by the miners, and silently walked over and said, "What do you think the Shi family should do next?"

"The most valuable thing is the building, the prisoner."

Shi Youyou sat at the stall and said:

"Our master said we can easily take these two and retreat directly."

They had been robbing tombs for many years, and they could tell at a glance what was most valuable about the tomb: the female prisoners.

Ordinary prisoners are not worth that much.

But those buried here are all beautiful and beautiful women!

You think they are prisoners, but in essence they do not have cruel or bloody characters, and most of them are even cowardly and timid.

This type of people would be stupid if they were sold as prisoners.

Packaging their life experiences, who knows the prisoners during their lives? Belong to the convict embers?

It can be sold as a gentle and considerate maid, it is the most valuable!


She also has the unique charm bonus that comes only after giving birth. She is beautiful and mature, so she is most suitable to be used as a maid.

Although dead people cannot do that kind of thing, it is inevitable to follow the aesthetic logic of life.

The beautiful maid who accompanied the funeral has always been a hot-selling product.

Back then, the fact that the city guard's funerary objects could be obtained by this group of people was of a prison type, which shows that the other party's family was extremely powerful and tyrannical at that time.

"The prisoners who were buried with them were stolen intact, which will definitely be enough for us to eat."

Shi Youyou said:

"If it were normal, we could take away this group of prisoners

It was already the optimal solution, but now that these buildings can be demolished, the benefits have increased several times. "

Their past grave robberies.

Buildings and other scattered things were too difficult to move, so we had to give up.

Because you want to move the building, you can only attack by force, but even if you join forces to kill the tomb owner, the entire building will become ruins after the battle breaks out.

So, still can't get the building.

"This time, we have made a lot of money by taking away the building." Shi Youyou said, "Our family is ready to retreat like this."

Jiucairong thought for a while: "I admit, the charms and elixirs in the [Prison Warehouse] should not be valuable."

"But, what about the [Spiritual Plant Area]? There should be a lot of spiritual plants in there. They should be very valuable. There may be various kinds of ten thousand-year elixirs."

Shi Youyou shook his head, "Actually, the value of the spiritual plants in the tomb is much lower than you think. Most of the spiritual medicines are contaminated."

"Those contaminated spiritual plants, the extracted spiritual plant fluids are also heavily contaminated, and the spiritual roots used to cultivate them have serious side effects, causing people to die early and miserable."

Ember Lik Rong was thoughtful.

They are afraid of things that have been contaminated, but we are not.

Serious side effects, unable to live long

None of our business.

They had no intention of living long.

Spiritual roots are a permanent commodity to others, but a short-term consumable to the blacksmith of the villa.

Shi Youyou continued:

"It is not convenient for us to attack by force. The elixir is more fragile and easier to break than the building. The success rate of plundering is too low."

"The most likely possibility is that after sending out the Three Yuan Realm monks from various families, the spiritual plants were destroyed in the battle and nothing was gained. The elders of each family also suffered a loss."

City guard is not as simple as a position.

It must be a powerful enough existence to hold the position.

For example, the city guard of Pingchang City can suppress the three major families. Do you think he is simple?

The spiritual roots of a city guard are high-grade spiritual roots.

In terms of combat power, it would take several people of the same level with mid-grade spiritual roots to besiege it.

And the monks in this world are extremely difficult to kill.

If you siege together and kill the owner of the tomb, you will also be injured to a certain extent.

At that time, the ghosts attacked the three major families in Pingchang City. Why didn't the city guard on the government side take action?

First, during the Red Sun, the government was also very busy, and their feet were too busy to touch the ground.

Secondly, people don't bother to pay attention to your attack on the three major families, and usually treat it as a grudge. Behind the scenes, they are eager for you to weaken the three major families and make the local government more powerful.

"So, we generally don't have to do things like fighting in tombs. Tomb robbing is the core. After stealing something, we just leave." Shi Youyou reminded: "Of course, we are not giving up on spiritual plants."

"Then what are we going to do?" Ember Liao Rong accepted the lesson humbly. The other party's tomb robbing skills were genuine.

"Exchange for something."

Shi Youyou sat on the chair and changed his posture, thought about it, and said with a smile:

"We can propose a deal to purchase the spiritual plants in their spiritual plant area, and select and purchase the spiritual plants that are not contaminated or have low pollution levels."

Embers of Leek Rong understood instantly.

Purchasing is the most cost-effective way.

Buy some usable spiritual plants, and the remaining polluted spiritual plants will not be used anyway, so there is no need to kill them.

All I can say is that the other party is indeed very experienced.

In this wave of raids on the tombs, everything that should be taken was taken away. The buildings, prisoners, and usable spiritual plants retreated quietly. It was perfect.


For the blacksmiths, they also want to get those polluted ten thousand year spiritual plants and thousands of years old spiritual plants.

If you think about it carefully, this is very difficult!

"Then let's demolish the house first."

Ember Liucairong said: "Take away the prisoners and buildings and dismantle the prison to just

The remaining [Planting Area] and [Prison Warehouse] are left to talk about. "

Three Hundred Pounds of Smile·Writer Says

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