This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 39: The Shi family is crazy about stealing lessons, and the blacksmith is so angry that he v

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A third of the entire prison has been dismantled.

After all, it is difficult to build and easy to disassemble.

What's more, the monks in this world are all strong men, and practicing the five bodies makes them naturally good at moving bricks.

Even without cultivation, their physique is a little superhuman compared to the people on earth.

"Oh My God?"

"How could this happen in this prison?"

Li Youyou, the cell leader, walked around and watched these people demolishing buildings everywhere.

Moreover, he found that all the prisoners in the prison disappeared one by one.

One by one was dragged to the "prison" next door to live temporarily, and everyone was a little angry.

His fun was gone.

He angrily ran to find trouble with the blacksmith, but the God of Cookery blocked him:

"This brother is so handsome, young and promising. He must be a high-ranking person in the prison."

"I'll treat you to a drink." The God of Cookery opened the jar and used the aroma of wine to stop this man's madness.

As a trickster, he is instinctively attracted to flesh and blood.

The shadow spirit rice wine in front of him was no weaker than the flesh and blood of living beings. He was immediately tempted and started drinking directly, without even caring about getting angry on the spot.

Then, several blacksmiths gathered around.

"Comrade, although we are all government servants, compared with Your Excellency, we are simply..."

They began to use their already very skilled mental attacks and activated the "praise group" mode to challenge him with his random boasts.

Life, appearance, cultivation, family, talent, dressing up

Attack from every tricky angle.

Especially those beautiful loli blacksmiths who also came here to carry bricks, and their voices were annoying.

The words "Sir" and "Handsome" one after another make people lose themselves.

Li Youyou drank and was already dizzy. He felt that these colleagues from the Civil Engineering Department were quite good at talking.

He also gradually felt that the other party was not an enemy, but a servant of the government. It was his duty to rebuild the prison, and there seemed to be no need for him to get angry.

In addition, when you are away from home, it would be good to have more brothers in the government.

Colleagues in the Civil Engineering Department are institutions that make a lot of money, so making good friends with them is also very beneficial to your career.

He stretched out his hand to stop hitting the smiling person, and suddenly he was too embarrassed to say anything, and began to drink and chat with the other person.

"Why are they so skilled?"

A girl from the Shi family next to her watched this scene silently and cursed secretly.

These damn Xuelihua family used this trick before,

Thanks to the Shi family, I thought these people were weird and nice at the time.

It turns out that he does that kind of thing when he sees people.

They are so beastly!

Very good, we also learned this method secretly.

Later, when the team was camping in the wild and met other teams, no matter whether they were friends or foes, a group of people would gather around them and start by praising them.



This thing is no longer important. If you don’t have the shame to praise it, that’s it.

We are already writing books on eating snow education and preparing to cultivate the younger generation of scholars.

With a thought in her mind, she also gathered around Li Youyou to brag and mingled with the blacksmiths.

The effect turned out to be quite good.

When Li Youyou saw that her beauty, a girl from the Shi family, was the most outstanding among the crowd, she also praised her and smiled brightly.

This move slowly gave the Shi family woman a huge sense of accomplishment.

——Why do you need to worship the Xue Lihua family? We will surpass the Xue Lihua family!

Their skills were stolen by us little by little, and they were better than their masters. Today, we have beaten them to death with our clothes and tomb robbing tools!

When several blacksmiths saw this scene, they looked at each other and felt fear in their hearts:

"Fuck, they are secretly learning our technology again. I guess they will use this technology to mess with us again in a while."


Woohoo, is there any intellectual copyright in this world? I am applying for property rights protection. "

"I vomited. Is this the Demon Cultivation Family? It's so scary."

The blacksmiths were trembling, feeling like they couldn't play the game at all.

Not for a while.

Li Youyou got so drunk that he became dizzy and started to brag:

"My ancestor is very strong, but he is a city guard! He manages everyone in your city! All the aristocratic families in your area will look at my ancestor's face."

"How powerful is your ancestor?" A blacksmith pretended to be ignorant.

Li Youyou was indeed fooled and began to talk about his ancestor's abilities and experiences.

In the warden's office.

Li Ming watched this scene silently and frowned secretly.

These people are asking for information about him.

Although he felt a little weird, after thinking for a while, he couldn't think of anything.

Because in his eyes, he is still alive, still living in his own time, and he still controls a city.

Most of the big families in the city know about his information.

They wanted to inquire, so they inquired.

I guess it’s the chatter of the younger generation.

This group of young people in front of us are diligent and capable, and they are much better than the unlearned and unskilled guys in their own families.

It would be great if the younger generation in my family could speak well and be diligent.

Li Ming continued to listen to these flattery and compliments, feeling satisfied in his heart.

After all, in the past, major families often praised him, but he was not as fresh and refined as he is now!

No one hates being praised, especially when one is praised behind his back, and so does Li Ming.

However, he suddenly stiffened when he heard it.

The God of Cookery listened with admiration on his face, and suddenly became furious: "Where there's a will, there's a way. Our family is weak, which means there's a lot of room for us to become stronger!"

"Tell your ancestors, don't be too proud, because my three ancestors will know their shame and become brave, and they are already working hard to become stronger!"?

Li Youyou was stunned for a moment and didn't react for a while.

I brag about how powerful our family is. Shouldn't you say that you, a young man, will work hard to become stronger? How can you ask your ancestor to work hard to become strong?

This sudden fight made him unable to react.

Tap tap tap!

Shi Youxing, the head of the Shi family who was passing by, covered his head and looked at the two "second-generation officials" bragging to each other. He secretly expressed that it was really amazing that this could bring them closer together so quickly.

They really can play anyone.

Shi Youxing thought for a while, walked upstairs and knocked on the door in front of the warden's office.

Boom, boom, boom.

"Please come in," Li Ming said.

Shi Youxing wore a slim-fitting khaki female official uniform and pretended to be a senior official of the Civil Engineering Department. "I am here this time to discuss some private matters with you."

"What's the matter?" Li Ming asked.

"We want to exchange some resources." Shi Youxing got straight to the point and said that he was interested in the spiritual plant area in the prison.

Li Ming frowned slightly.

In his eyes, the most precious thing in his prison is the spiritual plant area.

There are a large number of spiritual plants that are tens of thousands of years old, spiritual objects that are thousands of years old, and even a fruit forest that is ten thousand years old.

Although his self-understanding completely rationalized why he had such a spiritual transplant at such a high age even though he did not live that long.

"This is not cheap." Li Ming said calmly.

"We only need some of lower vintages." Shi Youxing smiled politely. The higher the vintage of spiritual plants, the more likely they are to be contaminated.

It is estimated that for hundreds or thousands of years, these recently grown spiritual plants can still be used.

"It's okay to have some."

Li Ming smiled and said, "I'll take you to take a look."

Shi Youxing nodded in agreement and entered the deepest spiritual plant area.

after all.

She was going to start a scam and settle the deal in Lingzhi District as soon as possible.

Otherwise, when we find out that we have demolished his prison and find out the clues, it will be difficult to get the spiritual plant.


When the formation is opened, it is filled with mist.

Surrounded by a fruit forest, a large number of heavenly and earthly spiritual creatures cover the surrounding area.

Shi Youxing, who is a professional fraudster, glanced around with a look of regret, what a pity, what a pity.

So much good stuff was wasted.

She sighed in her heart. The rich experience in tomb robbing passed down from her family allowed her to roughly judge how many useful spiritual plants there were, and she knew it at the moment.

"We are willing to exchange for elixirs." Shi Youxing smiled and counted the number of spiritual plants to be purchased with Li Ming.

Her elixir is certainly not a serious elixir.

It was also a pill stolen from a tomb. The yin energy was so polluted that no living person could eat it.

But just like Gui couldn't tell that there was something wrong with the contaminated spiritual plant, he couldn't tell that there was something wrong with the contaminated elixir.

After all, they themselves polluted it, and they have this cognitive defect.

Therefore, the Shi family often uses this routine.

Shi Youxing secretly calculated in his heart:

"I'll take the unusable burial elixir and exchange it for the usable spiritual plant."

"As for the Xue Lihua family, they previously expressed that they wanted these spiritual plants. After I got them, I sold them to them at a slightly lower price."

"You can sell a favor and make a huge profit from them."

In this way, all the [Buildings], [Prisoners], and [Spiritual Plants] in this tomb were basically stolen, and it was a successful conclusion.

They can start retreating!

The owner of this tomb was left behind, and finally discovered the truth. Looking at the cave with not even a brick left, he could only be helpless and furious!


Will this tomb owner be of no use in the future?

Still useful!

He is afraid that he will return to his previous daily logic and continue to plant this [Spiritual Planting Area] in the same place.

As long as the Shi family returns regularly, they can continue to trade the stolen burial objects in exchange for the spiritual herbs grown by the other party.

The other party is equivalent to their serf!

As for the serfs in this model, their Shi family has thousands of small subdivisions.

Only they know the location of the tomb.

These tomb owners help their Shi family plant spiritual objects in their tombs regularly.

But the fly in the ointment is that the spiritual plants planted are at most hundreds or thousands of years old.

Any more, and it will easily become severely contaminated and completely unusable!

The production of spiritual plants is the reason why they are on par with the Xue Lihua family!

after all.

The Xuelihua family has fixed income and a French copper mine.

They have no fixed income, so how can they compete with them?

Shi Youxing sighed softly:

"However, the Xue Lihua family, their previous fixed income was to open the Meatfield Colosseum, but after escaping, there is nothing they can do."

"If it weren't for the ruthless people of their generation who declined like that and forcibly led the attack on Jiaojiazhai and occupied the French Copper Mine, their family would have declined long ago and would have been far weaker than our Shi family."

Shi Youxing could only lament the impermanence of things in the world.

In fact, the other family now has such a group of heroes, and it feels like the signs of their rise are about to explode.

This made Shi Youxing feel envious and jealous of this distant relative who had been close friends for generations.

That's how people are.

I am afraid that my brother will have a hard time, and I am also afraid that my brother will drive a Land Rover.

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