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On the construction site, a group of blacksmiths were so busy that they sweated like crazy even in the middle of winter.

"The move is almost finished."

"You animals are so good at prying."

They were shocked.

In fact, the speed of moving bricks is much faster than the blacksmiths imagined.

Because of the help of more than a thousand prisoners and a group of strange beasts in the cages, about 70% of the building facilities were demolished just after 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

The ground was muddy.

All kinds of bricks, iron railings, cages, and torture instruments were moved out frantically and sorted into categories.

That group of prisoners were all taken away.

"Soldiers are very quick. The contents of this tomb are almost removed!"

Shi Youxing was outside the Robber's Cave, looking at the gradually dimming sky with a smile on his face.

This will be the most beautiful fight in years!

This type of maid is very valuable.

One person is worth about 200 francs, and there are two thousand in total. The value here alone is 400,000 francs.

The beast-eared girl is worth 600 francs.

It is a rare product in the human market. There are two hundred people here and 120,000 French coins.

Monster prisoners and male prisoners are also worth 60,000 francs.

It can be seen how rich the other party is. The "living figurines" that were buried with him were worth about 600,000 francs.

The estimated value of the demolished buildings and facilities is around 400,000.

The original value is even higher, but this kind of thing is not like Gui, and the second-hand value is much lower.

A total of about 1 million French dollars in profit.

This vote can ease the Shi family's cash flow.

After all, their entire family’s liquidity after the red sun was less than 100,000!

Don't think that their family's business is so great that it even surpasses the heritage of a single big family in Pingchang City.

But the bigger the family, the more it consumes.

Cultivating disciples, purchasing magical weapons, spiritual roots, and resources are free of charge?

These families use whatever money they have, and quickly turn it into strength, focusing on becoming a "Moonlight Clan".

In addition, the wave of red sun really hurt the foundation.

The tomb robber in front of him barely recovered his health.

As for the past, the Zhang family could spend nearly 10 million in cash to build magic weapons?

They only got this money by selling the real estate, shops, spiritual fields, and mines accumulated over thousands of years.

If you were the Shi family, and you asked them to sell the family's heritage, various egg-laying golden chickens, and the family's ancestor's magic weapons, you could still get 10 million.

Even for Ning Zheng's villa, if he sells the equipment he just bought on the mountain and sells the most precious French copper mine, he can still have tens of millions of funds.

Of course, he already had three million French dollars in cash.

"We're almost busy now. It's our turn to share the money among the five families."

Shi Youxing thought for a while, sent a message to Ning Zheng, and said directly:

"We have basically got the things. The remaining 30% of the building facilities are in relatively core areas. If anyone wants to take them later, it will be up to their own abilities. It doesn't matter if they don't take them. After all, the danger is extremely high."

Those are places like the warden's prison cell, which are tough bones to crack.

If you bite it off by force, it’s actually not cost-effective.

Ning Zheng said: "How do you plan to divide the proceeds from this burial?"

Shi Youxing smiled:

"Whoever dismantles the building materials belongs to him. If you want to sell those building materials, you can go through me. I have a channel for selling stolen tomb robbers, but you have to take a 10% commission."

She found her words very tempting.

Because those various building materials, bricks and tiles, are also contaminated with a lot of yin energy and are not suitable for living people to use.

She took some commission and helped convert it into cash. The other party should be very happy.

"We won't sell it, we'll keep it for ourselves." Ning Zheng just smiled.

You yourself

For your own use?

Shi Youxing was a little confused.

It's not that economical, it's not comfortable for a living person to use.

Shi Youxing didn't say much: "Forget it, I'll ask other families later if they want to sell the bricks and various buildings they dug."

But Ning Zheng said instead: "Why are you selling it to a channel that sells stolen goods? Just sell it to me, I'll take it here, and I'll buy it from the three of them later."

Shi Youxing: "???"


Not only did you not sell stolen goods to me, but you also competed with me for business?

Shi Youxing was confused for a moment.

You are a bandit family that only engages in robbery. Although you have recently started an industry of making magic weapons, why do you need so many discarded ceramic tiles?

Build a house?

This thing is like worthless stuff and cannot be lived in by living people.

Ning Zheng ignored her: "We want to purchase in large quantities, and we can negotiate the price!"


The prison in the Demon Suppression Tower is not large, but it will be used for future expansion.

It's more cost-effective to buy now, so you don't waste money on buying new ones later.

"That's okay." Shi Youxing was silent for a while and said, "If you want it, I can sell it to you. Anyway, it's better to find someone to sell the stolen goods. It's better to give you an advantage."

Ning Zheng nodded: "In the future, if you have any materials for tomb robberies, you can try to find us first."

The more Shi Youxing listened, the more he felt something was wrong.

Are you going to be our next customer directly?

Do you want to collect the loot from our tomb robbery?

Why do you buy so many gadgets for dead people?

Your family's Yang Linggen can suppress evil spirits for a while, but it cannot suppress them for a lifetime.

If you stay with those things all day long, sooner or later you will be cursed like our family. The children of the family will have strong Yin Qi in their blood and become a family of women.

By then, we will really be a family of sisters.

Moreover, Shi Youxing felt that this was very problematic.

If all their families become women, who will marry our family?

We can't find a new Yanglinggen family, right?

If you don't know other families and don't trust them, it's easy for things to go wrong.

Shi Youxing couldn't bear it anymore and reminded: "This thing is not for your own use, you will become a family of women."

Ning Zheng smiled: "Of course not, don't worry, no matter how strong the Yin Qi is, it won't have any impact on us."

After all, the entire villa, the blacksmith, the villagers, and the prison inmates are not living people. Who would be afraid of this?

Yin energy doesn’t matter.

Ning Zheng felt that all she needed to do was ensure the safety of herself, the only living person.

Shi Youxing didn't give much advice and continued:

"That building was purchased by your family. The remaining 2,200 prisoners have all been extracted. The total value is 600,000 francs. They are temporarily housed outside the robbery cave and we will distribute them centrally."

"This time you came up with the plan, and you contributed the most. You also spent more money to build the teleportation array. You will get 40%. My Shi family will get 30%, and the remaining three families will each get 10%."


Ning Zheng knew that this allocation was reasonable.

"Okay, I'll talk to the other three families." Shi Youxing didn't even ask the other three families for their opinions, and it was settled like this.

after all.

With two major families taking the lead, how dare they have any objections?

Coupled with this invasion, there is basically nothing outstanding about the three of them.

It's a good achievement if each person gets one.

"Then do you need me to sell it on your behalf?" Shi Youxing suddenly said: "I have a market for people here. If I sell these stolen maids, I only need to take a 10% commission——"

"We will buy all the maids you have," Ning Zheng continued.

Shi Youxing was stunned: "???"

You want everything?

You changed your career to open grave goods

Is it the market?

"Yes, you can just sell them all to us." Ning Zheng said.

Shi Youxing couldn't bear it anymore.

The building is not bad, there are more than 800 maids in 40% of the building.

Isn't this enough?

You want two thousand?

This thing has no use, it's just for burial!

Is it to benefit the ancestors of your family and have hundreds of maids per person?

This is too luxurious.

As for buying a trickster to sleep with him, it's even more impossible. Who would be so perverted?

Each one costs up to two hundred francs. I wonder how many living maids can be bought from poor families who sell their daughters.

I don’t understand, I don’t understand at all!

Shi Youxing originally felt that he had seen through most of the other family's new disciples, but now he suddenly felt as if he was shrouded in mist.

The other party's family has become completely unknown.

There seems to be a lot of secrets.

Buying a dead man's building and eating the more than two thousand maids in this tomb, such a large sum of money, is definitely not a waste of money.

Besides, why are they so rich?

Shi Youxing knew that the other party was also a "Moonlight Clan".

Shi Youxing pondered for a while and then said: "After this tomb robbery is over, how about I go to your villa as a guest and our two families can have a friendly exchange?"

"Well, let's talk about it when we have time." Ning Zheng said vaguely.

He discovered it.

The Shi family is very curious about them now!

I want to secretly study crazily, want to do research, and even want to come over and take a peek, so what's the point?

Those blacksmiths are not easy to see.

The two parties are family friends and know the ins and outs of the situation. They are not Zhang Huaping and his ilk. They probably figured out the flaw as soon as they went up the mountain.


This prison is of no use to the average person.

But Ning Zheng spent such a huge amount of money to build the [village owner’s launch pad] and give his villa the power to protect itself.

The more tricks the prison contains, the stronger your combat power will be!

It is also a very good combat power to cut down the clones and fuse them together.

Although it has various flaws, it can only be a "surface-to-surface missile" that moves steadily. It is similar to the ancestor of the villa who cannot leave too far, but it only needs to ensure the safety of the villa.

Shi Youxing asked tentatively: "Then we have taken away 60% of the maids in our hands. We have not made any money from robbing the tomb this time. In turn, we will have to pay a sum of money. Are you sure?"


Ning Zheng thought for a while, "How many male prisoners are there? Why don't we only have female prisoners?"

It's not that he doesn't accept men.

The main reason is that there are basically few men in this prison. It would be too troublesome to take them in and open another prison area.

At the same time, Ning Zheng also had another consideration.

He was persuaded by the word "cuckold" brainwashed by the blacksmith all day long.

Many of the male prisoners were kidnapped by female prisoners, who would disrupt the order of the prison.

With these scum brought in, Su Yuniang and Ning Qianqian, who are the prison chiefs, will not be very safe.

Therefore, it is naturally best to eliminate hidden dangers.

"Oh." Shi Youxing didn't ask any more questions, "I have a lot of money and bought some useful spiritual plants from the city guard. What do you want?"

What she calls real money is pollution elixir.

But no one knew that of course she packaged it, and she spent serious legal money to buy it.

This is also a small way for them to make extra money.

"Yes." Ning Zheng didn't hesitate and didn't care how it came.

He wants the spiritual plant obtained by the Shi family.

As for those spiritual plants still in the prison warehouse, he was also ready to take action.

There is never too much of these things!

Other people's spiritual roots are planted once in a lifetime, and the demand is not very high.

But in Ning Zheng's villa, spiritual roots are consumables. The blacksmith needs to use them himself, and he also needs to use them to make weapons.

No matter how you buy it, it won’t overflow.

Shi Youxing was completely shocked: "You have really made a fortune. You accept everything, right? Is it so profitable to make magic weapons?"

"It's okay. I'm going to do the sign painting business, and I can help you do it." Ning Zheng said with a smile.

In fact, the money made by the magic weapon is slow and steady, and it has only made hundreds of thousands so far.

He got rich mainly because the Zhang family gave him three million francs, but this aspect cannot be disclosed.

Ning Zheng casually changed the topic with her and said, "Then it's settled! You ask someone to talk to the finance manager of our villa, the person named Lia Cairong, to discuss the transaction process in detail."

Seeing how arrogant the other party was, Shi Youxing couldn't help but laugh: "That's no problem, let's work together."

Ning Zheng suddenly said: "This time the tomb robbery is over, right?"

"Of course it's over." Shi Youxing was a little confused as to what this sentence meant. "The buildings, prisoners, and all the spiritual plants that could be taken were taken away."

Although, there are still core buildings such as the warden's room that have not been demolished, and the spiritual plant area cannot be moved.

But these things are troublesome and thankless to move.

"Okay, you guys will retreat later and keep the temporary teleportation array. We will stay in the tomb for a while," Ning Zheng said.

Shi Youxing was stunned and realized something:

"Are you crazy? Do you want to attack the spiritual plant area?"

"Even if they are fought, they may be destroyed, not to mention those are contaminated spiritual plants. I have given you all the usable spiritual plants."

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