This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 41: Good harvest, the villa takes in 2,000 wives

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"Don't worry, let's give it a try."

Ning Zheng didn't explain much about this.

It never hurts to give it a try.

There are two reasons.

First, in their eyes, the Lingzhi District is all waste.

But for Ning Zheng, there is no difference, they can all be used!

Afraid of sudden death?

In any case, he would not survive more than two months.

Second, if you use violence from the front, you may get injured if you need to use the masters of the Three Yuan Realm.

After the Red Moon, the Three Yuan realm monks from each family were basically the ancestors who suppressed the Communists. They were more or less injured and were not suitable for fighting during their training.

But in Ning Zheng's case, the fusion clone is just dispatched to fight the boss. Even if he loses, only the bow and arrow clone will be injured.

Not a loss at all!

The most important thing is that you have to fulfill the blacksmith's wish, right?

Ning Zheng now has a basic understanding of many things through her crazy fishing in the forum, and also knows how to handle them and be a qualified village owner.

The process of stealing is enjoyable, but it cannot be half enjoyable. It must end with the most enjoyable climax.

Boss battles are a must!

This is a qualified event planning.

Even if they lose, the blacksmiths will be happy, satisfied, and self-reflective.

People come here to play games for the sake of happiness

Jiucairong quickly finalized the specific transaction content.

It’s just a process.

These second-hand underworld objects and funerary objects all have market value.

Everyone is an insider, so we have to follow the rules, so it’s natural not to raise or lower prices.

After a round of negotiations, the villa finally spent 300,000 French dollars to buy the tombs of four magic cultivating families to benefit from this.

Then, he spent another 10,000 Dharma money to buy the batch of spiritual plants in Shi Youxing's hands.

In addition, the Shi family also kindly gave ten old storage bags found during tomb robberies to hold these funerary objects.

Although this time it cost a lot of money, all the blacksmiths were very happy.

They actually earned it with blood.

If purchased normally from Zhang Huaping, even the funerary objects would be estimated to be 80% more expensive.

Because the tomb robbers changed hands - the merchants who sold the stolen goods concentrated on buying them - the smuggling teams transported them into the city - and the black market shops sold them, there were a few more middlemen to make the difference.

What now?

The magic repair is carried out on-site, and the manufacturer sells directly, without middlemen making the difference!

It can only be said that this wave is a true five-win.

The five families were all very happy in this cooperation.

When Ning Zheng saw this scene, she nodded slightly and smiled:

"Two thousand three hundred tricks, not bad."

"Although the realm is the Five Body Realm, the maid is not a fighting type, so how can she be measured by her cultivation level?"

“It’s definitely not a loss if you get it, because these can be used as financial products!”

Yes, the vicious ways of this world have been integrated into life and are closely related to it.

Wei is also a financial product.

Because as long as they have a place to take root, they never expire.

Not only can you use it yourself and protect the villa, you can also take advantage of the good market conditions and sell it at a high price at any time. Just like the gold market, it will always be valuable.


The premise is that you have an official certificate and will not be pulled away by the red sun.

Otherwise, if you stock up on these best-selling maids in large quantities, and the red sun takes them away, you will be ready to cry without tears.

And this time period after the Red Sun.

Most of the ancestors who were pulled out took root again and returned to the rebuilt damaged tombs. What does this period of time mean?

This means that the ancestors have to buy new maids to serve these ancestors!

Therefore, the price of the maids and paper house construction has soared!

However, several other families were selling their own face and did not increase their prices.

If you buy it at a normal price, you have already made a lot of money.

Of course, Ning Zheng did not choose to sell this batch of maids.

In the villa.

Two thousand beautiful women in white clothes, two hundred beast-eared ladies, and a hundred monster beasts were pressed onto the villa through the teleportation array one after another.

"Where is this place?"

"I am really scared."

Each of them was wearing white prison uniforms, and I felt pity for them, with a kind of breathtaking charm, their watery eyes could talk, they were a little cautious, and they looked around nervously.

"Don't think too much, we are good people."

Su Yuniang put on a serious expression, "We are the Wusheng Cult, and we are here to save you!"

The female prisoners were stunned.

"Are you really here to save us?"

"I'm just a low-class woman. I've worshiped the statues of Wusheng Cult, and I've never even met the believers a few times. How could I come to such a troublesome jailbreak to save us?"


"I do not believe."

"But what do we have to lie to?"

More than two thousand women were talking about it.

"Be quiet."

Su Yuniang said seriously: "We will naturally prove it."

She called a blacksmith who opened the Shadow Wine Rice to demonstrate, then took out a small leather whip and hit the other hairpin girl hard on the belly.



This hairpin girl's cry is beautiful.

Once, twice

Ten times.


A shadow archer emerges.

"Look, she's already giving birth."

Su Yuniang said loudly: "Everyone, this is the evidence. Apart from our Wusheng Cult, who has this kind of crazy rebirth technique?"

The girls were stunned and seemed to believe it.

Su Yuniang shouted: "There is no need for us to go to all the trouble to lie to you, as time will tell the truth."

at this time.

A group of blacksmiths who moved bricks returned to the dormitory and cleaned the mud from their bodies. As soon as they walked out of the dormitory, they all looked straight and hid in various buildings and leaned against the windows.

"so beautiful."

"Wow, so many big sisters."

"The wind energy in this other world is really good. It is worthy of being a world of immortality. It has abundant spiritual energy and nourishes beauties."

"Is this game really something I can play for free?"

"Wow, the spouse system, one for each person."

"Oh shit, there are more than two thousand, each person deserves ten, okay?"

"That big sister is so cute."

"Hey, hey, hey, wife, wife, I'm going to have a wife, and I'm going to buy a new big house."

"I don't know how much the bride price is, but I guess it's five hundred francs."

"No, it's not enough at all. In reality, the bride price will take up most of the parents' savings. No matter how little it is here, it is at least half a year's salary. A diligent bricklayer and blacksmith can make an average of 200 francs per month, and half a year is 1,200 francs."

"I bought it for 1,200 French dollars as a gift, which is reasonable."

Many blacksmiths were blushing.

I think this method is well worth the money spent.

The female prisoners in the distance pricked up their ears and were shocked.

A woman exclaimed in shock: "Two hundred French dollars a month, how can people here earn so much?"

"Is this true?" Another charming and dignified lady took the lead among the crowd and said, obviously frightened: "Is this impossible?"

You know, Zhang Huaping is at the top of the casual cultivator. He only earns more than thirty magic coins by spending a week hunting a five-body realm monster.

After all, two hundred magic coins is just a low-grade magic weapon.

A casual cultivator has to save two or three years to afford one.

The speed of making money for a single person here is only a bit slower than Zhang Huaping, a master of casual cultivation who has perfected the Five Body Realm!

This is the benefit Ning Zheng gives!

The family prints money.

It’s almost impossible for low-level casual cultivators outside to earn so much!

Of course, the price of the villa forms its own economic circle. No matter how much money you make, it is still the villa that makes money and the villa spends its money.

But it's different for those female prisoners.

They just can't afford to raise a child who is studying. Their family is poor and desperate, so they keep giving birth to and killing babies. They want to raise a talented scholar at home and make their family better. How have they ever seen such a rich person?

Even though they, the blacksmiths, looked a little wrong and a little crazy, it still made their hearts tremble, and they looked like rich and stupid people.

What's more, you said you would give them a betrothal gift?

A few hundred French dollars was an astronomical figure that they could never imagine in their lifetime, and more than a thousand French dollars were given as a betrothal gift?

These people are so nice! !

If it was true, many of the female conspirators present would immediately be moved by the logic of their lifetime and simply remarry.

And the blacksmiths also looked at each other with affection.

They have no idea what's going on.

"She's looking at me."

"You found out I'm a handsome guy."

"Is this my personality charm, my domineering aura, finally revealed?"

They were all smiles.

The rewards for this copy of the game are simply too good!

Many people have seen the marriage system in games before, and there are simply too many stand-alone games where you can marry NPCs.

But I have never been as excited as the model of marrying an NPC.

Hehehe, the thief is actually me.

I really love this Cuckold Villa!

Covered in green.

Bao Dang is Lao Wang next door.

It’s so hot!

Liao Cairong strode over: "What are you looking at? I also have thoughts about these female spies. I'm not afraid of being eaten. I'm not afraid of dying from kidney failure after absorbing all the yang energy."

"Oh, I forgot, you don't have the tools to commit a crime at all." Lian Cairong joked.

Several blacksmiths were immediately dissatisfied: "You are dirty, this game is not butter, but pure love is also very good."

No one thinks that *** can be done in the game.

But no one cares about this.

Because in usual games, the NPC marriage system only focuses on talking and companionship.

Lian Cairong sneered and sent away the blacksmiths who were watching: "Go quickly and sort the materials and buildings into categories and arrange them all."


"I'll move it."

A group of blacksmiths hold their heads high, express themselves in front of the beautiful woman, and work hard to move bricks.

Ning Zheng saw that the situation was almost over, so she opened the mountain door directly:

"The owner of the village has an order that these purchased prisoners are not allowed to stay in the villa and are sent directly to the prison at the foot of the mountain."

All the blacksmiths looked stiff.

"Can't we keep a few?" The God of Cookery was careful.


Ning Zheng refused solemnly and said calmly: "Send them to the prison first. There is no room for two thousand people here. We will discuss the follow-up matters later."

After that, Ning Zheng instructed Su Yuniang to transport the embers to the villa in batches.

He was probably very tired tonight.

The Continuing Ember Talisman can no longer be used.

Because there are too many, they cannot be used.

He is in the Four Zang Realm, and can easily take root in the Five Body Realm.

But the number is too explosive. With more than two thousand maids taking root one by one, more than two thousand people will be dug in. It is estimated that the whole person will be hollowed out.

Ning Zheng sighed and asked Su Yuniang to hold them one by one with a rope and lead the way, while he himself stared at them from behind the mighty group of maids.


In the villa, several blacksmiths burst into tears with a cry of grievance as they watched the figures walking away from the gate.

"As expected of the cuckold owner. I thought he was taking the lead and being strict with others, but I didn't expect that he was strict with us."

What's more, I cried till my eyes were full of tears:

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I want a wife, I want my wife. Owner, you are a tauren, give me a wife. I will double the brickwork every day and hand over all the money. Wife, I want my wife~"

The cries of these people made the female prisoners behind them stunned.

Who is this?

Under night.

The screams behind him gradually disappeared.

Ning Zheng walked down the mountain road and checked her luck. There was no change, so she went down the mountain as an old steward.

As expected, these prisoners were submissive and no one dared to escape.

After all, they are women from the bottom of society, and they naturally have a fear of monks.

In other words, the "No Life Sect" saved them and gave them hope.

But those women did not run away, but the monsters and beast-eared ladies were eager to try. Ning Zheng had to keep a closer eye on them.

These three hundred prisoners were not members of the Wusheng Cult and had a certain level of cultivation, so they were the easiest to escape.

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