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Tap tap tap.

The entire mountain was covered with a thick layer of white snow, and the trees were wrapped in white.

Ning Zheng went down the mountain and left the villa, with no intention of going to the prison again.

At the foot of the mountain, Ning Qianqian and Su Yuniang were busy building the organization and "bewitching" the prisoners inside.

No need to help yourself.

Between girls, there is always a lower level of alertness.

He chose to pass through the teleportation array and returned to the camp in front of the Thief's Cave.

after all.

Shi Youxing invited him, so naturally he wanted to come and have a look.

Before stealing the cave.

"You're here." Shi Youxing glanced at Ning Zheng and said with a smile, "We are finishing up and erasing the traces of our tomb robbery."

"Well, let me take a look at the situation after being evacuated."

Ning Zheng looked around.

There is no snow in the sky here.

A group of women from the Shi family methodically dismantled the temporary camp and used a special method to remove the traces of tomb robbery they left behind.

Eliminate the breath.

This is the experience of the tomb robber family.

Because you think it is a wild grave, so there is no subsequent danger?

The preservation was incomplete, and suddenly a rising descendant of a certain generation found the tomb and discovered that the ancestral grave had been dug. They were furious and followed the aura to hunt down a certain tomb robber.

Some of their fellow tomb robbers were hacked to death in this way!

People wandering around the world are doing the most unscrupulous job of digging up people's ancestral graves, causing their ancestral graves to emit black smoke.

What I fear most is that the person involved will come to my door.

This routine often appears in some storybooks.

At the beginning, the scholar rushed to take the exam, fell into the tomb, and was recognized by the beautiful ancestor among them. He accidentally encountered a heavenly spirit root and matched the skills. He worked hard outside and then came back to trigger a new event:

I discovered that the tomb of my beautiful ancestor had been stolen, and her beautiful ancestor was missing.

So a new plot begins.

He was furious on the spot.

After chasing down a certain tomb robber, I found that the beautiful ancestor had been bought by the ancestor of the tomb in a holy place to be a buried maid.

He continued to get furious on the spot and continued to pursue the Holy Land.

Go to a certain holy place to dig graves, save the beautiful ancestor, and then make enemies and kill each other.

In the process, he also helped the beautiful ancestor to awaken. As a result, the beautiful ancestor became a living person, and finally they could live a happy life together without shame or shame.

They are the evil cultivator tomb robbers who must appear in the tomb robbing adventure in the story, and they are the villains who are slapped in the face!

Can their Shi family not be afraid?

You really think people don’t read the script.

When Ning Zheng heard this, she thought it made sense.

It’s really hard to be a demon cultivator.

Looking at this colleague and then at herself, Ning Zheng was also a little scared.

He, who lives in the Demon Cultivation Villa, also has the potential to be a villain, so he might offend some lucky genius protagonist.

No, it has already been provoked.

Look at Jian Xin, a commoner protagonist who lives in reality.

How many times have you provoked him?

Once a month.

No, it is now

Jian Xin is now being hunted down by a group of people led by Jiao Wuyu, each time getting worse and worse.


Three times in March.

Ning Zheng shrank her neck, thinking that she, a demon cultivator who was hiding in the dark and causing trouble, would be slapped in the face soon.

That can't be true, right?

A little worried.

"Why did you stop? In fact, as long as we clean up the traces carefully, we won't offend those geniuses." Shi Youxing comforted him kindly.

"Of course we won't provoke you. We mainly focus on making money by being friendly, and we always praise you when we meet." Ning Zheng nodded.

Shi Youxing also felt that his family was now a slippery old man who would not mess with others.

Ning Zheng asked: "By the way, is there anything going on recently about Jian Xin being hunted down?"

Shi Youxing was stunned for a moment. Although he didn't know why the other party was so concerned, he still replied:

"I heard that they were about to flee to Xinyizhou City, but they seemed to have been intercepted again?"

"Is the matter so big?" Ning Zheng was curious.

"Hehehe, of course it's big. The whole Xinyi Continent is watching the fun."

Shi Youxing also ignited the raging fire of gossip:

"You probably haven't been out much recently, so you don't know how big the fuss is now. Jian Xin's secret whereabouts are now known to the whole world, and everyone knows where he goes."

"Their group suffered heavy casualties. There must be someone inside."

"However, I guess it won't be able to stop him for long. In my opinion, Jian Xin is about to enter the city. It is a certainty that he will pass through the teleportation array and enter the capital to face the Holy Spirit."

When Ning Zheng heard this, she called him a good guy.

Shi Youxing cleaned up the surrounding traces of the tomb and eliminated the aura.

There is no magical atmosphere left in the prison, because it is just digging and demolishing.

After getting ready, they planned to stop and leave.

"By the way, do you really want to attack this cemetery in the future?" Before leaving, Shi Youxing suddenly said, "Do you want us to help?"

Ning Zheng did not answer: "There is no rush now, let's check the situation first."

"Then, I will send Shi Youyou over to hand over the weapons business to you as merchants." Shi Youxing smiled and said,

"We have also taken care of the handover of weapons products from the other three companies. After all, it is not good for the four companies to send their responsible persons to your villa at the same time."

Ning Zheng thought for a while.

After businessman Zhang Huaping, there is another businessman Shi Youyou?

The figure of the girl riding a bear flashed in Ning Zheng's mind.

Businessman Zhang Huaping will be afraid.

And this businessman is here to steal lessons?

Ning Zheng looked stiff and felt a little scared for no reason.

Shi Youxing led the team to retreat directly and disappeared into the teleportation array, while Ning Zheng was alone in front of the robbery cave.

Ning Zheng just walked around in a circle, not daring to go in and take a look.

Although there was no movement inside, no one knew whether the city guard realized that he had been tricked or whether he was furious in the mud pit.

Look at the luck value:



Keep falling.

All right.

People have discovered it and are already angry.

But as an earth-bound spirit, he couldn't go out, so he could only stay extremely angry and angry all day long.

Do you want to come to the villa to beat me?

Ning Zheng felt that she had learned the mean taste of a blacksmith.

Su Yuniang was right, happiness is indeed based on the pain of others.

When he heard about Jian Xin, he felt a little unhappy. When he saw this city guard, his mood immediately improved!

After getting the information, he returned directly to the villa through the teleportation array.

The house at the foot of the mountain.

Opening the door, the wellhead was already covered with a layer of white snow.

As expected, Ning Qianqian and Su Yuniang were not there.

Back in the room, Ning Zheng supervised the blacksmith from all angles.

Ning Zheng was also in a very happy mood when she found that the blacksmiths were still happily moving bricks and building the villa in full swing.

This wave of tomb robbery was perfect, nothing happened during the whole process, and the enemies could only be helpless and furious.


I'm so lucky, how can there be any surprises?

Those so-called accidents, narrow escapes, desperate counterattacks, and breakthroughs on the battlefield are all the protagonist treatment that only the so-called swordsmen and ghosts can enjoy.

How much fun do you have watching them playing next door?

As a passerby, I can just lie down and be content.

The life of lying down and upgrading is so comfortable, it’s so cool


"But to be honest, I really want to see the battle scenes between Jian Xin and Jiao Wuyu."

Ning Zheng had a thought in her mind and said to the luck gambling table:

[I want to give Ember the ability to be a player in "Sword Forging Villa". 】

As long as the ember becomes a player, such as the ember of the Sword Fairy, you can watch her location through her spectator perspective.

You can take a peek at Jian Xin's battle scenes.

In fact, Sword Fairy is just the beginning.

From now on, for every magic weapon in the Sword Making Villa, I can peek at what its master is doing.

These people are all his spies!

With the popularity of the Divine Weapon List, the perspective of every Divine Weapon is spread all over the world!

You can know the secrets of the world without leaving your home.

There is no need to use Zhang Huaping, a small five-body realm casual cultivator, as a news channel.

Or he could get the information by insinuating the Shi family.

As for Sword Fairy and other tricksters, the benefits of becoming a player are not limited to this.

He can even cut off their luck value!

after all.

Ember's luck value is difficult to cut.

Before there was a server at Zhujian Villa, I wanted to treat the villagers in the Villa as living people to defraud and trade.

This process is very tedious.

There were tens of thousands of villagers here, and it took him only one day to cut off the luck points of dozens of people.

This is after countless selections to select the group of tricksters who are the best to deceive.

Running around here and there, getting up early and working late at night, cheating one by one, knocking on doors and doing business, and repeating the same deception every day for transactions, it took countless years to save up the 200,000 from the hands of my fellow villagers.

This shows how difficult it is to get start-up funds.

After having this server, logging in is equivalent to agreeing to the "transaction".

Blacksmith group: -2.

It's countless times simpler.


Ning Zheng also took a slight cut of Ning Qianqiao's daily luck value.

There are too few other villagers and they are too lazy to cut. It is a waste of time and the profit is small.

And now?

These villagers, Sword Fairy, Ning Qianqian, and the more than two thousand prisoners in the prison can be like the blacksmiths of the server, harvesting them together, then aren't they making a profit with their own blood?

Therefore, Ning Zheng looked at how much luck it would take to allow Guiye to enjoy the blacksmith's various benefits.

The words came out slowly.

[The number of people reaches the upper limit, and the additional expansion of the server's upper limit of 1,000 people requires 100,000 luck points. 】

[The new login permission for strange objects requires XXX who comes from the outside and has a luck value of 10 million. 】

Ning Zheng: ""

It seems a bit much.

But yes, if I can harvest the guile collectively, I am afraid that I can earn tens of thousands of luck points in just this group of villagers in one day.

"As expected."

Ning Zheng sighed.

But following this idea, Ning Zheng thought of a brand new possibility.

Gui lives according to the logic of his life and has his own thoughts.

You are like a magician, buying his luck, people will just think you are a charlatan, ***

This is also the reason why Ning Zheng cannot attack the villagers easily.


Those female prison inmates may be easier to deceive than the villagers!

"There's something going on!"

"Their logic is unified, unlike those villagers who have different tricks for every scam."

"Gather the believers together, accept the leader's gift [baptism], and cut their luck."

"This is a unified fraud."

"Two thousand people, going to the prison every day and harvesting transactions one by one, should be able to handle it."

His heart suddenly became hot.


Unlocking these two words made Ning Zheng think of something new


"No, this plan needs to be studied more carefully."

Ning Zheng's eyes flashed with light.

He suddenly looked at the forum to see what plans and ideas they had for the prison, and was ready to find some inspiration.

After all, no matter how you cheat, the blacksmith is the professional!

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