This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 45 The planning is so conscientious!

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Ning Zheng searched for posts about prisons and found a good strategy post among a bunch of random discussions.

[Cultivation of the Sixth Body Every Night: Brother Meng, I discovered the hidden plot planned by the dog! And the means to attack the dungeon boss city guard! 】

This post is very popular.

Ning Zheng sighed secretly.

I have the general Liaicairong inside me, and the sixth body of the counselor outside me.

These two sleeping dragons and phoenix chicks, why worry about the failure of my villa?

Click on the post.

"Everyone, I am cultivating the sixth body every night. I am so envious of the dungeon reward this time. This dog planner is so generous. He really gave the reward. More than two thousand beauties moved home directly (〃 ▽〃)”

"The Wusheng Cult is definitely a hidden plot! First of all, maybe you don't know the cause and effect. Let's take a look at the incident where Su Yuniang trained Li Zhenzhen!"


A video of ten seconds was played.

It was Su Yuniang who executed a blacksmith, and Li Zhenzhen shouted in fear: Long live the Wusheng Sect.

"The other party regards us as members of the Wusheng Cult, and even regards our village owner as a high-ranking member of the Wusheng Cult."

"Let them take the initiative to join us, help us with the sewing machines, and help us take care of the new prisoners."

"These two thousand people will be the jailers of [Demon Suppression Tower]!"

"Of course, these jailers can also work part-time and start a sweet online chat of pure love with the sand sculptures on the mountain."

"Online chatting, not only text adventure, but also text love, I'm so envious."

"This reminds me of some love games. There are not so many love partners to choose from. This shows that this game is really detailed! It also has a high degree of freedom."

"And do you think the role of these jailers is over like this? What is the obsession of these people before they die? Basically, they all have the same goal of giving birth to children, seven or eight, and then giving birth to magic fetuses so that the children can become successful."

"And what's the reason why the medical fairy proposed the [nuclear bomb launch pad]?"

"If you kill these inanimate believers, their souls will be poisoned, and they will split their offspring. You may feel that you are giving birth to children all the time."

"It may help them fulfill their strong obsession in life, the ember awakens!"

When everyone heard this, they got goosebumps.

These two sides complement each other perfectly.

A normal trick, such as the adoptive father, saw how ugly his face looked when he chopped him down before?

But these are different.

You know, their obsession during their lifetime was to give birth to a child who was a strong scholar and hoped that the child would become a successful child.

This is a very simple wish.

But how could they still have children after death?

Therefore, these strange obsessions are destined to never be fulfilled.

But here, our village owner's ability is the only known magical power that can "give birth" to Gui.

Let them think that they are giving birth, but what they give birth to is still the fusion of the village owner, and they are violently attacking various places, which may be in line with their obsession: their children will stand out and become famous!

Perhaps, he has entered a semi-awakening state.

It can be said that this group of spies from the Wusheng Cult are the group of spies who have the most tacit understanding at [Launch Pad].

Naturally, it works perfectly with our villa. If you cut more, you can still take the opportunity to complete your obsession and achieve semi-awakening.

It's a win-win.

Everyone's pupils shrank when they heard this exquisite analysis.

"Yeah, it's a perfect match!"

"The [Demon Suppression Tower] is probably starting to take shape."

"I'll go and keep cutting. Not only will I be able to defend the villa, but sooner or later I'll be semi-awakened, and I'll probably get stronger!"

"I'll go, growth weapon, demon-suppressing tower!"

"The dealer has taken off, and the surface-to-surface super intercontinental missile is taking shape!"

Cultivating the sixth body crazily every night:

"Do you think it's a coincidence? This is all a secret plan planned by the dog."

"The planner saw us drawing the Spiritual Root Card, and secretly changed the probability to create the Soul-Lifting Flower."

"When the planner saw us building a prison, he immediately created a prison tomb raider copy and gave a bunch of prison resources."

"Seeing that we were building intercontinental missiles, they immediately arranged a group of NPCs from the Wusheng Cult and arranged Wushenggui who were cut off from the awakening mode."

"Could this be a coincidence? People are peeping at the screen crazily! Seeing how we play the game, we secretly change the main content anytime and anywhere to pamper the players crazily."

“Praise to the great planning team, they just doted on us.”


Many people suddenly understood and were very moved.

The planner is simply a great person. Compared with other people in the industry, he is a breath of fresh air.

It's not like they develop games to make money, but to make players happy and experience the original joy of playing games.

This group of planners are very lovely people with dreams.

Cultivating the sixth body crazily every night:

"How to defeat the boss next? This is already obvious. The planning is great and the route has been laid out for us."

"In the past two days, I have sorted out the harvest and placed the prisoners in these prisons. Let them believe that this is the Wusheng Cult, and they will be chopped down voluntarily. Then they will merge into phantoms and attack the tomb!"

"As for how to defeat this boss?"

"I believe that everyone has obtained a lot of data, and the battle strategy team has explained it in detail."

"I will tell you how to deal with this boss after defeating it. You must kill it. After all, we have already reached this level. People hate us so much that we can't do it without killing."

"But what about after killing?"

"The Earthbound Spirit will be resurrected. Resurrection will restart the memory of the moment of death tens of thousands of years ago. It will not remember what we did."

"At this time, it's our turn to operate. After resurrecting in more than a month, we will find a way to recognize our relatives and see if we can win over multiple ancestors."

When everyone saw this, they called him wicked.

They took away people's tombs and killed them directly.

When people are resurrected and their deaths are reset, do you want to defraud them again?

Su Yuniang: "The owner of the tomb wants to trick him away, so there is nothing left in the entire tomb, right?"

Lia Cai Rong: "Who said we won't keep him? The Li Youyou we keep is a Cao thief. If we take him away, there will be trouble in the future. Kill him! The pure love God of War will kill the tauren!"

God of Cookery: "Thank you so much for Liaicairong. You recently believed in pure love and helped us win a group of beautiful wives."

Liaicairong: "There is no way, I am the god of pure love\\(^o^)/~I will only hold an umbrella for others if I have been caught in the rain~"

Ning Zheng felt moved when she saw it.


Actually, this group of Wusheng Cult’s spooks have such hidden functions?

He was very surprised. If someone hadn't analyzed it, he wouldn't have known that this group of people naturally matched his spiritual root attributes.

After combining this strategy, I immediately had an idea.

Let the blacksmiths gain their trust, and then you can harvest their daily luck as a senior leader of Wu Sheng Sect.

This is a total of two thousand tricks!

If you get this cut, the luck value you get every day will definitely be no worse than that of a blacksmith.

"It's really profitable."

Even Ning Zheng, who was usually calm, felt a little excited at this moment.

These two thousand or so prisoners were worth buying.

Three hundred thousand Dharma money can not only manage finances, but also increase daily luck value income.

His current level is low and he is not short of money, but he is short of luck.

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