This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 46: Daily luck value surges 3 times!

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Ning Zheng was still watching various detailed information on the forum, thinking about how to kill the group of prisoners.

Su Yuniang and Ning Qianqian came back in a hurry, cooking and cooking.

"Brother, don't touch that cart of rice in the yard. Sister Su Yuniang brought it from the mountain." Ning Qiaoqiao shouted.

Ning Zheng poked her head out and saw a large cart parked at the entrance of the yard, piled high with food.

It seems to be ready to be transported to the prison warehouse.

During this period of time, the blacksmiths in the villa have stocked up on a lot of shadow wine, rice and rice, which they just sent to the prison as food for prisoners.

"I understand." Ning Zheng sat down to eat.

"From now on, the daily consumption of the villa will probably increase! The spiritual rice produced on the mountain must be supplied to the prison."

While eating, Su Yuniang discussed with Ning Qianqiao.

Ning Qiaoqiao also acted as a small cell leader and analyzed:

"I explained to them that if they come here to work, they won't go hungry, and our village will be well fed, and we will be a harmonious and friendly family."

"That's right."

Su Yuniang said:

"They are jailers, not prisoners. They are members of our village. They have just settled in. They are the same neighbors as Aunt Li, Aunt Wang, Uncle Li next door to us, as well as Brother Axe, who was new in the red sun. .”

Ning Zheng was eating her meal silently with her head down, listening to them talk about prison.

It is true that we cannot starve others.

All energy does not come from thin air.

If you don't give him enough to eat and drink, he will be extremely weak. Even if he is poisoned with mental poison, he will not be able to split a few phantoms.

Therefore, you must eat and drink well every day to prevent enemies from attacking.


Weird thing, if you eat and drink enough, certain individuals with potential will slowly grow, become more and more fierce, stronger and stronger, and become the Jiuling among them, and even the King of Weird.

This is of great nurturing value!

Since you choose to take root and nurture it, then nurture it well.

Just like the other villagers in the villa, they live a prosperous life.

Don't be so hungry that you use random things to fill the empty soul in your body.

However, there are more than 2,000 people raised under the mountain.

The daily expenses of my villa are getting bigger and bigger.

When he finds the meat field in the Four Zang Realm and the Crow King Meat Field in the Five Body Realm, he will let the prison side use it.

Don’t just eat rice, it’s good to eat some meat after all.

Improve prison food!

Even, I have to find a way to kill a few demonic beasts that are in the Great Perfection of the Five Body Realm and the Great Perfection of the Four Zang Realm and make them into meat fields.

Otherwise, I won’t even be able to keep up with the meal!

Nowadays, instead of three people using one meat field, there are more than 2,000 people using it.

You have to follow a family's farming ideas, open up a [terraced field area] and plant dozens of meat fields in order to maintain consumption.

It would be best to use the souls of a few monsters and beasts to make a scarecrow to protect the meat fields, lest those crows, birds and monsters from the sky come down to eat them.

Just like on Earth, there are no scarecrows to keep away the birds that can make a mess in your rice fields.

"It's a bit troublesome."

"Oh, that's what it means to open up a force."

Ning Zheng sighed, knowing that it was the land reclamation period, and once the food issue for these people was settled, they would no longer have to worry about it.

He decided that the next time the young merchant Shi You came over, he would ask the blacksmiths to make some subtle remarks:

How to kill monsters and make meat fields.

The location has also been planned, and a [terraced field area] has been opened on the mountainside.

It can't be opened in the villa, so that those sand sculpture blacksmiths can get close to it, otherwise the devil knows what they will do to the meat field.

After eating, Su Yuniang suddenly laughed:

"We are going out, brother, do you want to go to the prison with us? How boring is it to practice in the house all day?"

"We happen to be very busy, one more person

One more person is a helper, and now the prison is so short of people. "

She blinked and hinted: "There are many beauties, and they have the pleasure of being a thief. You may not understand. Let me introduce what Wei Wu's legacy is."

Black lines appeared on Ning Zheng's forehead.

Why is this person as vulgar as Liaicairong?

He doesn't accept temptation, he is a person of pure love.

"Yes." Ning Qianqian became more serious, "We have many new neighbors in the village, and there are more than 2,000 people in our villa. It's a good idea to go and get to know them."

Ning Zheng still shook her head and refused, watching them leave.

They greeted the villagers along the way and became very familiar with them, then gradually moved away.

Ning Zheng waited for them to leave for a while, then dressed as an old steward and set off to the prison.

The villagers at the foot of the mountain now only have a population of tens of thousands, and they still surround the entire mountain and are sparsely scattered in villages.

Now there are suddenly more than 2,000 people, belonging to the largest settlement.

Ning Zheng also knew that with development, the population of the surrounding villages would increase.

Even those believers gradually became obedient and could walk around the village.

Next year's New Year's Market will definitely be more lively with these two thousand people joining in, setting up stalls and going to the market.

Then she put on the black silk stockings that Su Yuniang had been studying recently, saying that she was dressing up to match their villa aesthetic.

Black stockings, high heels, long legs, jailer uniform (stewardess version).

These two thousand maids will become one of the permanent residents of the villa. Next year's New Year's Market will be a very pleasing "stewardess" scenery.

The entire villa area will usher in a new "minority painting style" other than the Jiudao Miao people.

Ning Zheng didn't care about this.

Because on this land, various ethnic minorities dress in strange clothes, and even some sects have unique decorations.

Some ancient holy places have directly formed an independent tribe with a history of tens of thousands of years, with its own customs and culture.

Ning Zheng feels that her tribe's customs are not bad. The customs and costumes of the earth's ethnic groups that are more than two thousand years old are nothing compared to those of others that are tens of thousands of years old.

Ning Zheng sighed in her heart, feeling very happy.

"I, Lord of the Villa, have more and more people under my command, and life is getting better day by day."

Half an hour later.

Ning Zheng walked around before arriving at the prison. She saw a huge towering wall from a distance, which was very impressive.

There is a tall sign hanging.

【Demon Tower】

When Ning Zheng walked into the door, Su Yuniang had already organized people to work.

Seeing the figure of the old steward, he suddenly came up to him and said happily:

"Master Steward, why are you here? Welcome to visit! This is

Ember Su Yuniang was very elegant, like a salesperson, introducing the shape of the building,

"But for now

Go into jail.

Li Zhenzhen led a group of female prisoners in building a house, laying walls, and moving bricks.

The cells here are made of special materials and are very strong. They are used to imprison cultivation and isolate mana.

It is completely enough to imprison ordinary people in the Five Body Realm.

People's previous prisons have always been able to hold people in this way without any problems, which shows its practicality.

Seeing how many cells were used for prostitution, Ning Zheng felt that the money for the materials was well spent.

From now on, the imprisonment of those low-level spies will be completely accurate.

"That's the benefit of having connections."

"I have inherited the connections in the magic cultivator circle. They won't cheat you. The maids and materials I bought are all genuine and valuable."

far away.

A mailbox has been hung up, and we are preparing to communicate with the mailbox on the mountain. We will recruit a letter delivery person for express delivery in the future.


Su Yuniang asked them to register personnel information, and some of the female spies were learning to draw stamps.

This is already the prototype of a handicraft workshop.

After all, the previous prison had a labor area, and these female prisoners were used to this kind of labor.

There are also villagers from some villages who are helping to build prisons and chatting with the female prisoners. Both parties have a good time chatting.

Obviously, they all welcome this new group of villagers.

However, at this time, the female spies seemed to hear Ning Qiaoqiao's words in the distance, and they were all a little shy.

"We are all married and have been in prison. How can they still be interested in us?"

"Yeah, don't even try to cheat on others because they think we have a criminal record."

"This is a noble blacksmith profession, with skills. We are monks in the clouds, but we are mortals."

All the female spies were chattering.

They didn't know that they were dead. They thought that the conditions of those people on the mountain were so good that it was unimaginable that they could still like them?

They are still yearning for a better life.

The requirements are very simple and simple.

Ning Zheng sighed. Every time she saw this kind of scene, she would have inexplicable thoughts.

They maintain their obsessions in life, and their yearning for dreams repeats the logic of their lives.

They are just suicide notes left by the deceased.

Although they killed their own children one by one, in the eyes of outsiders, they can be said to be cruel and bloody women. Even the neighbors found out and pointed at them and ridiculed them.

But how can this world be evaluated in pure black and white?

More of a refined gray.

Ning Zheng didn't think much and took out a faceless statue made of French money:

"I'll give you a task. Let the inanimate believers here worship this statue every day and enshrine their beliefs."

Ember Su Yuniang was stunned.

This is a hidden mission!

She didn't understand what the use of worshiping this thing was.

But that didn't stop her from accepting it loudly: "Report, guarantee completion of the task."

Ning Zheng nodded: "Go!"

Both Liao Cairong and Su Yuniang have super strong mobility.

Su Yuniang immediately began to organize people, saying that she wanted to worship the statue of Wusheng Old Mother.

And those believers seemed to worship the statue all year round, and things turned out to be much simpler than Ning Zheng had imagined.

After hesitating for a while, he accepted.

2,000 inanimate cultists, 200 beast-eared women, and a hundred monster beasts stood in the prison square.

Start praying.

"Please dedicate your luck and life to praise the Inanimate Mother." -



Everyone is resistant. If you take away one or two points of luck, he may not care.

Taking away a large amount of luck value will threaten his life, and this life will instinctively resist.

Therefore, a large-scale collective extraction can only be -2

To extract more of this person's luck value, Ning Zheng must carry out independent transactions and absorb them.

For example, the fifty-mana-money prop that makes the blacksmith commit suicide, increases the probability of ember, and returns the luck to 0, is targeted individual absorption.

Not very popular.

Ning Zheng didn't think about popularizing it.

Because each separate transaction is extracted, what is the difference from the previous deceptive transactions?

A waste of time, easy to expose, and low cost performance.

Moreover, with 8 points of luck left, it is still within the range of a normal person. He can work and move around, and he is in a very cost-effective area.

To return to that sentence, I came to the villa to play, but my luck value was too low, and I was possessed by the God of Mold. I couldn't do anything, and I couldn't move at all.


Two thousand people have been absorbed.

【+4000 Luck Value】

Obviously, only the 2,000 inanimate believers truly agreed to the deal.

Those two hundred beast-eared girls and a hundred monster beasts were all pretending to be among the crowd.

Praying, thinking about the evil ways of Wu Sheng Cult

Ning Zheng had already expected this.

The behavioral logic of Gui is fixed.

If you don’t believe in evil cults during your lifetime, you won’t believe in these beast-eared women after death. Monsters have no value in becoming leeks.

But even so, the gains of these two thousand inanimate believers

"You can get it, four thousand luck points per day!" Ning Zheng fell into a daze for a moment.


His 1,000 blacksmiths were only given 2,000 points per day.

He was almost dazzled by the great happiness, and was so frightened that he quickly clicked on 1,000 points of daily luck to save himself money and eliminate disasters.

[Today’s daily luck value: 1850]

Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Without adding some daily luck value and suppressing it, he was really worried about this windfall.

If it cannot be suppressed, the opportunity will turn into a disaster!

"From now on, I will have 1850 daily luck."

Ning Zheng grinned.

Even so, if he takes 25% of the profit and uses it for daily consumption, he will have 3,000 more luck points out of thin air in the future.

The weather luck value is 4500 points every day, take off instantly!

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