This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 47: Cornucopia, buy, buy, buy

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The ceremony is over.

"Old Steward, how is the prayer going?"

Ember Su Yuniang ran over with a look of anticipation on her face.

Ning Zheng smiled and looked at the two hundred beast-eared ladies and one hundred monsters who did not agree to the luck value transaction, making them tremble in fear.

"Sir, we are also praying seriously."

"Yes, we are also new inanimate believers."

"please believe us."

They spoke quickly.

Ning Zheng looked at them for a few times and finally sighed.

Know it's not their problem.

Their logic has been fixed during their lifetime. They were not inanimate believers during their lifetime, and they will never be so after death.

They are not like living people, they cannot adapt, they cannot bewitch or change their beliefs.

If their logical flaws could be changed and they could accept new things and cognitions, they would have awakened long ago.

Ning Zheng withdrew her gaze and said to Su Yuniang: "From now on, these are not the three hundred people of Wu Sheng Cult, and they do not need to participate in prayers."

"That?" Su Yuniang hesitated.

Ning Zheng smiled and said: "When we worship, they don't need to participate, they can just work normally."

Su Yuniang breathed a sigh of relief.

I thought I was going to target these 300 prisoners.

Ning Zheng said: "You did a great job! From now on, I will give you a daily task. I will come here every day to perform this ritual and let them pray and worship the statue. Your daily task reward is 10, no, 5 Dharma money!"

Ember Su Yuniang's eyes were filled with smiles: "There are actually five magic coins, I promise to complete the task!"

"Good job."

Ning Zheng said: "I believe you have a bright future."


Ember Su Yuniang saluted, feeling extremely happy.

Ning Zheng was very satisfied, took a look at the female prisoners, and then left the prison directly.

Walking to a deserted place and on the way home, he felt as if there was a squeezing joy in his heart, and he wanted to shout heartily to the mountains.

It really can.

It worked!

"+3000 per day, finally found a new source of luck!"

Ning Zheng looked at the [Demon Suppression Tower] in the distance with fiery eyes.

At this moment, in his eyes, this place was not a prison, but a cornucopia, continuously producing luck points.

This batch of prisoners buried with them in the tomb are more valuable than the blacksmiths on the mountain.

This person has generated 3,000 luck points per day.

That group of blacksmiths only had 1,500 luck points per day.

Moreover, blacksmiths have little luck and many things to do, such as chattering and stealing!

There is contrast.

No matter how I look at it, I feel unhappy.

Especially Liaicairong, who had happily asked her to love him before. What kind of weird request was this? ?

It directly lowered the rating!

For a moment now, Ning Zheng wanted to shut down the server of "Forging Sword Villa" and just lie down, leaving this prison alone and harvesting 3,000 luck points every day.

Of course, it’s just a thought.

Although the income of the prison is now higher than that of the blacksmith.

But without the blacksmith, he wouldn't be able to create a new batch of inanimate cultists.

We still have to rely on blacksmiths like them to continue to imprison people and maintain the operation of the villa.

Today's daily income has tripled, with 4,500 luck points in one day and 9,000 points in two days.

It takes almost two days to reach a small level of the four internal organs.

Take off directly!

Of course, Ning Zheng still planned to save some luck points first.

It only takes twenty days to have 100,000 luck points. Upgrade the server's 1,000 blacksmith limit, so that you can earn 6,000 luck points every day, which is more cost-effective.

What's more, save a lot

With good luck value, he can still cope with unexpected situations.

"However, instead of lying down and harvesting like this, windfall is still the best way to make people rich."

Ning Zheng reaped the benefits.

Before, he loved lying down and silently collecting luck points because he could only collect so much.

But now a new continent has been discovered - Wushengjiaogui.

This is a group of leeks worthy of a blacksmith!

And more peace of mind, as well as the purchase price, is a commodity.

What is the difference between this and directly spending magic money to buy luck value?

It’s a bloody profit!

Even if the market price is 200 francs each, he wants to directly pay 1 million francs to buy 5,000 childless women!

The more Ning Zheng thought about it, the hotter her heart became, and she suddenly realized:

"Wait a minute, after buying a lot of Wusheng Cult, why am I becoming more and more like a cult?"

Ning Zheng's expression gradually stiffened.

But he had to buy it.

If this can really earn luck points, the more the better.

Well, it has to be done secretly.

Otherwise, it would be troublesome if he was targeted by the Wusheng Cult.

If people find out, they will probably search for me like crazy.

He is a decisive person. Before he returned to his home, he immediately used the communication token to send a message to Shi Youxing.

"What, is something wrong?"

Shi Youxing did not expect that the other party would come to visit him again so soon:

"I'm still digesting the profits from this time. I'm going to investigate the local magic weapon market in Yueshan City in order to prepare for the entry of painted cards."

She paused:

"Are you in such a hurry to attack the city guard? I suggest you don't waste time. The benefits are too small. If you have this time, you might as well get a few more magic weapons, which will make more money."

She was very excited, "Save up more painting cards, and when I survey the market, I'll have a big one!"

Of course Ning Zheng knew that it was more profitable to make magic weapons.

But the mood of that group of blacksmiths must be taken into consideration.

Boss battles can make them more enjoyable when crafting magic weapons.

Appropriate release of emotions can mobilize their subjective initiative.

"It's not a matter of attacking the city guards."

Ning Zheng said: "I still want to recruit the maid, do you have a channel over there?"

Shi Youxing was silent for a moment.

She suddenly felt a little outrageous.

What's the matter? Even 2,000 can't satisfy your villa?

With this specification, your family has buried an imperial tomb with so many people buried with it?

This thing can't be used as a cultivation resource to improve one's realm. A 200 magic weapon is equivalent to a low-level magic weapon. This is simply a waste of money.

Shi Youxing became more and more curious.

What kind of stuff is the other party secretly doing? When they were robbing the tomb, I saw that they were mysterious and had many incomprehensible details.

"I just asked if I could buy it." Ning Zheng got straight to the point.

"Our family used to dig graves, and of course we encountered a lot of them! But we sold them all. After all, who would keep so many stolen goods in their hands?" Shi Youxing said:

"If you are not in a hurry, we can look for them when we go to the tomb in the future. They will be there one after another. If you are in a hurry, I will help you ask about the black market acquisition channels over there."

Shi Youxing obviously has an industrial chain and knows businessmen in this field.

"However, I don't recommend buying it now. The price has risen sharply recently. A maid costs 300 francs."

This is an obvious change in market supply and demand.

After all, now, everyone is re-rooting the ancestors of each family, buying maids, and reinstalling the paper mansion.

Because when the sun is red, not everyone is so easy to do it. Just pull out the ancestor and save it. Who will save the weak maid by the way?

The worst possible thing is to buy it after the red sun.

It's not like Ning Zheng, who buys tens of thousands of maids. Those in small mansions usually buy two or three maids, and the older ones are seventeen or eighty.

A maid.

It is not a big expense for a family.

Shi Youxing reminded: "The price has risen sharply recently, can you accept it?"

Ning Zheng felt a little pain.

If I had known earlier, I would have bought it before the red sun. How low was the price then?

But it’s hard to buy early knowledge.

Just like those blacksmiths, they didn't know that when they bought mid-grade spiritual root liquid before, the price skyrocketed after the red sun, and they started to feel pain.

after all

Now the best time to buy this batch of maids is to buy them yesterday. If you couldn't buy them yesterday, today is the best time to buy them.

Ning Zheng nodded: "Buy."

For Ning Zheng, this price-performance ratio is too high. The sooner you get it, the sooner you can enjoy it.

If it goes up, it will go up. He has money!

The blacksmith in the villa skipped meals, scrimped on food and clothing, committed suicide, and made all kinds of crazy money just to buy him the resources for cultivation.

If you don’t spend money yourself, wouldn’t it be a waste of the efforts of the blacksmiths? ?

But Ning Zheng paused: "But I want the Wusheng Cult."


Shi Youxing was silent for a while, his expression a little complicated.

"This condition is a bit embarrassing. There are already few of them. If I name them by name, there probably won't be any left in stock."

"I asked people in the court. Some of them have dirty hands and feet. After executing prisoners, they will secretly sell the embers of female prisoners to black market traders."

She explained: "After all, Wusheng Cult has always occupied a large proportion among low-level female prisoners."

Ning Zheng nodded: "Then the good news I'm waiting for you should be kept secret."

"Of course I know, I'm also afraid of the Wusheng Cult."

Shi Youxing said that he would have absolutely no problem doing things.

Ning Zheng was right when she thought about it.

A family of grave diggers is more hated than a family of bandits. They are so promiscuous that they have never been killed. They must have two brushes.

After hanging up the communication, he took a long breath.

Even though I have a network of connections, I can still find ways to make tricky requests.

But now it seems a bit difficult!

He also has not considered buying fanatic followers of other demon sects to act as their top leaders and harvest luck points.

But this is not a casual role!

You can pretend to be Wusheng Cult or other Demonic Cults only if you have similar characteristics of "Crazy Life", so others may not be fooled.


from Xinyizhou

"I have money but nowhere to spend it."

Ning Zheng sighed.

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