This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 45 The planning is so thoughtful!

Ning Zheng searched for posts about prisons, and found a good strategy post in a messy discussion.

[The sixth body of Night Cultivation: Brothers, I found the hidden plot of the dog planner! And the means of attacking the dungeon boss city guard! ]

This post is very popular.

Ning Zheng sighed secretly.

I have the general Jiucai Rong inside, and the sixth body of the counselor outside.

With these two crouching dragons and phoenixes, why worry about my villa's success?

Click on the post.

"Everyone, I am the sixth body of Night Cultivation. I envy the dungeon rewards this time. This dog planner is really generous. He really gives rewards. More than 2,000 beauties are directly moved home (〃▽〃)"

"The followers of the Wusheng Sect are definitely a hidden plot! First of all, maybe everyone doesn't know the cause and effect. Let's take a look at the incident of Su Yu Niang training Li Zhenzhen!"


A video of more than ten seconds was broadcast.

It was Su Yu Niang who executed a blacksmith, and Li Zhenzhen shouted in fear: Long live the Wusheng Sect.

"They think we are members of the Wusheng Cult, and even think our manor owner is a high-ranking member of the Wusheng Cult."

"Let them surrender, help operate the sewing machine, and help us look after the new prisoners."

"These two thousand people will be the jailers of the [Demon Suppression Tower]!"

"Of course, these jailers can also work part-time and have a sweet online chat with the silly people on the mountain."

"Online chat, not only text adventures, but also text romances. I envy them so much."

"This reminds me of some dating games, where there are not so many optional dating objects, which shows that this The game is real details and high degree of freedom. Cracks may feel that they have been giving birth to children. "" May help them complete their strong obsession during their lifetime, and the embers are awakened! "Everyone heard the goosebumps. These sides are perfect. This is a simple wish, but how can they have birth after their death? Therefore, these weird obsession is destined to be perfect. Let them think they are giving birth, but the child they gave birth to is the Fusion Manor Master, and beat up everywhere, maybe it is in line with their obsession: their children stand out and become successful!

Maybe, they will enter semi-awakening.

It can be said that this group of Wusheng Sect is the most tacit group of [Launching Platform].

It is natural that they cooperate perfectly with our villa. If they chop more, they can also take the opportunity to complete their obsession and semi-awaken.

This is a win-win situation.

Everyone listened to this exquisite analysis, and their pupils shrank.

"Yeah, this is a perfect match!"

"[Demon Suppression Tower] has probably begun to take shape."

"Oh my god, if you keep chopping, it can not only defend the villa, but it will also semi-awaken sooner or later, and it will probably become stronger!"

"Oh my god, a growth-type weapon, the Demon Suppression Tower!"

"The owner of the villa is about to take off, and the ground-to-ground super intercontinental missile is taking shape!"

The sixth body of the crazy cultivation of the night:

"Do you think it's a coincidence? All this is a secret calculation by the dog planner."

"The planner saw us drawing spiritual root cards, secretly changed the probability inside, and created the Soul Separation Flower."

"The planner saw us building a prison, and immediately created a prison tomb raiding copy and gave us a bunch of prison resources."

"Seeing that we built an intercontinental missile, he immediately arranged a group of NPCs from the Wusheng Sect and arranged the Wusheng Gui whose awakening mode was cut."

"Can this be a coincidence? They are peeking at the screen like crazy! Seeing how we play the game, they secretly change the main content anytime and anywhere, and pamper the players like crazy."

"Praise the great planning team, they simply pamper us too much."


Many people suddenly realized and were very moved.

The planner is really a great person. Compared with other people in the industry, he is a breath of fresh air.

They don't develop games for the sake of making money, but to make players happy and experience the original joy of playing games.

This group of planners have dreams and are very lovely people.

The sixth body of Ye Ye Kuang Xiu:

"How to beat the boss next? This is already obvious. The planner has laid the line for us."

"In the next two days, sort out the harvest and settle the prisoners in these prisons, let them believe that this is the Wusheng Sect, voluntarily be chopped, and then merge into a phantom and attack the tomb!"

"As for how to beat this boss?"

"I believe everyone has obtained a lot of data, and the battle strategy team has explained it in detail."

"I'm just talking about the way to deal with this boss after defeating it. It must be killed. After all, we have already reached this level. People hate us so much that we have to kill them."

"But what happens after killing them?"

"The earthbound spirit will be resurrected. Resurrection will restart the memory of the moment when it just died tens of thousands of years ago, and will not remember what we did."

"Now, it's our turn. After we revive in more than a month, we will try to recognize our relatives and see if we can win over more ancestors."

When everyone saw this, they called it immoral.

They took away the tomb and killed the person directly.

After the person is resurrected and the death is reset, they want to trick him away again?

Su Yu Niang: "You want to trick the owner of the tomb away, and leave nothing in the whole tomb, right?"

Jiu Cairong: "Who said we won't leave anything? We left that Li Youyou, and we knew at a glance that he was a thief. If we take this kid away, there will be trouble. Kill him! The God of Pure Love must kill the Minotaur!"

The God of Food: "Thank you so much Jiu Cairong. You have believed in pure love recently and helped us win a group of beautiful wives."

Jiu Cairong: "There is no way. The God of Pure Love is me\\(^o^)/~ I will only hold an umbrella for others after being caught in the rain~"

Ning Zheng's mind moved when she saw it.

Half awakened?

It turns out that this group of Wushengjiao's ghosts have such a hidden function?

He was very surprised. If no one had analyzed it, he would not have known that this group of people naturally matched his spiritual root attributes.

Combining this strategy, he immediately had an idea.

Let the blacksmiths gain their trust, and he can be a high-level member of the Wusheng Sect to harvest their daily luck value.

This is a full two thousand ghosts!

If you harvest them, the daily luck value you get is definitely not worse than that of the blacksmith.

"It's really a big profit."

Even Ning Zheng, who is usually calm, is a little excited at this time.

These two thousand prisoners are worth buying.

Three hundred thousand magic coins can not only manage finances, but also increase the daily luck value income.

He is currently at a low level, not short of money, but short of luck.

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