This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 49 The sword fairy brings opportunity!

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Demon Suppression Tower.

In the big classroom of the prison.

In a huge lecture hall, Su Yuniang wears black-rimmed glasses and a female teacher’s hip-hugging skirt, showing her intellectual beauty.

"Let's read this letter again!"

Su Yuniang opened it

[Recently, my mother urged me to get married, and I was so miserable during the blind date]

"They will talk about their daily lives. Some of them can't be understood, but it doesn't matter."

Su Yuniang said:

"You can roughly understand that this is forced marriage. The customs are a little different. When you lived in the alleys before, there were also older young people who were forced to marry, right?"

"You can talk as usual. You can comfort him, tell him how to identify women, and help him find blind dates."

After listening to a few lessons from Su Yuniang in the classroom, Ning Zheng also felt a little enlightened.

Su Yuniang is really amazing!

Start a class and teach these people to understand the nonsense of the blacksmiths.

He originally wanted to peek into their daily lives twenty years later in the forum, but most of them were chatting about all the games and discussing various plots.

But here, Ning Zheng unexpectedly heard all kinds of trivial things in reality.

They are really writing love letters and daily life.

after all.

It's impossible for a letter to be filled with "I love you" and all kinds of lies, right?

They are more of a "pen pal", chatting about their daily lives incidentally, as a tree hole with someone to talk to, and asking each other about their lives, daily routines, and past experiences.

This is also to find out information about the woman, her life experiences, and even learn about some history and daily customs!

Su Yuniang opened the next letter. There was a lot of mess in front of it, and at the end was this sentence:

[Recently, my dad wants me to inherit the family business of seven factories, but I don’t want to die here. I think I can start my own business. What do you think? 】

Su Yuniang explained: "This is a scholar who has a relatively rich family fortune and does not want to follow the path of his parents."

The person who wrote this letter was obviously one of the hundred wealthy blacksmiths.

There are also some weird ones, such as this letter.

Su Yuniang continued to read:

[A letter to the planning team, I think the enchanter should be strengthened! 】

[Planner, I know you are secretly reading love letters, please respond to me quickly. 】

[And alchemist, isn’t this profession too fake? It’s the same as nothing. Can it be officially launched? Can the villa buy some raw materials to practice? Let's compete for the person in charge of the alchemy room? The Ling Nong District will not help us plant these low-level alchemy plants, saying that they will plant them later when they expand, but we can’t afford to wait.]

Ning Zheng: ""

He sat in the back of the classroom and shrank.

I feel like this blacksmith is a divine prophecy.

How did he know that his planner was secretly reading love letters?

However, the alchemy room may indeed need to start investing.

After all, the sooner these things are accumulated, the better.

Coupled with the skyrocketing prices of various commodities after the Red Sun, it is not that there was no price decline.

The prices of similar low-grade alchemy plants began to plummet.

After all, the danger in the wild was reduced, so the new monks formed a team together to collect wild plants.

During this period, the number of low-level spiritual plants collected has skyrocketed.

Su Yuniang’s face was expressionless:

"If you don't understand the letter with the word "planning group" like this, you can ignore it. "

"Anyway, I will teach you for a while, and you will be familiar with their way of speaking, and even some nouns, and you will be able to communicate quickly."

"Of course, as pen pals, if you don't understand what they say, you can also ask them, express that you don't understand, and ask what they mean. After all, you are chatting and learning about the other person's life."

At noon, Su Yuniang asked the villagers to cook and then eat in the prison canteen.


The man sat down on a chair in the cafeteria.

There are people all around, and many people are eating in twos and threes, which is very lively.

"How was my speech?" Su Yuniang touched the non-existent cold sweat, "I just feel a little tired."

"It's amazing."

Ning Zheng smiled when she heard this: "You will be a qualified warden!"

Looking at the lively environment around him, he thought it would be good to come here for a staff meal occasionally.

Ning Qiaoqiao picked up the rice and said, "The food in the cafeteria is not very delicious."

"This must be what a big pot of rice is like." Su Yuniang chirped, "We have to find a way to get some meat fields!"


She and Ning Zheng thought of going together.

It can be seen that the entire prison is on the right track, and Su Yuniang is really a qualified warden.


The living people on the mountain are like leeks.

The dead person at the foot of the mountain is Su Yuniang.

This configuration is very good at first glance.

Moreover, it is different from the living blacksmith on the mountain.

These embers are already indigenous.

In other words, they have traveled to a different world and cannot go back.

Destined to become a member of Ning Zheng's influence and become a ghost here.

Of course, there is also the possibility of resurrection and awakening, or even cultivation, immortality, and becoming an immortal and ancestor!

This is equivalent to another self in parallel time and space


The sky and the earth bloomed with white light.

The endless snow melted quickly, and a sword beam bloomed with unprecedented magnificence, chopping open several huge statues.


Jian Xin's appearance quickly dimmed.

Over the past few days, the comrades around him have gradually collapsed and disappeared, and the enemy has also suffered heavy losses.

"This battle is over, Xinyizhou City is coming."

Jian Xin looked away.

Behind them, Guipu and the Sword Fairy looked like they were surviving the disaster.

Especially the Sword Fairy, the other party wanted to rob her at first.

But after that, the other party wanted to kill her, and if she couldn't get it, she would be destroyed, and she wouldn't be allowed to enter the capital.

And she is just one of them.

I am afraid that other escort teams will also face similar situations.

I don’t know how many divine craftsmen, divine alchemists, and Shennong-level beings were kidnapped, attacked, or even killed during the escort.

"We are entering the city." Jianxin paused, "But this does not mean it is safe."

"In the state city, King Xinyi is suppressing it personally. Who dares to attack?" Guipu looked in disbelief.

There are nine kings in all nine states in the world.

They are the rulers of the Nine Provinces in the past dynasties and one of the strongest human beings in the world. Who dares to be arrogant?

"Haha, who knows."

Jian Xin said calmly: "No one knows how far the rebels have penetrated, because the rebels may not be living people, they may also be heroes in history or myths in legends."

"They stand in the history of the past and have been waiting for this moment for too long."

The sword fairy's pupils suddenly shrank.

These days' adventures made her think of certain possibilities!

The leaders of Wusheng Cult, and even the various demonic sects that appeared in history, have a long history and have developed to this day.

Is their leader really alive now?

They may not live that long!

Probably already dead, being simmered to death by the saints of today!

They could not survive the saints and became waves in history, but as embers, they maintained their behavioral logic and daily life——

They are still developing the sect, promoting their family's foundation, secretly infiltrating, and waiting for the day when the saint dies of old age.

And this day is coming soon.

The sword fairy trembled all over, and inexplicably remembered a scene:

Villain: Saint

people! Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi. Don’t bully young people into poverty.

Saint, don’t bully the middle-aged and poor.

Saint, don't bully the old and the poor.

The dead are the greatest.

I was tortured to death by you≠I lose.

I will take root in the coffin, and when it is your turn to die of old age, saint, I will rise up from the coffin, maintaining the obsession I had during my lifetime, and want to overthrow you!

One can imagine.

In each era, saints faced many enemies in history.

He is a wall of sighs made of true human history.

At the feet of this majestic giant, there are human monuments standing. They are like the corridors of history, writing all the hymns of humanistic history.

As for the tombstones at their feet, they may have been heroes, mythical figures who opened up the future, but now, they may also be enemies of the saints.

This is not a conflict.

"No one knows who they are or where their true identities are."

"Their origins are distributed in history. Time gathers heroes from all ages. Destiny gathers many myths in history. Together they fight against that tower that reaches the sky, the strongest man in human history."

"Their cemetery called history is waiting for the saint's old age."

Jian Xin looked at the legendary Xinyizhou City in the distance, the core of Thousand Cities.

The sword fairy was silent.

That is the torrent of the entire history!

Can the saint really be able to stop it by himself?

If it cannot be stopped, after those dead people win, they will exist in the tombs of history and control the world, and the whole world may become a ghost.

Thinking of this, the Sword Fairy suddenly felt heavy and complicated in her heart. The one sitting in the court today might really be worthy of the title of being dictatorial for all eternity with his back to all living beings.

One man suppressed the history of an entire dynasty.

How dare the saint give up his throne?

The prince may have been nurtured to be very strong, but he still cannot afford this position and cannot withstand all the sieges that have existed in the past throughout history!

"Let's go to Beijing and meet the Holy Spirit."

"To meet the greatest being in human history."

Jian Xin stood up and was silent for a while.

In a deep mountain far away from Xinyi Prefecture City, a temporary teleportation array was set up.

This was his retreat.

If something unexpected happened in the city, at least there would be a backup plan for escaping.

The sword fairy watched this scene silently, recording the detailed coordinates of the teleportation array in her mind.

The teleportation array is positioned based on coordinates.

As long as there are coordinates, you can connect to the teleportation array at the other end.

The sword fairy thought for a while and secretly dialed the summons token:

"I'll give you a coordinate. Yes, it's just outside Xinyi City. It's super direct."

"I have gone through a long chase and reached my destination - Xinyizhou City. This may be a new map. Hurry up and do business. Selling painting cards and various weapons."

"Hehehe, thank me quickly. Do you know where Xinyizhou City is?"

The villa opposite.

The medical fairy and fairy aunt at the medical clinic suddenly closed the door and cautiously started talking on the phone.

"Wow, you are so awesome."

The sword fairy who has been missing for so long is finally going to Beijing to face the saint?

And also helped us secretly find a way to sneak into Xinyizhou City?

Of course the medical fairy knew what this meant.

The royal city of Yizhou is the core.

A thousand cities form a continent.

Their Pyeongchang City is just one of thousands of cities.

How can we not be happy now that we are going to the core center of the economy?

Wouldn't it be nice to sell painting cards and weapons there?

The little Pingchang City is still fighting within the family and won't sell us anything, so we will go directly to the higher-level city!


The ancestor of Nugada Yujie revealed it before.

Their family fled from Xinyi Prefecture City a hundred years ago.

The Shi family, a family friend next door, also ran away at that time.

Could it be that coming into contact with this map this time triggered a background story from a hundred years ago?

Why did you escape back then?

"I love you so much, Sword Fairy!" cried the Medicine Fairy.

1. The hidden mission in Xinyizhou City is about to be triggered.

2. The sword fairy has to enter the city of Xinyi Prefecture to prepare to meet the saint!

This is so cool.

"What are you doing?" Jian Xin seemed to notice something and frowned secretly.


The sword fairy coughed a few times:

"Isn't there no one around here? You are the only one left, so there will be no female cadres around. I want to report to the master craftsman behind you that we are safe and that we are going to Beijing."

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