This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 50 The overall situation of the world

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"Okay, there happens to be no one around." Jian Xin nodded, unable to comment.

But Guipu next to him was silent.

Jianxin, am I not a human being in your words?

Jian Xin and the two men dodged and stepped directly into Xinyizhou City.


In the city, in the Xinyi Academy.


In the main hall in the center of the academy, there are more than a dozen figures with extraordinary bearings, each of them exuding an obscure and majestic aura.

Any entry-level blacksmith who has read basic knowledge in Xinyizhou can see every figure here.

I have read their names, deeds, and the legends of the ups and downs they experienced in the textbooks.

Each of them is the strongest group of divine craftsmen in the entire history of Xinyi Continent.

They stand at the node of Xinyi's forging history and are monuments to mankind.

The mythical age in which each person appears represents the climbing curve of the forging industry, which fluctuates sharply upward.

Among this group of master craftsmen, there is an old man who is a rare living person.

He didn't know how old he was, and his face was covered with wrinkles of the years, but his pupils were as clear as a baby, and the glass was transparent, as if the blue sky and white clouds were reflected in them.

Xinyi Hundred Fans, Xinyizhou Contemporary

It was the honorary dean of Xinyi College and the strongest blacksmith in the blacksmithing institute, and it was he who made the anonymous blacksmith join the list of divine craftsmen.

Everyone has rumors that he has entered Beijing, but this is not the case. It is just a way to confuse the enemy.

Mountains and rivers are far away.

To enter the capital, you have to pass through the special teleportation array in Xinyi King City.

But this ultra-long-distance teleportation array entering Beijing may have been tampered with, and problems may arise at any time.

He no longer dared to enter Beijing.

Even the coordinates of the royal city were penetrated.

It is conceivable that today's imperial court is even more chaotic than outsiders imagine. In the mythical world, the decline of a dynasty cannot be caused by stupidity or other reasons, but can only be caused by the imminent fall of the ruler who suppressed the world.

Therefore, he is waiting for the Sword Fairy and even others to come together and enter Beijing together, which will reduce the risk a lot.

Jian Xin said coldly: "Have you finished picking up the alchemist's side?"

Xinyi Baishan said calmly: "Everyone else has already received it, but the obstacle here is bigger."

"It seems that I am being targeted here." Jian Xin shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Xinyi Baishan shook his head: "At most, you are

Jian Xin let out a long breath: "Then I'll take a break. I'm already too tired after chasing him for more than half a month."

In Xinyizhou, not only this group of magic craftsmen, but also a group of known magic alchemists, miracle doctors and other professions are also coming to Beijing.


Some well-hidden professional beings were not invited to Beijing and instead hid in hiding by default.

If you pick them up, your identity will be exposed, and escorting them will be troublesome.

It is better not to enter in person and conduct independent communication, exchanges and discussions remotely.

Heal the eyes of the saint.

This will be a huge operation across Kyushu.

The Sword Fairy watched this scene silently, feeling like in a mortal country, when the emperor was ill, he made a list and invited famous doctors from all over the world!

It seems that it's not just mortal emperors who get sick and invite famous doctors.

The same goes for the emperor here.

Xin Yi Baishan shook his head: "Let me take a look at the sword body."


With the sword fairy's loud cry, the entire sword fell into the hands of the Xinyi master craftsman. He looked at the sword body and then at the reflection of the sword fairy.

"This is?"

His long hair was flying, his eyes were shining with lightning, and there was a huge momentum in his eyes, as if he had seen through the structure of the sword fairy.

"Everyone, the yin and yang of this sword are intertwined and mutually reinforcing each other. It is exactly what we thought."

Xinyi Baifan sighed and said: "There are always gods in this world."

He was just born to promote the changes of the times. This divine craftsman probably doesn't know how he can make one ember have two spiritual roots. "

In fact, even though he repeatedly overestimated it, he never expected that when he saw it, the weapon would be far more significant than he imagined.

The fusion of two spiritual roots is a very special technology.

Especially at this time, the saint needs to heal his eyes. This sword may be a direction that replaces the sun and the moon.

Another divine craftsman smiled:

"Today, it is an earth-shaking node era! In the Cardamom Continent, a mysterious spiritual farmer appeared and studied a brand new spiritual plant. Cardamom is a natural magic elixir."

"In Rose Island, a young man of unknown identity appeared, with spiritual roots of unknown levels. It is extremely exaggerated."

Everyone nodded.

Geniuses are born in every generation.

Jian Xin was also a genius who was famous throughout the world thousands of years ago. At that time, other states also heard about it.

The Sword Fairy's eternal magic weapon is outstanding, but it is only one of them.

In the prosperous age of Immortal Dao, wizards would appear in every period of time, innovating and researching new things. Immortal Dao has been reformed countless times.

"Little girl, let me communicate with the divine craftsman behind you." A historical divine craftsman said slowly.

"Yes, it's safe here." The other master craftsman is a woman, beautiful and cold, with a look of surprise.

Sword Fairy: ""

what to do?

After I blew it for so long, people started to communicate.

Can those idiots do it?

"Yes, the other party's skills are unheard of."

An old master craftsman looked shocked, with admiration in his eyes:

"Eternal existence! This breaks the history of the depletion of the divine weapon. It has always existed. It may be able to suppress the family for tens of thousands of years. With the supply of resources from generation to generation, it can become an eternal imperial soldier!"

Many of the master craftsmen looked excited, as if they were about to discuss the truth.

The sword fairy's brain was spinning rapidly. ? ? ?

Damn it! !

We are trembling among this group of big guys. The more they brag about us, the worse we feel.

Who is the master craftsman of our Sword Making Villa?

There isn’t even a regular mid-level magic weapon that can be used to create the Four Internal Organs!

They are all a group of blacksmiths who make low-level magic weapons in the Five Body Realm, and they are all laughing and talking nonsense.

Wouldn't it be doomed if communication is opened?

The sword fairy felt that she had boasted too much.

The propaganda was too exaggerated, and now there is going to be a big problem.

She hesitated and was speechless for a moment.

"Ignore them."

At this time, Xin Yi Bai Fan said faintly and secretly:

"They lack logic and don't know that communicating at this moment is still dangerous. Their identity may be exposed. In less than a second, the location of the mysterious master will be revealed and he will be razed to the ground in an instant."

The Sword Fairy was startled: "Among these ancient beings in history, these master craftsmen who have been dead for countless years, is it possible that there is also a concubine among them?"

This is too much.

Jian Xin's core escort team has obviously been reviewed many times, including a concubine.

And this group of great craftsmen in history, who have been dead for who knows how many years, are still done by their wives?

If it is really the wife who did it, it can only prove that the other party was also the wife when he was alive, and this inherent logic will be followed after death.

He kept it secret while he was alive and died of old age. Isn't this chess piece buried too deep?

No wonder the whole world is in turmoil now.

These dead guys in history are too tolerant and develop their power crazily, waiting for this era when the saints will die of old age.

"Who knows."

Xinyi Baishan said calmly: "Trust no one, only trust the saints, and let the saints have one-way communication."

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