This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 52: Prison Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

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Ning Zheng thought about it repeatedly and finally came to a conclusion.

——You can send someone to secretly pass through the teleportation array outside Xinyizhou City and take a look.

He is a person who likes to join in the fun by nature.

According to common sense, there are countless people coming and going in Xinyizhou City every day.

I can't think that on the day I go, something will happen suddenly and rebels will cause chaos in the city, right?

He is now resident in Qi Luck 1850 and has tens of thousands in savings, which makes him more confident. If he doesn't cause trouble, trouble will not come to his door.

It is *** to keep living just for the sake of survival without any purpose.

Their world is turbulent and the heroes are vying for hegemony, but what does it have to do with themselves?

All he needs to do is do business, be very lucky and sit back and watch the fire, and even sell some weapons and make some war fortune.

This is Ning Zheng’s ideal life!

He doesn't like war.

But if the war must be fought, then someone must earn the war money. If it is earned by others, it is better to earn it yourself and take off directly!

People need to know how to be flexible.

It would be great if he sold all the magic weapons on the magic weapon list, acted like a mole, and sent some news to himself so that the people in his villa would be well-informed!

In troubled times, we can still stand firm and protect ourselves.

I am a skilled worker, who would not offend myself if I am full.

The premise is that the other party cannot find the specific follower of his "Hidden World Sword Forging Villa".

But can they find it?

The high-level Mysterious Holy Land of Eternal Divine Weapons and our low-level card-painting magic weapon of Xue Lihua are two families that cannot be beaten with eight poles.

One is the stars in the sky, and the other is the dust underground.

Not to mention that others don't believe it, even Ning Zheng wouldn't believe it was this group of chirping sand sculptures if he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes.

For example, do you believe Zhang Huaping? Zhang Huaping thought they were a group of perverted demon cultivators.

Do you think the families in the city believe it?

Although the craftsmanship of painting cards is new, the various forging details can be seen as relatively rubbish. They guess that the Xue Lihua family probably has a group of new blacksmiths who have just entered the industry.

This is very confusing!

"However, our blacksmith's growth rate is still too slow!"

Ning Zheng glanced at the knife Jiujiu in the blacksmith shop and shook her head:

"If possible, go to Xinyizhou City to see if there are any spiritual roots that can help with learning and speed up the progress of the blacksmith's promotion."

"It's one thing to confuse outsiders, but we can't confuse ourselves too. We're so useless that we don't even have a mid-level blacksmith."


Now there is finally a normal blacksmith with one head and two arms, which is the normal basic configuration.

I believe there will be more and more blacksmiths like this.

Even after death and resurrection, the experience of cultivation is still there, similar to the reincarnation of a powerful person who cultivates again. The next time he is resurrected, he will definitely not be slow to return to this "one-headed ***" state.

In the distance, a group of people were whispering.

"Why did the old steward come up today?"

"You're here to see us break through the realm, right? Sure enough, the realm of a *** is so terrifying! Even such great masters have noticed such geniuses!"

"Old steward, go up the mountain. We have completed the tomb raiding dungeon in the prison. So, let's choose one of the two rewards?"

"Let me guess, this time it's a choice between the Flood Dragon Human Race and the 100 blacksmith quotas?"

Someone looked happy.

But some people still shook their heads and rejected:

"How is it possible? The final boss of this dungeon has not been killed yet, and the exploration rate is 80%. It is obviously not a settlement reward for us."

"Then what are you doing here?"

"I don't know either."

"Then your analysis is nothing!"

"You don't understand. According to rumors, I went to the steward's room to cut the ribbon."

"What ribbon cutting?"

A group of people were chattering and shoveling snow in the distance.

Just then, Liaicairong arrived:

"Welcome to the steward. It just so happens that we are starting a new project today. Please watch the ceremony and cut the ribbon."

"What project?"

Ning Zheng asked.

"Please look down the mountain." Jiucairong took Ning Zheng to the roof of the steward's room and stood on the high tower.

There was already a simple ribbon-cutting ceremony all around.

A large shed was built on the roof to block the wind and snow, and there were also food such as chickens and ducks.

Jiucairong took out the painting card and communicated with Su Yuniang, the warden at the foot of the mountain: "We can start."

"Old steward, please cut the ribbon!" Lian Cairong handed over the scissors.

Ning Zheng took the scissors and looked at the big red cloth on it, which read:

[The first phase of the Demon Town Tower project is officially completed! 】

Come on, it’s still this damn sense of ritual!


Just cut the ribbon.

Lia Cairong entered the signal on the picture card, and a huge figure happened to appear in the prison at the foot of the mountain.

"A giant giant god rose from the prison?"



Everyone looked at the prison area at the bottom of the mountain, and it seemed that a huge human-shaped bubble was rising, converging and growing.

Wow! ~

As if a shadow jumped out from the sea level, the shadow reflected the entire land, the waves were magnificent, and the world was reflected in a dark light.

The light of the shadows reflected on a huge condensed figure, as if the god in charge of darkness had descended.

Su Yuniang is also a shadow wine and rice spirit root. She can still use it even after death. She can also borrow strength from Ning Zheng and use the virus to cut ten times to create a virtual shadow.

So she was killing people at the foot of the mountain.

More than two thousand prisoners were cut all the way from the beginning to the end of the prison, bleeding like a river without blinking an eye.

Then special means are used to fuse the empty bubble shells.

The huge figure's face was hazy, forming a tall young figure with long hair shawl, and hair billowing like black flames.


The next second, the figure exploded, but the fusion was not successful.

Lian Cairong was not surprised. He pointed at the foot of the mountain and introduced:

"From now on, we will conduct nuclear tests every day! Therefore, it will be normal for such strange prison scenes to appear again,"

"A nuclear test in prison?" Ning Zheng pretended not to know.


Liaicairong looked serious:

"First of all, they are all deceivers of the Wusheng Cult. Their souls are split once a day. They may think they are giving birth and slowly awaken."

"Secondly, the Titan is our core combat force, although the nuclear reactor experiment is not so easy to succeed."

"But we have a professional analysis team, cavitation induction, particle acceleration, chain fusion duration, collision conditions."

"Our goal is to successfully launch a nuclear bomb!"

"The Demon Suppression Tower means suppressing an earth-shattering monster. After the fusion nuclear bomb is launched, the sky will collapse and the earth will collapse, making you invincible!"

They seemed to be a missile research launch pad.

Their goal is to become a "nuclear country" and rely on courage and perseverance to develop their own

"As for why the owner is called the atomic bomb?" Liao Cairong said nonsensically, "Atoms are called children in our dialect. The bomb is an attack, so it is a child attack."

Ning Zheng was speechless and choked for a moment. Don't think I don't know what an atomic bomb is.

However, they are really stylish.

"Don't worry, owner of the village, we have ready-made targets and experimental sites."

"We passed through the teleportation array, and the tomb in the cemetery is our test site, the location of the nuclear blast!"

"That city guard boss is a God-given target!"

"Hit him once a day."

"In order to protect his spiritual plant area, there are only a few prisons left, so he will definitely resist.

. "

"He can only be so helpless and furious that he can only stand there and be beaten, resisting one blow every day."

"But it's not just for testing, it's also to confuse the enemy!"

"But in fact, our goal is to make the weapon completely, and then suddenly burst out with all its strength in a certain shot, hitting him unprepared, catching him off guard, and killing him with one blow!"

"Only one kill can prevent the remaining spiritual plant areas of the building from being destroyed in battle."

Ning Zheng heard something sinister in secret!

In the eyes of Liaicairong and others, this time the dungeon is definitely not a team fight against the boss or a protracted battle.

At the very least, it can't be like a bunch of loose archers that are slowly consumed like the previous Bottle Ancestor.

This time, you have to kill him with one hit to get the resources.

This was a bigger ask, so they went all out.

Liaicairong smiled and said:

"Of course, this is

"If that's not enough, we got it from the Sword Fairy today.

Ning Zheng: "???"

what are you saying.

You can just shoot at the tombs of other people's city guards.

Do you still want to target: Xinyizhou City?

What a big dog!

"Of course this is a joke."

Seeing the old steward's unkind expression, Lia Cairong awkwardly said again:

"The main thing is that the teleportation array in Xinyizhou City has been opened. I heard that it is the center of Xinyizhou. Specialties from all over the country are sold there. There are regular auctions and even magic weapons for sale. I don't know when you will take us there. To gain some knowledge?"

"Let's talk about this later." Ning Zheng declined.

In fact, Ning Zheng also wanted to go.

The core area of ​​Yizhou!

It was indeed a temptation. He even had some ideas about the Yueshan City next door, so he asked the Shi family to help explore the market.

As for Pyeongchang City at your feet?

Ning Zheng actually didn't want to care about it.

Make some money and be done with it.

Rabbits don't eat grass near their nests.

It's too easy to get caught making a mess in front of your own house.

After all, Jian Xin found out twice in a row that the starting point of Sword Fairy and Jiao Wuyu was Pingchang City, so he still dared to mess around?

He's not that stupid!

Therefore, Pingchang City is still fighting within itself, and the remaining two major families in the city are under siege and they don't want to take care of it.

After all, they have a living Sanyuan Realm, and attacking them is much more difficult than the easily deceived city defenders!

Ning Zheng is strong on the outside but capable on the inside.

Only by contacting several circles of demon cultivators from the Shi family next door can they have the ability to interfere with the forces in the city.

Although, the Jiao family is now fishing in troubled waters and seems to be on the rise.

Ning Zheng was still watching secretly.

They still have some friendship with the Jiao family, as they are the mother clan of Ning Qianqian. If the other party succeeds in becoming famous, Ning Zheng doesn't mind helping.

If it is too useless, continue to sit on the sidelines and watch the fire.

At this time, Ning Zheng looked at the nuclear test explosion in the distance that failed - the owner of the village cracked in place.

Some were shocked by their imaginative design: "Then why, say it is

Jiucairong said: "Because our goal is to


"The core weapon of our villa's Hunlihua is the owner's [Soul Shooter]."

"The core weapon of our villa's Xuelihua is the hidden-vein [Buddha of the Flesh]."

"These are two giants."

"One soul, one flesh, a fusion of the soul-living flower and the blood-living flower. This will be a new strategic weapon."

Ning Zheng was stunned when she heard this.

Are you addicted to playing yin and yang fusion?

The blood leaves the flower, the soul leaves the flower, the sword fairy does this, and she does the same thing before her eyes.

If they hadn't mentioned it, Ning Zheng would have almost forgotten that there was a treasure belonging to the Demon Cultivator family and a serious injury that needed to be repaired.

The flesh and blood giant.

The heads of a bunch of Hidden Vein disciples were inserted into that body to practice.

If the two merge, his phantom soul body will also have a physical body.

Ning Zheng touched her chin, "It seems that there is really something going on. We can invest in this nuclear test."

He felt that he had to prepare for a rainy day.

In the future, the world will be in chaos, and there will be rebels and rebels everywhere. This group of rebel troops must be taking advantage of the noble families and nobles in various cities to plunder their wool and rob military expenses.

If the wool harvesting hits his villa, he has the ability to defend himself.

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