This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 53: Shi You Young Businessman, Zhang Huaping’s Fear

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After the ribbon-cutting was completed, the prison's fusion program was officially launched.

That prison will set off fireworks every day from now on, and the people in the prison will have to:

Contribute luck value once.

Take ten knives to split once.

Write a love letter once.

Thinking about it this way, prison work is quite busy!

But Ning Zheng didn't care about this.

This world is a place of slavery, and the purchased burial objects are also slaves. I am already good enough to these female conspirators.

At least.

Before, in the city guard's prison, I didn't have enough to eat, and the vacuoles in my body were filled with messy stuff.

Thinking about my previous experience as a blacksmith slave in a mountain villa, it was even worse. I was a mine slave and not a human being at all.

His current treatment can be described as conscientious.

After Ning Zheng watched the nuclear test in the prison at the foot of the mountain, she nodded with satisfaction and said, "A handover merchant will arrive in a moment."

"Is it Zhang Huaping?" Liao Cairong said.

"Well, there is also Shi Youyou."

Ning Zheng said calmly: "This is the first time for the Shi family to come here to purchase. We need to be more rigorous and solemn, and don't scare others. They can help us open up the market in Yueshan City and even other cities."

Liaicairong couldn't help but complain in her heart.

Is it Shi Youyou who scared us?

It's so shameless to steal lessons like crazy.

However, when talking about the purchase of painting cards, Liao Cairong couldn't help but smile: "Old steward, recently, we have advanced the low-grade spiritual roots of painting cards."

"Oh?" Ning Zheng asked curiously: "How is the effect?"

Lian Cairong said: "Miscellaneous spiritual roots are weeds everywhere, and they are not much different from low-grade spiritual roots. The difficulty of the advancement this time is relatively simple, so we succeeded in the experiment for a few days."

Ning Zheng smiled.

It seems like they are really hardworking.

Jiucairong continued: "But the effect has not changed qualitatively, it is just stronger in all aspects."

"The communication range has been increased by 30%. However, the weapon output ratio has been increased. Previously, an enchanter's materials could produce up to 20 painting cards, but now it can produce 25 painting cards."

Ning Zheng nodded frequently.

Jiucairong also said that they have no plans to increase prices.

49 French coins per pair, which is already a very normal price.

After all, it is just a communication tool for the Five Body Realm. Young people’s

It is impossible to sell it at a high price.

Even the wealthy blacksmith who earned 2 to 3 coins a day felt pain in his body. He had no money to buy painting cards and chat with Yamashita, so he could only write letters.

The casual cultivators outside are probably bleeding profusely.

The 30% increase in the transmission range is a bonus. The parent-child ring in Yushan City next door has this range. The shortcomings are being made up for.

The upper limit of low-grade spiritual roots has reached 25, and the profit of forging picture cards will actually be more in the future.

Ning Zheng listened very carefully.

"We still have to research high-end weapons." Ning Zheng said.

"Yes, you are far-sighted." Liao Cairong said: "In the low-level standard weapons market in the Five Body Realm, a painting card is enough. We have to attack the market in the mid-level magical weapons and Four Zang Realm."

Four Zang Realm weapons are made from the materials of the Four Zang Realm monsters. The corpses of the Four Zang Realm monsters are worth hundreds to more than a thousand mana.

The cost alone is huge!

What Ning Zheng needs here is middle-grade spiritual roots.

Don't think that Ning Zheng's use of mid-grade spiritual roots is cheaper than the monsters in the four internal organs realm.

His cost is not low either.

The cost of cultivating a middle-grade spiritual root is basically around 300 to 1,000 French dollars.

Therefore, weapons in the Four Zang Realm require a lot of money and proficiency. This is also one of the reasons why it is difficult for high-level blacksmiths to cultivate them.


Ning Zheng walked around under the leadership of Liaicairong.

There is development in all areas, even the alchemy room has been developed

Zhan, the dazzled foursome next door were refining alchemy in the hidden vein area under the guidance of a famous teacher.

If he comes back from "study abroad for further study", he will basically be the person in charge of the returnee alchemy room.

After wandering around for a while, Zhang Huaping came.

Ning Zheng asked Liaicairong to receive him.

"Sir, I'm sorry to accompany you. I want to hide and let my embers go to receive Zhang Huaping and Shi Youyou. Do you need to ask someone to take you to continue shopping?" Lian Cairong said.

"No, I can just walk for a while." Ning Zheng waved her hand.

Seeing Liaicairong going to the entrance of the villa to receive Zhang Huaping, he walked around and took a look.

Went to the dormitory.

Discovery has become very orderly.

Several version updates have appeared, and I can already live in a very comfortable, antique and very stylish place.

You can scold their forging technology as rubbish, but you can't deny their aesthetics.

In the Hairpin Tower.

Su Yuniang was discussing with the girls in Hairpin Tower:

"Everyone, let's take a look. With these spiritual roots, which magical power do you choose?"

Su Yuniang handed over a brochure.

The hairpin girl is going to choose a spiritual root to make a hairpin.

The embroiderer is going to choose a spiritual root to make a garment.

After all, people did start late. If it hadn't been for Guohunlihua, I would have had to wait for a while before such fine small-scale engraving techniques were available.

"Sisters, turn over the picture sign next door. Our weapons have officially begun to be forged. They are on sale!"

"Let me take a look. I think this charm hairpin is good."

"The miscellaneous spirit roots are too weak. No one can fight them! Then I think this rabid dog series is good. You can save your life even if you go crazy."

"This aphrodisiac is not bad either."

"What? Let someone do this or that to you?"

"You don't understand, the two enemies are both arousing, and the two of them can then use the projection magic weapon to record it, and then they can be blackmailed." A certain fujoshi said with a smile.

"What about clothes? I think this translucency talent is good. If you can't use regular magic weapons, you can use evil magic weapons or sexy magic robes. They are suddenly translucent. They are also very profitable, right?"

Countless people have their minds opened.

They have two professions: hairpin girl and embroiderer girl, and so far there is no leader.

Not only because they were relatively unorganized, but also because the threshold was too high before and no one had made a finished magic weapon.

Now that I have taken the Hunlihua, I can start to get started.

"You just choose the spiritual root you like."

Su Yuniang pressed her temples:

"Then, find an enchanter to help you create three flowers. Make a few of each magical weapon. Find Zhang Huaping to test-sell them. Just choose weapons that sell more and use them as your core products."

Several hairpin ladies also nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

"Uuuuuuuuuah, I want to make money. If I don't make money, I can't support my wife, my little bear sister."

"My little fox girl."

Ning Zheng was very satisfied.

It is estimated that after the card drawing, there will be two more weapon products, accessories, and vestments, everything is worth looking forward to.

dark place.

Watching Ember Liucairong receiving Zhang Huaping at the entrance of the villa, a group of blacksmiths took a peek.

"Today, it's still the same old rules."

Soon, Zhang Huaping entered the warehouse. She felt like she was being targeted again, and she got goosebumps for no reason.

Shao Chai Kun said: "Do you want my villa?"

"I don't think it's necessary." The God of Cookery touched his nose.

Although he also wanted to do so.

But we have to consider that the opponent's time is coming faster than imagined, and the women at the foot of the mountain are more difficult to conquer than imagined.

If you haven’t conquered any of them under the mountain, how can there be any dungeon for you to play?

They didn’t cooperate either!

The shrimp catcher was a little angry:

"Damn it, I can't handle it either. The production team must have turned up the difficulty level."

While they were whispering, Zhang Huaping was already passing by.

They quickly smiled coldly and let out human laughter, pretending to talk to each other.

Judging from their efforts.

They really wanted to show Zhang Huaping their superior side, but unfortunately their efforts were in vain.

After a while, Zhang Huaping packed up the goods and prepared to leave and return to Pingchang City.

Just as she was about to walk out of the villa, she saw a scene that was very puzzling to her.



"Run quickly, Shi Youyou is here."


In front of the task board at the entrance of the villa, several blacksmiths were taking over today's tasks and dispersed on the spot.

Blacksmith shop.

With a click, the window quickly opened:

"Help! Why is she here? She's here to steal our patent again. Is there any royal law left in this world? Is there any law left?"

"Stop striking, put it away, put it away!"

"Don't make a sound."

"That enchanter over there, stop lying dead and get up quickly."

Lingnong area.

The mason immediately closed the door, "Brothers, put everything away, close the doors and windows, first level security."

Medical clinic.

"Get out of here and let me open the door to pick up the guests."

The medical fairy shouted: "I am the spiritual root of Xue Lihua. The orthodox successors dare not show up, so I will show up."

Everyone knows that there is no problem if there are some abnormalities in Zhang Huaping's eyes.

However, the Shi family is a family friend.

The two families have been married for generations, which may expose their own personalities. There are not many people in the family who have the spiritual roots of Xue Lihua.

They are still everywhere now.

The old steward said they could not expose their new background.

In summary.

There are no blood-living flowers, there are soul-living flowers everywhere, and this stinky woman is still crazily stealing lessons

It would be better for them to hide completely.

This is not called escape, it is called strategic retreat. Hide first, wait and see the situation, and then type the words to each other: wretched development, don't waste it! ? ? ?

Zhang Huaping walked to the door and saw them evading as if facing a formidable enemy. She fell into a tense atmosphere inexplicably.

I thought I could retreat safely, but why do I always encounter unexpected situations every time I come here?

Is this a new businessman coming to purchase?

Zhang Huaping secretly analyzed why they looked so scared now because they were so perverted and fearless.

And he is also a businessman and colleague who comes here to purchase like me?

"Why are we all colleagues and purchasers, and I'm so bad at it!"

Zhang Huaping looked in awe and shock.

at this time.

Shi Youyou came over on a big black bear, looked at the internal buildings of the villa with curiosity, and shouted at the entrance of the villa:

"I'm here to play with you! You are all talented and well-spoken. I like you here so much!"

"Who talked to her like this? She learned it!" The crowd roared, and all of them ran away in an instant, and no one could be seen.

Shi Youyou smiled happily.

She was very smart and completely realized that if she just imitated them, they would become furious.

It's fun to tease them.

"Hello?" Shi Youyou looked at the only remaining woman and greeted him warmly.

Zhang Huaping: ""

what to do!

Why am I the only one left?

Why are they so skilled in running away?

Climbing over walls, climbing over windows, and a few lifting manhole covers, all disappeared within a few seconds. She had been here so many times before and had never found such a secret passage.

Should I hide too?

Get up, like they are huddled in the crack of the window and peeking?

Even they are afraid of people, will I die here today?

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