This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 54: Developing a new map for Xinyizhou City

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Zhang Huaping was silent for a moment and whispered, "Sorry, I'm just a merchant from Pingchang City's business alliance. I'm here to hand over business."

"Oh, I'm not from here."

Shi Youyou nodded, "No wonder he doesn't have that kind of temperament, and he doesn't have that uniform pale and stiff smile."

Shi Youyou was very polite. He bypassed Zhang Huaping and looked at the blacksmiths peeping through the crack in the door. He suddenly felt that they were really interesting:

"Stop hiding, let me see, what are you doing with all the tricks you bought?"

Jiucairong also suddenly remembered it, and was so frightened that he quickly used the sign to notify:

"Su Yuniang, hurry up and ask the prison inmates at the foot of the mountain to return to their cells urgently and stay behind closed doors to avoid being seen by the Shi family bandits."

far away.

Shi Youyou was still communicating with Zhang Huaping from a distance.

After talking for a while, Zhang Huaping seemed to understand that the two families were guests.

She was very shocked.

Silently watching Shi Youyou surround him and praise him fiercely.

It turns out that this [praise routine] is not unique to this villa!

People who have inherited high-level magic cultivators are all like this?

I seemed to have seen a mysterious corner of the circle of high-level demon cultivators.

People say that high-level demon cultivators are relatively normal. After Zhang Huaping came into contact with them a few times, she felt that they had been greatly beautified and were actually much more cruel and perverted than imagined.

Shi Youyou didn't know that he was criticizing Zhang Huaping's murder in his heart, but he was very happy talking about it.

At this time, Huan Jiucairong walked out, doing business, and said with a smile: "Please come to the warehouse with me to trade goods."

Shi Youyou said, "Can't you show me around?"

"I'm sorry." Ember Liucairong said, "Many facilities are the secrets of our villa."


Shi Youyou felt resentful in his heart.

Why are all these people so serious?

When I was serious, you were shameless. When I was imitating you, you all had an unfamiliar feeling about being serious.

Can our family be outsiders?

She originally wanted to see the blacksmith shop and take a tour of how the painted signs were made.

After all, I'm not a blacksmith, so I'm afraid I won't be able to learn from it secretly?

It's not easy for her to use force, after all, this is their home base.

"That's all, that's all." Shi Youyou exhaled, "Show me the product, I want to buy it."

"Okay." Ember Liao Rong stood up and took it to the warehouse. There were various neatly organized boxes on the shelves:

"This is the volume of transactions, what do you think?

What else could Shi Youyou say? After all, the other party only had these two products, "That's okay."

"That's right." Jiucairong suddenly remembered the old steward's advice and said, "Do you have access to meat fields here?"

Shi Youyou rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Why do you want whatever is scarce?"

"The red sun is a disaster for humans, and it is also a disaster for wild monsters. The wild monsters have been swallowed up by the treacherous tide. They are probably very rare now, and few can be found."

"Unless you go to the deep mountain demon city established by the demon tribe, only low-level demon beasts can survive the red sun."

The implication is obvious.

There is no short term.

The surviving monsters will breed again in the wild.

This is actually a good thing for mortals and common people.

Now there are no tricks or monsters in the wild, and even mortals rush outside the city to participate in this "gold rush".

Many uncultivated farmers and woodcutters boldly went deep into the mountains and old forests outside the city to collect spiritual herbs and plants, make a fortune, and contribute to the education of their children.

Before the red sun, people are gloomy and gloomy, but after the red sun, people are celebrating.

"That's okay."

Liaicairong nodded, thinking that we still have to find a way to deal with the monsters ourselves.

The crows have disappeared for a long time.

I wonder if there are any five-body realm Dzogchen monsters surviving in this nearby area?

Shi Youyou counted the blind boxes, put them in the storage bag, gave the money, pretended to hesitate, and looked at the ember leeks.

Those eyes were full of tears, and I felt pity for him: "You won't invite me to eat, and you won't invite me to watch?"

Ember Liucairong pretended not to see it and cursed secretly.

This guy, Su Yuniang also learned the trick of pretending to be a pure college student.

Especially the clear stupidity shining in his eyes, he learned it so vividly!

These demon cultivators must have very strong learning abilities.

Are you deliberately teasing us with our tricks?

Bad taste!

Sure enough, all demon cultivators have bad tastes. Only young people like us who grew up under the education of a sunny society are serious people.

However, it was because we were unprepared this time that we avoided its sharp edge!

Wait for me

Next time, let’s see if we don’t mess with you!

Damn it, don’t you like to learn?

Next time you come to the villa, we will come up with some new tricks so that you can learn enough!

"Sorry, our transaction has ended." Ember Liao Rong was very polite.

Bear the humiliation first and let you call me daddy next time you come to the villa.

"Tch." Shi Youyou didn't know what the other party was thinking. Seeing that the other party had no intention of staying, she had no choice but to leave.

I have to go back and tell my ancestor.

The other party has been discovered that our family secretly imitated his educational philosophy, and it is no longer difficult to learn from him.

However, she suddenly thought of a way and quickly stopped Zhang Huaping, who was about to run away, "Wait a minute, let's talk."

"Huh?" Zhang Huaping was a little embarrassed.

"What's going on with that sign at the entrance of the villa? I can't understand the text. What's the encrypted language?" Shi Youyou secretly put a handful of money into his ear.

Zhang Huaping hesitated, "I'm not sure. I heard it's a daily mission?"

"After accepting the task, some people will move bricks and some will dig mines."

Shi Youyou nodded seriously.

They also have this trick.

It's just done in the family's mission hall, similar to them.

"What about this one?" Shi Youyou pointed at another [Update Announcement] sign.

"This, it is said to be the construction and update of the villa?"

Zhang Huaping was silent for a moment and recalled some details:

"Listening to their discussion, it seems that after a certain building in the villa was built, that area developed, and any updated functions were written on it."

Shi Youyou's eyes shone.

This is worth your reference.

After all, the development trend of the family has been written, and the people in the family are motivated after seeing the progress bit by bit.

This is a small way to unite the core beliefs of the family.

Let everyone's progress be visible and we will work harder to build the family.

We have a similar [Task Bar], but we can make an [Update Announcement] and insert it at the family's entrance.

"Not bad." She smiled inwardly and looked around the villa.

I saw a huge building at the bottom of the mountain. It was a round shape and very mysterious, but I didn’t know what it was.

He silently noted it in his mind, turned around and left.

This wave was also a great harvest. I got a channel to purchase weapons and learned some small details. Overall, it was not a loss.

After sending Shi Youyou away, a few people walked out with their heads tilted, and they were immediately furious.

"Damn it, when has the Sa family ever experienced such a bird-like attitude?"

"Don't make trouble, the crow king led the team back then, and he was having fun on your head."

"Well, I can't bear to be offended anyway."

"This game has become more intense. As expected, it can't let us have smooth sailing and create some difficulties for us."

"This demon cultivator has such a bad taste, she definitely did it on purpose."

"We went offline to find a plan. Next time she comes to the mountain,

Zhuang, teach Shi Youyou a hard lesson. "

Many people were inspired to fight.

They thought this battle of wits and courage was quite fun.

Very challenging.

After sending away the two businessmen, Ning Zheng also took a thorough tour of the entire villa, the inn, and Lingnong District on the other side.

Ning Zheng walked to the door of the villa and said:

"Tomorrow, I am going to send a group of people to explore the teleportation array somewhere in the wild of Xinyizhou City."

Many people became very enthusiastic after hearing this.

Sure enough, placing the adventurous sword fairy in the wild triggered a new plot point.

The new map is indeed about to be unlocked.

But think about it, the two merchants have already purchased the goods, and the purchase interval is actually quite long.

As for the prison dungeon, there is only one target boss left. Shooting it once a day can be regarded as a waste of time.

The opening of a new map is also expected.

After all, Sword Fairy and Jian Xin have been laying the groundwork for so long, and it’s time for the NPC to appear.

Seeing everyone's glare, Ning Zheng continued to speak: "This time, we can only enter the embers! After all, being cautious is the right way."

"You go explore the route into the city, and I will give you a communication token as a contact!"

Ning Zheng recently purchased several new communication tokens from Zhang Huaping as backup.

"When I ask you to come back, you must come back unconditionally, even commit suicide, and when you destroy the summons token, you must do it unconditionally!"

"If anyone wants to participate, please step forward."

The words fell.

Almost all the players with embers took a step forward.

Ning Zheng nodded: "I will help you pull out the embers. Tomorrow, the teleportation array will be opened."



Many people shouted.

Ning Zheng's face was filled with relief.

These embers are indeed good pathfinding stones.

You should first check the luck of the teleportation array and confirm it is safe before sending someone there.

This is


If you let these embers commit suicide and destroy the communication token, they will be like blacksmiths and commit suicide without hesitation in order to complete the task.

He was like a dead soldier during his lifetime, and he was also a dead soldier after his death.

"We can go to Xinyizhou City and see how prosperous it is." Ning Zheng thought to herself. After leaving, Liao Cairong and others began to count the number of people who would venture out tomorrow.

Jiucairong was reluctant to part with his own embers. After all, his embers were used to help process documents and were not suitable for fighting.

Thanks for dying?

So I definitely won’t go.

Su Yuniang's ember has to be managed in prison and cannot go.

After thinking about it, it was just the Villa Material Adventure Team, Yan Di, Er Ya and a group of new Ember Babies.

Eight people in total.

Explore new maps together.

They believed they would find their way into the city.

Then ask the old steward to come over and lead them into the city and into the new city map.

At that time, auctions, store purchases, supply and sales channels, and all kinds of saints and saints came, didn't they?

not to mention.

Now among the core team entering Beijing in the city, there is also a spy mixed in: the Sword Fairy.

That's one of our own.

Maybe we can meet again.

With such expectations, everyone is in high spirits.

Free to read.

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