This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 55: The Magical Craftsman: It is recommended that an anonymous person be listed on the list

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Xinyi Academy.

The night was like water, Jian Xin left a teleportation array outside the city as a backhand, worked hard all the way, and finally placed it in the academy in the city.

He looked at the ghost book with a calm expression:

"Just because you're here doesn't mean you're safe."

"Although you signed a confidential soul contract, almost no one can get the information about that divine craftsman from you."

"However, some truly powerful powers can bypass the contract, so I will completely cut off your memory."

"From now on, the only person who knows the other party's hidden location is the rice flower weapon spirit. This can protect you."

Guipu nodded.

He knew it was a disaster.


Jian Xin stretched out his hand and slashed, and Guipu's face instantly turned pale.

After doing these things, Jian Xin let out a long sigh: "The only one who knows is the weapon spirit."

Almost non-stop, a group of master craftsmen obtained the body of the Sword Fairy and continued to study it in front of the burning forge.

Previously, everyone had conducted various air-to-air analyzes on this unprecedented eternal weapon.

Now that they finally got the authentic product, they were naturally extremely eager.

after awhile.

"Everyone, I don't see any special forging process." A master craftsman's face gradually turned cold.

"Well, I can't tell. Just from the forging skills, there is a very primitive beauty."

Another old woman spoke slowly: "This weapon does not have any characteristics of the forging faction."

This sentence is very euphemistic and primitively beautiful!

after all.

The Zhang family blacksmiths are among the most outstanding people in the local city.

But placed in the entire Xinyi Continent, and even among the Nine Provinces, it seems very ordinary.

The biggest feature is that there is no mentor.

All common techniques widely used in the market are used.

Xin Yi Baishan smiled: "You can't tell from the craftsmanship. It seems that the other party is deliberately hiding his identity."

"Stop studying the material of this sword." Someone shook his head, "There is no craftsmanship that can be studied on the sword. The most important thing is the spirit of the sword."

Some people sneered:

"How is this weapon spirit forged? It depends on the raw materials! As long as there is this raw material weapon spirit, I believe that anyone present can only do a better job in forging this weapon."

Everyone nodded.

Now that they had it in their hands and looked at it, they completely discovered a very embarrassing point:

The core of the weapon is in the raw materials

However, this raw material is not within the scope of their blacksmith work!

The forging materials, including real gold, silver, monsters, weapons and spirits, are all raw materials brought by the guests themselves.

They are only responsible for forging weapons.

Sword fairies also belong to the category of monsters and artifacts brought by customers.

"This monster material belongs to the soul, you should go to those doctors!"

There was an old man blowing his beard and staring:

"I'm not very proficient, but I can tell at a glance that this is the soul of a living being. There are traces of some special medical skills that can be combined with yin and yang."

"Call the miraculous doctors next door to come over and take a look. They specialize in the research of the body and soul, and they may be able to tell something about it."

As soon as these words fell.

Everyone's faces turned dark.

The magic craftsman can't understand this magic weapon, so let the magic doctor come?

What about their faces!

Blacksmiths basically all have one characteristic: their temper is as fiery as the forging furnace, and they value face most.

Magic craftsmen and doctors have never been able to deal with them!

The master craftsman is responsible for forging weapons and killing people.

Miracle doctors are responsible for studying pharmacology and treating people.

Naturally, the two sides will not deal with each other.

There are even some stubborn master craftsmen who specially forge a kind of magical weapon to kill a certain person and let a hostile magical doctor come to treat him.

I make weapons to cut them down, and you use your medical skills to save them.

You use your medical skills to save me, and I will make weapons to cut you down.

Let’s see who is more skilled.

Now, if you invite that group of miracle doctors who have never dealt with you, their faces will be gone.

The craftsmen present became angrier as they thought about it:

"Liar, that anonymous person is definitely a liar!"

"I can't see the forging process."

"It's all because someone was so anxious when giving the list. There are so many lines separated by mountains. Where should we put our faces?"

There was a lot of discussion.

The sword fairy ate the melon silently and called him a good guy.

As expected of a boss, he immediately figured out where we were coming from and guessed exactly what we were doing.

He guessed it instantly: we are fakes! Fake craftsman!

A bunch of stinky brothers.

Some people continued to read Sword Fairy. The more they read, the angrier they became. The more angrily they read, the more they wanted to drop their swords on the spot. They were so angry that they laughed and said:

"In my opinion, this shouldn't be a list of divine craftsmen, but a list of miracle doctors."

Listening to everyone's words, Xinyi Baishan looked embarrassed.

This list of divine craftsmen was given to them by myself.

I thought that this eternal magic weapon was forged by a divine craftsman with incredible skills.

Who knows, people don't play their cards according to common sense!

As long as you have better skills, and you don't need any general blacksmithing skills, I can help you cover up your lies and force you to get through with some clever means.

After all, the magic craftsman is a professional title. As long as you produce a magic weapon and the craftsmanship is decent, there will be no problem.

But this craft is really

Cough cough cough.

Xinyi Baishan coughed twice:

"Then what do you think we should do? We don't understand it anyway. What should we say when we go to Beijing to meet the Holy Spirit, saying that we, a group of master craftsmen, can't develop this magical weapon? We are all a bunch of losers."

The surrounding master craftsmen fell silent for a moment.

But the expertise is really not suitable. Please ask the team of miracle doctors next door who are preparing to go to Beijing to come and study it.

Isn't this a slap in the face?

It’s equally embarrassing.


Xin Yi Baishan smiled and said, "Everyone, why are you so entangled? This matter can be easily handled."

"Is my technique really not that good? Isn't that so?"

"Using this general low-level technology, I obviously don't want to expose myself."

"They must be a team."

"The miracle doctor is responsible for making the spirit weapon."

"The master craftsman is responsible for forging the body of the weapon."

"So, if we want to decipher this weapon, we have to work together. The master craftsmen will join forces to invite the master doctor to study it together."

"We can ask the miracle doctor to take a look at it."

When everyone heard this, they reluctantly relaxed.

There are also steps to go down.

Not for a while.

The team of miracle doctors preparing to enter Beijing next door were also invited by them.

Both sides explained.

A leading miraculous doctor spoke up: "Are you saying that this legendary eternal weapon was forged by a miraculous craftsman and a miraculous doctor?"

They were curious, and their two professions disliked each other.

There is actually a joint forging process?

This eternal magic weapon actually has the handiwork of our doctor.

They were very happy all of a sudden. I wonder which of their peers has such skills?

"Of course, we are amazed by the Yin Yang Rice Flower Sword made by the master craftsman of the other party. The materials and forging techniques we have just discussed for a long time are amazing."

Xinyi Baishan said calmly: "Now, our master craftsmen are very sure about the principle, forging, and advancement of this weapon body!"

"But you doctors may not be able to study the spirit of this weapon."

When the miracle doctor heard this, he sneered:

"You stinky blacksmiths can do it

When we study the principles of the body of a device, we specialize in the study of the soul. How could we not study the principles of the soul of a device? "


They were aroused to fight and began to study the soul structure of the Sword Fairy. This one was strangely different.

All I can say is that they are indeed professionals.

After a while, two possibilities were found.

"This guy was a human when he was alive, not some monster as rumored by the outside world."

"There are traces of the fusion of yin and yang. These are two embers of the same origin."

"Well, an ember from the Yin spirit root, and an ember from the Yang spirit root."

"very special."

"But the source can no longer be seen. The fusion is too complete, and it is already a brand new special kind of ember."

The sword fairy was secretly surprised when she heard this.

These big guys are really awesome. They saw the truth at once, but there is one thing wrong. We are second-class swordsmen, guns, swords and halberds, and Ember is just a disguise for this player.

"But two kinds of embers are born from one person's death?"

"Perhaps some people are born with two souls in one body? That's why they have this structure?"

They are constantly researching.

after all.

Because of the plug-in server, players can keep resurrecting the same person and keep producing embers.

For the natives of this world, a person only dies once. It is impossible for one person to die and produce two embers with different attributes.

This is a fancy way to die, belonging to Ning Zheng’s [server] characteristics.

A rough embryo purchased with 200,000 luck points must be a peerless treasure.


Even these miracle doctors, for a while, were puzzled by their research.

But some fierce people still put forward a hypothesis: "Well, we think there may be some kind of soul-splitting drug."

"Split soul?"

"Well, I understand what you mean. A person's soul splits into two, and then each opens a spiritual root? And then merges? Then the rice flower female weapon spirit is born?"

"This soul-splitting potion is unheard of. If there is such a method, I'm afraid this person can be ranked among the top doctors."

"Well, according to this idea, we might be able to study it."

"There is a possibility of success."

"There are other possibilities, for example, something like the Inanimate Cult, which allows the baby to be stacked in the belly of a pregnant woman, so that it becomes one with two souls at birth? If a person has two souls of the same origin, two embers will naturally come out."

"You can give this idea a try!"

"There is only one point, which is to create two embers with different attributes produced by the same source of life, and then merge them again."

Sword Fairy: ""

No way.

Do you want it to be so fierce?

Our players’ unique attributes, what if they really develop a replacement?

However, looking at such caution, it is estimated that according to their thinking, even if it succeeds, the cost will be extremely high.


A group of master craftsmen looked at their group of doctors with furrowed brows and secretly let out a breath of evil breath.

Sure enough, their expert guess was correct.

That anonymous person is simply a hidden miraculous doctor who studies the soul! A person's life is only once, how can he die twice and produce two different embers?

That person must be an evil doctor who specializes in studying evil techniques of the soul!

A few master craftsmen were filled with strange thoughts, and they fell into the well and said:

"It's not like we have studied the sword body forged by the opponent's master craftsman. Some people can't study the sword spirit forged by the opponent's master doctor, right?"

The faces of those miracle doctors were all black.

Xinyi Baishan came out and said, "I suggest that the anonymous person be put on the list of Xinyi miracle doctors. What do you think?"

The leading miracle doctor frowned secretly.

What does the other party mean?

This kind of soul fusion craft does have the potential to be a miracle healer.

However, these people are so active that they are afraid of being unkind and want to see our jokes and give us a hard time.

A list of divine craftsmen, and then a list of divine doctors, what's the point?

"Let us study this matter for a while." The miracle doctor declined politely, saying that he would not be included in the list.

The other master craftsmen looked regretful. It was a pity that these medical students were not fooled.

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